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江西省朝宗实验学校2013-2014学年度上学期初二年级第一次段考 英语试卷 一、听力测试(20分)‎ ‎(A)请听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(每题1分)‎ ‎1. What is the boy’s brother like?‎ A. Funny. B. Lazy. C. Friendly.‎ ‎ 2. What did the girl have last Sunday?‎ A. A competition B. A party C. A test.‎ ‎ 3. What is the boy’s mother like?‎ A. Hard-working B. Friendly C. Popular ‎ 4. What does the boy’s mother look like?‎ A. She is tall. B. She has short hair. C. She has long hair.‎ ‎ 5. Where did the boy go with his friends?‎ ‎ A. To Beijing B. To Shanghai C. To ‎Tianjin ‎(B)请听下面3段对话和2段对白,每段对话和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分)‎ 请听第1段对话,回答地第6至第8小题。‎ ‎ 6. What does the girl like doing?‎ A. Reading books. B. Going swimming C. Listening to music.‎ ‎ 7. Why does the girl have few friends?‎ A. Because she is tall. B. Because she is serious. C. Because she is shy.‎ ‎ 8. Who is the girl’s best friend?‎ A. Amy. B. Sandy. C. Anna.‎ 请听第2段对话,回答第9至第11小题。‎ ‎ 9. What is Jim’s English teacher like?‎ A. Funny. B. Friendly C. Outgoing.‎ ‎ 10. Who is Jim’s Chinese teacher?‎ A. Miss Fang. B. Mrs. Fang C. Mr. Liu.‎ ‎ 11. How old is Miss Fang?‎ 9‎ A. 36 years old. B. 37 years old. C. 38 years old.‎ 请听一段独白,回答第12至第15小题。‎ ‎ 12. How many people are there is Tommy’s family?‎ A. Four. B. Five C. Six.‎ ‎ 13. What does Tommy’s father doing like?‎ A. Reading B. Cooking. C. Swimming.‎ ‎ 14. What does Tommy’s mother look like?‎ A. Thin with short hair. B. Heavy with long hair. C. Thin with long hair ‎ 15. How old Tommy’s brother?‎ A. 12 years old. B. 14 years old. C. 16 years old.‎ ‎(C)请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成句子。短文读两遍。(每小题1分)‎ ‎ 16. David is a dog.‎ ‎ 17. Both Daniel and David like in the afternoon..‎ ‎ 18. Daniel didn’t go for a day.‎ ‎ 19. David came to Daniel’s home and barked .‎ ‎ 20. Daniel’s family found Daniel .‎ 二、单项选择(15分)‎ ‎ 请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其填到答题卷的相应位置。(每小题1分,共15分)‎ ‎ 21. —Li Wei,you look heavy now.you need to _______ more.‎ ‎ —That’s right.It’s not good to by heavy.‎ A. enjoy B. eat C. exercise D. sleep ‎ 22. —There is ______cola. I want to buy some.‎ ‎ —OK, but ______than five bottles, I think. It’s unhealthy.‎ A. little;more B. more ; more C. little; less D. more; less ‎ 23. Song Ying is _______kind that she gave almost all her money to a charity(慈善机构)‎ A. very B. so C. much D. such ‎ 24. Claire wants to keep _______,but she is always in bad_______.‎ A. health; healthy .B. healthy ;healthy C. health; health D. healthy; health 9‎ ‎ 25. ________he was ill,_________he went to school this morning.‎ A. Because; so B. Although; but C. Although;/ D. Because; /‎ ‎ 26. Tom is funny.He often makes all the classmates in our class________.‎ A. to laugh B. laugh C. laughing D. laughed ‎ 27. —Is English________than history?‎ ‎ —No,English isn’t so _________as history.‎ A. more difficult; difficult B. Difficult; more difficult C. more difficult; easier D. easier; more difficult ‎28. Why not take________to read?It’s really a long boring journey.‎ A. anything interesting B. interesting anything ‎ C. something interesting D. interesting something ‎ 29. —Hey, Tara!Don’t you remember me?‎ ‎ —Yeah,I remember you very well. We are ________ on the swimming team last year.‎ A. neither B. all C. either D. both ‎ ‎ 30. —Mom, it’s such a long way from our home to the museum!‎ ‎ —You mean it is _________ to take a taxi?‎ A. possible B. necessary C. popular D. important ‎ 31. —______________do you go online?‎ ‎ —Four to six times a week.‎ A. How often B. How soon C. How many D. How long ‎ 32. ___________students ___________twice a week A. The most; exercise B. Most; exercises C. Most of ; exercise D. Most ; exercise ‎ 33. Tina doesn’t have ________ to but the skirt,though it is _________.‎ A. enough money; good enough B. enough money; enough good C. money enough; well enough D. enough money; well enough ‎ 34. It seems that you are _______with the ______job. ‎ A. boring ; bored B. bored; bored C. bored; boring D. boring; boring ‎ 35. It was interesting _________many places of interest from all over the world.‎ A. visiting B. to visit C. visit D. visited 9‎ 三、完形填空(25分)‎ A)请先阅读下列短文,掌握其大意;然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其填到答题卷的相应位置。(每小题1分,共15分)‎ Joseph and Martin camped out with their parents. They went to the lake by 36 .And it 37 them two hours to get there. When they got there, they were 38 to see the green trees and the beautiful lake. The house by the lade was 39 wood(木头)and looked nice.They wold be living in it 40 two days.‎ When 41 parents unloaded(卸货)the car,the children ran to the lake. ‎ ‎“Don’t get into the 42 before we came,”the father and mother shouted 43 .‎ ‎“All right,”they answered and 44 their parents. ‎ After their parents 45 them, they swam for a long time. Then they felt 46 and went back to have some food. 47 the rooms were small, their beds were comfortable(舒服的).They 48 through the night.‎ The next day, they woke up early and looked outside. They 49 their parents walking around the lake. They got dressed quickly and ran outside to play.‎ The children were interested in 50 there. They enjoyed themselves.‎ ‎36. A. bike B. bus C. car D. plane ‎37. A. spent B. took C. used D. put ‎38. A. happy B. tired C. bored D. different ‎39. A. busy with B. good at C. made of D. full of ‎40. A. as B. for C. about D. from ‎41. A. my B. his C. their D. her ‎42. A. building B. water C. mountain D. farm ‎43. A. either B. ever C. together D. still ‎44. A. waited for B. called back C. put up D. blew out ‎45. A. joined B. picked C. swung D. surprised ‎46. A. full B. wet C. hungry D. dry ‎47. A. So B. When C. If D. Although ‎48. A. worked B. slept C. died D. fed 9‎ ‎49. A. saw B. tried C. practiced D. kept ‎50. A. nothing B. anyone C. everything D. someone B)先阅读短文,掌握其大意。然后从方框中所给的词中选出恰当的10个,并用其适当形式填空,每个词限用一次。(每题1分)‎ hungry, few, they, less, eat, full than, thy, together, television, activity, when If your children have some bad eating habits,work to replace(代替)51.__________with these healthy habits.‎ ‎★ Heaving breakfast every day.‎ ‎★ Turing off the 52._______when you are having meals.If the TV is on ,you will eat too fast without noticing(没有注意)when you are 53._________.This can make you eat much more. ‎ ‎★ Getting family members 54.________for meals.‎ ‎★ Staring with small portons (一份)and getting a little more if you are still 55________.‎ ‎★ 56_________less fast food. There fast-food meals have more calories(卡路里)57.________meals you eat at home. ‎ ‎★. 58___________different kinds of foods, such as vegetables, fruit and meat. ‎ ‎★. Learning to stop eating 59.______ you are full.‎ ‎★. There are some other healthey habits, such as watching TV for 60._______than tow hours each day and getting at least one hour of exercise each day. ‎ ‎51. _______ 52. ________ 53. _________ 54.________ 55. __________‎ ‎56. ________ 57. _______ 58. ________ 59. ________ 60. __________‎ 四、阅读理解(30分)‎ A)阅读下列短文。根据短文内容从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题2分)‎ A Most American families like to have a vacation in summer .Summer is a good season for vacation.It is often hot in July and August .‎ Children do not go to school in those two months .Some people like to stay at home ,read books ,surf the Internet,or watch TV.Many families take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or a nice lake. Some people have enough time and money to travel to other countries like France ,Japan and 9‎ ‎ Australia .They usually fly to these countries .Many families travel by car or train to see interesting places in their own countries .Their favorite cities are New York .Chicago,Miami,San Francisco and Los Angeles .‎ Not everyone likes to go to busy cities .Some families travel to mountains or beautiful valleys(山谷).‎ ‎61. _____ is a good season for vacation .‎ A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter ‎62. Some people like to stay at home during their vacation .They don't _______.‎ A. read books B. surf the internet C. watch TV D. go to work ‎ ‎63. Many families like to have their lunch ______ during their vacation .‎ A. in the office B. near a cinema C. near a big factory D. near a nice lake ‎ ‎64. If you have ______,you can travel to other countries .‎ A. money and friends B. friends and time C. money and time D. food ‎65. Which of the following is "芝加哥"?‎ A. Chicago B. New York C. Miami D. Los Angels.‎ B Running a marathon(马拉松)is not an easy thing. Doing so blindfolded(蒙住眼睛的)for 26.2 miles is more difficult. But that was what Mike did during the Pittsburgh Marathon for his daughter, Cassie.‎ Cassie is 7 years old and she can’t see anything. “Sometimes I walk around the house blindfolded to see what it’s like for her,” said Cassie’s sister, Carly, 9.”It’s kind of scary. You don’t know where anything is.‎ ‎“When Jack, Cassie’s doctor, told me that she can’t see anything. I felt depressed(绝望的),but I must do something,” Mike said. “That was why I ran the marathon blindfolded. I wanted to know more about Cassie’s world. And then I will be a better father to guide her through life.”‎ Mike said he took 10 steps(步)with his eyes shut and then he opened his eyes. After that, he took 15 steps and tried running blindfolded, just to see what it was like for his daughter.‎ ‎ 66. How far did Mike run during the Pittsburgh Marathon?‎ A. 10 miles B. 26.2 miles C. 15 miles D. 62 miles ‎ 67. What does Jack do ?‎ A. He is a doctor B. He is a teacher C. He is a runner D. He is an actor ‎ 68. Why did Mike run the marathon blindfolded?‎ 9‎ A. Because he liked running.‎ B. Because he wanted to be a running star.‎ C. Because he thought running blindfolded was fun.‎ D. Because he wanted to know more about Cassie’s word ‎ 69. What does the underlined word “shut” mean in Chinese?‎ A. 失去 B. 出现 C. 闭上 D. 代替 ‎ 70. What can we learn from the passage?‎ A. Cassie is nine years old.‎ B. Carly is Cassie’s sister.‎ C. Carly thinks walking blindfolded is interesting.‎ D. Mike tried running blindfolded after he took 10 steps.‎ B)请阅读下列短文。根据短文内容从下面方框的七个选项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到原文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整,并将其答案填写到答题卷的相应位置(每小题2分)‎ Last month, I had a three-day vacation. 71.________ We went to Beijing by train first. ‎ On the first day, we took a bus for a morning tour of Tian’anmen Square. There were many visitors there. Then we paid a visit to the Palace‎ ‎Museum. It was great.72.________After lunch, we visited the Summer‎ ‎Palace. 73.__________It was fun. In the evening, we ate the Beijing duck in Quanjude, a very famous restaurant. It was delicious.‎ ‎74.__________We visited the Ancient City Wall and took quite a few photos there. We had mutton noodles for lunch. In the afternoon we visited the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horse(秦始皇兵马俑) 75._______________.‎ On the their day, we went to climb Mount‎ ‎Hua. We felt tired but excited.‎ What a wonderful trip!‎ A. We visited the Great Wall.‎ B. My parents and I decided to visit Beijing and Xi’an.‎ C. The next morning, we flew to Xi’an.‎ D. For lunch, we ate some vegetables, beef and rice.‎ 9‎ E. We took a boat ride on Kunming‎ ‎Lake.‎ F. On the second day, we went to Chang’an G. In the evening, we enjoyed a dance show.‎ ‎71.______ 72._______ 73._________ 74._________ 75.__________‎ 五、书面表达(10分)‎ 假如你是宋佳,请给你的美国笔友Katrina发一封电子邮件,谈谈你的生活方式,内容包括运动、饮食及睡眠三个方面。‎ 要求:‎ ‎ 1. 内容必须全面,灵活地运用所学的表达方式;‎ ‎ 2. 80词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Katrina,‎ ‎ How is everything? I want to tell you something about my lifestyle._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ This is my lifestyle. What about yours?‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ SongJia.‎ 9‎ ‎【试题答案】‎ 一、听力 ‎1-5. ABACA 6-10. ACBBC 11-15. ABACB ‎16. quiet /nice ‎ ‎17. walking /taking a walk ‎18. home ‎ ‎19. loudly ‎20. under a tree 二、单项选择 ‎21-25. CCBDC 26-30. BACDB 31-35. ADACB 三、完形填空 ‎ 36-40. CABCB 41-45. CBCAA 46-50. CDBAC ‎ 51. them 52. television 53. full 54. together 55. hungry ‎ 56. Eating 57. than 58. Trying 59. when 60. less 四、阅读理解 ‎ 61-65. BDDCA 66-70. BADCB 71-74. BDECG 五、写作 Once possible version:‎ Dear Katrina,‎ How is everything? I want to tell you something about my lifestyle.‎ I don’t think I am very healthy. I hardly ever exercise because I have no free time. My eating habits are pretty bad. I eat vegetables twice a week, and I never eat fruit. I love junk food very much. I eat it three or four times a week. I don’t like drinking water, only once a day. As for sleep, I have too much homework and study late every night, so I sleep only seven hours. ‎ This is my lifestyle. What about yours?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ SongJia.‎ 9‎

