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北京四中2010--2011学年度第一学期期中检测初二年级英语试卷 ‎(考试时间为100分钟、试卷满分为100分)‎ 班级 ________ 学号 ________ 姓名 ________ 分数 ________‎ Ⅰ卷 说明:本部分考试答案全部做在机读卡上。请同学们对准题号依次做答。‎ 一.听力(21分,每小题1分)‎ ‎1.听句子,选择最佳答语。‎ ‎1. A. Speaking. Who's that, please? B. I think so. Please speak.‎ C. Hello! Who are you?‎ ‎( ) 2. A. Thanks. B. Thank you all the same. C. The same to you.‎ ‎( ) 3. A, It's very far from here.‎ B. It's about two kilometers away.‎ C. Go along this street. At the end of the street you can see it.‎ ‎( ) 4. A. Of course. B. That's all right. C. Not at all. Please do it.‎ ‎( ) 5. A. Don't worry. I'll get better soon.‎ B. Forget it. It doesn't matter. C. I am sorry to hear that Ⅱ.听对话和对话后的问题,选择合适的图片。‎ Ⅲ 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。‎ ‎( ) 11. A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A policeman.‎ ‎( ) 12. A. By train. B. By plane. C. By bus.‎ ‎( ) 13. A. 16. B. 32. C. 64.‎ ‎( ) 14. A Six yuan. B. Eight yuan. C. Fourteen yuan ‎( ) 15. A It's 8:‎00 a.m. B. It's 2:00 p.m C. It's 10:00 p.m Ⅳ 听对话,选择正确的选项。请听第一段材料,完成第16至18小题。‎ ‎( ) 16. Why does Jack want to borrow a book about the environment?‎ A. He is interested in the pollution.‎ B. He wants to give a talk about the environment.‎ C. He will give, a talk on pollution and the environment.‎ ‎17. What kind of hook is Jack interested in?‎ A. About population.‎ B. About environment.‎ C. About Chin's Shenzhou.‎ ‎( ) 18. When isn't the library open?‎ A. On Tuesdays.‎ B. On Wednesdays.‎ C. On weekends.‎ 请听第二段材料,完成第19至21小题。‎ ‎( ) 19. What arethey talking about?‎ A. The sports meeting.‎ B. The headmaster.‎ C. Some favorite sports.‎ ‎20. What will Kate Bake part in?‎ A. The long jump.‎ B. The high jump.‎ C. The 100-meter race.‎ ‎21. Why doesn't Bill want to take part in the competition?‎ A. Because he doesn't like sports.‎ B. Because he feels too nervous.‎ C. Because he is ill.‎ 二.单项选择(14分,每小题1分)‎ ‎( ) 22. After the strong wind, the lights suddenly A. go away B. go off C. went away D. went off ‎( ) 23. They are practicing ________ now. You can wait here.‎ A. swimming B. going swimming C. to go swimming D. to swim ‎( ) 24. ________ you are out of this hotel, your life will be in danger.‎ A. Once B. Because C. Unless D. Though ‎( ) 25. This book is ________ than we think.‎ A. much good B. too better C. more better D. a lot better ‎( ) 26. There is ________ snow in the northern part of China.‎ A. many B. a lot of C. a great many D. a large number of ‎( ) 27. We were copying the new words ________ our teacher came in.‎ A. while B. as C. when D. unless ‎( ) 25. Don't forget to call me as soon as you ________‎ A. arrive B. reach C. get D. arrive at ‎( ) 29. We would like to go and thank him yourselves, hut we ________ out. his address yet.‎ A. haven't found B. hadn, t found C. didn't find D. don't find ‎( ) 30. What ________ do you want to say?‎ A. on Earth B. on earth C. on the Earth D. on the earth ‎( ) 31. -- I can't understand what the teachers talk in class. what should I do?‎ ‎-- Why not ________ them what you don't know after class?‎ A. ask B. to ask C. you ask D. asking ‎( ) 32. -- John called' you yesterday but you didn't answer the phone.‎ ‎-- Oh, I ________ flowers in the garden at that time.‎ A. watered B. am watering C. was watering D. have watered ‎33. --You have never met a famous film star, ________?‎ ‎--Yes, I have. I met Maggie Zhang last year.‎ A. did you B. didn't you C. haven't you D. have you ‎34. --Are you OK? You look tired.‎ ‎--No, I am not tired but scared. Just now I saw a mouse ________ in front of me.‎ A. running B. run C. ran D. to run ‎( ) 35. --Have you seen Tommy, Rose?‎ ‎--No, I think he ________ America.‎ A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been in D. went to 三.完型填空(10分,每小题1分)‎ In May, 1927, at least four different people were planning to fly between NewYork and Paris. On the morning of. May 20, however, only Lindbergh 36 from New York in his small plane.‎ For the first eleven hours he flew 37 the Atlantic coastline (海岸线). When he turned gourd the open ocean, he had flown almost as far and as long as Alcock and Brown had in 1919. It was getting dark and the 38 part of the flight was just beginning.‎ First, there was freezing fog (冻雾). For a time he avoided (避免) this by flyinglow over the water. But then the fog 39 down to the tops of the waves. Lindbergh. flew 40 but it was so 41 that ice formed on his wings (机翼) In the black darkness he shook the ice off 42 diving and turning sharply. Twenty-four hours had passed now and he was terribly 43. He was still overthe At lantic in darkness. He ate 44 because he thought it would be easier tostay awake on an empty stomach (胃). Then dawn, (黎明) came. A few minutes later, he was over the Irish coast. He flew on over England and crossed France. Ahuge, excited crowd of 1"00,000 people were waiting for him when he 45. He hadflown for thirty-three and a half hours. It is probably one of the most famous flights in history.‎ ‎( ) 36. A. went to B. left to C. took off D. got off ‎( ) 37. A. on B. above C. along D. under ‎( ) 38. A. shortest B. worst C. best D. longest ‎( ) 39. A. dropped B. carded C. brought D. came ‎( ) 40. A. better B. faster C. higher D. lower ‎( ) 41. A. hot B. warm C. cool D. cold ‎( ) 42. A. by B. in C. to D. through ‎( ) 43. A. frightened B. excited C. worded D. tired ‎( ) 44. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ‎( ) 45. A. landed B. reached C. fell D. stomped 四.阅读理解(30分,每小题1.5分)‎ ‎(A)‎ The following is from a BBS online talking about the two sinaers.‎ Author/Time Topic: Who's a better singer: Andy Lau or. Jacky Cheung Aodyfan ‎3-2-2005‎ ‎2:45 p.m.‎ Andy is the best. I went to his conccrt last year. It was incredible(难以置信的), I almost cried! Ok, I did cry, but that's because Andy is so handsome.‎ ‎1000 reasons ‎3-2-2005‎ ‎14:38p.m.‎ I totally disagree. Andy sounds like other singers His voice is nothing special. Jacky's voice is unique(独特的), vad his sangs are so romantic!‎ Movieman ‎3-2-2005‎ ‎8:55 p.m.‎ I think they're about the same. But Andy is definitely a better actor. I've seen almost all of his movies. Remember the one in which he was an airplane pilot, and his plane crashed ncar a farm? I love that movie.‎ Lindalee ‎5-2-2005‎ ‎10:‎15 a.m I also think Jacky is a better singer. J prefcr his Cantoncse Songs.‎ Maybethey suand better because he speaks Cantonese.‎ ‎1000 reasons ‎5-2-2005‎ ‎12:30 P.m.‎ I agree.Jaeky's Cantonese songs are better than his Mandarin songs. I still like all his songs though.‎ ‎( ) 46. Who likes Andy Lau best?‎ A Andyfan B.1000 reasons C. Movieman D. Lindalee ‎( ) 47. Why did Andyfan cry?‎ A. She was sad at a concert.‎ B. She had a broken heart.‎ C. She was angry at Jacky Chung.‎ D. She thought Andy Lau was very good-looking.‎ ‎( ) 48. What's Movieman's opinion?‎ A. Andy is a better singer. B. Jacky is a better singer.‎ C. Andy sings as well as Jacky. D. Jacky is a better actor.‎ ‎( ) 49. L-indalee thinks Jack's Cantonese songs sound better because A. Jacky has no experienoe in singing in Mandarian B. Jacky only sings Cantonese songs C. his Mandar in pronunciation is not as good as his Cantonese D. Jacky's Mandar in songs are boring ‎( ) 50. Which of the following is TRUE?‎ A. Nobody likes Andy's movies.‎ B. 1000 reasons has similar (相似的) opinion as Lindalee.‎ C. 1000 reasons thinks Andy's voice is more special than Jacky's.‎ D. Andyfan has never seen an Andy Lau concert.‎ ‎(B)‎ Many students complain about learning English and they often fail in the exams. It's not that they don't want to learn it well, but that they don't know how they canlearn it well and how they can pass the exams. Here is some advice from a teacher.‎ A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year. You may fail inan exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few daysbefore the exam If you want to be good at English, you have to read stories inEnglish. And speak. English as much as possiblc. A few days before the exam, youshould go to bed early. Do not go to bed late at night studying. Before you start theexam, read carefully over the question papers, and try to understand the exact meaning Of each question. When you have at last fimished your exam." rend over your answers. Correct the mistakes if there are any, and make sure. that you don't missenything out.‎ ‎( ) 51. It is important to ________ a few days before the exam.‎ A. play too much B. have a good sleep C. read the question papers D. have a good drink ‎( ) 52. When people have finished the exam, they should ________‎ A. stand up and leave at once B. answer a few more questions C. make sure that they don't miss anything out D. leave some mistakes on the question paper ‎( ) 53. Thebest title for the massage is A. An important Exam B. An Easy Exam C. Get Ready for Exam D. How to Pass an Exam ‎(C)‎ ‎1) Liu Sicong has lived. in hutong in Beijing's Dongcheng District for nine years. The 12-year-old saysthat he likes his life there and doesn't want to move into ahighrise building.‎ ‎2) "People in tall buildings don't even know who theirneighbors are," says Liu. "If you live in hutong you oftenshare food with the people who live around you."‎ ‎3) Zhang Yuanyuan has a similar idea.‎ ‎4) "There may be several classmates living in the same hutong. If you want to play, you just shout out their names," says the 14-year-old.‎ ‎5) To kids like Liu and Zhang, hutong is not just a place to live but also an important part of their culture.‎ ‎6) People in hutong enjoy eating outside, with their noodle bowls in their hands. They talk about everything - weather, money, football. They play chess with dozensof neighbors looking on, discussing the game.‎ ‎7) Hutong is typical of life in Beijing. There are thousands of hutong in the city. They are passages (通道) between Siheyuan-houses around a square courtyard. Mostof them were built in the Yuan, Min~and Qing dynasties (朝代).‎ ‎8) Hutong give Beijing its special flavor and beauty..Many people from other parts" of the country or other countries come in great numbers to the city just to have a look. at them The Shiehahai area, with its many interesting hutong, has become a scenicspot (景点).‎ ‎9) Today, many hutong have been pulledown because they lack (缺少) cleanwater and proper toilets. Many people are. sorry about this. They say that hutong arepart of Beijing people's life and should be kept as part of. the culture.‎ ‎( ) 54. According to the passage, which is NOT the reason for the children's love for their life in hutong.‎ A. The neighhors know each other well.‎ B. They can often eat in a neighbor's home.‎ C. It's easy to get a playmate (玩耍伙伴) out.‎ D. The neighbors are friendly to each other.‎ ‎( ) 55. Which paragraph gives us a general reason why some children love to live in hutong?‎ A. Paragraph 4 B. Paragraph 5‎ C. Paragraph 6 D. Paragraph 7‎ ‎( ) 56. The phrase "pull down" in the last paragraph most probably means __‎ A. make it disappear B. rebuild it C. repair it D. make it stay ‎( ) 57. From the passage, we can see that the author ________ the idea that hutong should be kept as part of the culture.‎ A. developed B. doubted C. agreed to D. explained ‎(D)‎ Around twenty years ago I was-living in Seattle and going through hard times. Icould not find a satisfying job "and I found this especially difficult as I had a lot ofexperience and a Master's degree.‎ To my, shame‎ ‎I.‎ was driving a school bus "to make ends meet (收支平衡) andliving with friends. I had been through five interviews with a company and one daybetween bus runs they called to say I did not get the job.‎ Later that afternoon, while doing my rounds (当班出勤) through a quietneighborhood I had an internal (inside) wave -- like a scream (尖叫) come upfrom deep inside me and I thought "Why has my life become so hard?"‎ Immediately after tbis internal scream I pulled the bus over to drop off a littlegirl and as she passed she handed me an earring saying I should keep it in casesomebody looked for it. The earring was stamped with words' BE HAPPY'.‎ At first I got angry. Then it hit me. I had been putting all of my energies intowhat was wrong with my life rather than what was right! I decided then and there tomake a list of 50 things I was thankful to.‎ At first/t was hard, and then it got easier. Ome day I decided to up it to 75. Thatnight there was a phone call for me, asking if I would do a one-day training for 200hospital workers. I said yes and got the job.‎ My day with the hospital workers went very well. I got a standing welcome andmany more days of work. To this day I KNOW that it was because I changed myattitude' (态度) to gratitude.‎ By chance, the day after I found the earring the girl asked me if anyone had looked for it. I told her no and she snid "I guess it was meant for you then."‎ I spent the next year doing training, workshops all around the Seattle area andthen decided to risk everyghing and go back to Scotland where I had lived Before. Iclosed my one man business and bought a plane ticket. One month later I met-mywonderful English wife and best friend of 15 years now. We live in a small heautifulhouse in Scotland.‎ ‎'THE ONLY ATTITUDE IS GRATITUDE' has been my motto (座右铭) for years now and yes, it completely changed my life.‎ ‎( ) 58. Whatdoes the underlined word it mean?‎ A. To make a list of things he was thankful to B. The words "BE HAPPY"‎ C. To forget that his life became so hard D. The special earring the girl gave to the writer ‎( ) 59. The underlined word gratitude means being A. thankful B. open C. careful D. kind ‎( ) 60. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?‎ A. The writer made a list of 75 things he was Thankful to B. The writer's wife has been his best friend for 15 years.‎ C. The writer has lived in Seattle since 20 years ago.‎ D. The writer did the training for 200 hospital workers.‎ ‎( ) 61. What would be the best title for the passage?‎ A. Attitude and Behavior. B. The Girl and I.‎ C. Be Happy. D. The Earring.‎ ‎(E)‎ Do you know how many stars there are in the universe? The answer is WANY! Our sun is one of about 100 billion stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. But the MilkyWay is just one of billions of galaxies that we know about! Some other scientists saythere are 2,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars!‎ The largest star that we know about is called the Pistol Star (手枪星). The PistolStar is closer to the center of the Milky- May than we are. Because of space dust wecan't see it with the naked eye (肉眼). It's about 100 times the size of our Sun, and10,000,000 times as bright as the Sun~‎ The closest star to the Earth is the Sun! The Sun is about 93 million miles away. We measure bigger distances in space in light years, and one light year is about6,000,000,000,000 miles. Besides the Sun, Proxima Centauri (半人马比邻座星) isthe closest star at 4.2 light years away: Some of the brightest stars are more distant Rigel (参宿七), in the constellation Orion (猎户星座), is the seventh brightest star inthe sky but is 900 light years away. To see the faraway stars, scientists use the HubbleSpace Telescope (哈勃空间望远镜). Hubble has been stars that are 12 billion lightyears away!‎ A star's color has a lot to do with its temperature. A blue-wbite star is very dense(密集的) and hot. When a star becomes red, its energy has begun to fade(消失). Therefore, a star that is nearing the end of its life is called a red giant(红巨星). Whilehumans grow smaller in old age, stars grow bigger until they die. In thefar future, maybe our sun willbecome a red giant and destroy the Earth! Luckily, it'll be a longtime before we have to think about that problem.‎ ‎( ) 62. Of all. the stars, ________ is the newest to the earth.‎ A. the sun B. the moon C. the Pistol Star D. Rigel ‎( ) 63. We measure bigger distance in space in A. meters B. kilometers C. miles D. light years ‎( ) 64. Which is the seventh brightest star in the sky?‎ A. The sun. B. Rigel.‎ C. Proxima Centauri. D. The Pistol Star ‎( ) 65. If a star i.s nearing the end of its life, its color is ________‎ A. blue B. red C. yellow D. red and blue Ⅱ卷 说明:本部分考试答案全部做在答题纸上。请同学们对准题号依次做答。五选词填空(5分,每小题0.5分)‎ 从方框中选择合 适的词汇,并用其恰当的形式填空,如有需要请组成短语或用变形词或同义词填空。注意动词时态,详见例句。‎ take end with late alone beyond news piece pay conversation 例句:The plane will take off as soon as all the passengers are in their seats withthe belt on.‎ ‎1. With so much loud music in the restaurant, ________ between us was almost impossible.‎ ‎2. The son, Johann Strauss the younger, was even more successful than his father. The Blue Danube is one of his finest ________ music.‎ ‎3. ________ report says that five more Ribbons died of bird flu. People in town are in great panic now.‎ ‎4. He was so angry that he slammed the door and left ________ word.‎ ‎5. My brother is a pilot, and he ________ to over 300 countries up till now.‎ ‎6. You have to ________ the book you lost. This is the rule in library.‎ ‎7. Most people do not choose to work ________ the normal retirement (退休) age.‎ ‎8. ________ the movie, the nother finally found her lost daughter and gave the baddie (坏人) a hard attack.‎ ‎9. I heard all ahout the bombs ________: 13 people were badly injured, but no one died.‎ ‎10. My sister has a lot of interests and hobbies. She doesn't feel ________ at all, though she lives all by herself.‎ 六.完成句子(10分,每小题1分)‎ ‎1.你何不把这次奇妙的经历写下来?‎ ‎____________ write downthe ________________________?‎ ‎2.sam邀请我参加这个活动为贫困儿童募捐。‎ Sam has invited me____________the activity to____________for poor children.‎ ‎3.我的朋友花了五年多的时间到世界各地去旅行。‎ It____________my friend____________five years to____________‎ ‎4.在Eivis十六岁那一年,他的父亲给他买了一把吉它作为生日礼物。‎ ‎____________ 16, Etvis's father ____________ him a guitar for his birthday.‎ ‎5.当他们正在河边野餐的时候,一只长尾巴的猴子出现了一两次。‎ They ____________ by the river, when a monkey ____________ a long tall appeared ____________‎ ‎6.如果你觉得紧张,也许听一段音乐台好点儿,或者深吸一口气。‎ If you feel nervous, perhaps a piece of music ____________ or ____________‎ ‎7.真是很可惜!由于资金不够,他们不能到我们的城市来举办音乐会了。‎ It's a pity they couldn't ____________ in our oity city ____________ the shortage of money.‎ ‎8.…你去过非洲了吗?‎ ‎…还没有。但我父母现在去了埃及,他们下个月就回来。‎ ‎…Africa yet?‎ ‎…____________. But my parents____________Egypt. They will come back next month.‎ ‎9.你喜欢听古典音乐,是吧?‎ You enjoy ____________ classical music, ____________?‎ ‎10.对我们来说,保护环境很重要。‎ ‎____________for us to orotect ____________‎ 七.作文(10分)‎ 作为社区的志愿者,你与同班的几名同学星期六到学校附近的社会救济站,为暂时无法回家的老人和儿童做一些力所能及的事情。‎ 请根据提示及下面图画内容为学校的英语壁报写一篇报道。‎ 注意:1、词数不少于60;‎ ‎2、参考词汇:社会救济站 drop-in center 老人the elderly ‎3、必须使用下列为每幅图片提供的词语 第一幅:have been; volunteers; for more than 5 years; on Saturday afternoon 第二幅:always; do some cleaning 第三幅:play garries with; read newspapers 第四幅:feel happy; it's important to do sth; try one's best to do sth 附加题(20分)‎ ‎1.根据首字母填出台适的单词(10分,每小题1分)‎ Last Sunday I saw the worst storm in years. It came suddenly in the mid afternoonand lasted more than 3 hours. At first, the Sky g_____ dark all of a sudden. Within minutes, forks of lightening f_____ a way into the sky. Ten it was f_____ by the boom of thunder. A very strong wind blew into my room. My valuable notes, l______ on the desk in the room, flew high into the air. I jumpeduped up to catch them but unluckily a few sheets sailed out of the open window. As I ranout to get the notes, big d_______ of rain began to fall.‎ As soon as I ran back into the house, the rain began to p_______ in waves. If ______ to close the windows. I did it but was wet all over. I d_____ myself with a towel. Then I heard a sudden loud sound from the back of the house. I ran out of the room to find out what it was. A tree was broken. Part of its big branches lay a ________ the floor. The table was broken into pieces. It would take a lot of work to r ________ it. Hoover we were thankful that no one was hurt.‎ ‎11.阅读理解(10分,每小题2分)‎ Container gardening is especially adapted to present living. Plants in containersshow great variety of form and texture(外观). They can be used to create instantindoor gardens; they can be moved from one home to another; and ther can be movedoutdoors in the summer and indoors during the cooler months.‎ Space is not a problem. Container gardening can be conducted in a single pot on a table or window sill, in a more elaborate room divider, or in a built-in planter.‎ Just as there are many kinds of plants, there are many kinds of containers. Plantscan be grown in any. container that will hold a growing mediurm. The choice rangesfrom the common clay pot to cans, jars, boxes, baskets and tubs.‎ Most people select containers for both their practical and "esThetic qualities". These include cost, availabilliy, weight, strength, durabiliiy, attractiveness andsentimental value.‎ The size and shape of the container should depend on the plant's size and shape. Tall, tapering plants are more attractive in tall, relatively narrow containers; short, compact plants appear more at home in shallow, wide containers.‎ Particularly important conslderations for good plant growth fire the volume anddepth of the container, and some provision for drainage. Containers that have drainageholes in the bottom for the removal of excess water are best. Water--tight containersare difficult to manage---excess water will accumlate at the hottom of the containerand injure plant roots by excluding oxygen.‎ Container volume and depth become important in relation to the quantity of available water and nutrients.‎ Besides the right kind of container, some basic requirements for plant growthmust be provided, Plants need light, water mutrients, and a satisfactory temperatureranges,‎ Light is the most critical requirement. The levels of all the other requirements are regulated in relation to the amount of light that plants receive. When plants don'thave enough light they become tall and thin. Plants are easier to maintain. in goodcondition when their light requirements are met.‎ ‎( ) 1. This article is primarily about ______‎ A. growing indoor plants B. growing tropical plants C. making containers for plants D. choosing appropriate containers for indoor plants ‎( ) 2. The expression "esthetic qualitles" might have something to do with the ________ of the containers.‎ A. size and shape B. drainage and light C. attractiveness and decorative value D. availabillty only ‎( ) 3. It is believed that plants needs ________‎ A. extra water B. enough warmth C. more nutrient D. more sunlight ‎( ) 4. The author implies that ________‎ A. plants in containers have more varieties of form B. plants can be damaged if they are given too much water C. most plants should he placed on the fire stoves during winter months D. some plants are particularly fit for container gardening ‎( ) 5. According to the passage, it is true that A. vegetables are easier to grow than flowering plants B. the growth of indoor plants can be adjusted by adequate light and temperature C. most indoor plants live from three to five yeans.‎ D. plants growing indoors need little care 北京四中2011届第一学期期中检测初二年级英语试卷及答案解析 评论:‎ 本试卷一大特点为题量大,单项选择很简单,属于基础知识,完型较有难度,生词多,阅读后三篇比较难,量也大,后面的填空部分难度适中,附加题难度较大。 ‎ 二.单项选择答案解析:‎ ‎22. 答案:D; 本题有两个考点,一是短语辨析,一是时态。一阵大风过后,灯灭了,go off 意思是熄灭,go away意思是离开;灯熄灭这个事情已经发生了,在过去用went off. ‎ ‎23. 答案:A; 本题考点是动名词。practice 意思是练习,练习作某事儿后加doing, 也就是用practice doing sth, A选项的意思是联系游泳,B选项的意思是联系去游泳,很显然意思有误,正确答案是A. ‎ ‎24. 答案:A; 本题考点状语从句,根据句子的意思,一旦你离开了旅店,你的生命安全就没保障了,应该用Once, 表示一旦。C选项的意思是除非,引导条件状语从句,D选项的意思是尽管,引导让步状语从句.‎ ‎25. 答案:D; 本题考点是形容词的比较级,good的比较级是better, 若是表达好很多better前面还应该加修饰词much或者a lot. ‎ ‎26. 答案:B; 本题考点为名词量化;表示有很多的表达有很多,但关系到修饰的是可数名词还是不可数名词,在中国北方下雪特比多,snow是不可数名词,a lot of 既可以修饰不可数名词,也可以修饰可数名词复数,符合题意。many, a great many, 均表示大量的,修饰可数名词复数,D选项本身是错误的,若把number 改成number, 这个短语变为a large number of 意思也是大量的,后用可数名词复数。‎ ‎27. 答案:C; 本题考点为时间状语从句;我们正抄写新单词呢,老师进来了,表示一件事情在进行的过程中突然发生了另一件事,这时候既可用while也可用when, 但是while后必须用延续性动作,且是进行时态,所以本题只能用when. ‎ ‎28. 答案:A; 本题考点为词义辨析,表示到达有三种,get to, reach和arrive, 区别是,get to中的to 是介词,所以后必须加地点,reach是及物动词,所以后面也一定加地点,arrive是不及物动词,所以可以单独使用,若是加地点后面需加介词at或者in, at后跟小地方,in 后跟大地方,至少是城市及更大的地方。‎ ‎29. 答案:A; 本题考点是现在完成时;我们非常想亲自去向他表示感谢,但是我们还没有找到他的地址,意思是已经找过了,发生在过去,对现在有影响,我们不能去表示感谢,用完成时,另外yet是一个关键点,完成时的重要标志。‎ ‎30. 答案:B; 本题考点短语辨析;on earth的意思是究竟,恰好符合题意: 你究竟想说什么?on the earth意思是在地球上,A和C是乱编的,没有这样的短语。‎ ‎31. 答案:A; 本题考点为提建议;why not+do,所以只有A正确。意思是那你下课了为什么不去问问他们呢?‎ ‎32. 答案:C; 本题考点为过去进行时。我昨天给你打电话了,但是你没接,我那会儿正浇花呢,表示过去某刻正在进行,应该用过去进行时。‎ ‎33. 答案:D; 本题考点为反义疑问句。never 是否定词,所以前面的陈述句变成了一个否定陈述,前否后肯,前后助动词要一致,所以用have you. ‎ ‎34. 答案:本题考点为感官动词。see sb do sth, 表示看见过,可以表示看见全过程,也可以表示看见有这么回事儿,既可以是一次性的,也可以是经常性的,see sb doing, 表示看见某人正在做某事儿,‎ ‎35. 答案:B; 本题考点现在完成时;你看到Tommy了吗? 没有,他去美国了。去了,还没有回来用has gone to, has been to 意思是去过,has been in 意思是去了,一直呆在某个地方。‎ 三.完型填空答案解析:‎ ‎36. 答案:C; 词义辨析+前后线索,go to 意思是去某地,leave to 没有这样的搭配,take off, 意思是起飞,go off, 意思是熄灭,根据上文In May, 1927, at least four different people were planning to fly between NewYork and Paris.可知这几个人是要跨洋飞行,根据下文,in his small plane. 出现了飞机,由此可知飞机应该是起飞了。‎ ‎37. 答案:C; 语法,考查介词,沿着the Atlantic coastline (海岸线)飞行,也就是沿着某条线飞行用介词along. ‎ ‎38. 答案:B; 后线索,根据第三段首句First, there was freezing fog (冻雾).可以判断出接下来的飞行困难重重,那么可见应该是飞行中最糟糕的部分开始了,用worst这个词。‎ ‎39. 答案:D; 词义辨析题,drop意思是落下来,掉下来,card意思是卡片,bring意思是拿来,bring down 有减少,使倒下的意思,come意思是过来,come down 有下降,下落的意思,根据文章,意思是大雾的越来越降越低,用come down to. ‎ ‎40. 答案:C; 上下文线索题,上文提到上空有雾,所有飞行员降低飞行高度,那么现在低空也有雾了,飞行员只能是在提高飞行的高度。‎ ‎41. 答案:D; 后线索,根据下文 ice formed on his wings (机翼), 机翼都结冰了,那一定是特别冷,cool 表示凉爽,cold表示寒冷,用cold更形象。‎ ‎42. 答案:A; 考查介词,文章的意思是机翼结冰了,飞行员通过在空中急剧转弯飞行来抖掉冰块,通过某种方式用by. ‎ ‎43. 答案:D; 前后线索,语境题,根据文章,他都飞了24小时了,却仍在大西洋茫茫无尽的一篇漆黑中,这个时候他肯定是特别疲惫了。frightened意思是害怕的,受惊吓的,excited意思是激动的,亢奋的,显然不符合语境。‎ ‎44. 答案:D; 后线索,根据后文on an empty stomach (胃)可知他什么都没有吃,用nothing. ‎ ‎45. 答案:A; 固定表达,飞机着陆用land,是一个不及物动词. ‎ 四.阅读理解答案解析 ‎ A篇 ‎46. 答案:A;依据,Andy is the best. I went to his conccrt last year.‎ ‎47. 答案:D;依据,that's because Andy is so handsome,原因是他太帅了。‎ ‎48. 答案:C;依据,I think they're about the same, 这两个歌手一样棒.‎ ‎49. 答案:C;依据,I prefer his Cantoncse Songs.‎ ‎50. 答案:B;依据,I totally disagree. Jacky's voice is unique(独特的), vad his sangs are so romantic! ‎ B篇 ‎51. 答案:B;依据,A few days before the exam, youshould go to bed early. 老师建议早睡。‎ ‎52. 答案:C;依据,read over your answers. Correct the mistakes if there are any, and make sure that you don't miss anything out. 做完卷子以后,建议同学们检查,看看有没有漏掉的部分。‎ ‎53. 答案:D;依据,第一段第一句Many students complain about learning English and they often fail in the exams. 第一段最后一句Here is some advice from a teacher. 由此可知文章说的就是如何通过考试,平时该怎么学习,考试前该怎么调整,考场上应注意什么,所以D选项最具有概括性。‎ C篇 ‎54. 答案:B;依据,If you live in hutong you often share food with the people who live around you." 文章说了,你可以和邻居分享食物,但并没有说你就可以在邻居家吃饭。‎ ‎55. 答案:A;依据,f you want to play, you just shout out their names," 对于小孩子来说玩耍肯定是最重要的。‎ ‎56. 答案:A;依据,Many people are sorry about this. 人们对此感到特别难过,说明胡同是要被拆掉了。‎ ‎57. 答案:C;依据,从文章整体上来看作者对于胡同的感情色彩是好的,提到Hutong is typical of life in Beijing. There are thousands of hutong in the city. 说胡同是北京的标志,也就是说在作者看来,应该保留胡同,所以agree to更合适。develop the idea是提出的意思,这个想法肯定不是作者首先提出来的,只不过是支持这种观点,explain是解释的意思,解释观点,这个说法也是不恰当的。‎ D篇 ‎58. 答案:D;依据,as she passed she handed me an earring saying I should keep it 由此可知应该指代耳环。‎ ‎59. 答案:A;依据,I decided then and there to make a list of 50 things I was thankful to. 他后来改变了他的态度,学会感恩。‎ ‎60. 答案:C;依据,Around twenty years ago I was-living in Seattle and going through hard times. 二十年前他住在西雅图,后来We live in a small heautiful house in Scotland. 他去了苏格兰,结了婚,并一直生活在那里。‎ ‎61. 答案:C;小女孩给他的耳环上写着的“Be Happy”改变了他的一生,因此作为文章的题目比较合适。‎ E篇 ‎62. 答案:A;依据,The closest star to the Earth is the Sun! ‎ ‎63. 答案:D;依据,We measure bigger distances in space in light years, and one light year is about 6,000,000,000,000 miles. 较远的距离用光年为单位测量。‎ ‎64. 答案:B;依据,Some of the brightest stars are more distant Rigel (参宿七), in the constellation Orion (猎户星座), is the seventh brightest star in the sky but is 900 light years away. ‎ ‎65. 答案:B;依据,Therefore, a star that is nearing the end of its life is called a red giant(红巨星).‎ 五. 用方框中词的正确形式天空答案解析:‎ ‎1. the conversation ‎ ‎2. pieces ‎3. The latest ‎ ‎4. without ‎ ‎5. has taken flights ‎ ‎6. pay for ‎ ‎7. beyond ‎ ‎8. At the end of ‎ ‎9. news ‎ ‎10. lonely ‎ 六.完成句子(10分,每小题1分)‎ 六. 完成句子答案解析:‎ ‎1. 答案:Why don’t you; wonderful experience ‎2. 答案:to; raise money ‎ ‎3. 答案:took; over; travel around the world ‎ ‎4. 答案:At; bought ‎ ‎5. 答案:were having a picnic; with; twice ‎ ‎6. 答案:will make you better; a deep breath ‎ ‎7. 答案:hold the concert; because of ‎ ‎8. 答案:Not yet; have gone to ‎ ‎9. 答案:listening to; don’t you ‎ ‎10. 答案:It is very important; the environment ‎ 附加题 根据首字母填出台适的单词答案解析 (10分,每小题1分):‎ ‎1. got 2. followed 3. flew 4. lying 5. drops 6. power 7. 8. dressed 9. against 10. repair ‎ 附加题 阅读理解答案解析 ‎ ‎1. 答案:A 依据文章首段 Container gardening is especially adapted to present living. They can be used to create instant indoor gardens; 可知文章说得是室内栽培,后文又说了如何选择容器,植物生长需要的条件,这些都是围绕室内栽培进行的。‎ ‎2. 答案:A依据These include cost, availability, weight, strength, durability, attractiveness and sentimental value. ‎ ‎3. 答案:D 依据 Light is the most critical requirement.‎ ‎4. 答案:A 依据Plants in containers show great variety of form and texture(外观).‎ ‎5. 答案:B 依据The levels of all the other requirements are regulated in relation to the amount of light that plants receive. 根据植物所需要的光的多少,其它的条件也随着而变化,由此可知,光照和温度的调整会影响到植物的生长。‎

