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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B 3 3a-Self check 1. 想起 __________ 2. 例如 ________ 3. 发行 ; 出版 ___________ 4. 在二十世纪三十年代 _____________ 5. 主要原因之一 ______________________ 6. 努力做某事 ______________ 7. 准备好做某事 __________________ 8. 尽最大努力 _____________ Let’s review the phrases. think of come out in the 1930s one of the main reasons be ready to do sth. try one’s best try to do sth. such as Mulan didn’t have any brothers. She took her father’s place to join the army. Do you like cartoons? Do you know Mulan? Can you say something about it? Mulan dressed up like a boy. Nobody knew she was a girl in the army. 1. dress up 装扮 ; 乔装打扮 2. take one’s place 代替 ; 替换 e.g. The girls dressed up to take part in the party. 女孩子们打扮好去参加舞会。 e.g. A robot will take his place . 一名机器人将代替他的位置。 New words e.g. My brother joined the army last year. 去年我哥参了军。 3. army n . 陆军 ; 陆军部队 e.g. I hope you’ll do a good job in the company. 希望你在公司好好干。 4. do a good job 干得好 首先 , 阅读短文 , 整体把握短文大意 。 其次 , 分析有空格的每个句子 , 判断空格处的意思 , 联系所给单词 , 确定空格处应填的单词。 最后 , 再通读一遍短文 , 看是否通顺合理。 阅读指导: Fill in the blanks in the movie review. Use the words in the box to help you. 3a fantastic shows action want comes from played about like exciting plan Mulan is an ________ ______ movie. It ___________ an old Chinese story. The movie is ______ a village girl, Mulan. She dresses up like a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army. I think the actress _______ Mulan’s role well. exciting action comes from about played The other actors are also _________ and they did a good job in the movie. I _____ Mulan very much. The movie _______ her love for her family, friends and country. If you ______ to watch a movie this weekend and you ______ to see something enjoyable, choose Mulan ! like shows plan want fantastic fantastic shows action want comes from played about like exciting plan The name of the movie: ______________ The kind of the movie: _______________ Write notes for your own movie review. 3b What the movie is about: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ What you think of the movie/stars: _____________________________________ Write your movie review using the notes in 3b. 3c 写作作务要求写一篇影评。 因此 , 时态应用一般现在时态与一般过去时态; 首先 , 可介绍影片的类型及主人公等 ; 然后 , 介绍故事的梗概 ; 最后 , 表达你对该影片的看法。 写作指导 : What do you and your partner think of these TV shows or movies? Write description words for each one. 4 What do you think of soap operas? I think they’re boring. What about your partner? … Pair work Me My parents soap operas talent shows news sports shows game shows talk shows comedies scary movies action movies cartoons Self check 1. Write questions and answers using the words in the brackets. 1. A: ______________________________ (what / think of / soap operas) B: ___________________ (can’t stand) What do you think of soap operas? I can’t stand them. 2. A: ______________________________ (what show/ want to watch / tonight) B: ____________________________ (talent show) What show do you want to watch tonight? I want to watch a telnet show. 3. A: ______________________________ (what / expect to learn / game show) B: ______________________________ (interesting information) What do you expect to learn from game show? I expect to learn some interesting information. 4. A: ______________________________ (what / hope to watch / tomorrow) B: ____________________________ (news) What do you hope to watch tomorrow? I hope to watch the news. 5. A: ______________________________ (do / plan to watch / action movie) B: ____________________________ (no / plan to watch / comedy) Do you plan to watch an action movie? No, I plan to watch a comedy. 1) I think game shows are meaningless. ( ) 2) I can’t stand soap operas. ( ) 2. Which of these statements do you agree with (√) or disagree with (×)? Give at least one reason. I think we can learn some interesting things from game shows. I think soap operas are interesting and relaxing. 3) I think sitcoms and talent shows are relaxing. ( ) 4) I love talk shows. ( ) 5) I think comedies are fantastic. ( ) I think talk shows are boring. I. 根据句意 , 从括号中选择恰当的单词填空。 1. This was the most ___________(enjoy / enjoyable) activity they did. 2. The soccer match we watched last night was _________(excited / exciting). 3. Is Jill _________(like / likes) her mother? 4. My father likes _________(act / action) movies best. action enjoyable  exciting like  II. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 , 每空一词。 1.  我生病了,汤姆将代替我参加这次比赛。 I’m ill and Tom will ________ ________ ________ to take part in the competition. 2.  莫莉总是打扮得像个男孩子。 Molly always ________ ________ like a boy. dresses up  take my place 3.  我不得不说你的确干得很好。 I have to say you really ______ _____ ______ ________. 4.  大家都觉得那位女演员把木兰的角色演得很好。 Everyone thinks that actress ________ Mulan’s ________ well. 5.  小女孩说的话表达出她对家人和朋友的爱。 What the little girl said ___________ her love _____ her family and friends. showed did a good played   job role for 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填空,有的需要变换形式。 come out, main, be ready to, cartoon, simple, find out, successful, reason Hey, friends! Let me introduce ( 介绍 ) three (1)__________ to you. The first one is  Magic Brush  (《 神笔 》). It (2)_________ in 1955. It describes a poor boy called Ma Liang. He loves painting. He always uses his magic brush to fight against bad people in the village. The second cartoon is  Baby Tadpoles  ( 蝌蚪 )  Look for Their Mother . cartoons came out The story is very (3)________. A group of tadpoles try their best to (4)________ who their mother is. The third cartoon is The Monkey King, from the Chinese novel ( 小说 ) Journey to the West. It's the (5)_______________ of the three cartoons. Sun Wukong is the (6)______ character in this cartoon. Both Chinese and many people from other countries like him. Why is he popular? One of the main (7)________ is that he is not a common man. He (8)__________ help others. And he can do all kinds of things to fight against bad people. is ready to reasons main most successful  find out simple come out, main, be ready to, cartoon, simple, find out, successful, reason Write your movie review using the notes in 3b.

