八年级上英语课件《I'm going to study computer science》 (16)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《I'm going to study computer science》 (16)_人教新课标

Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions? What is it? My New Year’s Resolution has to do with self-improvement. I’m going to take up violin. I’m going to take violin lessons every weekends. My New Year’s Resolution has to do with physical health. I’m going to eat less fast food and get lots of exercise. New Year’s Resolutions New year is coming, I’m going to do a lot of things next year. First, I want to improve my English, so I’m going to practice it very often and have many conversations with my friends. Then, I want to take part in the sports meeting and get good grades, so I’m going to do sports every day such as swimming, running and so on. At the same time, I’m going to eat more healthy food instead of junk food. Next, I want to join the dancing club, so I’m going to practice dancing twice a week. Finally, I want to get more experience. I’m going to get a part-time job, in that way I can get more experience. I hope my resolutions can come true in the coming year. 知识点• 1,play the piano 弹钢琴 • 弹奏乐器用the 球类不用the • Play the violin play basketball • Play volleyball. • 2,make the soccer team 组建足球队 • 3,get good grades 取得好成绩 • Grade 可数名词 • 丽丽上学期取得好成绩 • Lily got good grades last term. • 4,eat healthier food 吃健康的食物 • Healthy-比较级—healthier • 我比你更健康 • I am healthier than you. • 5,get lots of exercise得到许多锻炼 Exercise 名词,体操,练习题 请做60页上的练习题 Do the exercises on page 60 • Exercise 锻炼,动词 • 我爸爸每天锻炼 • My father exercises every day. • Exercise 名词 锻炼,不可数 • Another另一个,再一个,后面接单数,相 当于a/an • 请再给我一个苹果 Give me another apple please. 1d • Kim • he is going to study hard and do homework. • Mike • He is going to practice hard,and going to a soccer camp. 2a Discuss the questions with your partner. 1.Did you make any resolution last year? 2.Were you able to keep them? Why or why not? be able to… 会;能够 知识点 • 1,be able to。。。 能够 • 后面接动词原形,用于各种时态 • 我将能够再见到你 • I will be able able to see you again • 当我6岁时我能够说英语 • I was able to speak English when I was 6 years old. 2b 1. Do you know what a resolution is? It’s a kind of promise. Most of the time, we make promises to other people. (“Mom, I promise I’m going to tidy my room when I get back from school.”) However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions, and the most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. _______ When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives. Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. This helps them to remember their resolutions. Others tell their family and friends about their wish and plans. D 2b Read the passage and match each paragraph[1-3] with its main purpose in the box. Underline the words and phrases that helped you decide. To question the idea of making resolutions To give the meaning of resolution To discuss the different kinds of resolutions Paragraph 3 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 知识点 • 1,question 质疑,动词 • 不要质疑我,我是正确的 • Don’t question me,I am true • 问题,可数名词 • 我有许多问题 • I have many questions • 2,meaning 含义,意义 • Do you know the meaning of the words? • 3,different kinds of 不同种类 • all kinds of 各种各样 • a kind of 一种 • 1,promise名词,诺言,可数名词 • Make promises to sb向某人许诺 • My parents made promises to me last year. • Promise to do sth许诺做某事 • Promose sb sth许诺某人某事 • 2,tidy 整理 名词,整洁的 • 3,at the beginning of • 4,write down • 5,remember to do sth • Remember doing sth 2. There are different kinds of resolutions. Some are about physical health. For example, some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food. Many resolutions have to do with self- improvement. _____Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos, or learn to play the guitar. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork._____ A B 1,physics 物理学 physical 身体的 physical health身体健康 2,promise themselves保证自己 3,have to do with与。。。有关系 孙小姐与这件事有关 Miss Sun has to do with the matter. Have nothing to do with与。。无关系 我与汤姆无关 I have nothing to do with Tom 4,take up 培养,学着做,开始做 我的爸爸在40岁时开始学英语 My father took up English at the age of 40, 你什么时候学习音乐? When did you take up music? 5,like像,介词, 3. Although there are differences, most resolutions have one thing in common. People hardly ever keep them! ___Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometimes people just forget about them. For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions! How about you— will you make any next year? C 1,have one thing in common 在某方面相同 2,too…to…太。。。而不能 Too后面接形容词,to后面接动词, 本身有否定意义 我太小而不能去上学 I am too young to go to school. 他太累而不能再走路 He is too tired to walk again. 3,相当于so…that…【如此,以至 于。。。】 So 后面接形容词【副词】that 后面接 句子[常与can’t] I am so young that I can’t go to school. He is so tired that he can’t walk again. 2c Write the letters [A-D] in the correct places in the passage. A: There are about making yourself a better person. B: For example, a student may have to find more time to study. C: There are good reasons for this. D: The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions. 1 3 2 4 1.What is a resolution? 2. When do people usually make resolutions? 3.Why do people usually make resolutions? 2d Answer the questions with short sentences. It is a kind of promise. The start of the year. They want to improve their lives. 4. How do people remember their resolutions? 5.How many kinds of resolutions does the writer talk about? 6.Why do you think resolutions may be difficult to keep? 7.Do you the best resolution is to have no resolutions? Why or why not? They write down them or tell their family and friends. Three . Because sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep or people just forget about them. Yes , I think so. Because doing is better than saying. have to do with (与…有关) make promises(做出承诺) have something in common (有共同之处) write down (写下;记下) for this reason(为此;由于这个原因) take up(开始从事) 2e Find these phrases in the passage. Then write your own sentences with them. 1. A resolution is a kind of p________. We usually make resolutions at the b_________ of the year. We hope to i_________ our lives. Fill in the blanks with the right words. romise eginning mprove 2. Some resolutions are about p_______ health. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a w______ plan for s__________. hysical eekly choolwork 1. 在……的开端 _________________ 2. 写下;记录下 _________________ 3. 关于;与......有关系 ________________ 4. 学着做;开始做 ___________________ 5. 有相同之处 _______________________ 6. 太……而不能 ________________ 7. 向某人许诺 __________________ 8. 提高某人的生活 _________________ Let’s review the phrases. And make a sentence with it. at the beginning of write down have to do with take up too … to … make promises to sb. improve one’s life have something in common 首先,掌握方框中单词的含义;并阅读短 文,整体把握短文大意。 其次,分析有空格的每个句子,根据上下 文意及固定搭配来确定空格处的意思,从 而确定空格处所用的单词。 最后,再通读一遍短文,检查是否正确。 写作指导: Complete the first two paragraphs about resolutions with the words in the box. 3a 3a Complete the first two paragraphs about resolutions with the words in the box. take listen make is help learn are Resolutions______ promises to yourself. They may______ to make you a better person and to make your life easier. I’m going to ______ four resolutions. The first resolution has to do with my own personal improvement. Next year, or maybe sooner, I am going to ______ up a new hobby. I think singing ______ a great activity so I am going to ______ to sing. I think this will make my family happy because they love to ______ to music and sing together. are help make take is learn listen 1. are; 句意“决心是对你自己的许诺。” 2. help; 空格前有情态动词may,可知空 格处应用动词原形;此处应为固定搭 配help to do sth. 帮某人…… 3. make;句意“我打算下四个决心。” 4. take;固定搭配 take up 开始学习。 5. is;动名词 singing 做主语时,做单数 看,因此空格处应用is的形式。 6. learn;固定搭配learn to do sth. 学习 做某事 7. listen; 固定搭配 listen to music 听音 乐 3b Write your resolutions under the following headings. 1.Ideas for improving my physical health _______________________________________ 2. Ideas for improving my relationships with my family and friends ——————————————————— 3. Ideas for doing better at school _______________________________________ get more exercise, Ø 本文为写自己新年决心。因此在写句 子时应用一般将来时态,用 be going to 结构。 Ø 根据3b中的要点提示,模仿3a中的写 作方式,将自己的新年决心依次写在每 个相关的决心里。 Ø 最后,再通读一遍自己的短文,看是 否通顺和正确。 写作指导: 1. Ideas for improving my physical health ___________________________________ 2. Ideas for improving my relationships with my family and friends ___________________________________ ___________________________________ get more exercise; help mom cook meals; Write your resolutions under the following headings. eat more vegetables play games with friends 3b 3. Ideas for doing better at school ___________________________________ ___________________________________ make a weekly plan for schoolwork; work hard at math and English The second resolution is about improving my physical health. __________________________________ __________________________________ Use your notes to write three more paragraphs about your resolutions. In each paragraph, write what you are going to do and why. 3c I’m going to get more exercise and eat more vegetables. The third resolution is about improving my relationships with my family and friends. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ I’m going to help mom cook meal and do the dishes. I’m going to play games with my friends. The last resolutions is about how to do better at school. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ I’m going to make a weekly plan for schoolwork. I’m going work hard at English and math. e.g. This is my own camera. I bought it with my own money. 这是我自己的照像机,是我用自己的钱 买的。 1. own adj. & adv. 自己的;私人的 常用结构:“one’s own + 事物”某人 自己的事物 e.g. Personal health is necessary for this job. 做此工作需要健康身体。 2. personal adj. 个人的;私人的 This kind of dog can guide the blind person. 这种狗能引导盲人行走。 名词 person (人) + al → personal 个人的 e.g. The relationship between Mr. Smith and his son is very close. 史密斯和他儿子的关系 很亲密。 3. relationship n. 关系 名词 relation + ship → relationship 关系 4 Imagine you work for your city. Think of a plan to make it cleaner and greener. 1.We’re going to make the subway better. Then people don’t have to drive to work. 2.___________________ 3.___________________ 4.___________________ 5.___________________ 1. We’re going to make subway better. Then people don’t have to drive to work. 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ Imagine you work for your city. Think of plan to make it cleaner and greener. 4 We’re going to plant more trees and flowers around the city. We’re going to go to school or work by electric-bike. cleaner energy We’re going to help clean the streets and parks on weekends. We’re going to use more cleaner energy. 1. Match the jobs with the school subjects. Then make some sentences with them. 1. computer programmer medicine 2. engineer computer science 3. doctor math 4. basketball player science 5. scientist P.E. e.g. 1. I want to be a compute programmer, I’m going to study computer science. 3. I’m going to be a doctor. I’m going to study medicine. 2. I want to be an engineer. I’m going to study math. e.g. 1. I want to be a compute programmer, I’m going to study computer science. 4. I want to be a basketball player. I’m going to take more P.E. classes. 5. I want to be a scientist. I’m going to study science. A: What do you ______ to be when you grow up? B: I want ______ a scientist. A: Wow! That sounds cool. But it’s also difficult. _____ are you _____ to do that? B: After I finish high school, I’m ______ to go to university. 2. Fill in the blanks in the conversation. want to be How going going A: ______ are you ______ to study? B: In Hefei. I’m ______ to study there for four years. A: I think I want ______ a teacher. I’m ______ to teach in Wuhan. Where going going to be going 1. want; 由时间状语“当你长大后”, 可知空格处意为“你想成为什么人 物”。2. to be; 动词want后面跟to不定式短语 做宾语。句意“我长大想成为一名科 学家。” 3. How; going; 分析句子结构,主、谓、 宾语都有,可知应缺少状语成分;句 意:你打算如何做? 5. Where, going; 由答语“在合肥”, 可知所问的为地点,句意:“你 打算在什么地方学习?” 4. going; 因为上面的问句为一般将 来时态,因此本句应也用一般将 来时态,故用 be going to 结构。 6. going; 本句也应是一般将来时态。 7. to be; going; want 后面跟 to 不定式 结构;并且后一句也应为一般将来 时态。句意:我想成为一名教师, 我打算在武汉教书。 Tomorrow, I’m going to _______________ ____________________________________. Next week, ___________________________ ____________________________________. Next month, _________________________ ____________________________________. Next year, ___________________________ ___________________________________. play soccer with my friends in the park I’m going to visit my grandparents in Shanghai with my family 3. Write about your plans. I’m going to take up chess in our school chess club I’m going to learn to swim with my uncle. He’s a great swimming player Interview five of your friends. Ask them what they’re going to do next weekend. Then write a report. Hold fast to dreams. They will come true one day! 紧紧抓住梦想,总有一天 梦想会成真。

