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Unit 7 Will people have robots? 第二课时 Section A (2a2d) 一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词。 1 . We all know that the ________ ( 地球 ) moves around the sun. 2 . The sun is a star , not a ________ ( 行星 ) . 3 . Tina needs a quiet _____________( 环境 ) to study for her test now. 4 . The water _____________was so bad that most of the fish died. 5 . They ________a few young trees on the hill last Sunday. earth planet environment planted pollution 二、根据句意 , 从括号中选择正确的单词填空。 6 . There are _______(few/fewer) books in this box than that one. 7 . They think there will be ______(less/fewer) people in the village in fifty years. 8 . Frank always has _______(less/fewer) schoolwork than us. 9 . Does Alice spend ______(more/fewer) money on clothes than ever? 10 . There will be ________(fewer/more) cars in the city because more people will take the subway. 11 . To be healthy , Lisa exercises _________(more/less) and eat ____(more/less) every day. fewer fewer less more fewer more less 三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 12 .没有人知道将来会发生什么。 No one knows what will happen ______________ . 13 .你希望搬到别的星球上吗? Do you hope to______________________ ? 14 .那名年轻的消防员正处于极度危险之中。 The young fireman is __________________now. 15 .在地球上有许多不同种类的植物和动物。 There are many different kinds of plants and animals ___________ . 16 .刘明并没有参与做出此决定。 Liu Ming didn't ___________in making this decision. in the future move to other planets in great danger on the earth play a part F B G A C 四、情景交际:从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。 ( 有两项多余 )( 原创题 ) A : Hey , Bill ! What are you doing? B : 17. __ __ A : Really ? What will the future be like? B : 18. __ __ A : That's too bad.We'll not have enough places to live in , yes? B : Yes , you're right.19. __ __ A : Oh , no ! I don't want to live on other planets. B : 20. __ __ A : What can I do? B : Very easy.21. __ __ A : OK.I'll tell all my friends to do that. A . Then you must play a part in saving the earth. B . Well , cities will be more crowded and polluted. C . Try to use less water and plant more trees. D . How are you going to do that? E . I'm going to be a doctor. F . I'm reading a book about the future. G . We'll have to move to other planets.

