人教新目标版英语八上Unit 9《Can you come to my party》测试题

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人教新目标版英语八上Unit 9《Can you come to my party》测试题

Unit 9 Can you come to my party 一.选择题。 ( )1. They invited us their country house for the weekend. A. with B. to C. for D. on ( )2. You' 11 just have to wait they call your name. A. until B. if C. although D. when ( )3. Alex tried to join the army but was_______because of a weak heart. A. turned down B. written down C. cut down D. fallen down ( )4. Ted looks forward to to Xi' an for his vacation by high-speed railway. A. go B. going C. keep D. keeping ( )5. My parents live far from me, but they________ me every month. A. care about B. hear from C. look after D. agree with ( )6. I'm too tired. I would like some coffee to relax. A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. to drinking ( )7. Jenny is not busy today, so she_____Joe' s invitation to join him for lunch. A. accepted B. made . C. refused D. replied. ( )8. The news greatly us yesterday. A. surprise B. surprises C. surprised D. surprising ( )9. I think you will not do a good job in the exam without______. A. competition B. preparation C. information D. education ( )10. From Su.san' s description of the book, we can know______he loves it. A. how much B. how many C. how long D. how often ( )11. Mr. Hand gave me a map________I won't get lost. A. if B. even though C. as long as D. so that ( )12. I didn't catch the bus yesterday. I_______walk three kilometers to wait for another bus. A. was able to B. had to C. should D. might ( )13.We_______our grandmother’s 79th birthday the day after tomorrow? A.celebrate B.celebrated C.will celebrate D.were celebrating ( )14.—________? —It’s Saturday the 2nd. A. What' s today " B. What is it C. what' s it like D. What' s the day ( )15.—Can you go camping with me tomorrow? —_______. Catch you then. A. Sorry, I' m not available B. Sure C. No, I can't D. Let' s make it 二.完形填空。 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的 最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 Surprise parties are very popular in America.Many people think it is very 1 to have surprise parties for their friends or family. A surprise party can be either at home 2 in other great places. Do you want to know 3 a surprise party is like? Here is an example. It was a night at Bob's home. Bob 4 home from work. His wife (妻子) asked him to go to the 5 and bring her a glass of milk. Bob walked to the kitchen. Suddenly (突然) a cartoon 6 came out and stood in front of him! Bob was very 7 .Just then the panda took off its costume (服装). It was his friend Charles! It was Bob' s birthday that day, but he 8 it himself. His wife and his friends 9 a surprise birthday for him! In fact, there are many kinds of surprise parties. Would you like to have a surprise party 10 someone to show your love and care to him or her? ( )1. A. exciting B. expensive C. relaxing D. easy ( )2. A. but B. or C. and D. so ( )3. A. what B. how C. when D. where ( )4. A. stayed B. called C. left D. came ( )5. A. bedroom B. dining room C. kitchen D. sitting room ( )6. A. panda B. cat C. elephant D. dog ( )7. A. bored B. sad C. surprised D. serious ( )8. A. accepted B. refused C. remembered D. forgot ( )9.A.liked B.prepared C.wanted D.saw ( )10.A.with B.to C.of D.for 三.阅读理解。 阅读下面三篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。 A Alicia put the last box next to all the other boxes. She couldn' t believe how many things her grandparents had. And they brought them all to their new house. Alicia walked to the window and looked down the street. The town was very quiet. Alicia' s grandparents had a pool in their last house, but this house is smaller and it doesn' t have a pool.But it has a beautiful garden. Alicia looked around the house. She saw something on the floor and picked it up. "A diary!" said Alicia. She sat down and started to read. The girl in the diary was a danc er. Alicia always wanted to take dance classes, but she thought she wasn't beautiful. She worried she'd embarrass herself and other children may laugh. Alicia read the diary for a long time, until her grandma walked into the room. "What are you doing?" asked Grandma. "I found this on the floor. I think it belonged to (属于) the girl who lived here before," said Alicia. "No, sweetie. That's my old diary, from when I was about your age," said Grandma. "Yours? You're the girl in the diary? But she was a fantastic dancer," asked Alicia. "Yes. It seems I still remember a few things," said Grandma. "I wish I knew how to dance," said Alicia. "How about helping me clean the house, and then I teach you to dance?" asked Grandma. "That would be great!" said Alicia and they began to open the boxes. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. What can we learn from the second paragraph? A. The town Alicia's grandparents lived in before was quiet. B. Alicia's grandparents have a pool intheir new house. C. Alicia's grandparents don't like the small house. D. There is a beautiful garden in the new house. ( )2. Alicia saw a on the floor. A. storybook B. dictionary C. diary D. map ( )3. What does the underlined word "embarrass"mean in Chinese? A.使厌倦 B.使受伤 C. 使忙碌 D. 使尴尬 ( )4. Alicia' s grandma was good at when she was young. A. singing B. dancing C. telling stories D. growing flowers ( )5. What would Alicia do next? A. She would help her grandma clean the house. B. She would go to dance classes in her school. C. She would walk around the new house. D. She would read with her grandma, B If you go to a different country, you may get to know a different way of life. Here are stories of three young people when they first went to the US. I still remember when I first went to the US hree years ago, everything was new to me. When met my host mon at the airport (机场), she asked, "Do you want to go to the bathroom?" I was not sure what she was asking. I thought "bathroom" meant "shower room", so I replied, "No, I forgot to take the soap!" Later I knew "bathroom" meant "toilet". John Before I went to the US for school, I thought that everything in the US was large: tall people, big meals and large clothes. When I first got to my school, I was surprised by the size of the school: there was only one building with three floors (楼层). And there were fewer than 500 students in the school. Then I went into the dormitory (学生宿舍) and met my little 13-year-old roommate Jason. The room was also very small. However, in the small dormitory, in the small school, I made good friends with my roommate and my classmates. Eric Every country has different cultures. I, a girl from Thailand, didn't know much about American culture. All I knew was from books and movies, so when I first went to the US, I was surprised by something. For example, when I first met my host family, they hugged (拥抱) me. People in my country only hug when they know each other very well. Linda 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. What did John think his host mom's question meant at first? A. "Do you need to use the toilet?" B. "Do you want to take a shower?" C. "Is there a bathroom on the plane?" D. "Is there a piece of soap in your bag?" ( )2. What did Eric think of his school when he first went to the US? A.It was the same as he thought. B. Everything was small in the school. C.It was the most beautiful school in the US. D. There were too many students in the school. ( )3. How did Linda learn the American culture before she went to the US? A. By living with an American family. B. By talking with her American friends. C. By reading books and watching movies. D. By taking classes on American culture. ( )4. If two people from Thailand hug each other,they may ______. A. be very good friends B. be very kind persons C. meet each other for the first time D. know a lot about American culture ( )5. We can learn from the material that . A. Jason was a tall and strong boy B. John went to the US four years ago C. Eric loved his school and his classmates D. Linda liked American culture very much C Toby looked at the new Super Robotman on TV. It was half man and haft machine. "Dad, look!" Toby pointed (指) to the television., "That' s what I want for my birthday. Can I get one?" "We' 11 see," said Dad. "Your birthday is only two weeks away. Sometimes it is hard to find new toys like this." "Hard to find? But it's on TV," asked Toby. "That's what makes it difficult to find. Everyone will be looking to buy it," said Dad. "Everyone?" thought Toby. Then he added a note to each party invitation, so all his friends would know he wanted the Super Robotman. Then he gave the invitations out. For two weeks, all he talked about was the Super Robotman. Toby was so excited that he could hardly sleep the night before the party. He woke up early and helped his parents prepare. Then the party began, and everyone was very happy. Finally, it was gift time. Toby opened the first gift. "Super Robotman!" Toby was excited. but everyone else looked worried. 'What's wrong?" he asked. Then Toby opened the other gifts. Each one had a Super Robotman. Toby looked at them and laughed. "'1 guess I got what I asked for," he said and gave the toys to each of his friends. "Now we all have one. Let' s play together.'" "You' re not sad?" asked Morn "Why would I be? I got what I wanted, and now all my friends have one too. It is the best birthday," said Toby. 根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。 1. Where did Toby first see the Super Robotman? __________________________________________________________________ 2. Why did Dad think it may be difficult to find the Super Robotman? 3. Did Toby sleep well the night before his birthday? 4. How did Toby feel when he opened the first gift? 5. What did Toby do after he opened all the gifts? 四.完成句子。 第一节 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1. The information is not useful. Please d_______ it. 2. His pet dog died last week. He was very s________. 3. On w_________I' m usually in bed by 9 p.m., but on weekends I don't go to bed until 11 p.m. 4. My uncle is leaving for America. We should say g_______to him. 5. I can' t sleep in the d_________, so I go to bed early at night. 第二节 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The__________(open) of the new school will be on Monday morning. 2. We are expecting_______(guest) this weekend. 3. Thanks for the________(invite) to your birthday party. 4. You can_________(print) on both sides of the paper. 5.He walked into the room quietly without_______(make)a sound. 五.词语运用。 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案 写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。 slow,because,girl,student,quiet,piano,real,gromise,stop,one,they,look Robby lived in a small town with his mother.His mother wanted him to learn to play the 1 , so she sent him to a piano teacher.However, Robby learned 2 and the teacher did not have much confidence (信心) in him. One day Robby 3 going to the piano lessons. The teacher thought he didn't want to learn. A few weeks later, the teacher had a piano concert in the town. All her 4 would play in the concert. Robby called her to play in the concert. The teacher told Robby he was not good enough. Robby begged (恳求) her and 5 to do his best. Finally, she asked Robby to play. When the day came. many people came and children did 6 best. At last, it was Robby' s turn to play. The teacher was 7 worried because she didn' t have confidence in Robby.As Robby started playing, people became 8 and they enjoyed the music. After the concert, people asked Robby how he played so well. "My mother passed away (去世) this morning. I wanted her to hear me play," said Robby. "This is the 9 timc she is able to hear me play 10 she was deaf(聋的) and now I know she is listening to me. I had to play my best for her!" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 六.补全对话。 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A:Tim,I’m taking a vacation next week. 1. ? B: Oh, sorry, I can' t have a trip with you. I have too many things to do next week. A: 2.____________________________? B: I am going to take two piano lessons next Monday. A:3.____________________________? B: I will play basketball at the sports club on Tuesday. A:4.____________________________? B: No. I won't be free on Wednesday. Susan invited me to go to her dance party. A: That' s too bad. Maybe another time. B: Thanks for asking. Please call me after you come back from your vacation. A:OK.5._________________________. 七.书面表达。 假如你是简(Jane),你的表姐苏珊(Susan)在 QQ 上邀请你下周和她一起去购物,但你 忙去不了。请你根据自己的实际情况给她回复信息,说明你下周要做的事情,以及什么时间 可以和她去购物,80 词左右。

