译林版八年级英语上册单元测试题及答案Unit 4

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译林版八年级英语上册单元测试题及答案Unit 4

1 译林版八年级英语上册单元测试题及答案 Unit 4 第二卷 笔试部分(100分) 五、单项填空(共10小题;每小题 1分, 满分10分) 21.—Doyouknow____tallman standing by the gate? —I only knowhe is from____European country. A. a;an B. the;an C. the;a D. a;the 22.Max and his online friend had fun____ on the Internet last night. A. talking B. to talk C. talk D. to talking 23.The light on thewall is broken.Hewants to____ a newone. A. put up B. put in C. put on D. put down 24.Wehad better stop ____ a rest because all of us are very tired. A. have B. to have C. having D. to having 25.After the party, thewhole housewas in amess(脏乱状态), so the host____. A. cut it up B.mixed it up C. picked it up D. tidied it up 26.—The box is too heavy to carry.What’s in it? —Oh, it is ____ books. A. filledwith B. coveredwith C. used for D. asked for 27.This ismy twin sister, Lucy.Not only she but also I ____ good at drawing. A. is B. am C. are D. be 28.—Sorry. I took your book ____mistake. —Nevermind. A. in B.with C. by D. of 29.Write somewords or a sentence on ____ side of the card, and drawa picture on ____ side. A. one; another B. one; the other C. one; other D. each; the other 30.Youhavemade somemistakes again. I think you____ bemore careful next time. 2 A. can B.may C. should D.would 六、完形填空(共20小题;每小题 1分, 满分20分) A As the son of an ordinary farmer,WuYulu left school at an early age. __31__liked playing with machines better than reading books in his childhood. When he was young, he made his firstminielectricalmachine. He showed great interest in making__32__. In the eyes of local villagers, Wu Yulu was crazy. __33__, he never gave up his dream. He__34__most of his time making robots and didn't care about farming. He has__35__more than thirty robots with all kinds of uses. Some can clean the rooms, some canwash the dishes, and __36__ can light cigarettes, pourwater or serve food. “I will never__37__ making robots and I'm glad that I have kept on. In 2009, I was invited to a __38__in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province, with my robots. I am so __39__ thatmyworkswere exhibited alongwith Shenzhou Ⅶ. ” Affected (受……的影响)by Wu Yulu, his son Wu Wangyang__40__loves robots. The young man is a college student, majoring in software design, and he always helps his father make robots. In the future, he and his father Wu Yulu will surely invent robots that are more advanced(先进的). 31.A.They B.He C.We D.She 32.A. kites B. cars C. robots D. bikes 33.A.When B.Before C.After D.However 34.A. took B. cost C. spent D. paid 35.A.made B. bought C. sold D. received 36.A. other B. others C. the other D. another 37.A. start B. help C. stop D. let 38.A. show B. party C. house D.meeting 39.A. busy B. sad C. interested D. proud(骄傲的) 40.A. never B. also C. either D. only B Everyone has a hobby. Many people think that stamp collecting is very interesting. 3 __41__? First, they think they can learn many __42__ things from stamps because stamps have__43__ of people, animals and countries on them. For example, if you have all the stamps __44__ the Olympic Games, you can learn a lot about different __45__. Second, stamps can __46__ people a lot of pleasure. People share their stamps with __47__ and many stamp collectors become good friends. Special stamps are __48__ very popular. People like to __49__ special stamps because they canmake lots ofmoney in the future by __50__ them.Doyouwant to collect stamps? 41.A.Where B.When C.Why D.What 42.A. different B. sweet C. expensive D. cheap 43.A. pictures B. clothes C.machines D. jobs 44.A. for B. about C. at D. in 45.A. animals B. countries C. foods D. people 46.A.make B. carry C. bring D. get 47.A. other B. another C. the other D. others 48.A. too B. also C. either D. aswell 49.A. collect B. give C. send D. receive 50.A. buying B. selling C. borrowing D.washing 七、补全对话(共5小题;每小题 1分, 满分5分) 根据对话内容, 从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 其中有两个为多 余选项。 A:Hey, Steve. It's time for dinner. 51. ________ B:Howabout pancakes and fruit salad? A:That sounds great. 52. ________ B:Sure. First get somebananas, apples and strawberries andwash them. A:53. ________ B:Cut up the fruits and put them in a bowl.Then put someyogurt in the bowl. A:54. ________ B:One cup. 4 A:55. ________ B:No.Don't forget to stir(搅拌)them. A.But can you tellme how tomake fruit salad? B.Howmuchyogurt should I put? C.What can I do for you? D.Let's think about the food. E. I'll take them. F.That's all? G.What's next? 八、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题 2分, 满分40分) A Hong Kong has about forty public(公共的)beaches. Some of the beaches are among the best in the world. People can go there for a swim.You can go to most of them by bus. To go to some beaches, you must take a boat. There are toilets, changing rooms and places to buy food anddrink onmost of the beaches. Youwill swim therewithout danger if you remember these instructions: 1.Never swimalone. 2. Never swimafter ameal orwhen you feel hungry or tired. 3. Donot stay in thewater too long. 4. Never go out in a boat if you cannot swim. Remember:Ared flagmeans that it is dangerous for anybody to go into the water.Ablue flagmeans that it is dangerous for children. 56.The passage suggests that____. A. theHongKongpublic beaches are the best in theworld B.HongKonghas themost beaches in theworld C.HongKonghasmore than forty public beaches D. someof theHongKongpublic beaches are separate(不相连的)from themain islands. 57.We can reach ____ by bus. 5 A. all the public beaches B. no public beach C. only a fewpublic beaches D.most of the public beaches 58.Whenyou see a blue flag, you know that ____ there. A.women should not swim B. children should not swim C. nobody should swim D. anybody can swim 59.The passagemainly tells us ____ inHongKong. A. the public beaches and swimming instructions B. the danger of swimming C. the best beaches D. the difficulties to go swimming B Do you like fruit salad? Do you want to make fruit salad by yourself?Then you can follow the steps: Step 1:Prepare some fresh fruits, such as strawberries, bananas, apples and oranges. Yogurt is very important. It can make your fruit salad tastier. Don't forget salad.Youmay choose different salad as youwish. Step 2:Wash the fruits carefully.Make sure they are clean enough. Step 3:Cut them in different shapes if you like.Anyway, cut them into pieces. Step 4:Put all your fruits into the bowl and sprinkle some yogurt and salad.Mix and shake them. Now, your delicious fruit salad is coming. Prepare your fork and your mouth!Enjoy yourself! 60. ____ canmakeyour fruit salad tastier. A. Fruit B. Salad C.Yogurt D. Sugar 6 61. ____ aren'tmentioned(提及)in the instructions. A. Strawberries B. Pears C.Apples D.Oranges 62.What does the underlinedword “sprinkle”mean inChinese? A. 印刷 B. 移除 C. 撒上 D. 分散 63.Your fruits can be in ____ . A. the same shapes and pieces B. the same shapes andhalves C. different shapes and pieces D. different shapes and halves C Shoesmade of chocolate Look at these beautiful brown shoes.Are you going towear them?No!You can buy them but you can't wear them. They are made of chocolate. Do you want to have a taste of these shoes? If you do, you can buy them. But not everybody can afford them. They are not cheap. Each pair sells at a price of 29, 160 yen (about 1, 900 yuan). Let's learnmore information about the chocolate shoes. ★Chocolate shoes' creator They are made by Motohiro Okai. He is a Japanese chocolate master and he is good at makingmany kinds of chocolate. ★Shoes and shoe care products Each shoe is 26cm long and everything is made of chocolate. Each pair of chocolate shoes also has shoe care products. There is a shoehorn(鞋拔) and shoe polish. Of course they are made of chocolate, too. ★The shiny look The shoes have three different shades(色度) of brown leather. The three shades are light, dark and redbrown. It is the three shades thatmake the shoes have a shiny look. 64. If youwant to buy twopairs of chocolate shoes, you need to pay about ____ . A. 885 yuan B. 1, 900 yuan C. 3, 800 yuan D. 29, 160 yuan 7 65. ____ make(s) the chocolate shoes shiny. A.Three shades B.Thematerial C.The light D. Shoe polish 66.About the chocolate shoes,we can know the following informationEXCEPT____ . A. the price B. the length C. the color D. the taste 67.Which of the following isTRUEaccording to the passage? A.Lots of people bought the chocolate shoes. B.MotohiroOkai is the name of a Japanese company. C.The chocolate shoes have a shoehorn and shoe polish. D.The passage is about how Japanese people love chocolate. D Miss Green is our art teacher.We can learn someDIYskills in her class. She often teaches us how to paint, repair, and even cook. On Thursday, Miss Green gave us a special lesson—making potato printings. What you need are potatoes, thick paints, a large knife, a small knife and some paper. First, decide what shape(形状)you would like to print(印)with your potato. Simple shapes work best and are easiest to make. Try heart, moon, sun, and flower shapes to start with. Once you've had some practice, trymore shapes like cars, boats, faces and numbers.And then, cut a potato in half with the large knife. Use the small knife to make an outline(轮廓)of the shape you want to make on one half of the potato. Next, cut away the unwanted potato, about a quarter of one inch deep, around the outline of the shape. And then put the potato printing into the thick paint. At last, press(按)the potato printing onto any paper tomake your printings. All of us were very happy to make our own printings. I made heart, flower and face printings andMarymademoon and sun printings. 68.What is not needed inMissGreen's class? A. Scissors. B. Paints. C.Knives. D. Paper. 69.Howdeep should the potato be cut? A. 1/2 inch deep. B. 1/3 inch deep. 8 C. 1/4 inch deep. D. 1/5 inch deep. 70.Howmany steps does theDIYhave? A. Six. B. Five. C. Four. D.Three. 71.What didMarymake? A.Moon and sun printings. B.Heart and flower printings. C. Flower and face printings. D. Sun and flower printings. 72.What dowe knowaboutMissGreen's class? A.MissGreen has theDIYclass once a week. B.Thewritermade twoprintings inMissGreen's class. C.MissGreen's classwas a little difficult for the students. D.All the students enjoyed themselves inMissGreen's class. 阅读下面的短文, 并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。 E Amousewas surprised to discover that the farmer and hiswife had amousetrap(老鼠夹)in the house. It ran towarn everyone, “There is amousetrap in the house!” A hen raised its head and said, “Mr Mouse, this mousetrap is only for you. I won't be worried about it. ”Themouse turned to a pig. “I am sorry,MrMouse, but themousetrap has nothing to do withme, either!”the pig said. Then themouse turned to a cow. “It sounds like you have a problem, not me, ”the cow said. The mouse returned to the house with its head down and itwas very sad because no onewould help. That night the farmer's wife heard a loud sound and she rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness she could not see that it was a snake. The snake bit(咬)the farmer's wife. The wife caught a bad fever and the farmer thought the best way to treat a fever was having chicken soup. So the farmer killed the hen for the soup. The wife got worse and her friends came to visit her. The farmer had to kill the pig to feed them. But the wife didn't get better and died. Her friends came and the farmer had to kill the cow to feed all of them. So rememberwhen any one of us is in trouble, wemay be in trouble. 9 73.Whywas themouse very sad?(不超过 5个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 74.Whatwas caught by themousetrap that night?(不超过 5个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 75.What canwe learn from the story?(不超过 15个词) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 九、单词拼写(共5小题;每小题 1分, 满分5分) 76. I want to be quiet. Please l (使处于某种状态)me alone. 77.The c (封面)of our English book is pink. 78.There are no difficultwords in the s (句子), but I can't understand it. 79. I bought some paper and p (颜料)tomake a birthday card yesterday. 80. I saw somebeautiful b (气球)onmywayhomeyesterday. 十、书面表达 (共1小题;满分20分) 假设你喜欢DIY。请根据以下信息, 用英语写一篇介绍你的DIY的短文。 要点: 1. 你对DIY着迷, 经常在有空时亲手做些东西, 有时候不得不仔细阅读说明; 2. 上周, 你认为卧室单调, 于是决定把它涂饰成黄色; 3. 妈妈让你停下, 但你继续涂饰, 直至卧室的墙和天花板都成了黄色的; 4. 昨天你将一个架子钉在了床上方, 并将许多故事书放在了它的上面; 5. 现在很容易拿书。 要求:1. 短文应包括要点中所给信息, 第5点可适当发挥; 2. 行文连贯, 书写规范; 3. 词数 80~100。 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10 参考答案 第二卷 笔试部分 五、21. C 解析:特指门边的高个子男人用 the,以辅音音素开头的单词前用 a。 22. A 23. B 24. B 25. D 26~30:ABCBC 六、(A)31~35:BCDCA 36~40:BCADB (B)41~45:CAABB 46~50:CDBAB 七、51~55:DAGBF 八、(A)56~59:DDBA (B)60~63:CBCC (C)64~67:CADC (D)68~72:ACBAD (E) 73. Because no one would help. 74. A snake. 75. When any one of us is in trouble,we may be in trouble. /We should help others when they are in trouble. 九、76. leave 77. cover 78. sentence 79. paints 80. balloons 十、One possible version: I am crazy about DIY,and I often do some things with my own hands in my free time. Sometimes I have to read the instructions carefully. Last week, I thought my bedroom was boring,so I decided to paint it yellow. My mum told me to stop,but I kept on painting until the walls and the ceiling were all yellow. Yesterday I put in a shelf above my bed,and put many storybooks on it. Now,it is very easy for me to get the books because I do not have to go to the study for them. All in all, I like DIY very much.

