人教新目标版英语八上Unit 5(Section B)同步练习

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人教新目标版英语八上Unit 5(Section B)同步练习

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?(Section B) (20 分钟 50 分) Ⅰ. 词汇运用(10 分) 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1. The man is r and he gives lots of money to charity every year. 2. The word “s ”means easy or not difficult. 3. We must take an active (行动)to save water. 4. He didn’t come to school and we don’t know the (原因). 5. Snow is (常见的)in winter in cold places. 答案: 1. rich 2. simple 3. action 4. reason 5. common Ⅱ. 单项选择(10 分) 1. (2013·重庆永川双石中学质检)Yongchuan is famous its tea. A. as B. to C. of D. for 2. — do you think of the 4G mobile phone? —I like it very much. A. How B. What C. When D. Why 3. Our math teacher Mr. Zhang was ill, so Mr. Li his place to teach us math yesterday. A. took B. gave C. made D. happened 4. Sanya is a good place to go sightseeing. I hope it one day. A. visit B. visiting C. visited D. to visit 5. —What kind of TV shows do you like? —Sitcoms. I think they are . A. boring B. meaningless C. enjoyable D. serious 答案: 1~5. DBADC Ⅲ. 完形填空(20 分) We all like watching TV about Donald Duck(唐老鸭)and Mickey Mouse. They are very interesting. Do you know who 1 the cartoons firstly? It was Walt Disney. I’ll 2 you something about him. He loved to draw pictures very much when he was young. But his father had much 3 to do and often 4 him from drawing. He had to help his father with it. When he grew up, he began to make cartoon films. But he 5 much money and always went hungry. Once, he caught a mouse and kept it 6 a pet. A few years later Walt 7 the mouse and decided to make a cartoon about it. Walt Disney 8 the mouse Mickey Mouse. People all over the world saw Mickey and loved him. Mickey made Walt Disney 9 soon. Then Walt made Donald Duck and others for television. In 1956, he 10 a wonderful land in California. There were real boats, castles, trains, rivers and all kinds of birds in one beautiful park. Many people went there. Disney died in 1966, but the world will never forget him. 1. A. produced B. drew C. invented D. discovered 2. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell 3. A. work B. jobs C. pictures D. washing 4. A. supported B. encouraged C. helped D. stopped 5. A. got B. made C. didn’t spend D. didn’t have 6. A. for B. as C. from D. with 7. A. thought B. liked C. remembered D. found 8. A. sent B. bought C. brought D. named 9. A. tired B. disappointed C. famous D. poor 10. A. produced B. sold C. opened D. wasted 答案: 1~5. BDADD 6~10. BCDCC 【方法技巧】“语境法”解完形填空题 完形填空题是介于单项选择题和阅读理解题之间的一种题型, 主要考查学生对语篇文 章的整体理解及细节把握及有关语言知识。联系上下文语境, 通过上下文来寻找信息是做这 类题的有效方法之一。我们所寻找的信息有的在空格前, 有的在空格后, 有的甚至蕴含在整 篇短文中, 这时需要我们在通读全文的基础上, 结合空格前后的信息及全文所暗示的信息 内容, 进行适当的逻辑推理, 再结合常识, 就可以得出正确答案。 Ⅳ. 阅读理解(10 分) There is a cat in the Shrek movies. The cat’s name is Puss. He always wears a hat, a sword(剑)and a pair of boots. And he likes to help others. Do you want to know more about this cat in boots? You can see the new movie Puss in Boots《穿靴 子的猫》. Before Puss meets Shrek, he arrives at a town. Puss has a childhood friend, Humpty. They have the same dream. They want to find the magic beans(魔豆). But two bad persons, Jack and Jill want to use the beans to rule the world. They already take a few steps ahead. They put the magic beans in a box and a wild pig watches the beans day and night. Puss has to get the beans to save the town. What he has done makes him a brave hero among the people in the town. The movie is very popular with American kids. Let’s see what they said. “Humpty is very funny. Jack and Jill are a little scary. ”said Ryan. “This 3D cartoon movie is really cool! You can’t miss(错过)it. ”said Nicole. 1. Which of the following is Puss according to the passage? 2. Puss and Humpty’s dream is . A. to get the magic beans B. to become good friends C. to meet Shrek again D. to have a pair of boots 3. Jack and Jill keep the magic beans . A. to travel around the world B. to help the people in the town C. to rule the world D. to find Puss and Humpty 4. According to the passage, Puss is very in the movie. A. funny B. scary C. bad D. brave 答案: 1~4. BACD

