八年级上英语课件Period 2 Unit 1 A_外研版

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八年级上英语课件Period 2 Unit 1 A_外研版

Period 2 Unit 1 A 浙江外研版 八年级上 1 wide 2 3 4 基础巩固 提示:点击 进入习题 5 答案呈现 hills population coast  busy 1 2 3 4 5 How was; Pretty good on the coast The population of; is taller; many other; players as careful as 一 二 1 busier  2 3 4 5 buildings hotter old to visit 三 答案呈现 1 2 3 4 5 C B C B B 一 综合能力 1 2 3 4 5 west smaller shorter eighty thousand cool; cold 任务阅读 A 1 2 3 4 5 C A E B D B 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. How________(宽)is Chang'an Street? Do you know? 2. There are beautiful________(小山)around the village. 3. The_________(人口)of Hong Kong is more than seven million. 4. The city is on the western________(海岸)of the country. 5. My father is very________(忙碌的)this week. wide hills population coast  busy 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. ——你的假期过得怎么样? ——非常好。 —________ ________your holiday? —________ ________. How was Pretty good 2. 大连是一个港口城市。 Dalian is a city________ ________ ________. on the coast 3. 中国有超过13亿的人口。 ________ _________ ________China ________more than 1. 3 billion. The population of is 4. 姚明比许多其他篮球运动员都高。 Yao Ming is ________than________ ________ basketball________. taller many other players 5. 这学期我会和你一样认真。 I'll be ________ ________ ________you this term. as careful as 三、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Which city is________(busy), Wuhan or Nanjing?busier  2. There are many tall________(build) in London. buildings 3. The weather is________(hot) in Hainan than that in Beijing. hotter 4. —How old are you? —I'm fourteen. And I'm as________(old) as my friend, Tim.old 5. I'd like________(visit) the Diwang Tower this summer. to visit 阅读理解。 1. Before getting to London,the writer ________. A. didn't know anything about London B. could speak in this city's English C. knew London from the movies and pictures D. drew a picture of London √ 【点拨】推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者在没 去伦敦之前,在电影和照片中对伦敦了解了一些。 请同学们看《典中点》第A8页短文。 2. The underlined word “heaven” means________. A. 异乡  B. 天堂  C. 宇宙  D. 现实√ 【点拨】词义猜测题。由后文中带着地方口音的出 租车司机,来自世界各地的游客,古老的出租车等 可知,作者有进入天堂的感觉。 3. The writer thought London is a________ city. A. small B. dirty C. nice D. boring√ 【点拨】由第二段第一句“London is so nice” 可知作者认为伦敦是一座不错的城市。故选C。 4. The writer didn't see________ in the movies and pictures according to the passage. A. London taxis B. St. Pancras Station C. Big Ben D. the River Thames √ 【点拨】细节理解题。通读全文可知,作者未 提及在电影和照片中看到St. Pancras Station。 5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. London is famous for Big Ben and the River Thames. B. The taxi drivers in London didn't speak English. C. The writer thought his trip wonderful. D. The writer saw a popular show and took many pictures. √ 【点拨】细节理解题。由第二段可知,当地出租 车司机说着具有地方口音的英语,并非不讲英语。 A 下表是Liu Tao,Jenny和Jane 三个人的家乡情况, 请根据表格内容完成句子。 1. Jane's home town is in the ________ of America. 请同学们看《典中点》第A9页表格。 west 【点拨】由第四行第二列可知空格处填west。 2. Liu Tao's home town is ________ than Jenny's and Jane's. smaller 【点拨】由表格第三列内容可知,刘涛家乡的面积 是最小的,又由空格后的than可知空格处填smaller 。 3. Jenny's home town has a ________ history than Jane's home town. shorter 【点拨】由表格第五列可知Jenny的家 乡只有140年的历史,是时间最短的。 4. The population of Liu Tao's home town is ______________.eighty thousand 【点拨】由表格第二行第四列可 知刘涛家乡的人口数量是八千人。 5. The weather is ________ in summer in Liu Tao‘s and Jenny’s home towns, and it's ________ in winter in Liu Tao's and Jane's home towns. cool cold 【点拨】由表格第六列可知,刘涛和Jenny的 家乡夏天凉爽;刘涛和Jane的家乡冬天寒冷。 B 根据短文内容,将下列句子还原到文中空白处。 A. In this area,most people did not have much money. B. You can hear more than 250 languages on the streets of London. C. In 2008,somebody bought the most expensive house in the city for £80,000,000! D. There are Chinese people in London's Chinatown. E. More than 25% of the people in London were not born there. London is one of the biggest cities in the world. It is the home of about 8, 000, 000 people. But homes in London are very different. Many of the city's richest areas are in the west of the city. ________1C 【点拨】结合上文“这个城市的许多富裕的地区都 在城市的西部”可知,下文介绍城市西部的富裕程 度;同时选项C中的8,000,000与上文呼应,故选C。 Of course, it is very different in the other areas of the city. In the 1700s and 1800s, people built many houses east of the old city walls. ________2 The houses were small, and sometimes more than one family lived in the same house. A 【点拨】由句意“在18世纪和19世纪,人们在老城墙 以东建造了许多房屋,______,这些房子很小,有时 住在同一所房子里的不止一个家庭”可知第二题选A。 They used the same kitchen and outside toilet. After World War Ⅱ, the British government pulled down many of these houses. They started building tall buildings for the people in the area. ________3 People come to the capital from other areas of Britain. Many people come from other countries. E 【点拨】空格后的句意为“人们从英国其他地 区来到首都。许多人来自其他国家”,由此可 知空格处介绍许多人不是伦敦本地人,故选E。 ________4 People from South Asian(南亚的) countries came to London after World War ll. In the 1950s, many people from the West Indies(西印度群岛) moved to West London. B 【点拨】结合句意可知,很多南亚和西印度 群岛的人来到伦敦,因此在伦敦的街道上可 以听到很多种语言。结合选项,故选B。 Today, people from many countries live in every area of the city. ________5 London is really “the world in one city”. D 【点拨】空格前句意为“今天,来自许多国家 的人们生活在城市的每一个地区”,因此结合 选项可知选D,唐人街生活着许多中国人民。

