八年级上英语课件《Can you come to my party》 (8)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《Can you come to my party》 (8)_人教新课标

How to accept an invitation • Yes, I’d love/like to. • Certainly, I’d love/like to. • Sure, I’d love/like to. • Thanks for your invitation. • Thanks for asking me. How to refuse an invitation • I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to… • I’d love to, but I have to… • Sorry, I can’t. I’m going to the movies. • Thanks for your invitation. • Thank you for asking me. 2d Role-play the conversation. Jeff: Hey, Nick, can you come to my house on Saturday? My cousin Sam from Xi’an is going to be here. Nick: Oh, Sam! I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you. Jeff: Yes, that’s right. Nick: I’d love to come, but I’m afraid I can’t. I have an exam on Monday so I must prepare for it. Jeff: That’s really too bad! Oh, but Sam isn’t leaving until next Wednesday. Can you hang out with us on Monday night? Nick: Sure! Catch you on Monday! 1. 星期六你能来我的聚会吗? ____ you _____ to my party on Saturday? 2. 当然,我乐意去。Sure. ____ ____ ___. 3. 对不起,我必须为数学考试而学习。 Sorry, I _____ ______ ____ a math test. 4. 明天晚上你能去看电影吗? ____ you ____ to the movies __________ night? I’d love to Can come must study for Can go 根据课本内容,完成下列句子。 tomorrow 5. 当然可以,听起来很棒。 _____, that _______ _____. 6. 恐怕不行,我得了流感。 I’m ______ not. I have the ____. 7. 他能去聚会吗? ____ he ___ to the party? 8. 不能。他得帮助他的父母。 No, he _____. He _____ to help his parents. 9. 她能参加棒球比赛吗? ____ she go to the baseball ______? Sure sounds great afraid flu Can game Can go can’t has 10. 不,她没有空。她必须去看医生。 No, she’s ____ _________. She ______ ___ to the _______. 11. 他们能去看电影吗? ____ they ____ to the _______? 12. 不,他们没有空。他们可能必须去见朋 友。 No, they’re not ____. They _____ _____ ___ meet their ________. not available must go doctor to friends Can go movies free might have Paragraph One 1. Why did He Wei like Ms. Steen? 2. What can He Wei do to prepare for the party? What +a/an +adj.+单数可数名词+主语+谓语! What +adj.+复数可数名词/不可数名词+主语+谓语! How +adj/adv. +主语+谓语! 1. It is cold water. 2.It is a heavy box. 3. The flowers are beautiful. 4.What an interesting story it is! =How interesting the story is!    5. what a beautiful building it is! =How beautiful the building is! • ____ an exciting day it is today! • ___ carefully he works! • ____ good weather it is! (What a/ What/ How) • _____well she writes! • ____ a lovely girl she is! • ___ hard the are working! 1.我真的非常喜欢那只小狗。 I really like the little dog___ ____. 2.她帮助我很大地提高了我的英语。 She helped to ___ my English __ ___. 3. 看到她的离开我很伤心。I’m ___ ___ see her ___. 4. 这个聚会是道别和感谢的最好方式。 This party is the best way ___ ___”___ __ and goodbye.” 5. 我可以帮着买些食物和饮料。 I can help __ ____ __ ___ the food and drinks. 6. 我也能帮着带Ms. Steen 来派对。 I can ___ help __ ___ Ms. Steen __ the party. 7. 我已经有了一个关于那样做的好主意。(我已经想好怎么办 了。) I already have a great idea ___ ___ ___ __ ___ Paragraph Two (One minute) A1. A2: • Who planned the party? • Can Jack go to the party? Why? • What’s the main purpose of the paragraph? B1.B2.C1.C2: 翻译文章 1. 非常感谢计划这件事。 Thanks __ __ __ ___this. 2. 他将在本月末去北京旅行。He __ ___ __ ___ __ Beijing __ ___ ___ ___ the month. 3. 我还是很乐意为聚会的任何准备效劳,比如说计划游戏。 I ___still __ glad ___ ___ ___ ___ any of the party ____, ___ ___ the games. 4. 我喜欢运动,比如说踢足球。 I like sports, like ___ soccer. 5. 如果你需要我的帮助就让我知道。___ me ___ __ you need my help. Paragraph Three (Two minutes) A1. A2: • What do you know about Ms. Steen? • What will they do to say goodbye to Ms. Steen? • When is the party? • Does Ms. Steen know the plan? B1.B2.C1.C2: 翻译文章 1. 就像我所确信的现在你们都知道了, 我们最喜欢的老师,斯 蒂恩女士,马上就要离开回美国去了。 ____ I’m __ you know __ ___, our favorite teacher, Ms. Steen, __ ___ soon __ __ __ ___the US. 2. 为了表达我们将会有多想念她, 下个周五28号让我们为她开个 惊喜派对吧。 ___ show __ ___ we’re going to miss__, ___ have a __ ___ __ here next Friday the 28th. 3. 如果能,你能帮助做哪些事情呢? If __, can you __ ___ any of these things? 4. 请在这个周五之前告诉我。 Please ___ me __ this Friday. 5. 设计玩的游戏。 ___ __ games __ play. 6. 准备游戏所需的物品。___ things we need ___ the games. 7. 带斯蒂恩女士来派对,不要告诉她,那样她会感到惊喜的。 __ Ms. Steen __ the party___ ___ her __ __ she can be __. 8. 我期盼收到你们所有人的答复。 I look forward to ___ ___ you __. 1. What kind of party is it? _______________________ 2. Who is the party for? ________________________ 3. When is the party? ________________________ 4. Who did David invite to the party? _____________________________ 5. What can people do at the party? _____________________________ 2c Read the messages and answer the questions. Farewell party .(送别会) Ms. Steen Next Friday the 28th. All his classmates, such as He Wei, Jack. They can eat, drink, and play games. 2d Complete the invitation with words and phrases from the message on page 69. We are planning a housewarming at our new house this Saturday. Can you ? Our house is at 2 London Road. We are serving and . from 7:30 p.m. Please your friends and family. A party is more with party come food drinks bring surprising more people! Please let us by Wednesday you can come to the party. Hope you can make it! know if Hope you can make it! 希望你能参加(聚会)! 此句中的make it 是个独立地表达方式,表示 通过努力或是历经困难后取得成功、完成某 事,可译为“ 成功;胜利”, 但有时也要视 语 境及上下文灵活进行翻译,此处便是如此。 e.g. If we run, we should make it. 要是我们跑的话,应高不会迟到。 Though it was difficult, they still made it. 虽然很难,但他们依然成功了。 2e Imagine one of your favorite teachers is leaving. Plan a party for him / her. Answer the questions with a partner. 1.Why is he /she one of your favorite teachers ____________________________________ 2. What do you want to say to him /her? ____________________________________ 3. When is the best time to have the party? ____________________________________ She often helps me in my life. Dear Mr. Shen, really thanks for your care! This Friday at 7:00 p.m. 4. Where can you have the party? _____________________________ 5. What kind of food will there be? ____________________________ 6. What kind of drinks would you like to serve? _____________________________________ A restaurant near our school. Fruit, drinks and so on. All kinds of orange juice, milk shake and so on. 7. Who will come to the party? __________________________ 8. What activities will there be at the party? ________________________________ 9. How can you make the party a surprise for your teacher? __________________________________ All of my classmates. Guessing games, tell jokes, sing and so on. Invite her without telling her. 3a Read the invitation and answer the questions. Dear Parents, I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at No.9 High School. The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00. After this, you can enjoy our school concert. Then lunch will be in the school hall at 12:00. Please dress smartly. I would also like to invite each parent to bring one book as a gift for the new library. Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday, December 20th. Larry Smith Headmaster 10. Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday, December 20th. 请于12月20日以前以书信方式回复此邀请。 1)reply in writing 表示“ 以书面的形式进 行回复”。 此处介词in表示方式,相当于汉语“ 用……方 式(形式)”之意。 e.g. You should get your homework ready by Friday. Remember: Friday is the last day! 你应当最迟于周五前把作业做好。记住: 周五是最后一天。 can you come and meet me before Friday? I’ll be away early Friday morning. 你能在周五前来见我一面吗?我周五一 大清早就走了。 1. Who is making the invitation? __________________________ 2. What is the invitation for? ____________________________ 3. When will the event happen? ___________________________ ___________________________ The headmaster. Students’ parents. On the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00. 4. What will happen after this? _________________________________ 5. Do parents have to bring anything? ________________________________ 6. How should people reply to this invitation, and when? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ After this they can enjoy the school concert. Yes, each parent needs to bring one book. They should reply in writing to this invitation by Friday, December 20th. watch TV, on the weekend, my cousin, visit my grandparents, practice the violin 1. A: What are you going to do on Saturday? B: I’m not sure. I might __________. 2. A: What are you planning to do after school? B: I don’t know. ______________________. 3a Complete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box. watch TV I might practice the violin 3. A: When will you finish the science homework? B: ______________________________. 4. A: Who are you going to the movies with? B: __________________________. 5. A: Are you free to come to my place on Saturday? B: ________________________________. I might finish it on the weekend I might go with my cousin Sorry. I might visit my grandparents 1. Inviting: ____________________________ (can/play tennis) Accepting: ________________________ 2. Inviting: _____________________________ (would like to/go to the movies) Refusing: _____________________ Reasons: ____________________________ (might have to) Complete the sentences below. Use the words in brackets to help you. 3b 3. Inviting: ___________________________ (can/hang out with us tonight) Refusing: __________________________ Reason: _____________________ (must) 4. Inviting: ___________________________ __________________________ (would like to / come to my birthday party) Accepting: _________________________ 指导: 1. 根据要求可知,应让我们写出一句邀请 的话和接受邀请或拒绝的问答句,如果是 拒绝邀请应给出理由。 2. 按提示词,用Can you…?或Would you like …? 加上所做事项来询问。如果是拒 绝邀请,可以想一个适当理由来说明。 1. Can you play tennis with us? Sure. I’d love to. 2. Would you like to go to the movies? I’m afraid I can’t. I might have to prepare for the math exam. 3. Can you hang out with us tonight? Sorry. I can’t. I must help my mom at home. 4. Would you like to come to my birthday party? Sure. I’d love to. 答案: Sunday the______ Monday the______ Tuesday the______ Wednesday the______ Thursday the_____ Friday the______ Saturday the______ 25th 22nd 23rd 24th 26th 27th 28th the day before yesterday yesterday today tomorrow weekend the day after tomorrow weekday 1b Write the words below the correct dates. 1. 问“日期”的句型有: What’s the date today? 今天是几号? 或 What date is it today? “日期”的表示法有例如 :11月 5号 It’s November 5; November 5th; 读做November (the) 5th 2.询问“星期” 的句型: What day is (it) today? It’s Monday. 在英语中表示“星期”的词有: 3. 询问几号星期几的句型: What’s today? 今天几号,星期几? It’s Monday the 28th. 今天是28号,星期一。

