八年级英语上册Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater单元测试卷(附解析人教新目标版)

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八年级英语上册Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater单元测试卷(附解析人教新目标版)

2020-2021 学年初二英语上册单元测试卷 Unit4 What’sthebestmovietheater 听力部分(20 分) 一、听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。(5×1 分=5 分) ( )1.A. B. C. ( )2.A. B. C. ( )3.A. B. C. ( )4.A. B. C. ( )5.A. B. C. 二、听短对话,选择正确的答案。(5×1 分=5 分) ( )6.What does the boy think of Sunshine Cinema? A.It has the most comfortable seats. B.It has the biggest screens. C.It has the cheapest tickets. ( )7.What does John's uncle do? A.He's an actor. B.He's a reporter. C.He's a teacher. ( )8.Where are they talking? A.In a clothes shop. B.In a restaurant. C.In a movie theater. ( )9.What is Tony like? A.He is funny. B.He is serious. C.He is creative. ( )10.What are they talking about? A.Clothes stores. B.Women's clothes. C.Colors of clothes. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(5×1 分=5 分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。 ( )11.How is the man going to the Ed Supermarket? A.By bus. B.By train. C.By subway. ( )12.Where is the subway station? A.Across from the white building. B.Behind the white building. C.Next to the white building. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13~15 小题。 ( )13.Who's Linda? A.Bob's sister. B.Bob's cousin. C.Bob's friend. ( )14.What can Linda do well? A.Play the piano. B.Play the guitar. C.Sing and dance. ( )15.When is the talent show in the boy's school? A.On October 18th. B.On September 8th. C.On December 28th. 四、听短文,完成表格。(5×1 分=5 分) Last week's talent show Peter played the 16._________ and won the first prize 17.________ sang clearly Five girls 18.________ Wang Hao did Chinese Kung Fu without music and he was the 19.________ actor Tom and his 20._________ acted the funniest program 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项选择。(15×1 分=15 分) ( )21.—Is the young man ________ reporter? —Yes.________ reporter is from a radio station. A.a;A B.the;A C.an;The D.a;The ( )22.—Here is the ________. What would you like to eat? —I'd like some beef dumplings. A.prize B.song C.menu D.service ( )23.I usually go to Dream Clothes because I can buy clothes the most ________ there. A.cheaply B.expensive C.cheap D.comfortably ( )24.Mr. Smith thinks his life in the countryside is ________. He would like to live there all his life. A.loud B.comfortable C.important D.terrible ( )25.Tom Cruise is a popular actor. He ________ very well in lots of movies. A.wondered B.reached C.minded D.acted ( )26.—Did James do his homework yesterday? —Yes. And he wrote as ________ as his sister. A.careful B.carefully C.more careful D.more carefully ( )27.—Peter is ________ than you,right? —Yes,but he is ________ runner in our class. A.heavier;best B.heavy;the best C.heavier;the best D.heavy;better ( )28.—What about the new train station? —The ________ here is very good.I can find everything I need. A.problem B.air C.service D.information ( )29.Most people like 97.9 FM, because it ________ very beautiful music. A.gives B.gets C.takes D.plays ( )30.The _________ girl sings ________. At last, she got the first place in the singing competition. A.beautiful;beautiful B.beautifully;beautifully C.beautiful;beautifully D.beautifully;beautiful ( )31.Don't ________ these shows too ________. Just enjoy them. A.look;serious B.look;seriously C.take;serious D.take;seriously ( )32.It's all ________ you whether to go or not. A.to up B.up with C.up to D.up for ( )33.Can you ________ an interesting story by yourself? A.get up B.make up C.wake up D.stay up ( )34.WarWolfⅡ(《战狼 2》) is one of ________ films of the three films. A.the most exciting B.more exciting C.very exciting D.much more exciting ( )35.—Thanks for telling me the good news. —________. A.OK B.That's good C.No problem D.You're right 六、完形填空。(10×1 分=10 分) I'm a piano teacher.I can feel clearly how talent and hard work affect (影响) my students. In fact,not __36__ was good at playing the piano when they came to this world.For __37__,some of my students just spend two or three months learning to play the piano well.But other students need to learn for years.Many of my talented students learn faster __38__ I did before.But talent doesn't always bring a good result.When playing the piano seems easy to a student,he or she sometimes __39__ it boring and then gives up (放弃).And talented students sometimes have other things they enjoy __40__,so they give up,too. Some of my students work very hard.But they still can't play the piano __41__.I teach them again and again,and they __42__ for long.However,it just does not work for these students.In my eyes,it is not necessary to do everything very well.When you really don't have any __43__ for something,the best way is to give up.Then you can __44__ what you're truly interested in or good at,and put all your heart into it. Both talent and hard work play important __45__ in learning.If you want to do the best,you need to follow your talents and work as hard as you can.Don't give up halfway. ( )36.A.everything B.everybody C.something D.someone ( )37.A.example B.fact C.meal D.prize ( )38.A.after B.so C.than D.but ( )39.A.gives B.touches C.seems D.finds ( )40.A.more B.many C.little D.less ( )41.A.carefully B.seriously C.beautifully D.comfortably ( )42.A.reach B.practice C.wait D.dislike ( )43.A.competition B.information C.difference D.talent ( )44.A.choose B.stay C.describe D.order ( )45.A.tickets B.screens C.roles D.menus 七、阅读理解。(15×2 分=30 分) A The best ________in the USA Steve's Hamburger If you ask someone where to get the best hamburgers in Miami, they'll tell you about Steve's. It's on South Beach. A new branch (分 店) is going to open in Miami soon. Opening hours: 10 a.m.—1 p.m. Cattleman's House It's 20 miles east of New York, but people from other places would drive 200 miles to eat here. The food is great,and the scenery (景色) is even better. Opening hours: 5 p.m.—10 p.m. Hot Baking&Caf Brown's Seafood Early open with big breakfast! Salads, sandwiches and beef hamburgers for lunch. Don't miss the special carrot cake after the meal. Opening hours: 7 a.m.—2 p.m. The freshest fish in Town. The Brown family bring them in every day.Come early for a table and it's worth (值得) the wait for the seafood. Opening hours: 11 a.m.—3:30 p.m. ( )46.The title (题目) is “The best ________ in the USA”. A.shops B.restaurants C.stores D.hamburgers ( )47.According to (根据) the text, Steve's Hamburger ________. A.opens only at night B.has many new stores in Miami C.is on North Beach D.has the best hamburgers in Miami ( )48.Cattleman's House is famous for its ________. A.fish and scenery B.people and food C.food and scenery D.people and scenery ( )49.We can have both breakfast and lunch in ________. A.Steve's Hamburger B.Cattleman's House C. .Brown's Seafood ( )50.The text is probably from ________. A.a storybook B.a travel magazine C.a history book D.a science report B The Royal Hotel is the closest to the sea,so it is very popular.But it is expensive,so it is not the most crowded.It has the biggest swimming pool,but most of the guests (客人) go swimming in the sea. The Promenade Hotel has the most popular restaurant in town.The food is the best and the waiters give the friendliest service.It has the smallest swimming pool,so the swimming pool is the most crowded. The Super Hotel is in the city,so it is the busiest hotel.Its guests are the richest and the rooms and the swimming pool are the most comfortable.This hotel is the most expensive one in the country. There are some other hotels around,such as Lucy's Hotel,but they are just for guests to have a sleep, and they are cheap. ( )51.Which hotel is the most expensive? A.The Royal Hotel. B.The Promenade Hotel. C.The Super Hotel. D.Lucy's Hotel. ( )52.You want to get the best service and you want to swim.Which hotel should you choose? A.The Royal Hotel. B.The Promenade Hotel. C.The Super Hotel. D.Lucy's Hotel. ( )53.Which of the following is NOT true? A.The Royal Hotel has the smallest swimming pool. B.The Promenade Hotel has the smallest swimming pool. C.The Super Hotel is the busiest hotel in the city. D.The waiters of the Promenade Hotel give the friendliest service. ( )54.Why do most of the guests in Royal Hotel go swimming in the sea? A.Because it's close to the sea. B.Because its swimming pool is small. C.Because the water of the swimming pool is not clean. D.Because the swimming pool is too crowded. ( )55.Which hotel may not have a swimming pool? A.The Royal Hotel. B.The Promenade Hotel. C.The Super Hotel. D.Lucy's Hotel. C My Town—the Best Place to Be! My town is a great place to live in.It's the best place to enjoy your free time.There are three movie theaters in the town.They are all good,but the one nearest my house is the best.Shopping is also easy.There are many shops and some of them are trendy (时尚的).They sell very fashionable (时髦的) clothes.The shops are also cheaper than those in other cities,so students love shopping here. There are also a lot of videos and music.They are very popular with students.I go to the music store every week to buy a new CD.The most crowded place for students to hang out (闲逛) is the park.Everyone goes there,so it's really interesting.Sometimes there are even street performers.Some students think they're boring,but I think they're the most creative people.I want to be a street performer, too. ( )56.The writer's town is the best place of ________. A.food B.having fun C.playing games D.swimming ( )57.The cinemas in town are all ________. A.old B.relaxing C.bad D.good ( )58.The cinema nearest the writer's house is ________. A.the best B.the worst C.the most crowded D.the smallest ( )59.Some of the shops are ________. A.expensive B.interesting C.fashionable D.unfashionable ( )60.The writer thinks street performers are ________. A.creative B.boring C.serious D.trendy 八、词汇运用。(10×1 分=10 分) A)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.She is a ________(report) from CCTV. 62.(临沂中考)Our team lost the game because we played very ________(bad). 63.(兰州中考)Before you answer the question, please think it ________(careful). 64.(安顺中考)Tom is one of the ________(popular) students in the class. 65.(临沂中考)A team of climbers from Peking University reached the top of the world's ________(high) mountain, Qomolangma, on May 15,2018. B)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 kind give cheap fresh win 66.China'sGotTalent________ people a way to make their dreams come true. 67.Let's go to Danny's.We can buy the food ________ there. 68.We will know the ________ of the competition next month. 69.Wal•Mart is the best in town.You can buy the ________ vegetables there. 70.There are all ________ of books in the bookshop. 九、任务型阅读。(5×2 分=10 分) 阅读下面短文,回答问题。 Bob's Bargain Store is the cheapest store in town. Though it's the cheapest, it isn't the most popular. People don't shop there very often because lots of people say the things there are the worst in town. Dream Store sells very good things.They sell the most fashionable clothes and the best record players. And they have the best service. However, people don't often shop there because the things are also the most expensive. And it is far from the town center. Jenny's Store is the most popular store in town.The things there aren't the cheapest,and they aren't the most expensive.It doesn't have the best things, and it doesn't have the worst. So it is with the service. The clothes aren't the most fashionable, but they are more fashionable than the clothes at many other stores. And its location (位置) is convenient (方便的), too. 71.How many stores are mentioned (提及) in the passage? ________________________________________________________________________ 72.Which is the cheapest store? ________________________________________________________________________ 73.Which is the most popular store? ________________________________________________________________________ 74.Why do people not often shop in Dream Store? ________________________________________________________________________ 75.How about the things in Jenny's Store? ________________________________________________________________________ 十、短文填词。(10×1 分=10 分) 根据短文内容及所给汉语提示填写单词,使短文意思完整、通顺。 My mother was a beautiful woman.Her dream was to be a famous 76.________(女演员) when she studied in college.And she was the most 77.________(有创造力的) person in her class. She often played an important 78.________ (角色) in the school shows.She could always acted 79.________(相当) well in them and got many 80.________ (奖).She also watched some shows.Some people thought the lives of the 81.________ (表演者) were made up.But Mom said if you didn't take these shows too 82.________ (严肃地),they were fun to watch.However,after leaving college,I was born.So she 83.________ (选择) to bring me up and teach me by herself.She looked after me 84.________ (细致地) and gave me a good education.My mother gave up many things to make me live a 85.________ (舒适的) life.I'm so thankful for what she has done for me. 十一、书面表达。(15 分) 假如你是韩伟,你们班来自美国的交换生布鲁斯(Bruce)给你写了封邮件,向你询问你们学校附 近的餐馆情况。请你根据下表中的信息,给他写封回信向他介绍一下。 Name Comment (评论) Chengdu Restaurant the best food, but a little expensive Chinese Noodle Restaurant the cheapest, but the worst service Food Cube the friendliest service, cheap and nice 要求:1.语言通顺、流畅,可适当发挥; 2.70 词左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Bruce, I am writing to tell you about the restaurants near our school.________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Han Wei 答案: 听力材料 一、听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。 1.I think Steve and his dog were the funniest in the show. 2.We know that Ding Jianzhong is a popular magician from Taiwan. 3.I bought a ticket for today's movie a moment ago. 4.We went to the best restaurant in town yesterday. 5.Renmin Park is the most beautiful park in our city. 二、听短对话,选择正确的答案。 6.W:Let's go to Sunshine Cinema. M:Great.Its seats are the most comfortable. 7.W:Is your uncle an actor,John? M:No,he is a reporter.He works at a radio station. 8.W:Take a seat,please.Here is the menu.May I take your order? M:Wait a minute,please. 9.W:Tony always has a good way to do something. M:Yes.He is the most creative person I know. 10.W:I think Beautiful Years has the most beautiful clothes in our town. M:But its clothes are the most expensive.King Feeling is also a good place.You can buy clothes cheaply there. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。 听下面一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。 M:What's the cheapest way to go to the Ed Supermarket? W:By subway. M:Oh, is that right? Is there a subway station near here? W:Yes, there is one behind the white building. M:Good.Can I walk through this building? W:I'm afraid you can't.You have to go out there and walk around. M:I see.Thank you. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13~15 小题。 W:Who's that girl in a red skirt? M:She is Bob's cousin.Her name is Linda.She is really talented. W:Really? What can she do? M:She can sing and dance well.She won the first prize in our school's talent show last year. W:Well, when is the talent show in your school this year? M:On October 18th. W:Can I watch it with you then? M:Sure, you can. 四、听短文,完成表格。 There was a talent show in our school last week.It was wonderful.Peter played the piano.He played the most beautiful music.He won the first prize.John sang a song.What he sang is not the best.But he sang clearly and we all liked to listen to him.Then five girls in our class danced.They danced very well.Wang Hao was the quietest actor.He did Chinese Kung Fu without music.The most interesting act went to Tom and his dog.They acted the funniest program.We all laughed after they finished. My best friend, Lisa, didn't come for the talent show, because she broke her leg.She had to stay in bed for half a month. 参考答案 一、1~5 CCABB 二、6~10 ABBCA 三、11~15 CBBCA 四、16.piano 17.John 18.danced 19.quietest 20.dog 五、21~25 DCABD 26~30 BCCDC 31~35 DCBAC 六、36~40 BACDA 41~45 CBDAC 七、46~50 BDCCB 51~55 CBAAD 56~60 BDACA 八、61.reporter 62.badly 63.carefully 64.most popular 65.highest 66.gives 67.cheaply 68.winner(s) 69.freshest 70.kinds 九、71.Three. 72.Bob's Bargain Store. 73.Jenny's Store. 74.Because the things in it are the most expensive and it is far from the town center. 75.They aren't the cheapest, and they aren't the most expensive. 十、76.actress 77.creative 78.role 79.pretty 80.prizes 81.performers 82.seriously 83.chose 84.carefully 85.comfortable 十一、One possible version: Dear_Bruce,_ __I_am_writing_to_tell_you_about_the_restaurants_near_our_school. There are three restaurants near our school.Chengdu Restaurant has the best food, but it is a little expensive.Chinese Noodle Restaurant is the cheapest, but it has the worst service.Food Cube has the friendliest service.It is cheap and the food is very nice there.I think it is the best of the three restaurants.Our classmates all like to eat there. Yours, Han_Wei

