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1 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 1.重点单词:college,education,medicine,university,London,article,send 2.重点短语:a race car driver,a fast car,a cooking school,take acting lessons 3.重点句式:—Where are you going to work? —I'm going to move to Shanghai. —When are you going to start? —I'm going to start when I finish high school and college. He's going to take acting lessons. I'm going to study medicine at a university. I'm going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. 1.重点单词和句型 2.熟练运用 be going to 句型 询问他人对事物的观点 一、预习课本 P43 新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。 1.学院____________ 2.教育____________ 3.医学____________ 4.大学____________ 5.伦敦____________ 6.文章____________ 7.邮寄____________ 二、认真预习 Grammar Focus-3c,找出下列短语和句型。 1.一名赛车手____________________ 2.一辆跑车____________________ 3.烹饪学校____________________ 4.上表演课____________________ 5.—你将去哪里工作?—我将搬到上海。 ________________________________________________________________________ 6.—你将什么时候动身呀? —当我读完高中和大学的时候就动身去。 ________________________________________________________________________ 7 . 我 将 去 上 表 演 课 。 ________________________________________________________________________ 8 . 我 将 去 大 学 学 医 。 ________________________________________________________________________ 9.我将写文章并把它们寄到杂志社或报社。 ________________________________________________________________________ Step 1 情景导入 Teacher:We learned some words and some important sentences.Do you remember them?First let's have a dictation. 2 Teacher lets the students write some important words and sentences,then check the answers in pairs. 环节说明:通过听写检查,老师了解了学生对上节课所学知识的掌握情况,从而促使学 生更加努力地去学这一节课的内容。 Step 2 完成教材 Grammar Focus 的任务 1.学生大声朗读 Grammar Focus 的句子。(2 分钟) 2.小结训练。(2 分钟) What_do_you_want_to_be_when_you_grow_u p?(长大之后你想干什么?) I_want_to_be_an_engineer.(我想成为一名 工程师。) How_are_you_going_to_do_that?(你打算 怎么去做呢?) I'm_going_to_study_math_really_hard.( 我将努力学习数学。) Where_are_you_going_to_work?(你将去哪 里工作?) I'm_going_to_move_to_Shanghai.(我将搬 到上海去。) When_are_you_going_to_start?(你将什么 时候动身?) I'm_going_to_start_when_I_finish_high_ school_and_college.(当我读完高中和大学 的时候就动身去。) 环节说明:通过对 Grammar Focus 句型的填空练习能够使学生更好地理解掌握本单元的 重点语法和句型。 Step 3 完成教材 3a—3c 的任务 1.认真阅读 3a 左右两组句子,然后将句子搭配,完成后小组内互相交流答案,然后熟 读句子。(3 分钟) 2.认真阅读 3b 中的对话,根据所学知识补全对话,完成后小组成员互相交流答案,然 后两人一组练习对话,并邀请几组学生表演对话。(5 分钟) 3.完成 3c 表格,然后和你的搭档仿照方框中的对话进行练习。(3 分钟) 参考案例 A:What do you want to be when you grow up? B:I want to be a reporter. A:How are you going to do that? B:I'm going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. 4.小结训练。(2 分钟) (A)1.The old man worked at ________ university. A.a B.an C.any D./ (B)2.She is going to be a doctor when she ________ up. A.grow B.grows C.is going to grow D.grew (D)3.He is in Beijing now,but he ________ London next year. A.moves to B.is going to move C.moved to D.is going to move to (B)4.—Can you help me send the books ________ Jim? —No problem. A.for B.to C.at C.with 环节说明:通过本环节的学习,学生练习掌握了 be going to 句型,同时提高了语言 表达能力。 Step 4 问题探究 3 1.send 的用法 你 能 把 这 本 书 送 给 Jim 吗 ? Can_you_send_this_book_to_Jim ? 或 Can_you_send_Jim_this_book? send 意为“邮寄,赠送”,把某东西送给某人 send_sb.sth.或 send_sth.to_sb. ( )2.I am going to tell him about it when I ________ him. A.see B.am going to see C.is seeing D.saw 答案选择 A,when 意为“当……的时候”,引导时间状语从句,主句用一般将来时态, 从句用一般现在时态,be going to 是将来时态的一种形式,因此答案选择 A。 请学生们做前面课时训练部分。

