外研英语8年级上册单元测试题(Module 7)

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外研英语8年级上册单元测试题(Module 7)

模块综合检测(七) Module 7 (45分钟 100分) 第Ⅰ卷(共 40分) Ⅰ.听力(10分) (Ⅰ)录音中有五组对话及五个问题,听一遍后,选择最佳答案。(5分) 1.A.Once. B.Twice. C.Once or twice. 2.A.Doing his homework. B.Doing nothing. C.Sleeping. 3.A.She was sad. B.She was hurt. C.She was ill. 4.A.He was going shopping. B.He was going into the shop. C.He was standing outside. 5.A.At 3:45 p.m.. B.At 4:15 p.m.. C.At 4:45 p.m.. (Ⅱ)录音中有一篇短文,听两遍后,选择最佳答案。(5分) 6.What did Tom like doing? A.Watching TV. B.Doing sports. C.Playing computer games. 7.Did Tom always listen to the teachers carefully in class? A.Yes,he did. B.No,he didn’t. C.We don’t know. 8.What would Tom’s mother give him if he got a hundred in the exam? A.20 dollars. B.A football. C.A bicycle. 9.How many grades did Tom get in math? A.80. B.70. C.60. 10.How did Tom s mother feel when she heard Tom’s words? A.Sad. B.Angry. C.Happy. Ⅱ.单项选择(10分) 1.The reporter said that the UFO______from east to west when he saw it. A.travels B.traveled C.was traveling D.has traveled 2.We will build another new Great Green Wall______the northern part of China. A.among B.across C.through D.between 3.It was a______day and she felt very______. A.tiring;tired B.tiring;tiring C.tired;tiring D.tired;tired 4.I arrived in Leishan last Sunday. A.reach B.reached to C.got D.got to 5.—We couldn’t find you anywhere around 8:00 yesterday evening. —I’m sorry for it.My mother and I______in the square. A.danced B.will dance C.were dancing D.are dancing 6.A true friend can see the pain in your eyes______everyone else believes the smile on your face. A.while B.because C.before D.until 7.I was cleaning my bedroom.______a mouse came out. A.Suddenly B.Actually C.Luckily D.Badly 8.I saw a cat______into a deep hole just now. A.jump B.jumping C.jumped D.to jump 9.The boy was sitting by the window. He was______angry______say a word. A.so;to B.too;to C.very;to D.too;not to 10.I______my clothes when the phone rang. A.wash B.washed C.am washing D.was washing Ⅲ.完形填空(10分) It was very cold that day. It was__1__heavily and the ground was covered with thick snow. The shepherd(牧羊人 )thought it was dangerous to__2__up the hill and it was difficult for the sheep to find some__3__there. So he decided to stay in the__4__room. He put some hay(干草)in a pen(围栏)so that the sheep could eat it when they were__5__. The dog,who felt cold outside,lay on the__6__hay and soon went to sleep. At noon the sheep wanted to eat the hay. They were__7__afraid of the dog and none could get close to it. At last the__8__sheep came to the hay. Before he started to eat,the dog heard it and opened his eyes. He barked loudly to warn him. The sheep ran away__9__. Looking at the unnatural dog,the sheep began to talk__10__. “What a selfish(自私的 )dog!”said one of the sheep.“He cannot eat the hay,but refuses to allow those who can to eat!” 1.A.raining B.snowing C.blowing D.shining 2.A.play B.live C.climb D.go 3.A.cake B.grass C.fruit D.vegetables 4.A.cold B.cool C.hot D.warm 5.A.hungry B.sick C.full D.free 6.A.hard B.soft C.thin D.wet 7.A.both B.either C.all D.neither 8.A.smallest B.youngest C.weakest D.strongest 9.A.easily B.happily C.sadly D.quickly 10.A.angrily B.happily C.quietly D.politely Ⅳ.阅读理解(10分) Will the sky ever fall?The answer is no. But if it happens there’s no need to be afraid! The American film Chicken Little opened about two years ago. Its story tells us:don’t worry too much in your life. One day Chicken Little is in the woods when an acorn(橡子 )falls on his head!This makes him afraid. He thinks a piece of sky is falling!He can’t wait to tell everyone about it. They run for their lives!When everyone learns the truth(真相),no one likes Chicken Little. They laugh at him. He gets a bad name in the town,Oakey Oaks. It’s time for him to change others’ minds. Chicken Little begins to play baseball. He is not bigger than a ball,but he plays very well!He helps his team win. Now they think he’s great. Just then,a spaceship really does fall from the sky!The aliens(外星人)abroad have bad plans. Once again he must tell people about it!Will he get help from his friends in the town?Can he show himself a different person?You have to watch the film to find it out! 1.How does Chicken Little think the sky is falling? A.He is hit on the head by an acorn. B.A baseball hits him. C.A spaceship falls from the sky. D. He meet an alien. 2.Why do people give Chicken Little a bad name? A.Because he forces people to believe his words. B.Because people think he tells a lie. C.Because he wants the sky to fall. D.Because he brings the aliens to the earth. 3.The film Chicken Little tells us______. A.never worry about yourself B.never worry too much in your life C.never be afraid of the aliens D.never believe anything 4.What does the underlined word“it”in the passage mean? A.The sky will fall. B.He plays baseball well. C.The aliens will carry out bad plans. D.He will reach the outer space. 5.What’s the best title for the passage? A.Is the Sky Really Falling? B.Can You Answer the Question? C.Are You Afraid of the Sky Falling? D.Have You Seen the Film? 第Ⅱ卷(共 60分) Ⅴ.词汇运用(10分) (Ⅰ)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5分) 1.We were working in the field,and s________it began to rain. 2.Last year,my mother dug a big h________in the ground and put some carrots in it. 3.Don’t walk a______that bridge;it’s dangerous. 4.—Have you ever been here once or______(两次)? —Only once. 5.—Which colour do you like better,________(粉红色)or red? —Red. (Ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分) 6.—What________the twins________(do)when their parents got home yesterday? —They________(clean)the house. 7.There goes the bell. Let’s stop________(play)and get ready for class. 8.—________they________(have)a tea party last night when I rang? —Yes,they were. 9.—Has Tony finished checking his exam paper? —Sorry,I don’t know. He________(check)it in the classroom yesterday afternoon. 10.We often see Tony________(jump)like a rabbit with his brother. Ⅵ.完成句子(20分) 1.我的自行车有毛病了。我不得不步行去上学。 There is________ ________with my bicycle. I have to walk to school. 2.嘲笑残疾人是不礼貌的。 It’s not polite________ ________ ________the disabled people. 3.这个老太太整天无事可做,所以她很无聊。 This old woman_______ ________ ________ ________all day,so she felt very bored. 4.当我看到这个男孩时,他正坐在树上。 The boy________ ________ ________the tree when I saw him. 5.他掉进河边的一个坑里了。 He________ ________the hole by the river. Ⅶ.书面表达(30分) 同学们,你们一定读过《狐狸和山羊》的寓言故事吧?一天,一只山羊出去散步,看到井里 有一只狐狸……故事告诉我们:不要相信一个处于困境中的人的忠告。 请根据图片提示,并发挥你的想象力写一篇 80个词左右的短文。故事的开头和结尾已给 出。 提示词:well井 drought干旱 The Fox and the Goat One day,a goat went out for a walk. ___________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ The story told us that never believe the advice of a man in difficulties. 答案解析 Ⅰ. 【听力材料】 (Ⅰ)1.M:Have you ever read the story? W:Yes,I’ve read it twice. Q:How many times has the girl read the story? 2.M:I was doing my homework at 5:00 p.m. yesterday.What about you,Sally? W:Oh,I was sleeping. Q:What was the boy doing at 5:00 p.m. yesterday? 3.M:You didn’t go to the movies last night,did you? W:No.I was looking after my mother at home.She was ill. Q:What was wrong with the girl’s mother? 4.W:Did you see the man go into the shop? M:Yes.I was standing outside at that time. Q:What was the boy doing at that time? 5.W:Were you late for the concert yesterday afternoon? M:No,I wasn’t.The concert didn’t start until 4:15 p.m.. Q:When did the concert start? 答案:1~5.BACCB (Ⅱ)Tom was nine years old.He was studying in a school,but he wasn’t interested in any subject.He only liked playing computer games.He stayed up late every night to play computer games.He was so tired that he often slept in class.He didn’t listen to the teachers carefully.His mother was worried about his schoolwork.She always tried to make him work harder but she failed. One day,Tom’s mother said to him,“Tom,if you get a hundred in the exam,I will give you 20 dollars as a prize.”Tom was very happy to hear that. The next day,Tom ran back home.“Oh,Mum,I got a hundred in the exam.”He shouted,“I got forty in Chinese this morning and sixty in math this afternoon.”Hearing that,his mother got very angry and couldn’t say anything. 答案:6~10.CBACB Ⅱ. 1.【解析】选 C。本题考查动词时态。根据时间状语从句 when he saw it可知,表示在过去 的某一时间正在发生的动作用“过去进行时态”,故选 C。 2.【解析】选 B。本题考查介词的用法。句意:我们将修建另一个绿色长城横贯中国的北部地 区。从 B、C之间选。across意为“从表面通过”。故选 B。 3.【解析】选 A。本题考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是无聊的一天,她感到很无聊。tiring用 作定语,tired的主语是人,且作表语。故选 A。 4.【解析】选 D。本题考查词义辨析。arrive in,到达某地。reach后不用介词,排除 B;get意为 “到达”时,其后有地点时,要用介词 to,排除 C;get to,意为“到达”。故选 D。 5.【解析】选 C。本题考查动词的时态。由上文“around 8:00 yesterday evening”可知,本句用 过去进行时。句意:我和妈妈当时正在广场跳舞。故选 C。 6.【解析】选 A。本题考查状语从句。句意:当其他人看到你脸上的微笑时,真正的朋友能看 出你眼中的痛苦。while“当……的时候”;because 意思为“因为”;before 表示“在……的前 面”;until意思为“直到……为止”,故选 A。 7.【解析】选 A。本题考查副词的用法。句意:我正在打扫卧室,突然一只老鼠出来了。suddenly 突然;actually事实上;luckily 幸运地;badly严重地,恶劣地。故选 A。 8.【解析】选 A。本题考查固定句式。see sb. do sth.意为“看见某人做某事”,故选 A。 9.【解析】选 B。本题考查固定句式。句意:这个男孩靠窗而坐;他太生气了而说不出一句话 来。too... to...“太……而不能……”。故选 B。 10.【解析】选 D。本题考查过去进行时。句意:我正在洗衣服,(这时)电话响了。由语境可知 为过去正在进行的动作,故选 D。 Ⅲ.1.【解析】选 B。本题考查语境理解。由下文“大地被大雪覆盖”可知:天正在下雪。故选 B。 2.【解析】选 C。本题考查固定短语。climb up the hill,意为“爬上山”。故选 C。 3.【解析】选 B。本题考查语境理解。根据句意“对羊来说很难在那里找到草。”故选 B。 4.【解析】选 D。本题考查语境理解。句意:因此,他决定待在温暖的房间里。in the warm room, 意为“在温暖的房间里”,故选 D。 5.【解析】选 A。本题考查语境理解。由全句句意“牧羊人把干草放在围栏里以便羊在饿的 时候吃。”故选 A。 6.【解析】选 B。本题考查语境理解。由全句句意“狗待在外面很冷,它躺在舒服的干草上不 久便睡着了。”故选 B。 7.【解析】选 C。本题考查代词辨析。表示“三者或三者以上都”用 all。故选 C。 8.【解析】选 D。本题考查语境理解。根据上下文可知,最终也只有最强壮的羊敢上前去。小 的、弱的根本没有这个胆量。故选 D。 9.【解析】选 D。本题考查语境理解。根据上下文可知,羊只好赶紧离开。故选 D。 10.【解析】选 A。本题考查语境理解。根据上下文可知,羊不敢去吃草,只好私下里很气愤地 谈论。故选 A。 Ⅳ.1.【解析】选 A。事实细节题。此题题意是“四眼天鸡为何认为天塌下来了?”第三段前三 句话提到有一天他正在树林里走着一个橡子正好砸在他头上,因此令他认为天塌下来了。故 选 A。 2.【解析】选 B。推理判断题。此题题意是“人们为何给四眼天鸡起了个坏名字?”文中第三段 第四、五、六句话提到他迫不及待地把天塌下来的消息告诉别人以至于大家都四处逃生,而 当后来大家知道真相时,纷纷嘲笑他并给他起了个坏名字。故选 B。 3.【解析】选 B。事实细节题。此题题意是“这部电影告诉我们______”。文中第二段最后一 句提到这个故事告诉我们:不要太为生活中的事情担心。故选 B。 4.【解析】选 C。词义猜测题。此题题意是“文中画线的 it指代什么?”文中第五段开头提到一 艘宇宙飞船降落,里面的外星人要实施破坏计划,四眼天鸡想把这件事情告诉大家,因此 it 指 代的是外星人入侵。故选 C。 5.【解析】选 A。主旨大意题。此题题意是“文章最好的题目是什么?”电影就是由四眼天鸡误 认为天塌下来而引出的一系列故事。故选 A。 Ⅴ.答案:1.suddenly 2.hole 3.across 4.twice 5.pink 答案:6.were;doing;were cleaning 7.playing 8.Were;having 9.was checking 10.jump Ⅵ.答案:1.something wrong 2.to laugh at 3.had nothing to do 4.was sitting in 5.fell down Ⅶ.【参考范文】 The Fox and the Goat One day,a goat went out for a walk. When he walked past a well,he saw a fox in it. He asked the fox what he was doing there.“Oh,haven’t you heard?”said the fox.“There is going to be a great drought,so I jumped down to get some water. Why don’t you come down here,too?” The goat believed his words and jumped down into the well. But the fox jumped on the goat’s back at once and up to the edge of the well.“Good-bye,friend,”said the fox. Then he went away happily. The story told us that never believe the advice of a man in difficulties.

