人教新目标版英语八年级上册 Unit 1-10测试题

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人教新目标版英语八年级上册 Unit 1-10测试题

Unit 1-10 测试题 一.单项选择(从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内) ( )1._________a cold morning, I helped an old man cross the street. A. On B. In C. At D. With ( )2.—_________hours do you read every day? —More than one. A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How far ( )3. There is________in the newspaper. I' m not interested in reading it at all. A. nothing interesting B. interesting nothing C. something interesting D. interesting something ( )4. The information is not useful. I decide it at once. A. deleting B. to delete C. printing D. to print ( )5. I think Liu Mei sings best in our class. No one else sings . A. good B. well C. better D. best ( )6. Tony, Tim and Peter are all excellent students, but Tim is of the three. A. creative B. mtre creative C. most creative D. the most creative ( )7. Alice plans to go to Paris next Monday. She__________there for a week. A. stays B. will stay C. stayed D. was staying ( )8. Mary walked home by herself, she knew it was dangerous. A. until B. if C. when D. although ( )9. We_______the neighbors' cats when they were away on holiday. A. looked for B. looked after C. looked around D. looked up ( )10.—Can you go. to the soccer game this Sunday afternoon? —I'm sorry. . A. I' m not available. B. How about you? C. I' d love to. D. How come? 二.完形填空。 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的 最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 It' s well known that New Year' s resolutions don't have a high success rate (成功率). But why do people make 1 every year even though so few of them follow through? One reason is the idea of 2 . The beginning of a year gives people a fresh start. The idea of making themselves better is another 3 .Most people have a natural habit of Self-improvement, and New Year gives 4 a special day to get ready for improvement. Many people 5 making New Year's resolutions can go as far back as Babylonian times. It s said that Julius Caesar started the tradition 6 making resolutions on January 1st. It' s 7 to make a New Year' s resolution.People keep making resolutions every year 8 they don' t always follow through in the end, but the fact is they try to improve themselves and become better. Some studies 9 making a New Year' s resolution can get people closer to their goals ( 目标). One study found people who make resolutions are more 40 than those who have a goal and thought about it, but at last didn't make a resolution. ( )1. A. predictions B. resolutions C. competitions D. preparations ( )2. A. starting B. trusting C. organizing D. refusing ( )3. A. talent B. experience C. event D. reason ( )4. A. it B. him C. them D. us ( )5.A. advise B. believe C. expect D. wonder ( )6. A. in B. on C. of D. for ( )7. A. good B. careless C. creative D. difficult ( )8. A. because B. or C. so D. though ( )9. A. show B. choose C. accept D. question ( )10. A. outgoing B. successful C. popular D. friendly 三.阅读理解 阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。 A Matt and Allie took their picture to the registration (登记) table. Two boys stood in front of them. Mart looked at their picture and told Allie, "Their kite is better than ours, and it looks like an airplane," Allie turned to the girls behind them and found their kite looked like a spaceship. "Names?" the woman at the registration table asked. Matt wrote their names on the paper. "I need a copy (复印件) of your picture,"said the woman. "After registration, you have to make your kite as what you drew." "What?" asked Matt. "'This is the rule," said the woman. Allie and Matt walked home with their heads down. "We have to do the boring butterfly kite,"said Matt. "'What if we give it a cool-looking tail (尾坠)?" asked Allie. They worked on their kite on the weekend.Allie made the tail with little mirrors, and it looked beautiful. The day of the competition came. The rule was simple. The kite that flew the highest for the longest time won. At first, everyone tried their kites. Allie took the string (线) and Matt ran with the kite. But the kite kept falling to the ground. "It's the tail. The mirrors make the kite down," said Matt. Allie agreed, and they cut the tail. Soon the competition began. The butterfly flew past other kites, and it stayed up until the last minute. "I think look isn't important in kite flying,"said Allie. "Yeah," said Matt. "Simple is best." 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. Matt and Allie's kite looked like a(n)________. A. airplane B. spaceship C. butterfly D. flower ( )2. What rule did Matt and Allie learn at the registration table? A. They needed to draw more pictures of their kite. B. They must make their kite as what they drew. C. They only had a weekend to finish the kite. D. They must make the kite all by themselves. ( )3. Matt and Allie felt on their way home after registration. A. sad B. relaxed C. angry D. excited. ( )4.________could win the competition. A. The most beautiful kite B. The kite with an unusual tail C. The kite that flew to the sky fastest D. The kite that flew highest and longest ( )5. From the passage we can learn . A. Matt and Allie's kite won the competition B. Allie didn' t agree to cut the tail of their kite C. Matt and Allie were good at drawing pictures D. Matt came up with the idea of making a cool tail for the kite B "When do you think we' 11 get there?" "How much longer?" "I really want to see Sue!" The kids on the bus were talking. Everyone was ready for their first visit to meet Sue. The bus drove through the crowded streets of Chicago and the class could see the water of Lake Michigan. The teacher told everyone that Lake Michigan is one of the five Great Lakes.When she finished, the bus stopped at the Field Museum. Everyone would see Sue soon. Although everyone wanted to run and meet Sue, they walked in groups at the museum. Quickly they saw Sue standing right there in the open space in the hall. The class looked ather but no one said hello. The kids began to chatter. "Wow, Sue is big!"She is so tall! How heavy is sne, These words didn' t make Sue unhappy at all. Sue is the name of the famous dinosaur skeleton "( 恐龙骨架) at the museum. Sue is about 13 meters long and about 4 meters tall. Scientists found Sue in 1990 and she went on display (展出) at the museum in 2000. After they learned about Sue, the class went to see other things at the museum. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. What can we learn from the 5th paragraph? A. Lake Michigan is the largest of the five Great Lakes. B. The teacher told the students something about Sue. C. The Field Museum is in Chicago. D. The kids were on the train. ( )2. Why didn' t the kids say hello to Sue? A. Because the teacher asked them not to do so. B. Because Sue was too far from them. C. Because Sue is a dinosaur skeleton. D. Because they were too scared. ( )3. The underlined word chatter in Paragraph 7 means“ ”. A. talk B. worry C. hear D. read ( )4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Sue is about 13 meters tall. B. The kids ran quickly to meet Sue. C. Sue was standing outside the museum. D. Visitors began to see Sue at the museum in 2000. ( )5. What' s the best title for the passage? A. A school trip B. Visiting a zoo C. Five Great lakes D. Meeting a new friend C A country usually has national symbols.These symbols help bring people together. The United States has many national symbols. The US flag is a symbol of our country. When people see it, they think of America. The bald eagle ( 白头雕) is another American symbol. Because it is independent (独立的 ) and free, the bald-eagle became the natiorral bird of the US in 1782. This beautiful bird lives only in North America. it can live up to 50 years. That’s quite a long time for a bird. The bald eagle has white feathers (羽毛) on its head. The rest of its feathers are brown. The food it likes best is salmon. So it lives, near rivers.That makes it easy to catch the fish. The Statue of Liberty ( 自由女神像) is another very famous American symbol. In 1876 the French sent the statue as a gift to America. It shows the. friendship between the two countries. The statue is very tall. In one hand she has a torch (火 炬). In the other she has a book. The book has "July 4, 1776" on it. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. How many American symbols are mentioned (被提及) in the passage? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. ( )2. Americans chose the bald eagle as their national bird mainly because . A. it is beautiful B. it can live a long time C. it is independent and free D. it lives only in North America word . ( )3. The underlined "salmon" is a kind of . A.bird B. fish C. fruit D. corn ( )4. When did the FrenCh Statue of Liberty girl to Amerce? A.In 1776 B.In 1782 C.In 1876 D.In 1886 ( )5.Which of the following is TRVE according to the passage? . A. The writer comes from America. B. The body of the bald eagle is white. C. The bald eagle lives on the mountains. D. There are some words on the statue's torch. D What do "three hearts, eight arms, and one big head add up to? An octopus (章 鱼), a kind.of clever animal in the sea. 1 Octopuses can make the color of their bodies the same as the color of the sand (沙) in the sea. And this happens in less than a minute. 2 Some octopuses like to stay in water that has rocks (岩石) in it. 3 Another way octopuses can make themselves safe is by shooting ink (喷射墨 汁 ).An octopus uses a part of its body to shoot ink into the water. 4 Then predators (捕食性动 物) cannot see clearly and the octopus has enough time to swim away. But if an octopus is already in trouble, what does it do? It breaks off one of its arms. When the predator tries to catch the arm, the octopus swims away to safety. Don' t worry though. 5 So the next time you see an octopus, don't f orget it is a kind of clever animal in the sea. 根据材料内容,从 A—E 中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,内容完整, 并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。 A. The octopus' s arm will grow back. B. The ink becomes a cloud. C. Then predators cannot find them. D. They can go into small spaces between the rocks to get out of reach of predator. E Octopuses don't have strong bodies to help themselves stay safe, but they have cleverer ways. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 四.词语运用。 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案 写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。 Feel,important,like,heavy,nothing,minute,if,reply,long,forget A teacher was teaching stress management(对于压力的应对) to her students. She took a cup of water and asked, "How 1 is this cup of water?" The students gave different answers. The teacher 2 , "The weight (重量) of the cup of water is not 3 hat's really important is how long I take it. If I take it fora 4 , it' g not a problem. If I take it for an hour, my arm will hurt ( 感到疼痛). If I take it for a day, my arm will 5 numb(失去知觉的 ). The weight of the cup of water is the same, but it will become heavier ifI take it for a 6 time." She went on, "The stresses and worries in life are 7 this cup of water. Think about them for a few minutes and 8 happens. Think about them a little longer and you begin to hurt.And 9 you think about them all day long,you will not be able to do anything." It' s important to 10 about your stresses and worries. Don' t take them through the evening and into the next day. Remember to put the cup down 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 五.书面表达。 口语课上英语老师让大家介绍自己最好的朋友。假如你最好的朋友是李静,请根据下表所给 提示内容,用英语写一篇短文为你的发言做准备。80 词左右,可适当发挥。 Name Li Jing Birthday 9.12 Appearance(外貌) Medium build,round face,short straight hair Personality(性格) Outgoing,ready to help others Health good Dream job doctor

