Unit 10 语言知识点

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Unit 10 语言知识点

Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! 复习课件 1 玩得高兴 2 呆在家里 3 让某人进入 4 开班会 5 看录像 6 举办聚会的好时候 7 让 … 做某事 8 太 … 而不能 … 9 一些建议 10 得到足够的锻炼 11 环游世界 12 赚许多钱 13 上大学 14 保守秘密 15 在 … 有麻烦 have a great time = have fun = enjoy oneself stay at home let … in have a class meeting watch a video a time to have party ask … to do sth . too … to .. some advice get enough exercise travel around the world make a lot of money go to college keep … to oneself have trouble with … 16 最糟糕的事 17 感觉更差 18 丢了个钱夹 19 告诉某人关于 .. 20 继续做某事 21 犯错误 22 给 .. 买 … 23 记住去做某事 24 逃离 25 有更多经验 26 切成两半 27 解决问题 28 完成某事一部分 29 分享烦恼 30 别的事 31 担心某人 the worst thing feel worse lost a wallet tell sb. about sth . keep doing sth . make mistakes buy … for … remember to do sth . run away from … have more experience cut … in half solve problems be halfway to … share … with… other things worry about … 1 如果你去参加聚会,你会玩得高兴的。 If you go to the party, you’ll ______________. 2 如果你穿牛仔裤去聚会,老师会不让你进去的。 If you _________________, the teachers ______________ 。 3 如果在聚会上看录像,会发生什么。 _____________ if they ____________________. 4 什么时候是聚会的好时机? When is a good time __________________? 5 我们该让人们带食物来吗? _____ we_____________________? 6 让我们从餐馆订购食物吧。 _______________ from a restaurant. 7 你能给我们些建议吗? _____________________? 8 如果你成了一名 Lion, 你将能周游世界。 If you _____ a Lion, you’ll _________________________. have a great time wear jeans to the party won’t let you in What will happen watch a video at the party to have the party Should ask people to bring food Let’s order food Can you give us some advice join travel around the world 9 有些人相信,最差的事就是啥事不做。 Some people believe ________________________. 10 我认为和别人聊聊会很有帮助。 I think _______________________. 11 除非我们和别人聊聊,否则当然觉得更差。 ______ we ___________, we’ll ______________. 12 她害怕告诉父母这事。 She __________ tell her _____ it. 13 他有时自己也会范些粗心的错误。 He sometimes ______________________. 14 我记着将来分担烦恼。 I will always ___________________________. 15 最后不要逃避烦恼。 It’s ___ not to____________ our problems. 16 与人分担一个烦恼就像把麻烦分成两半。 ____ a problem ____________________. 17 因此,你只要跟人聊聊这个问题,你就已经解决了问题的一半。 So you _________ a problem just by ____ to someone about it. the worst thing is to do nothing talking to someone helps a lot Unless talk to someone certainly feel worse is afraid to about makes some careless mistakes himself remember to share my problems in the future best run away from Sharing is like cutting it in half are halfway to solving talking

