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Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Section A 2 Grammar focus-3c Can you play tennis with me tomorrow afternoon? Sure. I’d love to. I’m afraid not. I have the flu. Practice the following conversations. Can Kate go fishing tomorrow morning? No, she can’t. She must prepare for the math exam. Can Linda hang out on Saturday afternoon? No, she’s not available. She has to help her mom. Can Nick and Peter go hiking tomorrow? No, they are not free. They might have to visit their grandparents. 1. 星期六你能来我的聚会吗? ____ you _____ to my party on Saturday? 2. 当然 , 我乐意去。 Sure, ____ ____ ___. 3. 对不起 , 我必须为数学考试而学习。 Sorry, I _____ ______ ____ a math test. 4. 明天晚上你能去看电影吗? ____ you ____ to the movies __________ night? Grammar focus I’d love to Can come must study for Can go 根据课本内容 , 完成下列句子。 tomorrow 5. 当然可以 , 听起来很棒。 _____, that _______ _____. 6. 恐怕不行 , 我得了流感。 I’m ______ not. I have the ____. 7. 他能参加聚会吗? ____ he ___ to the party? 8. 不能。他得帮助他的父母。 No, he _____. He _____ to help his parents. 9. 她能参加棒球比赛吗? ____ she go to the baseball ______? Sure sounds great afraid flu Can game Can go can’t has 10. 不,她没有空。她必须去看医生。 No, she’s ____ _________. She _____ ___ to the _______. 11. 他们能去看电影吗? ____ they ____ to the _______? 12. 不 , 他们没有空。他们可能必须去见朋友。 No, they’re not ____. They _____ _____ ___ meet their ________. not available must go doctor friends Can go movies free might have to can 表示请求时,可用来发出邀请,这时答语比较灵活。 如果接受邀请,答语可用 __________________ / _______________ 等; can 在本单元表示 请求 和 可能性 。 Sure, it sounds great. Sure, I’d love to. 我们已经学过情态动词 can 表示 能力 。 can 用于表示能力,意为 “ 能,会 ” 。 e.g. Tom can ride a horse. 汤姆会骑马。 其他提出邀请的句型: Could/ Will/ Would you like to ...? How/ What about ...? Why not ...? Let’s ...? I hope you ...? 接受邀请 Yes, I’d love/ like to. Certainly, I’d love/ like to. Sure, I’d love/ like to. Thanks for asking me. Thanks for your invitation. 婉拒邀请 I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to … I’d love/ like to, but I have to… Sorry, I can’t. I’m going to… Thanks for your invitation. can 还可表示一种“ 可能性 ”,可用来询问打听第三方能否参加某项活动。如课本中的句子 Can he go to the party? , 这类问句的 肯定答语为 Yes, he / she / they can. ; 否定答语为 No, he / she / they can’t. 或 No, he / she is / they are not available. 等。 如: —Can Alice go to the movies with us tonight? —Yes, she can. / No, she’s not available. She has to look after her sister. Summary Today we have learnt how to say “yes” or “no” to someone’s invitation and give a reason. 1) Can you…? 常用于发出邀请。 2) Sure, I’d love to. 这是对邀请的肯定回答,表示接受邀请。 Sure 用于口语,表示接受邀请,相当于 Certainly, yes 。 3) Sorry, I can’t 是对邀请的否定回答。 watch TV, on the weekend, my cousin, visit my grandparents, practice the violin 1. A: What are you going to do on Saturday? B: I’m not sure. I might _____________________. 3a Practice Complete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box. visit my grandparents 4. A: Who are you going to the movies with? B: _____________________________________________. 5. A: Are you free to come to my place on Saturday? B: _____________________________________________. I’m not sure. I might go with my cousin I’m not sure. I might have to practice the violin 2. A: What are you planning to do after school? B: I don’t know. ____________________________. 3. A: When will you finish the science homework? B: ______________________________________________. I might watch TV I don’t know. I might finish it on the weekend 1. Inviting: __________________________ (can/play tennis) Accepting: ________________________ 2. Inviting: __________________________ (would like to/go to the movies) Refusing: _________________________ Reason: __________________________ (might have to) Complete the sentences below. Use the words in brackets to help you. 3b 3. Inviting: ___________________________ (can/hang out with us tonight) Refusing: __________________________ Reason: _____________________ (must) 4. Inviting: ___________________________ __________________________ (would like to / come to my birthday party) Accepting: _________________________ 指导: 1. 根据要求可知,需要我们写出一句邀请的话和接受邀请或拒绝的问答句,如果是拒绝邀请应给出理由。 2. 按提示词,用 Can you…? 或 Would you like …? 加上所做事项来询问。如果是拒绝邀请,可以想一个适当理由来说明。 1. Can you play tennis with us? Sure. That sounds great. 2. Would you like to go to the movies on Friday? I’m afraid I can’t. I might have to prepare for the math exam. 3. Can you hang out with us tonight? Sorry. I am not free. I must help my mom at home. 4. Would you like to come to my birthday party? Sure. I’d love to. 1. invite v. 邀请 ◆ invite sb. to sth. 意为“邀请某人参加 …… ;邀请某人到 ……” 。如: I’m going to invite my friends to my party this Sunday. ◆invite sb. to do sth. 意为“邀请某人做某 事”。如: The young man invited me to sing just now. Explanations 【 链接 】 invite 的名词形式是 invitation 。 与 invitation 相关的短语有: make an invitation  发出邀请 accept an invitation  接受邀请 turn down / refuse/ decline an invitation 拒绝邀请 【 运用 】 Ⅰ. 单项选择 —Why are you so excited? —Nancy invited me _____ on a trip to Dongjiang Lake just now. A. to go B. go C. going (2016 湖南郴州 ) A Ⅱ. 完成句子,每空词数不限。 1) 汤姆邀请我去他们学校。 Tom ___________________ their school. 2) 珍妮,你向米勒先生发出邀请了吗? Jenny, did you _____________________ to Mr. Miller? invited me to  send an invitation 1) I don’t know if Lily will refuse. refuse vt. 拒绝某人 / 某物,拒绝做某事 2) The strange man always refuses others’ advice . refuse + n. 3) Why didn’t you refuse her ? refuse + pron. 4) John’s father refused to stop drinking. refuse + to do sth. 5) Tina can’t refuse him anything . refuse + double-object 2. refuse v. 拒绝 【 运用 】 请将下列汉语句子译成英语。 我拒绝了王丽的邀请。 2) 李敏不喜欢王磊,所以拒绝了他。 3) 你最好不要拒绝帮助别人。 I refused Wang Li’s invitation. Li Min didn’t like Wang Lei, so she refused him. You’d better not refuse to help others. 3. accept v. 接受 e.g. They didn’t accept his money. 他们没有接受他的钱。 Accept 和 receive accept 和 receive 都用作动词,意思相近,但用法有所区别。 accept 意为“接受”,强调主观接受。 receive 意为“收到;接到”,强调客观收到,但并不意味着同意接受。如: Ann didn’t accept her friend’s present yesterday. I received a letter from my aunt from Canada. 【 运用 】 将下列句子翻译成英语。 1) 昨天下午那位著名的电影明星收到了很多花吗?  2) 她决定接受这份工作。 3) 我收到汤姆送我的一本字典,但我没接受。 Did that famous film star receive many flowers yesterday afternoon? She decided to accept this job. I received a dictionary from Tom, but I didn’t accept it.     将下列对话翻译成英语。 1. — 下周二你能来参加我的生日聚会吗 ? — 恐怕不行,我必须去看我奶奶。 — Can you come to my birthday party next Tuesday? — I’m afraid not. I must go to see my grandmother. Exercise 2. — 明天他们能去钓鱼吗 ? — 不能,他们得准备考试。 —Can they go fishing tomorrow? —No, they can’t. They have to prepare for the test. 你的朋友邀请你去看电影,请根据在 3c 中所填写的信息编写一个与你朋友的对话。 A: Can you go to the movie on Saturday evening, …? B: Sorry, I can’t. I have to …

