人教版八年级英语第一学期Unit 10 测试卷(1)

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人教版八年级英语第一学期Unit 10 测试卷(1)

Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! 测试卷 本试卷总分 150 分,分为听力部分和笔试部分,考试时间 120 分钟,请将所有答案写在答 题卡上。 第一卷 听力部分(20 分) 一、听句子,选择你听到的单词或短语。(共 5 分) A B C D E 二、听句子,选择正确答案。(共 5 分) 三、6. A. That’s good. B. Happy birthday. C. Cool. 7. A. Sorry, I’d love to. B. Sure, I’d love to. C. How can I come? 8. A. Have a great time. B. Too bad. C. I’m going hiking. 9. A. Thanks. B. Not at all. C. All right. 10. A. That’ good. B. What a pity. C. That’s right! 三、听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(共 5 分) 11. What clothes will the boy wear? A. Jeans. B. His school uniforms. C. His coat. 12. What will happen if they have their class meeting tomorrow? A. All the class will come. B. Most of the class will come. C. Most of the class won’t come. 13. Does the boy want to go to college when he grows up? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know. 14. What will the boy have to go first? A. Go to the movies. B. Do his homework. C. Do nothing. 15. What should the man do if he wants to be rich? A. He should be rich. B. He should work hard. C. He should help people in trouble. 四、听短文,填空。(共 5 分) Dear Mary, Thank you for your ________(16) on Tuesday. I’m sorry that I can’t come. I have to have a piano lesson in the morning. If I won’t, the teacher will be ______(17). In the afternoon I will play soccer for the school team. I’m going to the _______(18) with my father in the evening. ___(19) my father goes with me, my mother will be ______(20). 第二卷 笔试部分(130 分) 一、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 1. Don’t shout ______ the party. If you do, you’ll _____ leave. A. at, must B. at, have to C. in, must D. of, have to 2. In the future, the kids will study _______ home _______ computers. A. at, on B. in, on C. on, at D. in, at 3. Don’t keep ______TV, it’s bad for your eyes. A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watched 4. Do you know if _____ back next week? If he _____ back, please let me know. A. he comes, will come B. will he come, comes C. he will come, comes D. will he come, will come 5. Please finish the job with ______people and _______ money. A. less, less B. fewer, fewer C. fewer, less D. less, fewer 6. Don’t ______ jeans to the party. If you do, the teacher won’t let you in. A. put on B. wear C. to wear D. to put on 7. I think there _______fewer cars and more buses in the future. A. is going to have B. will have C. will be D. is going to be 8. I don’t know how to deal with my family problem. Can you give me some _______? A. advice B. message C. advise D. messaged 9. If Tom ______ the game, we’ll give him a surprise. A. win B. wins C. won D. winning 10. Could you please ______ me the way to the hospital. A. showing B. showed C. show D. shown 11. Some people think they are poorer just because they are not as______ as other people. A. luck B. good luck C. lucky D. much lucky 12. If you go to the meeting tomorrow, _______. A. he will, too B. he won’t, either C. he does, too D. he doesn’t, either 13. If it______, I will go to the Central Park with my son this weekend. A. isn’t rain B. won’t rain C. doesn’t rain D. didn’t rain 14. Nobody ______ the soccer ball match if he doesn’t. A. will organize B. organized C. organizes D. organize 15. ---What are you going to give your mother for her birthday? ---Maybe I’ll buy her ______. A. something special B. anything special C. special something D. special anything 16 We found it difficult ______ there on time. A. get B. to get C. getting D. got 17. The TV show is _____ boring for me _______ watch. A. so; that B. enough; to C. too; to D. very; for 18. I’m not sure _______ to the party tomorrow. A. what to wear B. to wear what C. what to go D. when to wear 19. Don’t throw rubbish everywhere. You should ______. A. take them away B. take it off C. take it away D. take away it 20. If you join the band, maybe you’ll ______. A. famous B. be famous C. being famous D. not famous 二、完型填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) When Mr. Hunt woke up in the morning, he felt his bedroom was very bright. He thought he 21 to turn off the light again. He sat up and tried to do that. And now he 22 it was the sunlight. Mrs. Hunt went to see their daughter in the city two days ago. She cooked some food for him 23 she left. But Mr. Hunt hoped to have breakfast in a restaurant near the park. And then he could walk 24 the lake. He put on his clothes and went out. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and the 25 was fresh (清新的) . But people were busy and he could see only some old people and children. He went in the restaurant and sat down at a table, waiting for the 26 . “Hi, Peter !” someone called him and he saw it was his 27 Richard D. “Hi, Richard D. Glad to meet you here.” “Glad to meet you, too,” said Richard D. “I’m sorry, but I 28 my wallet at home. So could you lend fifty dollars to me, please?” “Sure, but I have only twenty five dollars in my 29 .” “It doesn’t matter ,” said Richard , “ then you’ll owe(欠) me twenty-five dollars and I’ll owe you 30 dollars , too. That’ll be fair (公平的) .” 21. A. knew B. hoped C. forgot D. liked 22. A. guessed B. found C. said D. told 23. A. before B. after C. when D. because 24. A. in B. on C. under D. around 25. A. fruit B. cloud C. air D. water 26. A. money B. glass C. answer D. menu 27. A. friend B. worker C. driver D. waiter 28. A. took B. put C. forgot D. left 29. A. shoes B. pocket C. shirt D. hand 30. A. fifteen B. twenty C. twenty-five D. thirty 三、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year. You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you want to be good at English, you have to read stories in English, and to speak English as much as possible. A few days before the exam you should go to bed early. Do not go to bed late at night studying. Before you start answering in the exam, read carefully over the question papers, and try to understand the meaning of each question. When you have finished your exam, read over your answers. Correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you don’t miss anything out. 31. If people want to do well in an exam, they have to work hard ______ . A. every day in a year B. for most of the month C. for only a few days D. late at night 32. If people want to learn English well, they ______. A. only need to learn grammar B. must often practice English C. have to go to England D. should go to bed early 33. It is important to ______ a few days before the exam. A. play too much B. have a good sleep C. read the question papers D. have a good drink 34. When people have finished the exam, they should ______ . A. stand up and leave at once B. answer a few more questions C. make sure that they don’t miss anything out D. leave some mistakes on the question paper 35. The best title for the passage is ______. A. An Important Exam B. An Easy Exam C. Get Ready For Exams D. How to Pass an Exam B If you go into the forest with your friends, stay with them. If you don’t, you may get lost. What should you do if you really get lost? You should sit down and stay where you are. You mustn’t try to find your friends. Let them find you. If you want your friends to find you, you need to stay in one place. You can also shout three times. Then stop. Then shout three times again. Keep up shouting. Always three times together. When people hear you, they will know that you need help and where you are. If you don’t think that you can get help before night comes, you should make a little house with some small trees and branches(树枝) or something else. And make yourself a bed with leaves and grass. When you need some water and you have to leave your little house to look for it, don’t just walk away. Leave small branches or something else on the way and then you can find your way back easily. 36. If you get lost in the forest, you should ________. A. try to find your friends B. stay where you are C. walk around the forest D. try to find a house 37. What should you do if nobody helps you before night? A. Shout loudly. B. Look for friends everywhere. C. Go to bed. D. Make a house with something. 38. When people hear the shouts, they will know that ________. A. someone needs help B. a bear is coming C. someone gets injured D. something terrible will happen 39. When you got to look for some water, you need to ________. A. cut down some trees B. make another house C. use branches to make a bed D. leave branches on the way 40. What’s the best title for the passage? A. Travel in the forest B. Spend a night in the forest C. What to do when lost in the forest D. What to do if we want to get some water C Mr. Lee is going to take his family on a trip to some other countries. His brother decides to go with them. Mr. Lee’s father is old so he wants to stay at home and takes care of the house. They are planning to take a train to visit New York first, and then go to Europe by ship. They’d like to take buses or trains to visit some countries in Europe. Then they are going to fly home. It takes them a long time to decide where to go, but Mr. Lee thinks they will have an interesting trip. They will go to England, France and Italy. Mrs. Lee is very interested in France because she’s a French teacher. Mr. Lee’s brother can speak good Italian, so he’s looking forward to the trip to Italy. They also talk about how they are going to Europe. At first they want to fly there, because it is faster and can save more time. But Mr. Lee’s brother would like to take a boat trip and he thinks the children will enjoy it as well. 41. How many people are going on the trip? A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. D. Over three. 42. How are they coming back home? A. By boat. B. By train. C. By plane. D. By car. 43. What will they do in Europe? A. Go sightseeing at the seaside. B. Learn some foreign languages. C. Do some interesting things. D. Visit some different countries. 44. How did they decide to go to Europe at last? A. By plane. B. By ship. C. By train. D. By train or by bus. 45. From the passage, we can see that _______. A. their trip is not comfortable B. their trip is not very long C. the cost of the trip is very high D. they organize (组织) the trip well 四、选项补全对话,一项多余(每空 1 分,共 5 分) A: Hello, Alex! ___46___? B: I’m going to put on the poster(海报) on the wall. A: A poster? B: We are going to have a class party. A: ___47___? B: At half past six tomorrow evening. A: Oh, great! __48__? B: I think I’m going to wear my school clothes. A: I’m going to wear my jeans to the party. ___49__? B: I think if you do so, the teachers won’t let you in. A: Well. I’ll wear my school clothes, too. ___50___! B: See you! 五、任务型完形填空:选词并用其正确形式填空.(每空 1 分,共 10 分) For many young people, b (51) a professional athlete might like a d (52) job. If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to make a living doing something you love. If you become f (53), people all over the world will know you. Many athletes give money to schools and c (54), and do a lot of work to help people. This is a great c (55) that many people do not have. H (56), professional athletes can also have many p (57). If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. This can m (58) life difficult. If you play sports for a living, your job will sometimes be very d (59). Many professional athletes get injured. And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing w (60) your real friends are. In fact, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were happier before they became rich and famous. 六、选词填空(10 分,每小题 1 分) A man once had a 61 about the Black Forest(森林) in Germany. In his dream he was A. What are you going to do at the party? B. See you then! C. What will happen if I wear jeans? D. When is it going to be? E. What are you going to do? F. Thank you! G. But what kind of clothes are you going to wear? dream came out at the same time life later in front of reached down kindly walking in the forest when two men ran 62 and tried to throw him to the ground. He ran off as fast as he could, but they followed him. He reached a place where he saw two roads 63 him, one to the right and the other to the left. Which road should he take? He heard the two men behind him, getting nearer, and he 64 heard a voice in his ear. It told him to go to the right, and he did so. He ran on and so he 65 into a small hotel. He was received there 66 and given a room, and he was saved from the two men. That was the dream. Twenty years 67 he was really in the Black Forest and, as happened in the dream long ago, two men ran out and tried to throw him 68 . He ran off and came to a place with two roads, like in the dream. He remembered the dream and took the road to the right. He soon 69 a small hotel, was taken in, and so was safe. His dream of twenty years before had saved his 70 . 七、词汇知识:(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 第一节:根据句意和首字母提示完成下列句子(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 71. Be careful, you will make some m ________. 72. My dream is to t________ around the world. 73. Don’t eat too much c _______, it’s bad for your health. 74. Lana is going to o________ a welcome party for her friends. 75. I felt _______(沮丧)when I failed my math exam. 76. Our parents have more ______(经验) than us, so we can get some good advice from them. 77. The boy failed his math exam, because he was too c ________. 第二节:用括号中所给词的适当形式填空(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 78. I don’t know when ________(leave) for Beijing. 79. The old man lives alone, so he often says to _______(he) at home. 80. Could you please give me some ___________ (advice)? 81. The students will go to the Summer Palace if it _________ (not rain) tomorrow. 82. If I see him again, I _______(tell) him what you said. 83. What ________(happen) if they don’t agree with each other? 84. What will he say if he _______(find) out the truth? 85. Now you need _______(put) some salt into the soup. 八、句型转换(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 86. I think I’m going to stay at home. (改为否定句) I _________ think I ________ going to stay at home. 87. I’ll take it away if you bring food to the party. (对划线部分提问) What ________ you ______ if you bring food to the party? 88. Ride your bike or you’ll be late. (用 if 改写) You’ll be late if you _______ ________ your bike. 89. The workers finished the job last Sunday . (变为否定句) The workers _________ _________the job last Sunday . 90. We will go to Shanghai in two days . (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ will you go to Shanghai? 91. The man worked for six hours without stopping. (改为同义句) The man ________ ________ or six hours. 92. He often walks to school. (改为同义句) He often goes to school ________ _______. 93. Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest post office? (同义句) Can you tell me the ________ ________the nearest post office? 94. At last, we got to the top of the mountain.同义句) We got to the top of the mountain _______ the _______. 95. They are having an English evening. (用 tomorrow 作时间状语改写句子) They _________ __________ an English evening tomorrow. 九、根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 96. 如果你没带身份证,我们不会让你进来。 If you don't _______ your ID card. We won't ________ you in. 97. 如果我成为律师,我会不能和孩子们一起。 If I am a________, I won't be _______ to work with children. 98. 世上无难事, 只怕有心人。 ________is________ if you set your mind to do it. 99. 我认为你应该去上大学。 I think you _______ go to _______. 100. 如果你真那样做了, 你会玩得很开心的。 You will ________ ________ if you do like this. 十、书面表达(15 分) 请以 If I Have...为题写一篇不少于 70 个单词的短文。 要求:1.先将题目补充完整;2.短文要条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺。 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! 答案及听力材料

