外研版八年级英语上册Module 11测试题含答案

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外研版八年级英语上册Module 11测试题含答案

外研版八年级英语上册Module 11测试题含答案 第二部分 英语知识运用(共2节,满分25分)‎ 第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎(C)21.Tom ________ a present from his friend yesterday,and he ________ it gladly.‎ A.received;received B.accepted;accepted C.received;accepted ‎(C)22.I really enjoy the soup.It ________ delicious.‎ A.stays B.feels C.tastes ‎(B)23.You'd better ________ there alone.It's dangerous.‎ A.don't go     B.not go C.won't go ‎(C)24.—I still haven't found my pet dog.‎ ‎—I'm sorry to hear that.You ________ be very sad.‎ A.can B.should C.must ‎(B)25.—(安顺中考)Must I stay here with you,Mum?‎ ‎—No,you ________.You may go home now,but you ________ go to the netbar.‎ A.mustn't;needn't     B.needn't;mustn't C.must;need ‎(A)26.The room was full ________ smoke after the big fire.‎ A.of B.with C.in ‎(A)27.Will you ________ finish your homework before eight o'clock?‎ A.be able to     B.can C.may ‎(B)28.When you meet people,you must ________ them Mr,Mrs,or their surnames.‎ A.tell B.call C.speak ‎(C)29.You mustn't travel on the bus________ a ticket.‎ 10‎ A.on B.for C.without ‎(B)30.—Jim,you can't wrap hongbao ________ black.In our country,we usually wrap it in red paper.‎ ‎—Really?Oh,thank you for telling me about this.‎ A.for B.in C.with ‎(B)31.Our school is quite different ________ others.‎ A.as B.from C.for ‎(B)32.You'd better not give ________ to a Chinese as a gift.‎ A.a box     B.a clock C.much paper money ‎(A)33.________ it's difficult to make her dream come true,she never gives up.‎ A.Though B.Unless C.Because ‎(C)34.This sign means“________”.‎ A.Go up     B.No parking C.Don't touch ‎(C)35.As a new teacher,she doesn't have ______.‎ A.enough experiences B.experiences enough C.enough experience 第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ Around the world,people have different ideas about what good table manners are.In India,36 ,people only eat with their right hands.You take food from one dish on the table,usually a kind of bread or rice,mix it with food from another dish and then put it in your mouth.Your left hand stays 37 .Eating with your left hand is very rude!‎ In western countries,people do not usually share the same dishes.Everyone has his or her own plate of food.You eat with a knife and fork and you 38 wave them around when you are not eating.Try not to be 39 when eating.People think that is bad table manners!When you go to some restaurants in different part of the world,it is important to know 40 people think is rude.For example,in China it is OK to be noisy in a restaurant. 41 ,in many western 10‎ ‎ countries,restaurants are quiet places.If a table is too noisy,other customers might not be happy.‎ ‎ 42 the meal is also different from country to country.In China,one person usually pays for everyone.In western countries,when friends eat together,they 43 share the cost.This is called“going Dutch.”When westerners pay the check,they usually leave some 44 for the waiter.This is called“leaving a tip”.In the US,it's common to leave tips of 10%,15% or 20% of the check.The amount depends on(由……决定)how good the waiter was. 45 waiters can get a lot of money!‎ ‎(D)36.A.such as   B.in fact C.at last D.for example ‎(B)37.A.busy B.still C.moving D.shaking ‎(C)38.A.may B.must C.shouldn't D.need ‎(C)39.A.friendly B.quiet C.noisy D.sleepy ‎(A)40.A.what B.how C.which D.why ‎(D)41.A.So B.Or C.Though D.However ‎(B)42.A.Asking for B.Paying for C.Looking through D.Searching for ‎(A)43.A.usually B.sometimes C.never D.ever ‎(C)44.A.food B.drinks C.money D.flowers ‎(B)45.A.Bad B.Good C.Careful D.Beautiful 10‎ 第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A American people like to say “Thank you”or say something kind when others help them.People of many countries do so,too.It is a very good habit.‎ You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table,when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you,when someone says you have done your work well,or you have bought a nice thing,or your city is very beautiful.“Thank you”is used not only between friends,but also between parents and children,brothers and sisters.‎ ‎“Excuse me”is another short sentence they use.When you hear someone say so behind you,you know that somebody wants to walk past you without touching you.It's not polite to break others when they are talking.If you want to speak to one of them,say,“Excuse me”first,and then begin talking.You should also do so when you begin to cough or make any noise before others.Let's learn to say“Thank you”and“Excuse me”.‎ ‎(C)46.You should say“Thank you”when ______.‎ A.you say something kind to others B.you help others C.someone helps you ‎(A)47.From the passage we know “Thank you”is ______.‎ A.widely used in the world B.used more often than“Excuse me”‎ C.used only by Americans ‎(A)48.You should say“Excuse mc”if you want to ______.‎ A.speak to others B.help others C.someone helps you ‎(C)49.When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way,you should say“________”.‎ A.Thank you B.That's very kind of you C.Excuse me 10‎ ‎(B)50.This passage mainly tells us the way ______.‎ A.to be happy B.to be polite C.to help others B It's true that every country has its customs.‎ We all know that in America if people are pleased with you,they will give you a sign“OK”.But maybe you don't know this sign is considered to be rude in Brazil.‎ In Poland,guests usually choose flowers as presents for hostesses(女主人).Remember the number must be an odd(奇数)one.And the hostess doesn't hope that you remove the cover of the bunch(束)of flowers.You must be more careful when you give red roses to a woman because the red rose means love.‎ In China we often hear people say that“nodding”means agreement(同意).And“shaking the head”means disagreement.But in Bulgaria they mean the opposite.‎ We really need to pay more attention to the differences in customs.What's more,we should learn more about them in order to avoid embarrassment(尴尬).Do remember:When in Rome,do as the Romans do.‎ ‎(B)51.The sign“OK”is different between ______.‎ A.America and China B.America and Brazil C.Brazil and Poland D.America and Bulgaria ‎(C)52.In Poland,when a man sends some red roses to a woman as presents,it means ________.‎ A.he will invite her to a dinner party B.he will invite her to sing and dance C.he has fallen in love with her D.he will surely marry her ‎(B)53.In Bulgaria,if a person shakes his head,that means he ________.‎ A.doesn't want to talk with you B.agrees with you C.disagrees with you 10‎ D.doesn't like you ‎(D)54.The sentence“When in Rome,do as the Romans do.”means that ________.‎ A.we do what the Romans do B.we should do after the Romans C.we must learn from the Romans D.we must observe(遵守)its customs when we are in a foreign country ‎(A)55.The main idea of this passage is ________.‎ A.different countries,different customs B.different countries,the same customs C.learning from the Romans D.doing what the Romans do C(乐山中考)‎ Have you ever got your lunch,but not known where to sit?You don't want to sit alone.But you are not sure who would be friendly and let you sit with them.‎ To solve the problem,Natalie Hampton,16,made an app called Sit With Us.It makes finding friends in the school canteen(食堂)very easy.Natalie is from Sherman Oaks,California,US.‎ The free app went online on Sep.9.Students can sign up as“ambassadors”(大使)for a club.Then they can post“open lunch”events to invite others to join in.‎ Natalie got the idea to create the app after she ate alone her whole seventh grade year.The experience made her feel sad and she was even bullied(欺负).She changed schools because of that.‎ People may want to know why you don't just ask to sit down.Natalie said the app stops kids from being rejected in front of others.“This way is very private.It's through the phone.No one else has to know.And you know that you're not going to be rejected once you get to the table,”she told NPR.‎ So far,the app works well.“I had my first club meeting,and everyone was very excited.People are already posting open lunches at my school.So I'm very excited,”Natalie told NPR.‎ ‎(D)56.Natalie Hampton made an app to solve the problem of ________.‎ A.having no idea when to have lunch B.having no friends to go out with 10‎ C.feeling lonely without friends at school D.having no friends to have lunch with ‎(A)57.Natalie Hampton once changed her school because ________.‎ A.she ate her lunch alone for a year and was bullied B.she didn't like the food in the school canteen C.she was not welcomed in her class D.she has more friends in the new school ‎(C)58.What does the underlined word“rejected”in Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese?‎ A.嘲笑 B.惩罚 C.拒绝 D.戏弄 ‎(D)59.According to the passage,we can learn that ______.‎ A.we can get free lunch at school with the app B.we can share the lunch pictures on the app C.we need to pay some money to use the app D.we can easily find someone to sit with during lunch time ‎(B)60.Which word can be used to describe Natalie Hampton most?‎ A.Brave. B.Creative.‎ C.Kind. D.Polite.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文前方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ A.The Silk Road was important.‎ B.The Chinese sold silk for thousands of years.‎ C.The Silk Road went from China to Eastern Europe.‎ D.Traveling in a big group like a caravan helped in protecting themselves.‎ E.Later,under the rule of the Yuan Dynasty,Chinese trade along the Silk Road was fully developed.‎ ‎61. C It went along the north of China,India,and Persia and ended up in Eastern Europe near today's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea.It was called the Silk Road because one of the major products traded was silk cloth from China.‎ 10‎ Chinese silk was soft and of high quality.So people throughout Asia and Europe loved it very much.62. B Even the Romans called China the“land of silk”.‎ Besides silk,the Chinese also sold teas,salt,sugar,porcelain(陶瓷),and spices.Most of the goods was expensive.This was because it was a long trip and traders didn't have a lot of room for goods.They bought goods like cotton,ivory,wool,gold,and silver.‎ Traders travelled in large caravans.They would have many guards with them.63. D Most of the road was through dry land.So camels were popular animals for transport.‎ Although there was some trade between China and the rest of the world for some time,the silk trade developed quickly during the Han Dynasty which ruled from 206 BC to 220 AD.64. E During this time the Mongols controlled most of the trade road,and Chinese traders travel safely.Also,traders had a higher social position during the Mongol rule.65. A It not only helped to develop trade between different countries,but also helped for ideas,culture and inventions to spread across the world.‎ 卷Ⅱ (非选择题,共40分)‎ 第四部分 写作(共四节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 词汇(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 根据下列句子的句意、汉语提示或英语解释,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式,每空一词。‎ ‎66.At last they accepted (接受)my suggestion.‎ ‎67.They are playing chess (国际象棋)over there.‎ ‎68.Can the foreigner use chopsticks (筷子)?‎ ‎69.I received a gift (present)yesterday.‎ ‎70.I had many wonderful experiences (something that happens to you)in Beijing this summer.‎ 第二节 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。‎ ‎71.I can't go with you.How about him?(改为同乂句)‎ I can't go with you. What about him?‎ ‎72.I can help him to water the flowers.(对画线部分提问)‎ ‎ What can you help him to do ?‎ ‎73.我们必须一周打扫一次寝室。‎ We must clean up the bedroom once a week.‎ 10‎ ‎74.如果在阅读时遇到一个新词,你最好查字典。‎ If you meet a new word when you are reading ,you'd better look it up .‎ ‎75.我一听到这个消息,我迫不及待地向家跑。‎ As soon as I heard the news,I couldn't wait to run home.‎ 第三节 完成短文和对话(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ A)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。‎ Hello,I'm Tina.I'm from Japan.My country is very beautiful.Japanese people are pretty 76.friendly (friend).But Japan is very 77. different (difference)from the USA.When you meet someone for the 78. first (one)time,you are supposed to bow.It's very important to be on time.If someone invite you to meet them at 5:00,you have to be there at 5:00.It's impolite 79. to arrive (arrive)late.Japanese food is very delicious.But we have many rules to obey.You aren't supposed to make noise while 80. eating (eat)noodles.It's not polite to stick your chopsticks into your food.It's also rude to point at anyone with your chopsticks.‎ B)阅读下面对话,在空白处填入恰当的内容。‎ Li Meng and John have finished swimming.‎ Li Meng:81. How nice and cool the water is!But I'm feeling a bit hungry now.How about having something to eat?‎ John:82. Good__idea/OK .‎ Li Meng:Is there a restaurant nearby?‎ John:Yes,there is.‎ Li Meng:83. How far is it from here ?‎ John:It's only five minutes' walk.Let's go.‎ Li Meng:OK! Oh,I almost forgot my book.‎ John:84. What kind of book is it ?‎ Li Meng:A comic book.I often read 85. when/if I'm not busy.What about you?‎ John:Me,too.I think comic books can make me relaxed.‎ Li Meng:Yeah,I agree with you.‎ 第四节 书面表达(满分10分)‎ ‎86.假如你是王洪,你的英国朋友迈克计划来一个中国家庭做客。他想了解一下中国的餐桌礼仪。请你给他发个电子邮件,向他介绍一下,70词以上。‎ Dear Mike,‎ 10‎ I'm very glad to receive your letter.Here is some advice for you when you visit a Chinese family. Chinese people like using chopsticks instead of knives and forks.You can always ask for a pair of knives and forks if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough. ‎ ‎ In China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares.Sometimes the Chinese hosts use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate.This is a sign of friendship and politeness.It is always polite to eat the food.If you do not eat it or feel uncomfortable with this,you can just say thank you and leave the food there.When you have had enough,just say“I'm full.Thank you.” ‎ ‎ You can make some noise especially when you are eating noodles,but don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks because it is not polite. ‎ Yours,‎ Wang Hong 10‎

