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八年级英语上册期中教室考试(2) 1. I heard people can’t eat or drink on the subway in Hefei. Yes. In order to have a more_____space, we need to do that. A. creative B.important C.serious D.comfortable 2. There are so many interesting books at the store. I don’t know which one to_____. A. act B.choose C.give D.reach 3. As we all know, the more_____we drive our car,the safer we will be. A. luckily B.carefully c.beautifully D.quickly 4. Are there any good ways to save water, Miss Wang? Many.______,turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. A. in fact B.In all C. at last D. for example 5. Jack couldn’t deep his promise of attending the welcome party, so he______an excuse for his absence. A.cut up B. put up C.made up D.woke up 6. Is Li Ming______than you, Li Hua? -----Yes.He is______boy in my class. A. tallest;tallest B.taller;taller C.taller;the tallest D.the tallest;taller 7. What do you want for dinner tonight?----______. We will have whatever you want. A.It’s up to you B. Help yourself C.Never mind D. Don’t worry 8. We are watching a _____. The football players are running fast. A. soap opera B.sports show C.sitcom D.talk show 9.The new film is ______. It tells us that we should learn to be thankful. A. necessary B.creative C.educational D.serious 10. Why does Sarah like Chinese Poetry conference(中国诗词大会) Because she thinks she can learn a lot_____it. A. as B.from C.about D.for 11.After a ______, my family decided to go to Yunnan on vacation. A. competition B.difference C.programme D.discussion 12.Waitress, there is a fly swimming in the soup. ---So what do you _____me to do, call a lifeguard? A. choose B. expect C.decide D.train 13. Please help me to_____what time the meeting starts. ---OK.At 3:00 pm. A. find out B.put up C.make up D.bring out 39. Wow...How nice! What’s in the box? ___ I have a look? A. Must B.Need C.May D.Should 14. What do you think of game shows?---______.They’re very interesting. A.I like watching them B.I don’t mind them C. I don’t know D.I can’t stand them 16. I’d like to know the_____why you’re so late. ---Because I got up late. A. result B.reason C.news D.fact 17.This problem is not as_____as you think. You need to think about it carefully. A. wonderful B.necessary C.simple D.famous 18. I have seen the documentary Amazing China. It’s very touching. Really? When ______you______it? A. have;seen B.did;see C.will;see D.do;see 19. Does your sister like talent shows?----She______like them, but I’m not sure. A. can B.might C.must D.need 20. This magazine______on the morning of march 1st. A. gave out B.looked out C.brought out D.came out 21. I think the first film is not so_____as the second one. A. enjoyable B.much enjoyable C.more enjoyable d.most enjoyable 22. Do you like_____TV program Keep Running? ---Yes.I think it is______most interesting TV program. A. the;an B.the;the C.a;an D.a;the 23.Do you like______movie My People, My Country? ---Yes, It’s_____educational movie. I like it very much. A. the;an B.a;an C.a;the D.the;a 24. Now more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese______. A. culture B.competition C.service D.information 25. The Monkey King is so_____that people around the world know him. A. simple B.meaningless C.outgoing d.famous 26. I thought he would come to the party, but he didn’t _____. A.stand B.appear C.act D.choose 27.What are the girls doing now, Nancy? ---They are______for the dancing show tonight. A. dressing up B.finding out C.bringing out D.cutting up 27. Please stay with me this weekend.---I’m sorry, but my father and I planned_____Beijing a long time ago. A. visit B.visiting C. to visit D.visited 29.Where are you going to spend the coming winter holiday? I’m not sure. I_____go to Harbin with my parents. 30.What ____just now, Mom? ---Oh, your sister lost her book. We all helped her look for it. A. happens B.will happen C.happened D.is happening 31.A mobile phone with 5G can send videos much ____than the one with 4G A. fast B.faster C.fastest C.the fastest 32.What do you think of talk shows?----______. They are too boring. A. Pretty good B. I love them C. I can’t stand them d.I don’t mind them 33. Which of the two films do you like better?---______of them. I think they’re interesting. A. Either B.Both C.All D.None 34. Seeing the great changes in her hometown, sally could_____believe her eyes. A. usually B.hardly C.often D.always. 35. what should we do to prepare for the picnic? ---I think we need to make a _____first. A. model B.plan C.sentence D.wish 36. ______do you go to see your parents? ---Twice a week. A. How long B.How often C.How soon D.How far 37. We must______what he is doing and then we can take action. A. get up B.bring out C.wake up D.find out 38. Lucy, you look beautiful in your new dress today. -Oh, really?I____it in a store with my mom. A. buy B.will buy C.bought D.am buying 39. Jean felt much _____after she told her worries to her close friend. A. Good B.better C.the better D.the best 40. ______Dashan is from Canada, he can speak Chinese very well. A. When B.Although C.If D.Because 41. Li Dong is the second_____boy in our class and he’s very good at playing basketball. A. tall B.taller C.tallest D. the tallest 42. Is Jim coming by train? ---I’m not sure. He_____drive his car. A.must B.need C.may D.can 43.My brother wants to be _____engineer, so he is studying math in______university. A.a;an B.a;the C.a;the D.the;an 44.David really likes driving. I think being a(n)_____is just right for him. A.actor B.pianist C.teacher D.driver 45.Did you see the new movie, Joe? ---No, I_____it with my sister this evening. A. watch B.am watching C.watched D.am going to watch 46. Mary was born in America, but she____in shanghai. A. looked up B.grew up C.dressed up D.took up 47. There______a sports meeting in our school next week. A. is B.was C. is going to be d. is going to have 48. Mum, I failed the exam. ----______.I believe you will do better next time. A. I’m sorry, too B.Not at all C.Hard to say D.Don’t worry 49. The teacher asked us to make resolutions______the beginning of the school year. A. at B.on C.by D.for 50. He made a(n)______that he would buy a large house for his parents when he became rich. A. promise B.mind C.discussion D.education 51. Speak more, and you’ll _______your spoken English. A. get B.learn C.improve D.understand 52. Tony is very interested in Chinese traditional culture. He is going to _____calligraphy(书法)as a way to relax. A. get up B.wake up C.take up D.cut up 53. My New Year’s resolution is to get good grades in English. A. I don’t think so B.Sounds great C.Thanks a lot D.Not problem 54. The dishes are fantastic! Nothing tastes________ . You are such a good______ . A. nice; cooker B. better; cook C. terrible; cook 55. Do you know when Mrs. White_______for dinner this evening? ---No, but I think she______when she is free. A. will come; will come B. will come; comes C. comes; will come 56.Stephen Hawking was famous a scientist, he made a great contribution to the world, and he died________March 14th, 2018. A. for; on B. as; in C. as; on 57. When shall we go to the movies, this afternoon or tomorrow morning? --- is OK. I'm free these days. A. Either B. Neither C. Both 58. Tom, the umbrella with you. Look at the clouds, it's going to rain! A. taking B. takes C. take 59. May I go out with my friends, Mum? -No, You____. People shouldn’t get together at this time. A. can’t B. may not C. needn’t 60. You did really well today and I’m sure you can do even _____tomorrow. A. good B. better C. best 答案: 1-15 DBBDC CABCB DBACA 15-30 BCBBD ABAAD BACAC 31-45 BCBBB BDCBB CCCDD 46-60 BCDAA CCBBA CACAB

