八年级上英语课件《I'm more outgoing than my sister》 (2)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《I'm more outgoing than my sister》 (2)_人教新课标

Unit3 I'm more outgoing than my sister 复习课件-形容词 、副词 1, ①如何区分形容词(的)和副词(地 -ly) happy-happily real-really true-truly usual-usually bad-badly loud-loudly lucky-luckily kind-kindly quick-quickly polite-politely slow-slowly easy-easily strong-strongly careful-carefully heavy-heavily successful-successfully terrible-terribly true-truly happy,friendly,careful,happily,true,real, hard,early,carefully,truly,really,hardly,fast, quick,quickly,good,well,bad,badly,strong, Strongly,heavy,,heavily, 特殊:1,友好的,是形容词________ 2,好的,是形容词_____好地,是副词____ 3,困难的,是形容词;__________ 努力地,风猛烈地,是副词_________ 几乎不_______ 4,早的,早地,既是形容词又是副词____ 5,快的,快地,既是形容词又是副词____ friendly good well hard Fast hardly hard early 形容词: 副词: happy,friendly,careful,true,real,hard,e arly,quick,bad,strong,heavy happily,hard,early,carefully,truly, really,hardly,quickly,badly,strongly,heavily, Well 特殊: well 表示身体健康时是形容词. He is feeling well now . happy,friendly,careful,happily,true, real,hard,early,carefully,truly,really,hardly,f ast,quick,quickly,good,well, bad,badly,strong, strongly, heavy,heavily 一,②形容词和副词在句中的位置: 1,be+形容词 I am__ ( happy, happily). He is __ (successful, successfully). Lucy is __ (kind, kindly). 2,形容词+名词 I am a ___ student. (happy, happily) He is a __ man. (successful, successfully) Lucy is a __ doctor. (kind, kindly) 3,动词+副词 He runs __ (quick, quickly). He studied __. (good, well) He will listen to Tom__. (careful, carefully) happy successful kind happy successful kind quickly well carefully 一,②形容词和副词在句中的位置: 4,特殊的有3种情况: 1.feel, look, sound, smell, taste, 感觉, 看起来, 听起来, 闻起来, 尝起来 2. get,become,turn(变得)3.keep,seem 1.I feel __.A.terrible B.terribly C. terriblely 2.He looks__.A.happy B. happily C. sadly 3.It tastes ___ . A. badly B. well C. bad 4. Do you feel ___ now ? Thanks , I’m Ok. A. good B. well C. badly 5. The boy is getting ___ A. strong B. strongly C. heavily A A C B A ②something(肯定句), anything (否定,疑问句), everything, nothing +形容词/ 修饰词 eg: something important / anything to eat 一些重要的事情 / 一些吃的东西 nothing difficult / something to do 没有什么困难的 / 一些事情做 3. Enough ( 足够) 放在名词前, 形容词,副词后面 eg : enough time / enough money old enough to / fast enough to My sister is old enough to look afer herself. The teenagers aren’t serious enough to drive . 1. He is ill today . So he looks ____ A. tired B. happily C. sadly 2. My brother doesn’t feel ___ today. A. good B. well C. happily 3. The food smells ___ . I don’t like it A. good B. badly C. bad 4. He writes very ____. A. careful B. carefully C. bad 5. I study very____. A. hard B. hardly C. careful 6. The weather gets ___ A. warm B. warmly C. coldly 7. Our country is becoming ___. A. strong B. strongly C. richly A B C B A A A 8. Is there ____ in the newspaper ? A. something new B. new anything C. anything new 9. There is ___ with my bike. It works well. A. nothing wrong B. wrong something C. something wrong 10. He speaks ____ for me to understand. A. too slowly B. slowly enough C. enough slowly 11. He runs ___ to catch up with me . A. too fast B. quick enough C. quickly enough 12. I’m ____ I can’t say a word A. too happy to B. happy enough that C. so happy that C A B C C 1. 你能给我一些吃的吗? Can you ______________? 2. 老师告诉我们一些有趣的事情 The teacher __________________. 3. 他够高可以摘到那个苹果 He is ____________ the apple. 4. 他工作够仔细 He works______________. 5. 他上课不够认真 He ______________. 6. 这音乐听起来很美妙 _______________________. 7. Tom 看起来不开心 _____________________. 8. 这石头太重 我帮不动 The stone _____________________ carry. give me anything to eat told us something interesting tall enough to pick carefully enough isn’t careful enough in class The music sounds wonderful Tom looks sad / unhappy . is too heavy for me to 学习形容词和副词的比较级和最高级. 大多数形容词和副词有三个等级: 原级、比较级、最高级。 掌握形容词和副词的词形变化规律。 形容词和副词的原级就是原形,比较 级和最高级是在原形的基础 分为规则和不规则变化。 特殊的比较级和最高级 1,good/well ------ 2,bad/badly/ill ---- 3,many/much ----- 4,little ------------- 5,far路程远-------- 意义深远或进一步----- 6,old年龄大小----- 家庭成员长幼-- better -----the best worse -----the worst more -----the most less ----- the least farther ----the farthest further ----the furthest older ----the oldest elder ----the eldest • 变比较级和最高级 • small • nice • big • early • heavy • wet • late • cold • fine • red • happy • early smaller the smallest nicer the nicest bigger the biggest earlier the earliest heavier the heaviest wetter the wettest later the latest colder the coldest finer the finest redder the reddest happier the happiest earlier the earliest 5、多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加 more或 most。 eg. delicious – more / most delicious beautiful – more / most beautiful interesting – more / most interesting important – more / most important friendly - more / most friendly quickly---more / most quickly happily---more / most happily 变比较级和最高级 happily------- easily--------- friendly------ quickly------ carefully---- easily------ luckily------ 特殊: early--- interesting---- important----- popular------- beautiful----- delicious----- more happily ----the most happily more easily ----the most easily more friendly ----the most friendly more quickly ----the most quickly more carefully ----the most carefully more heavily ----the most heavily more luckily ----the most luckily earlier ----the earliest more interesting--the most interesting more important ---the most important more popular ---the most popular more beautiful ---the most beautiful more delicious ---the most delicious 形容词、副词比较等级的用法与句型: 一、 原级句型:表示两者一样或不一样 1、A与B在某一方面程度相同: as+原级+as eg.1) My friend Kay is as tall as I / me. 2) My friend Kay runs as quickly as I / me. 2、A在某一方面不及B: A…not as/so+原级+as B. eg.1) My friend Kay isn’t as/ so tall as I / me. 2) My friend Kay doesn’t run as/so fast as I / me. 3) I’m not _______ she / her. A. as hard as B. as harder as C. as hard so 4) I don’t study _______ he / him. A. so careful as B. so carefully as C. more carefully as 等 级 用法 句型 例句 比 较 级 Our school is larger than theirs. In winter, the days are getting shorter and shorter.  The sooner , the better. He is taller than any other boy in his class. 1.表示两者 之间的比较 比较级+ than 2.表 “越来 越……”, 表示本身程 度的改变 比较+and+ 比较级 3.表“越…… 越……”表示 一方随另一方 的程度而变化 The+比较级, the+比较级 4.用比较级 形式表示最 高级的意思 比较级 +than any other+单数 1.Nanjing is the biggest city in Jiangsu. Nanjing is bigger than the other cities in Jiangsu Nanjing is bigger than any other city in Jiangsu 同义句转换 4. 比较级前面可以用even(更加),much(……得 多),far(……得多),a little(……一点),a bit(一点),a lot(大量),still(还,还要)等词 语表示不定程度或数量。 1)This pen is much better than that one. 2)This book is far more interesting than that one. 5.在原级前面通常使用very, quite, too, much too, 等 1)The person is quite clever. 2)Today is too cold. Student A, look at the chart on the right. Student B, look at the chart on page 81. Ask and answer questions about Sam and Tom. Sam Tom smart tall * * * * run fast get up early * * * * * * thin funny * * * * hard-working * * * * friendly Note: * * *means Sam is taller than Tom. 2c Student A, look at the chart on the right. Student B, look at the chart on page 81. Ask and answer questions about Sam and Tom. Sam Tom smart tall * * * * * * run fast get up early * * * * * * thin funny * * * * * * hard-working * * * * * * friendly 2c 3a Use the words to write questions and answers. Does Jack run as fast as Sam? faster Is your cousin as outgoing as you? more outgoing Is Paul as funny as Carol? funnier 1. I am _________ than him ( tall ) 2. It is much _________ ( cold ) today. 3. The coat is even ________ ____(beautiful ) than that one . 1. He writes a little _________ (slowly ) than you . 2. Our classroom is _______(bright ) than yours 3. He is even _________ ( ill ) today 4. I can walk ____________ than he . ( far ) 5. English is much ______________ ( important) 6. The meat smells still______________(delicious ) than that one 7. The rain is as ______ as it was yesterday (hard) 8. We can’t read so ________ as they ( loud ) taller colder more beautiful more slowly brighter worse farther more important more delicious hard loudly 4、The +比较级, the+比较级, 表示“越…越...” The more , the better. 越多越好。 The more (you read), the better (you speak). The more you exercise, the healthier you keep. 5、Who / Which…+比较级, A or B? Which is better, A or B? A is the better of two. Who runs faster, Tom or Kay? 1. A …比较级+ than B. 形容词比较级: 我比汤姆高。 I am taller than Tom. 我的裙子比她的裙子漂亮。 My dress is more beautiful than hers. 副词比较级: 她学习比我努力。 She studies harder than I/me. 约翰跑得比他弟弟快。 John runs faster than his brother. 1.他比约翰矮。 He is ______ ______ ______.shorter than John 1.你舞跳得比她好。 形容词: 2.汉堡包比薯条更好吃。 Hamburgers are ______ _________ ______ French fries. more delicious than 副词: You dance ______ _______ she/her.better than 2.他开车比我小心. He drives ______ __________ _____ I/me.more carefully than 1.他今天好多了。 better 2.这个故事比那个故事还更有趣。 This story is _____ _____ __________ than that one.even more interesting 3.今天天气热了一些。 a little He is _____ _____ today.much It’s ____ ____ hotter today. 1.他跑得越来越快。He ran _____ ____ ______.faster and faster 2.我们的生活变得越来越好。 Our life is getting ______ ______ _______.better and better 3.那个公园变得越来越美丽。 The park is getting ______ _____ ______ ___________.more and more beautiful 4.她越来越聪明了。She becomes________ _____ _________. cleverer and cleverer 5.雨正越下越大。 It’s raining _______ _______ _______ ________.more and more heavily 3. “比较级+and+比较级”意为“越 来越…” 。多音节比较级用“more and more+形容词原级”形式。 It’s getting worse and worse. The group became more and more popular. 4、The +比较级, the+比较级, 表示“越…… 就越......” The more , the better. 越多越好。 The more (you read), the better (you speak). The more you exercise, the healthier you keep. 1.你吃的越多就越胖。 _____ _____ you eat, ____ _______you will be.The more the heavier 2.越干净越好。 _____ _______ , ______ _______.The cleaner the better 3、书读的越多,懂的就越多。 _____ ______ you read, _____ ______ you know. The more the more 5. “Which / Who is + 比较级…?” 比较A、B两事物, 问其中哪一个 较……时用此句型。 e.g. Which T-shirt is nicer, this one or that one? Who is more active, Mary or Kate? Which one is ____ _______ among students, going to concerts ___ going to movies? 1.去音乐会和看电影之间,哪一样在学 生中更受欢迎? more popular or 2.李明和汤姆谁更聪明? Who is _______, Li Ming ____ Tom?cleverer or • 三、最高级句型:表示三者或三者以上的比 较时用最高级,最高级的前面一般要加定冠 词the, 后面可带 of / in 短语来说明比较的范围。 e.g. She is the youngest in the class. Jack is the most popular of the three. 最 高 级 用法 句型 例句 Shanghai is the largest city in China. Lu Xun is one of the greatest writers last century.  The Huanghe River is the second longest river in China. 4.选择 疑问句 Which/Wh o…+ 最高级, A ,B or C? Which do you like best, A ,B or C? 1.三者或以 上表示最高 程度 the+最高 级+of/in 的短语 2.表 “最…… 之一” one of+the+最 高级+复数 名词 3.表“第 几个 最……” the+序数 词+最高 级+名词 This park is less beautiful than that one. 1.表示不及另一方时,使用“less+原级+than…” 2. Which/Who…+ 比较级,A or B? Which/Who…+ 最高级,A ,B or C? Who is older, Jim or Tom ? Who is the tallest, Jim , Mike or Tom ? 3.当表示“第二,第三”等意思时,经常 在最高级的前面加second, third,等词。 This is the third largest city in China . 4、当最高级前有物主代 词修饰时,其前不加定 冠词the. • It’s our largest machine in our factory. Tom is the taller of the two boys. 一 将下列形容词变成比较级形式: old→ fat→ young→ ugly→ high→ low→ light→ white→ sunny→ hot→ cool→ older fatter younger uglier higher lower lighter whiter sunnier hotter cooler Changjiang River is _____ _____ _______river _____China . 1.在所有人当中,谁的书写最好? Whose handwriting is________?the best of all? 2.Jim,Tim和Tom三个人当中,谁跑得最快? Who runs______, Jim, Tim ___Tom?the fastest or 3.中山是中国最美丽的城市之一。 Zhongshan is one of ______ _______ __________ cities in China. the most beautiful 4.长江是中国第一长河。 the first longest in 1.If you want to be thinner and healthier, you’d better eat ____food and take ____ exercise. A.more, fewer B. more, less C. fewer, more D. less, more 三.选择 2.He’s ____ than his brother. A. strong B. stronger C. the stronger D. the strongest 3.Which do you like ____, tea or coffee? A.good B. better C. best D. the better 4. Mum, this T-shirt is much too small for me. Would you buy me a ____one? A. good B. better C. large D. larger 二、句型转换。 1.This picture looks beautiful, but that one looks more beautiful.(同义句) That picture looks ______ _________ _______ this one. 2. She has longer hair than Emma.(同义句) Her hair is ______ _______ _______. 3.Helen studies hardest in her class.(同义句) Helen studies ________ than ______ _______ student in her class. more beautiful than longer than Emma's harder any other 4. My father is two years older than my mother. (同义句) My mother is _______ _______ _______ than my father. 5. Li Lei is taller than his twin brother. (同义句) Li Lei is _______ ________ of the twins. 6. Dave is heavy, but he can run very fast. (上同) ________ Dave is heavy, he can run very fast. two years younger the taller Though 1. Paul is very _______ . He is ________ than his brother . A. heavy --- heavier B. heavy --- heavy C. heavier --- heavier D. heavy---heavyer 2. It has the ________ clothing store in the town. A. goodest B. gooddest C. best D. better 3. This ruler is ____ than that one. A. long B. longer C. the longest D. longest 4. This book is ____ of all. A. cheapest B. cheap D. cheaper D. the cheapest 5. He is much ____ than his brother. A. taller B. tall C. the tallest D. tallest 6. Li Lei is ____ older than Lucy. A. quite B. very C. much D. more 一. Choose the best answer. 7. This is one of ____ films of this year. A. more exciting B. exciting C. the most exciting D. most exciting 8. The weather in Beijing is colder than_____. A. in Guangzhou B. Guangzhou C. that in Guangzhou D. that from Guangzhou 9. Tom is ____ of the two boys. A. taller B. tallest C. the taller D. the tallest 10. Of my parents, my father looks_____. A.old B. older C. the oldest D. the older 11. This watch is ____ than that one. A. much expensive B. expensiver C. more expensiver D. more expensive 二. 用括号中形容词的适当形式填空。 1. I am very _______. But Tom is ____________ than I . Frank is _________________. (tired) 2. Which is _____________ (difficult), physics or biology ? 3. This book is ________ than the other two . It is ____________of the three . (easy) 4. In summer it’s _______ (hot) in Wu Han than in Beijing . 5. The Chinese people have a much _______ (good)life now . tired more tired the most tired more different easier the easiest hotter better 三. 填空: 1. Lily gets up __________ (early) than Lucy. 2. Which goes ______________ (slowly), Tom or Jim? 3.This book is _____________________ (interesting) than than one. earlier more slowly more interesting 4. She works ____________________(careful) in her school. 5. Who goes to bed ____________ (late) Jim, Tom or Jack? 6. I think turkey is ______________________ (delicious) of all. the most carefully the latest the most delicious

