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第10课时 八年级(上)    Units 9~10 知识点1 prepare的用法 核心精讲过关 知识点2 invite的用法 知识点3 experience的用法 难点一 accept与receive 难点二 hear from与hear about 难点辨析突破 难点三 reply与answer 词汇拓展 1. advice ( n .)→     advise     ( v .)劝告;建议 →     advise sb. (not) to do sth     建议某人(不)做某事 2. experience ( n .)→     experienced     ( adj .)有经验的;熟练的 3. sad ( adj .)→     sadly     ( adv .)令人遗憾地;不幸地;悲伤地 →     sadness     ( n .)悲伤;悲痛;难过 →     sadder     ( adj .)比较级 必备知识梳理 4.normal( adj .)→     normally     ( adv .)通常;正常情况下 5.certain( adj .)→     certainly     ( adv .)无疑;肯定;当然;行 6. angry ( adj .)→     anger     ( n .)怒;怒火;怒气 →     angrily     ( adv .)发怒地;生气地 →     be angry with sb.     生某人的气 7.hang( v .)→     hung     (过去式/过去分词)悬挂;垂下 →     hang out     闲逛 8. catch ( v .)→     caught     (过去式/过去分词)及时赶上;接住;抓住 →     catch up with     赶上;追上 9. invite ( v .)→     invitation     ( n .)邀请;请柬 →     invite sb. to do sth.     邀请某人做某事 10. prepare ( v .)→     preparation     ( n .)准备;准备工作 →     prepare for     为 …… 做准备 11.surprise( v .)→     surprising     ( adj .)令人吃惊的;使人惊奇的;奇怪的 →     surprised     ( adj .)惊奇的;感觉意外的 →     to one ' s surprised     令某人吃惊的是 12. open ( v .)→     opening     ( n .)开幕式;落成典礼 13. organize ( v .)→     organization     ( n .)组织;团体;机构 14. understand ( v .)→     understood     (过去式/过去分词)理解;领会 →     understanding     ( adj .)善解人意的;体谅人的 15.care( n .)→     careful     ( adj .)小心的;细致的;精心的;慎重的 →     careless     ( adj .)粗心的;不小心的 →     carefully     ( adv .)小心地;细致地;精心地;慎重地 →     carelessly     ( adv .)粗心地;不小心地 →     caring     ( adj .)体贴人的 →     take care of     照顾 →     care about     关心 16.solve( v .)→     solution     ( n .)解决办法;答案 →     solve problems     解决问题 17. refuse ( v .)→     accept     (反义词)接受 18. free ( adj .)→     available     (近义词)有空的 →     freedom     ( n .)自由 →     in one ' s free time     在某人空闲的时候 重点短语 1.     prepare for     为 …… 做准备 2.     another time     其他时间;别的时间 3.     hang out     闲逛;常去某处 4.     the day before yesterday     前天 5.     the day after tomorrow     后天 6.     look after     照料;照顾 7.     turn down     拒绝 8.     take a trip     去旅行 9.     look forward to     盼望;期待 10.     hear from     接到(某人的)信、电话等 11.     have a great time     玩得开心 12.     too...to...     太 …… 而不能 …… 13.     keep...to oneself     保守秘密 14.     be afraid to     害怕 15.     run away from     回避 习惯用语 Catch you on Monday! 周一见! 情景交际 Unit 9 发出、接受和拒绝邀请 —Can you come to my party on Saturday? —Sure, I ' d love to./Sorry, I must study for a math test. Unit 10 谈论结果 1.—What will happen if they have the party today? —If they have it today, half the class won ' t come. 2.—Should we ask people to bring food? —If we ask people to bring food, they ' ll just bring potato chips and chocolate. 重点语法 1.情态动词can与have to的用法。 2.if引导的条件状语从句。 一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.It was  careless     (care) of Jim to leave the tap running all night. 2.Frank asked me to give him some  advice     (advise). 3.If it  rains     (rain) tomorrow, I won ' t go to the beach with you. 4.The man in the dark suit is the leader of the  organization     (organize). Many people look up to his wisdom. 5.My younger sister can ' t spare any time to play with me these days. She is busy  preparing     (prepare) for the coming art festival. 词汇语境运用 6.Kim  invited     (invite) me to spend my summer holiday with him in Tibet last year. We had a happy journey there. 7.If you are not sure how to use the new juicer, just follow the  steps     (step) on the instruction or give me a call. 8.The hunter got wet through in the heavy rain, so he made a fire and  hung     (hang) his wet clothes up to dry. 9.It is suggested that we should put off the  meeting     (meet) because the details have not been settled. 10.Are you free  to practice     (practice) your piano this Sunday afternoon? 二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 refuse trust open solve experience surprise wallet delete normal visit 1.The  opening     of the sports meeting will begin at 8:30 tomorrow morning. 2.Tina has got many interesting  experiences     since she came to China. 3.In a new  normal     situation, every Chinese has to follow the new rules set up by President Xi Jinping. 4.If you don ' t need these documents (文档),you can  delete     them. 5.The leaders of all departments are discussing the problem right now. It is expect- ed to be  solved     by the end of next week. 6.He is  surprised     to find his oral English has improved a lot after some practice in the past few weeks. 7.You ' d better not fully  trust     those salesmen in the supermarket. They always say something unreal to attract you to buy things that you don ' t need. 8.—I want to buy this book, but I don ' t take enough money because I left my     wallet     at home. —Don ' t worry. I can lend some money to you. 9.National Day is coming. I ' m looking forward to  visiting     Tian ' anmen Square. 10.I can ' t  refuse     his invitation, so I ' ll go to his party. 1.catch ( v .)捉住,接住; 染疾(相当于have);赶上(车、船等);理解;听懂 →caught(过去式/过去分词) 如:catch/have a cold患感冒 He ran quickly so as to catch the last bus.他跑得很快以便赶上末班车。 Mr. Smith, you speak so quickly that I can ' t catch you.史密斯先生,你说得太快了, 我听不懂。 熟词生义讲练 2.forward ( v .)转寄;发送 ( adv .)向前;前进 look forward to doing sth. 盼望/期待做某事 如:Could you forward all the mails to us in New York? 你能不能把所有信件转寄到纽约给我们? 3.mistake ( n .)错误,失误 ( v .)→mistook(过去式) →mistaken (过去分词)误会,误解;看错 make mistakes/make a mistake犯错误 by mistake错误地;无意中 如:I admit that I mistook his intentions. 我承认我误解了他的意图。 4.step ( v .)走;迈步 ( n .)步;步骤; 脚步;台阶;梯级 step by step逐步地 step into a new stage步入新阶段 一、根据语境,在横线上写出黑体单词的汉语意思 1.We walked down some stone steps to the beach.     台阶     2.I admit that I mistook his words.     误解     二、单句填空 1.—Your telephone number again? I     didn ' t     quite catch it. —It is 7657457. 2.The new goods have arrived, and we will forward them     to     you next week. 知识点1 prepare的用法 核心精讲过关 1.(2019河南省实验中学一模)This is what Andy wrote just now. Maybe he is go- ing to     prepare a meal     (准备一顿饭). 2.(2018河南郑州二模)—Did you go to the concert with your parents yesterday? —No, I was     preparing     (prepare) for my English test all afternoon. 3.—What do you think of your school,Linda? —It ' s a good place for us     to prepare     (prepare) ourselves for the future. 4.He had to go back to his hotel and prepare     to catch     (catch) the train to Hefei.   prepare意为“使做好准备;把 …… 准备好”。其用法如下:   知识点2 invite的用法 1.(2018河南焦作一模)—Why are you so excited? —Peter invited me     to go     (go) on a trip to Yuntai Mountain. 2.My friend invited me     to join     (join) the art club,and I accepted it with plea- sure. 3.I ' m glad to get your     invitation     (invite) to have dinner with you.   invite作动词,意为“邀请”,invite的名词形式是invitation。其用法如下:   知识点3 experience的用法 1.(2019河南省实验中学一模)I once worked for a travel magazine for one year and the     experience     helped me get a job as a reporter. 2.(2018河南郑州二模)Fred got a job easily in a school because of his     experience      as a part-time teacher. 3.—What do you think of your last trip? —I had     a     very scary experience in the mountains. I won ' t go there again. 4.Ms. Smith has     much experience     (许多经验)in teaching.   experience的用法:   如:He has much experience as an engineer.作为一名工程师,他经验丰富。   Please tell us your experiences in America.请告诉我们你在美国的经历。 Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives.每个人在人生的 某个阶段都会经历这些问题。 词性 意义及用法 名词 作可数名词,意为“经历”,通常指具体的经历,亲身见过或做过的事 作不可数名词,意为“经验” 动词 作及物动词,意为“经历” 难点一 accept与receive 难点辨析突破 1.We can ' t     accept     the invitation because we ' re busy with our exams. 2.—Would you like to see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight,Kate? —I ' d love to,but I ' ve     accepted     Linda ' s invitation to the dinner. 3.His family are worried about him because they haven ' t     received     letters from him for a long time. accept与receive辨析 accept 意为“接受”,指主观上愿意 She received a gift, but she didn ' t accept it.她收 到了一件礼物,但是她并没有接受。 receive 意为“收到”,指客观上收到,但主观上不一定接受 难点二 hear from与hear about 1.After hearing     from     his sister, he read and wrote back in no time. 2.We have never visited the museum,but we have heard     about     it.   hear from与hear about辨析 辨析 例句 hear from意为“收到 …… 的来信” I hear from him twice a month.我每月收到两次他的来信。 hear about意为“听说;听到”。指听说详细情况,相当于hear of Did you hear about her job in that city?你听说过她在那座城市的工作情况吗? 难点三 reply与answer 1.—Hello, Mum!Long time no see! —Hello, Mary!Are you busy these days?I am looking forward     to answering     (answer) your phone. 2.Our teacher asked us who wanted to be the first to stand on the stage, but nobody replied     to     him. 3.—Someone called you just now. —I know.But I was busy at that moment. When I called back,there was     no answer     (没有回应).   reply与answer辨析 reply 动 词 后面可接that从句,可与answer互换。如:They reply/answer that they don ' t know what to do.他们回答说他们不知道做什么。 加间接宾语时,要用reply to sb.+that从句。如:He replied to me that he would help me.他回答我说他会帮助我的。 后面接名词或代词时,要加介词to。如:I ' m replying to his letter.我正在给他回信。 名 词 意为“答复”,后面跟介词to,意为“ …… 的答复”。如: We still haven ' t received a reply to our letter.我们的信还没有得到回复。 answer 动 词 后面可接that从句,可与reply互换。如: She answered/replied that she had no time to go there.她回答说她没有时间去那儿。 加间接宾语时,要用answer sb.+that从句。如: He answered me that he would stay at home.他回答我说他将会待在家里。 后面可直接接名词或代词作宾语。如: Please remember to answer the letter.请记得回信。 名 词 意为“答复;答案”,后面跟介词to,意为“ …… 的答案”。如: Do you know the answer to the problem? 你知道这个问题的答案吗? 拓展 answer还可表示接听(电话)或对门铃等声响作出反应(常与telephone、door等连 用)。

