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初二英语练习(u5)‎ ‎[基础训练]‎ 一、根据首字母或中文提示完成句子。(10分)‎ ‎1. There are many fallen l_____________ on the ground in autumn.‎ ‎2. ---What’s the w____________ like today? ---It’s sunny.‎ ‎3. Could you tell me some i_______________ about for my report?‎ ‎4. I decide to wok hard at English because I understood the i__________________ of English.‎ ‎5. I have never r_____________ a letter from my pen friend.‎ ‎6. My uncle has _____________(飞) to Beijing twice.‎ ‎7. It’s hard for them to go through the _____________(森林).‎ ‎8. My coffee is _______________(浓) than yours.‎ ‎9. The food ___________(闻) bad, mother told me to throw it away.‎ ‎10. The man shouted at his son ________________(生气) because the boy was very naughty.‎ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)‎ ‎1. The snowball has ______________(hit) me many times.‎ ‎2. The bird is singing _______________(nice).‎ ‎3. One of the ________________(call) is Su Ning.‎ ‎4. __________you __________(study) at 10 o’clock last night?‎ ‎5. You may use ______________(mouse) to clip(点击) the icon on the computer, children.‎ ‎6.My friends often invite me _____________(have) dinner with them.‎ ‎7. Did you have fun _____________(chat) with each other last night?‎ ‎8. Teachers often encourage us ________________(not talk) freely in class.‎ ‎9. I am one of the ____________(read) of the magazine.‎ ‎10. Everyone was surprised at their _____________(arrive).‎ 三、单项选择。(10)‎ ‎( )1. This is _________ book and you should read it again.‎ ‎ A. an B. a C. / D. the ‎( )2. Heilongjiang is ________ the________ of China.‎ ‎ A. in, northeast B. to, northeastern C. on, northeast D. in, northwest ‎( )3. Nancy has lived here _______she was born. And she has lived here ________ many years.‎ ‎ A. since, since B. for, for C. since, for D. for, since ‎( )4.Can you speak a little _________? I can __________ hear you.‎ ‎ A. loud, hard B. louder, hard C. aloud, hard D. louder, hardly ‎( )5. The teacher warned us ___________ in the river.‎ ‎ A. not to swim B. to swim C. not swimming D. swim ‎( )6. Go down this road and walk _______________.‎ ‎ A. at the end B. in the end C. to the end D. at the end of ‎( )7.I’m looking forward to ________________ you.‎ ‎ A. hearing of B. hearing about C. hearing D. hearing from ‎( )8.He __________ someone for help when I ________him.‎ ‎ A. was ringring, saw B. rang, saw C. rang, seen D. was ringing, have seen ‎( )9.John ___________ a cold since last Sunday and ___________ bed ever since.‎ ‎ A. had, has been in B. has had, has been in C. had, was D. has had, was ‎( )10.He __________ the window and hurt himself.‎ ‎ A. fell off B. fell down C. fell from D. fell over 四、根据中文提示完成句子。(10)‎ ‎1. 当我看见那个作家时他正在写小说。他已经写了很多小说了。‎ The writer _____________________the novel when I saw him. He ________________ many novels.‎ ‎2.突然我听到有人在尖叫。我简直不相信我的耳朵。‎ Suddenly I ___________________________. I _______________ can’t believe my ears.‎ ‎3. 事实上,过去这个小镇发展不大。‎ ‎____________________, there was ________________________ in the town.‎ ‎4.我们已经飞去伦敦几次了。‎ We ___________________________ London _____________________.‎ ‎5.当暴雨来临时有雷电。‎ There is _________________________ when ________________________.‎ ‎[能力提高]‎ 五、完型填空。(15分)‎ When Chinese people find out that someone comes from London, they often say, "London is a 1 city ,isn't it?" British people who visit China often __2___say that London is not a foggy city at all! But if London is not foggy.__3___do so many people in China think it is? In tact, London used to be a foggy city ,__4___it isn't any more.‎ In London people often thought the pollution came from factories, but a lot of it came from coal (煤)because people used t in their houses ____5___warm during the winter .By the 1950s,London's air pollution had became so __6__that the government decided to do something to clean up the air. A new rule was made. It said that ___7__was not allowed to burn(燃烧)coal in any British city. Just a few years ___8___,the air became much cleaner.‎ Now many Chinese cities meet the same kind of __9___with air pollution that London met forty or fifty years ago. However. this problem is 10 difficult for Chinese cities to ___11___.First, more of the pollution comes from big factories 12 from coal that people use in their houses. If these factories are suddenly closed, lots of people__13__their jobs. Second , cleaner fuels(燃料)are quite expensive. However, the air in many cities is __14__slowly becoming cleaner, because the government and ordinary people are trying to make pollution__15__.As a result, the air in Beijing is getting cleaner and cleaner.‎ ‎(  )1. A. frosty B. foggy C. sunny D. rainy ‎( )2. A.must B.have to C.should D.Will ‎( )3. A.What B.When C.Which D.Why ‎( )4. A.and B.but Cso D.or ‎( )5. A.to keep B.keeping C.kept D.keep ‎( )6. A.well B.good C.badly D.bad ‎( )7. A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody ‎( )8. A.before B.ago C.later D.after ‎( )9. A.problem B.question C.accident D.discussion ‎( )10. A. much B. many C. more D. most ‎( )11. A.find B.answer C.solve D.save ‎( )12. A. than B. as C. then D. so ‎( )13. A.lost B.lose C.would lose D.will lose ‎( )14. A.almost B.already C.hardly D.nearly ‎( )15. A.little B.less C.much D.more 六、阅读理解。(20分) ‎ A At this moment in different places of the world people are doing different things. ‎ In Beijing it's early morning. People are sleeping.‎ In London people are leaving work to go home. They are waiting for buses or running for trains. Some people are driving their cars. Some are having afternoon tea at home or walking to the pubs(酒吧) to have a drink. ‎ In Moscow(莫斯科) it's evening and people are having supper at home or in restaurants. Some are going to watch a ballet(芭蕾舞). Some are drinking in the pubs.In Los Angeles(洛杉矶) it's morning. People are working in their offices. Children are starting their lessons.‎ New York‎ is midday now. People aren't working but having lunch. They are eating hamburgers or hot dogs and drinking coffee or Coke. Some people are seeing friends or shopping. ‎ ‎( )1. According to the passage we can see that at night some people in Moscow like to . ‎ A. go to watch a ballet B. do shopping C. wait for buses D. go to the library ‎( )2. When children in Los Angeles are starting their lessons, people in Beijing are . ‎ A. playing basketball B. seeing films C. having lessons D. sleeping ‎( )3. From the passage, we can see the time in New York now is . ‎ A. 6∶00 B. 9∶‎00 C. 10∶00 D. 12∶00‎ ‎( )4. We know that London is 3 hours . ‎ A. earlier than Moscow B. later than Moscow ‎ C. earlier than Los Angeles D. later than ‎Los Angeles ‎( )5. This passage mainly talks about . ‎ ‎ A. science B. holidays C. time difference D. life in western countries B If you go to a fast food restaurant, you will probably see a lot of teenagers. Today, many teenagers are overweight, and some of this is because of their bad eating habits. Most teenagers love food with a lot of fat, oil, salt, and sugar. People often call this kind of food "junk food". But bad eating habits go beyond fast food. We find many teenagers eat unhealthily. Some don't have breakfast before they go to school. During the day, some don't have a proper meal for lunch. In a recent survey(调查) at one school, scientists found that over two-thirds of the students didn't follow a healthy diet. They didn't like vegetables, and many of them didn't like to eat fruits. They preferred to eat food with a lot of salt, sugar, or fat.‎ Parents today also worry about their children's diet. Some doctors give the following advice: ‎ ‎★ Teenagers shouldn't eat too much junk food.‎ ‎★ Teenagers shouldn't eat food with too much salt. Salt can cause high blood pressure(高血压) in the future.‎ ‎★ Teenagers should eat food with less fat, oil, and sugar.‎ ‎★ Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins(维生素) and have little fat. ‎ ‎★ Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow. ‎★ Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This is good for their body and mind. ‎ ‎( )6. "Junk food" contains(包含) a lot of . ‎ A. milk and sugar B. fruits and sugar ‎ ‎ C. vegetables and salt D. fat, oil, salt and sugar ‎ ‎( ) 7. In a recent survey at one school, scientists found many students liked . ‎ A. vegetables B. unhealthy food C. fruits D. healthy food ‎( )8. What does the underlined word "beyond" mean in Chinese in this passage?‎ A. 超出 B. 不如 C. 相等 D. 在后面 ‎( )9. In this passage, doctors think that teenagers should eat more .‎ A. food with no vitamins B. fat and sugar ‎ C. vegetables and fruits D. salt and oil ‎ ‎( )10. The best title for this passage is . ‎ A. Bad habits B. Junk food C. Unhealthy food D. Advice on healthy eating 七、任务型阅读。(5分)‎ Dear Mike,‎ We got your letter yesterday. Yes, we can visit you at Christmas. We thought to spend(度) Christmas at home, but now we are going to be with you. Jack will not be in school then.‎ The weather in Chicago is cold, but is doesn’t matter. Sometimes we like the snow.‎ We got our plane tickets. We will get to your city on the 18th. We will stay with you for two weeks. Is that all right with you?‎ We’ll take our favourite recipes(食谱), so we can have a nice Christmas dinner.‎ See you soon.‎ Love Mom and Dad 根据短文内容用适当的单词完成下面句子:‎ ‎1. This letter is from Mike’s .‎ ‎2. In Chicago, it is now.‎ ‎3. Mike has a brother called . He is in school now.‎ ‎4. Mike’s parents will go to his city by .‎ 八、选词填空。(10分)‎ ‎ off talk get quiet both answer full something on turn Last Sunday the Whites went to the park. They 1 home very late. Father opened the front door and they 2 went into the house. It was very dark, so mother turned 3 the light. On the way to their bedroom, mother said, “Listen, John! I can hear someone ‎4 ‎‎ in the bedroom.” They stood 5 outside the bedroom door. They could hear some voices in the room.‎ ‎ “You’re right,” father said. “There are two men in it. They are talking.” Then he shouted, “Who is there?” But no one 6 . Father opened the door quickly and turned on the light. The room was 7 . Then father found 8 and laughed. The radio was still 9 ! “I forgot it 10 off this morning.” Father said.‎ ‎1._____________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________ 4. _____________ 5. _____________‎ ‎6. _____________ 7. _____________ 8. _____________ 9. _____________10. _____________‎ ‎[书面表达] (10分)‎ 九、春节快来临了,你准备怎样度过这个传统佳节呢?请写一篇文章谈谈你的想法。不少于80字。‎

