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第8课时 八年级(上)    Units 5~6 知识点1 mind的用法 核心精讲过关 知识点6 too...to...句型 知识点2 ready的用法 知识点3 promise的用法 知识点4 own的用法 知识点5 What do you think of...?句型 难点一 information, news与message 难点二 look, see, watch与notice 难点辨析突破 难点三 hope, expect, wish与look forward to 词汇拓展 1.culture( n .)→     cultural     ( adj .)与文化有关的;文化的 2.success( n .)→     successful     ( adj .)获得成功的;有成就的 →     successfully     ( adv .)成功地 →     succeed     ( v .)实现目标;成功 →     succeed in doing sth.     做某事取得成功 3.luck( n .)→     lucky     ( adj .)运气好的;幸运的 必备知识梳理 →     luckily     ( adv .)幸运地 →     unlucky     ( adj .)不幸的 →     good luck     好运 4.violin( n .)→     violinist     ( n .)小提琴手 5.piano( n .)→     pianist     ( n .)钢琴家 6.medicine( n .)→     medical     ( adj .)医疗的;医学的 7.week( n .)→     weekly     ( adj . & adv .)每周的(地) 8.main( adj .)→     mainly     ( adv .)主要地;大多 9.foreign( adj .)→     foreigner     ( n .)外国人 10.able( adj .)→     ability     ( n .)能力;才能 →     disabled     ( adj .)丧失能力的;有残疾的 →     be able to     能 11.own( adj .)→     owner     ( n .)主人 →     on one ' s own     靠某人自己 12.they( pron .)→     them     (宾格)他(她、它)们 →     their     (形容词性物主代词)他(她、它)们的 →     theirs     (名词性物主代词)他(她、它)们的 →     themselves     (反身代词)他(她、它)们自己 13.educate( v .)→     education     ( n .)教育 →     get an education     接受教育 →     educational     ( adj .)教育的;有教育意义的 14.discuss( v .)→     discussion     ( n .)讨论;商量 15.stand( v .)→     stood     (过去式/过去分词)忍受;站立 →     stand up     站起来 →     stand for     代表 →     can ' t stand     无法忍受 16.mean( v .)→     meaning     ( n .)意义;意思 →     meaningful     ( adj .)有意义的;意味深长的 →     meaningless     ( adj .)毫无意义的;意思不明确的 →     mean to do sth.     打算做某事 →     mean doing sth.     意味着做某事 17.appear( v .)→     disappear     ( v .)消失;不见 →     appearance     ( n .)外貌;外观;外表;出现 18.become( v .)→     became     (过去式) →     become     (过去分词)开始变得;变成 19.lose( v .)→     lost     (过去式/过去分词) →     losing     (现在分词)失去;丢失 →     get lost     迷路 20.drive( v .)→     driver     ( n .)驾驶员;司机 →     drive sb. mad/crazy     使某人发疯/发狂 21.send( v .)→     sent     (过去式/过去分词)邮寄;发送 →     send for     派人去叫 22.begin( v .)→     beginning     ( n .)开头;开端 →     began     (过去式) →     begun     (过去分词)开始 →     begin with     以 …… 开始 →     begin to do sth.     开始做某事 23.improve( v .)→     improvement     ( n .)改善;改进 24.simple( adj .)→     difficult     (反义词)困难的;费力的 25.agree( v .)→     disagree     ( v .)不同意;有分歧 →     agreement     ( n .)(意见或看法)一致;同意 →     agree (not) to do sth.     同意(不)做某事 →     agree with sb.     同意某人 26.expect( v .)→     expectation     ( n .)预料;预期;期待 →     expect to do sth.     期待做某事 27.person( n .)→     personal     ( adj .)个人的;私人的 →     in person     亲自 28.plan( n .& v .)→     planned     (过去式/过去分词)打算;计划 →     plan to do sth.     计划做某事 29.act ( v .)→     action     ( n .)行动 30.hope ( v . & n .)→     hopeful     ( adj .)有希望的 →     hopeless     ( adj .)无望的 重点短语 1.     find out     查明;弄清 2.     learn from     向 …… 学习 3.     be ready to     准备好(做某事);愿意(做某事) 4.     a pair of     一对;一副 5.     dress up     装扮;乔装打扮 6.     take sb. ' s place     代替某人;替换某人 7.     do a good job     干得好 8.     grow up     长大;成熟;成长 9.     be sure about     确信;对 …… 有把握 10.     make sure     确保;查明 11.     be able to     能够做某事 12.     make a promise     许下诺言 13.     at the beginning of     在 …… 开始 14.     write down     写下;记录下 15.     have to do with     关于;与 …… 有关系 16.     take up     (尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做 17.     agree with     同意;赞成 公共标识语     情景交际 Unit 5 谈论喜好和制订计划 1.—What do you think of talk shows? —I don ' t mind them./I can ' t stand them!/I love watching them! 2.—What can you expect to learn from sitcoms? —You can learn some great jokes. 3.—Why do you like watching the news? —Because I hope to find out what ' s going on around the world. 4.—Do you want to watch the news? —Yes, I do./No, I don ' t. 5.—What do you plan to watch tonight? —I plan to watch Days of Our Past . Unit 6 谈论将来的计划 1.—What do you want to be when you grow up? —I want to be a computer programmer. 2.—How are you going to do that? —I ' m going to study computer science. 3.—Where are you going to work? —I ' m going to move to Shanghai. 4.—When are you going to start? —I ' m going to start when I finish high school and college. 5.—What are you going to do next year? —Well, I ' m going to take guitar lessons. I really love music. 重点语法 1.动词不定式作宾语的用法。 2.be going to表示一般将来时的用法。 一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.The math teacher likes     questioning/to question     (question) his students in class, because he thinks it is a good way to make them focus on what he is saying. 2.These students are talented in music, so they will be     sent     (send) abroad to have further study in top music school. 3.The story     mainly     (main) tells us if you want to make friends, you should be kind to others at first. 4.Things are always the hardest at the     beginning     (begin). But they will become 词汇语境运用 easier as long as you are brave enough to take the first step. 5.When I read the poem for a second time, I got clearer about its     meaning     (mean). It expressed the writer ' s deep love for nature. 6.The girl expected all her classmates     to come     (come) to her party. She has prepared the party for two weeks. 7.Schools should do something to help students protect     themselves     (they). 8.I took some     medicine     (medical) because I had a stomachache. 9.All the students are making a     discussion     (discuss) on how to have the gradua- tion party. 10.People ' s travel safety and convenience have been guaranteed since the car regu- lation     appeared     (appear) on the online car-hailing(网约车) service. 二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 mean ability culture simple stand paint success lucky cook drive 1.Nothing is more important than safety, so     drivers     should be very careful on the road. 2.Chinese     culture     has a long history and it ' s very popular in the world now. 3.Even though he is wealthy and successful, he lives a     simple     life. 4.—What ' s the     meaning     of the word? —Sorry, I don ' t know. Let ' s look it up in the dictionary. 5.My mother spent all the afternoon     cooking     a special dinner for my 18th birthday yesterday. 6.I often read English newspapers and magazines to improve my reading     ability     . As a result, it works quite well. 7.Hard work pays off. Leo finally became     successful     because of his hard work and willing heart. 8.I can ' t     stand     traveling in hot days, so I prefer to stay at home, reading some books during summer holidays. 9.The students were     painting     pictures for the art show when the teacher came in. 10.It is     unlucky     for him to lose his wallet and cellphone in the playground. Let ' s help him find it. 1.stand ( n .)立场;观点 ( v .)→stood(过去式/过去分词)忍受;站立; (对某事)持某种态度 stand up站起来 stand out突出;出色 如:Where do you stand on private education?你对私立教育持什么观点? to take a firm stand on sth.在某事上采取坚定的立场 熟词生义讲练 2.paint ( n .)油漆;油漆涂层;颜料;涂料 ( v .)在 …… 刷油漆;用颜料画;描绘 如:oil paints油画颜料 The report paints a picture of life in the city.报告描绘了都市生活。 3.question ( n .)问题 ( v .)表示疑问;怀疑;提问;质询 4.own ( adj .)自己的;本人的 ( v .)拥有,有; 承认 →owner( n .)物主;主人 of one ' s own某人自己的 on one ' s own独自,单独,靠某人自己 如:She owned (that)she had been present.她承认她当时在场。 一、根据语境,在横线上写出黑体单词的汉语意思 The author of the book painted a picture of the future.     描绘     二、单句填空 1.He stated his stand     on     the topic. He believes that teamwork is better than studying alone. 2.Her team lost the game because of her mistakes. She was ashamed     to own     (own) that she hadn ' t done her duty. 知识点1 mind的用法 核心精讲过关 1.The movie is so interesting that I don ' t mind     seeing     (see) it again tomorrow. 2.—I ' m sorry that I have broken the chair. —Never     mind     .I can easily get it repaired. 3.The workers in the train station warn the passengers     to mind     (mind) the gap (间隙) between the train and the platform(站台) when getting on. 4.抱着进入重点大学的决心,他下定决心更加努力地学习。 With the determination of entering a key university, he has     made up his mind     to work harder. 5.拍照是记录生活的一个好方法。当我翻开旧相册,许多美好的回忆涌上心 头。 Taking photos is a good way to record life. When I open the old album, many good memories     come to mind     .   mind的用法:   注意 回答Would you mind...?问句时,表示允许或不介意常用Certainly not./Of course not./Not at all.;若表示介意或不希望对方做某事,常用Sorry, I ' m afraid.../Better not.等。 知识点2 ready的用法 1.Han Ming is a helpful boy.He is always ready     to do     (do) anything for others. 2.Nick is looking forward to the English speech contest because he has been ready     for     it.   ready的用法:   知识点3 promise的用法 1.He     made a promise     (许诺)that he would pay me the money in three days, but he broke it. 2.He promised     to give     (give) me a series of storybooks, but he never did it. 3.To be an honest person, the first thing we should do is never     breaking     (break) our own promises.       如:He promised that he would come to my birthday party.他承诺他会来参加 我的生日聚会。 He promised his grandchildren the money.他答应给孙子孙女们这笔钱。 单词 词性及含义 用法 promise 动词,意为“许诺;承诺” promise to do sth.许诺去做某事 promise sb. sth.许诺某人某物 promise+that从句 答应 …… 名词,意为“承诺,诺言” make a promise许下诺言 keep a promise信守诺言 break a promise违背诺言 知识点4 own的用法 1.He must finish his tasks     on his own     (独立地)before he leaves. 2.They can wear     their own     (他们自己的) clothes. 3.Thanks to the policemen, the stolen handbag was soon given back to the     owner     (own). 4.Though the boy     owns     (own) a lot of nice toys, he is not willing to share them with his friends. own的用法: 1. adj . & pron . 自己的,本人的。常见搭配:on one ' s own独自;单独;独立地。of one ' s own属于某人自己的。如: It was her own idea.那是她自己的主意。 I believe you can finish the work on your own.我相信你能独立完成这份工作。 He has a room of his own.他有一间自己的房间。 2. v .有,拥有,相当于have。owner为名词,意为“主人”。如: Do you own your house or do you rent it?你的房子是自己的,还是租的? 知识点5 What do you think of...?句型 1.—What do you think     of     My Love from the Star ? —Pretty good. It is popular with many people. 2.—     What     do you think of Yinghe Cinema? —Great!It has     the     best service in the city. What do/does...think of...?表示“ …… 认为 …… 怎么样?”,是固定句型。 归纳拓展       —How do you like The Voice of China ? ——你认为《中国好声音》怎么样? —It is pretty good. ——特别好。 —What about A Bite of China ? ——《舌尖上的中国》呢? —Great,and my mother likes it very much. ——非常好,并且我妈妈非常喜欢它。 知识点6 too...to...句型 1.Jack ' s mother was     too     busy to take care of him those days. 2.—I haven ' t seen my grandparents for a long time. I ' m too busy     to visit     (vis- it) them these days. —Why not call them? too...to...的用法: 注意 在too...to...结构中,当too修饰good、glad、happy、kind、ready等词时,后面的不 定式不具有否定意义,too相当于very,作“非常”讲。如: 含义及用法 “太 …… 而不能 …… ”,其后的不定式to do sth.具有否定意义 拓展 too...to...结构可以转换为so...that...can ‘ t/couldn ’ t do或not...enough...to do sth. 例句 The problem is too difficult for me to work out. =The problem is so difficult that I can ' t work it out. =The problem isn ' t easy enough for me to work out. She ' s too(=very)willing to help you. 她非常愿意帮助你。 I ' m too happy to do it. 我非常高兴做这件事。 难点一 information, news与message 难点辨析突破 1.Please show your ID card to me, sir. I have to check your     information     . 2.When Peter comes, please ask him to leave a     message     . 3.I like surfing the Internet for the latest     news     so that I can know what is going on around the world. information, news与message辨析 易混词 是否可数 含义及用法 例句 information 不可数名词 意为“信息”,通常指在阅读、观察、谈话或书信往来中特别关注的消息、情报、资料等 They must find out some information about planes to Hainan as quickly as possible.他们必须尽快 找到有关飞往海南的班机的信息。 news 不可数名词 意为“新闻;消息”,指公众感兴趣 的、近来发生的事情,尤其指通过 广播、电视、网络等报道的事件 It ‘ s big news to see the famous actor come to our city.看到那个著名演员到我市来真是个重大新闻。 message 可数名词 一般指口头或书面的“信息” Would you mind giving him a message?你介意给他捎个口信吗? 难点二 look, see, watch与notice 1.We     watched     the bus until it disappeared in the distance. 2.Andy prefers     reading     books to     watching     TV. 3.—Your trainers     look     colourful. —Yes. And they are popular among young people. 4.—Do you     notice     that Nancy has been a little too quiet these days? —Yes. She didn ' t even say a word this afternoon. look, see, watch与notice辨析 拓展 see作感官动词,后接省略to的不定式或动词-ing形式作宾补,但意义不同。 look 意为“看”,强调动作,当后面接宾语时要加at Look at the blackboard,please.请看黑板。 see 意为“看见”,强调结果,还有“看望;遇见;明 白”等意思 How many birds can you see in the tree?你能看 见树上有多少只鸟吗? watch 意为“观看,注视”,一般指精力比较集中地看, 如看比赛、电视或演出等 How often do you watch TV?你多久看一次电 视? notice 意为“注意到;意识到”,常指无意识的行为 He passed by me without noticing me.他从我身 边经过,但没注意到我。   I often see those boys play soccer in the playground. 我经常看到那些男孩子在操场上踢足球。(强调经常发生) I saw some boys playing soccer when I passed by the playground. 当我经过操场的时候,我看见一些男孩子正在踢足球。(强调正在发生) 难点三 hope, expect, wish与look forward to 1.(2018河南驻马店泌阳一模)Watching the Olympics is always exciting. At the 20 20 Tokyo Olympic Games, we can expect     to     see some new sports. 2.—I ' m sorry I can ' t pick Tom up with you,though I look forward to     seeing     (see) him. —Why? —Because I am busy working. 3.—You look sad. What has happened? —Everyone     expected     (expect) us to win the match, but we lost. 4.I hope     to visit     (visit) Beijing this winter. hope, expect, wish与look forward to均有“期待;希望”之意,但各自的用法 及搭配不同。 hope是指有可能达成或实现的愿望,常用结构:hope to do sth./hope+that从句。 如: I hope to visit Beijing some day.我希望有一天可以参观北京。 expect指“预计;盼望”,把握较大。常用结构:expect sb. to do sth.和expect to do sth.。如: I expect him to come here soon.我预计他很快就会来这儿。 wish表示实际不可能或难以实现的愿望,常用结构:wish to do sth./wish sb. to do sth./wish+that从句;wish也常用于祝贺语中。如: When I was young, I wish I were a fish in the river.当我年轻的时候,我希望我是 河里的一条鱼。 Wish you a pleasant journey!祝您旅途愉快! look forward to指“盼望;期待”,常用结构:look forward to sth./doing sth.。如: I look forward to seeing you again soon.我盼望着不久再见到你。 注意 hope不能用于hope sb. to do sth.结构中,而wish可以。如: Miss Gao wished the little girl to stay here.高女士希望那个小女孩留在这儿。

