八年级上英语课件《全册综合》 (9)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《全册综合》 (9)_人教新课标

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater? 学习目标: 1.会背诵默写本单元的重要短语。 2.会说出重要句子,并进行会话测试。 3.会写出自己或他人的喜好。 任务一:背诵短语 1.越来越…… 2.越…就越… 3.两者之中较…的 4….中最…的之一 5.离家近 6.最短的等候时间 7.买最便宜的衣服 8.你觉得怎么样? 9.到目前为止 10.因而感谢 11.相当差 12.一点也不 比较级+and比较级/more and more+原级 the+比较级,the+比较级 the+比较级+of the two/twins one of the +最高级+可名复 be close to home the shortest waiting time buy clothes the most cheaply =buy the cheapest clothes How do you like…?=What do you think of …? =How do you feel about…? so far=by now Thanks /Thank you for+名词/代词/动名词 pretty bad not…at all Test:背诵短语 1.擅长…… 2.在某方面做得更好 3.观看某人做了某事 4.观看某人正在做某事 5.越来越受欢迎 6.全世界 7.例如 8.尽力做某事 9.尝试做某事 10.寻找 11.各种各样的 12.钢琴弹奏的最好 13.有某人决定 14.在某方面起作用 be good at… =do well in… be better at…= do better in… watch sb. do sth. watch sb. doing sth. More and more popular all over the world =around the world for example/such as try to do sth. try doing sth. look for all /different kinds of play the piano the best be up to play a role in doing sth. 1.喜欢做某事 2.被编造 3.认真对待 4.使某人做某事 5.实现 6.最好的去处 7.到达 8.散步 9.使某人怎么样 10….中之一 11.乘公共汽车 10分钟 enjoy doing sth./like doing sth./love doing sth. be made upp take…seriously make sb. Do sth. come ture the best place to go to get to take walks make sb.+形容词 one of the +形容词 10 minutes by bus 任务二:背诵下列句子 1.What’s the best movie theater to go to ? Town Cinema. It’s the closest to home. And you can buy ticket the most quickly there. 2.Which is the worst clothes store in town? Dream Clothes. It’s worse than Blue Moon. It has the worst service. 3. What do you thing of 970AM? I think 970AM is pretty bad. It has the worst music. 4. Can I ask you some questions? 5. Thanks for telling me. 6.Who was the best performer? 7. Not everybody enjoys watching these shows. 8.It’s always interesting to watch other people show their talent. 9.All these shows have one thing in common. 10. They give people a way to make their dreams come true. Test: 1.要去的最好的电影院是哪家?城镇电影院。它离家最近。 而且在那里你可以以最快地买到电影票。 2.城镇上最差的服装店是哪家?梦想服装店。它比蓝月亮 服装店更差。它的服务最差。 3.你认为调幅970兆赫怎么样?我认为调幅970兆赫相当 差。它的音乐最糟糕。 4.我可以问你一个问题吗? 5.谢谢你告诉我。 6.谁是最好的表演者? 7.并不是每个人都喜欢这些节目。 8.观看别人展示他们的才艺总是有趣的。 9.所有的这些表演都有一个相同的特点。 10.他们给了人们一个能让他们的梦想实现的渠道。 I live in a beautiful town near the Yellow River. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 写作指导: Ø 本文为写自己所居住的城镇上最好的地方或事物,并 说明原因。因此,时态应用一般现在时态; Ø 应先描述最 ……的是某个地方,然后说明这个地方最 好的原因。 Ø 应注意正确运用形容词或副词的最高级形式来表达 。 I live in a beautiful town near the Changjiang River. ________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ The best school is No. 1 Middle School because it is the most beautiful. The best supermarket is New Century Supermarket because it has the best quality things and the best service. The best restaurant is Rui Jia Restaurant because it has the most delicious food, and it is the cleanest restaurant. The best clothes store is Fashion Kids because it has the best quality clothes and it plays the nicest music. The best theater is Hanhai 3D Theater because it has the biggest screen and it has the most comfortable seats. 以My subjects为题谈谈你的课程: 内容包括:每天我有许多课程学习,我最喜 欢的课程是英语,我认为它非常有趣。最 有趣的学科是历史,因为从中学到了许多 历史故事。但是我认为最无聊的学科是电 脑,我不喜欢它。数学是最难得学科,我 需要更努力。语文和英语是最中要的学科, 因为我想成为一名英语教师在未来。我也 认为英语对我来说是最有用的学科。 My subjects I have many subjects to learn every day .My favorite subject is English .I think it’s very interesting.The funniest subject is history because I can learn a lot of history stories from it. But I think the most boring subject is computer . I don’t like it .Math is the most difficult subject and I need to study harder on it . Chinese and English are the most important subjects because I want to be an English teacher in the future .I also think English is the most useful subject for me .

