牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5《Wild animals》(Welcome to the Unit)随堂练习

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牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5《Wild animals》(Welcome to the Unit)随堂练习

Wild animals 一、词汇。 1.野生的______________ 2.自由的______________ 3.一道菜______________ 4.同情______________ 5.死 ______________ 6.dolphin______________ 7.squirrel_________ 8.斑马______________ 二、短语。 1.Why not______________ 2.on the table ______________ 3.野生动物______________ 4.兽中之王______________ 5.不可能______________ 6.in danger______________ 7.实际上,事实上______________ 8.同情,怜悯______________ 三、句型。 1.埃迪,你想住在野外吗? _________ you _________ _________ _________ in the wild, Eddie? 2.因此请你部要吃他们好吗? So _________ you please_________ _________ them? 3.没有它们我可能会死。 I _________die _________ _________. 4.你最喜欢什么野生动物? _________ wild animal _________ _________ _________ _________? 5.我喜欢狮子,它们强壮并且跑得很快。 I like lions best. They are _________ and they can _________ _________ _________. 6.它们看起来如此可爱。 They _________ _________ ______. 四、根据句意及汉语提示填空。 1.Many wild animals are in _________(危险). 2.There are many animals in the zoo, such as _________(熊) and _________(老虎). 3.If you _________, (死)no one will look after me. 4.The number of the _________ (野生的)foxes is becoming _________.(更小的) 五、用适当的介词填空。 1.They may be a delicious meal _________ any moment. 2.Oh, please have pity _________ them. 3.How much do you know _________ tigers? 4.I like lions. What _________ you? 5.The chairperson of the Wild Animals Club is giving a speech _______ wild animals. 六、单项选择。 1.Is he _________ danger or _________ danger? A in out B in out of C out in D on of out 2.What’s your favourite _________, Bob? Cats, they are so lovely. A plant B job C sport D animal 3.Would you like _________ me some advice? A give B to give C giving D to giving 4.Let’s enjoy the song. It sounds_________. A well B sadly C nice D nicely 5.Could you please _________ the children _________ with snake? A to ask not to play B ask not to play C ask not play D ask don’t play 6.Mr Black used to be busy. But now he’s retired and _____, so he has plenty of time to exercise. A hard B calm C free D nervous 七、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.The building _________.(burn) Let’s _________(put) out the fire. 2.It _________(be)foolish of the boy _________(not have)the talk with us last time. 3.Who _________(tell) you that story? I’d like _________(meet) him. 4.They _________(wear) a lot of warm clothes in that cold winter. 5.The pet dog’s_________(die) made me sad. 八、句型转换。 1.Elephants are bigger than any other animal on the land.(同义句) Elephants are ________ _________ _________ on the land. 2.When I was 10 years old, I went to this beautiful city.(对划线部分提问) _________ _________ _________ _________ to this beautiful city? 3.What’s your favourite animal?(同义句) _________ _________ do you _________ _________? 4.I can look after my sister well now.(改为一般疑问句) _________ _________ look after your sister well now? 5.I think you are wrong.(改为否定句) I _________ _________ you are _________.

