八年级上英语课件课时5 Section B (3a-Self Check)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件课时5 Section B (3a-Self Check)_人教新课标

人教版八年级上 课时5 Section B (3a-Self Check) 基础巩固练 提示:点击 进入习题 答案呈现 1 magicians  2 talent   3 freshest 4 choose  6 7 8 9 10 the best more cheaply (the) most slowly friendly  the most difficult5 pretty 11 12 13 15 B C D  A14 C 答案呈现 17 18 19 20 such as and so on more and more the most exciting 16 all kinds of 基础巩固练 能力提升练 22 23 24 D C B 21 D 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Liu Qian is one of the best __________ (魔术师) in the world. 2. Not everyone has a ________ (天赋) in music. 3. Zhangbei Supermarket has the ________(最新鲜的) vegetables. You can go there to buy some. magicians  talent freshest 4. All the dresses in this shop are beautiful. I don’t know which one to __________ (选择). 5. I think the movie is __________ (相当地) wonderful. choose  pretty 二、用所给词的正确形式填空。 6. What do you think is _________ (good) way to get to the bridge from here? the best 7. Cindy bought a computer much _____________ (cheaply) than Tom. more cheaply    8. My car runs _________________(slowly) in the world. (the) most slowly  9. Eric is very _________ (friend) and he has lots of friends. friendly  10. Reading is ________________(difficult) thing in Chinese learning. the most difficult 三、单项选择。 11. —Good morning, class. Is ______ here? —No, sir. Tom is not here. A. anybody B. everybody C. nobody D. somebody √ 【点拨】everybody每个人,是指整体中的每一个人。本 题问句是老师询问班上所有的学生都到班了没有,强调 所有人中的每一个人。故选B。 12. Parents play an important role ______ their children’s learning. A. on B. for C. in D. with√ 【点拨】固定结构play a role in意为“发挥作用;有 影响”。 13. Don’t be kidding! I think you should take the question _________ . A. easy B. easily C. serious D. seriously 【点拨】固定结构take…seriously意为“认真对待……”。 √ 14. It’s all up ______ you whether you go camping or not. A. to B. with C. on D. for√ 【点拨】固定结构be up to…意为“是……的职责由…… 决定”。 15. —Tom _____ stories to make his little brother laugh. —I think it’s a good method ( 方法). A. talks to B. shares with C. makes up D. looks up√ 【点拨】talk to交谈;share with与……分享;make up 编造;look up查阅。本题意应为“——汤姆编故事让 他的弟弟笑起来。——我想这是一个好方法。” 四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 16. 学校每个学期都有各种各样的活动。 There are ______ _______ ________activities in the school each term. all kinds of  17. 请写下你的信息,如:你的年龄、班级和电话号码。 Please write down your information,_______ ______ your age, class and phone number. such as 18. 他们对艺术、音乐、书籍等感兴趣。 They are interested in art, music, books _________ ______ ________. and so on 19. 网上订外卖变得越来越流行。 Ordering take-away food online is getting ________ _________ _________ popular. more and more  20. 世界杯是今年最令人兴奋的比赛。 The World Cup is ________ _________ ____________ competition this year. the most exciting 五、阅读理解。 请同学们看《点拨训练》第30页短文。 21. Alice often goes to the movies with her _____. A. friends B. parents C. brothers D. cousins√ 【点拨】根据原文第二段I often walk there with my cousins on weekends.可知答案。 22. Town Cinema has ______. A. the biggest screens B. the best service C. the longest waiting line D. A, B and C√ 【点拨】根据原文第二段It has the longest waiting line but the best service. It also has the biggest screens in town.可知A、B、C都正确。 23. Mark often goes to May Cinema _______. A. on foot B. by bus C. by bike D. by car√ 【点拨】根据原文第四段It’s a little far from my home, so I often ride my bike there.可知答案。 24. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Town Cinema is not far from Alice’s home. B. Happy Cinema has the cheapest tickets in town. C. Happy Cinema has the most delicious snacks and drinks. D. Uncle Bob’s may be a fast food restaurant. √ 根据原文第二段I like going to Town Cinema because it’s the closest to my home.可知A项正确。根据原文第三段I like Happy Cinema. Though it’s the most expensive in town. 可知B项错误。 根据原文第三段What is special about the cinema is that it sells the most delicious snacks and drinks. 可知C项正确。 根据原文第四段I often go to Uncle Bob’s to eat a chicken hamburger.可知D项正确。

