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课堂任务: 1 单词 hardly,twice,maybe,health,percent,through,magazine,once,full 等 2 短语 how often 多久一次 ,hardly ever 几乎从不 , at least 最少 , such as 例如 , more than 多于 , less than 少于 等 3 句型 — How often do you watch TV? — Twice a week . — What does she do on the weekends? — She sometimes goes shopping. — How many hours do you usually sleep at night? —Eight or more. 4 能够听懂带有频度副词的对话;能够恰当使用频率副词及短语描述自己的课外活动;能够听懂有关课外活动调查的文章;能够用频率副词写出简单的调查报告。 Unit2 How often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次? words housework 家务劳动 house + work hardly 副词:几乎不 几乎没有 ever 副词:在任何时候, 从来,曾经 hardly ever 几乎从不 1a Look at the picture. Make a list of the different weekend activities. 看图片,列一张周末活动清单。 1help with housework 帮助做家务 2watch TV 看电视 3go shopping =do some shopping 购物 4read books 读书 5exercise 运动 该在书上记一下啦 ~ 知识点 1 ) help with sth 帮助做某事 2 ) help sb with sth =help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人干某事 3 ) can‘t help doing 情不自禁做某事 --- What do you usually do on weekends? 你周末通常做什么? ---I often go to the movies. 我经常去看电影。 重点句子 on weekends 在周末,泛指每一个周末 on the weekend 在这个周末,特指某个周末 1b always 总是 100% exercise , read usually 通常 80% watch TV often 经常 60% help with housework sometimes 有时 40% go shopping hardly ever 几乎从不 10% watch TV Never 从不 0% go shopping 频率副词 hard 副词:努力地 He works hard. 形容词:硬的困难的 The stone is hard. 辨析 sometimes 有时 How often… some times 几次,几倍 How many… sometime 某个时候 When… some time 一段时间 How long… 1C A: What do you do on weekends ? 你周末做什么? B: I usually watch TV. 我通常看电影。 A: Do you go shopping? 你去购物么? B:No,I never go shopping. 不,我从来不去购物。 娃子们,自己编一个对话试试吧! ----What does she /he usually do on weekends? 他 / 她周末做什么? ----He/She usually does some exercise . He/She usually plays football . ----What do they usually do on weekends? 他们周末做什么? ----They often go to the movies . They usually go shopping . Activities 活动 How often 多久一次 a. 3 go to the movies every day 每天 b. 1 watch TV once a week 每周一次 c. 5 shop twice a week 每周两次 d. 4 exercise three times a week 每周三次 e. 2 read once a month 每月一次 twice a month 每月两次 2a 程涛在讨论他多久做一次这些活动。 按照你听到的顺序给活动标 1-5 的序号。 Activities How often watch TV every daynight use the Internet 使用互联网 always read English books often go to the movies sometimes exercise hardly ever 2c 你多久做一次这些活动?先填表格然后编对话。 上网: on the Internet 网上冲浪: surf the Internet A : How often do you watch TV? 你多久看一次电视? B : I watch TV every day . 我每天都看电视。 A: What's your favorite program ? 你最喜欢的节目是什么? B:Animal World 。 《 动物世界 》 A: How often do you watch it? 你多久看一次? B: Twice a week. 每周两次。 2c 重要的句子 What's your favorite….? =What…do you like best? 你最喜欢的是 …? 写下来 就是你的了 1 基数词: one 、 two 、 three 、 four… 序数词: first 、 second 、 third 、 fourth 、 fifth… 量词: once 、 twice 、 three times 、 four times… 2 once a month twice a month 一个月一次 两次 Jack:Hi,Claire, are you free next week? 嗨,克莱尔,你下周有空么? Claire: Hmm…next week is quite full for me ,Jack. 呃,我下周会相当忙,杰克。 Jack: Really? How come? 真的么?怎么会? Claire: I have dance and piano lessons. 我要上舞蹈课和钢琴课。 Jack: What kind of dance are you learning ? 你在学哪种舞蹈? Claire:Oh,swing dance. It‘s fun! I have class once a week , every Monday. 噢,摇摆舞。它很有趣!我每周一上课,每周一次。 Jack: How often do you have piano lessons? 你多久上一次钢琴课。 Claire: Twice a week on Wednesday and Friday. 每周两次在星期三和星期五。 Jack: Well, how about Tuesday? 好吧,周二怎么样 ? Claire: Oh,I have to play tennis with my friends .But do you want to come? 噢 , 我得跟我的朋友们打网球。但是你想来么? Jack: Sure! 当然! 2d 你看到了么?小伙子大姑娘们! 知识点来了 快到碗里来 1 be free … 空闲的,有空的; be free to do sth 自由的做某事 2 be full of 充满 … 装满 … 3 How come?=What come? 怎么会? 4 have lessons 上课 have aan …lesson 上 … 课 have an artEnglish lesson. 上美术或英语课 5What about …?=How about…?.... 怎么样? 6 have to 不得不 have to 表示客观需要 must 表示主观上自己以为有义务有必要 7 play tennis 打网球 球类名词前不能加 the, 乐器要加 the ,比如 play the piano/er hupipa 将你学到的种在你心里! 选择题 1 I was so tired that I could __walk any farther. A nearly B hardly C really D never 2 --Would you like another cake, Tom? --No, thanks, I’m___. A hungry B full C busy D free 3 --___do you usually do on weekends? --I often visit my grandparents. A What B When C How D Where 4 --___does Tom use the Internet? --Three or four times a week. A How long B How often C How many Dhow much 句型转换 1 Bill has piano lessons twice a week.(改为一般疑问句) Does Bill have piano lessons twice a week? 2 Mrs. Green usually goes shopping on weekends.(划线部分提问) What does Mrs. Green usually do on weekends? 3 I do my homework every day .(划线部分提问) How often do you do your homework every day? 熟能生巧 What do you usually do on weekends? I always (总是) exercise . What do they do on weekends? They often (经常) help with housework. What does she do on weekends? She sometimes( 有时 ) goes shopping. How often do you go to the movies? I go to the movies maybe once a month. (一个月一次) How often does he watch TV? He hardly ever (几乎不) watches TV. Do you go shopping? No, I never( 从不 ) go shopping. maybe : 副词,或许大概可能 may be : 可能是,情态动态 +be 动词 Maybe you are right. You may be right. 1 What do you theyyour parents( 两个人以上 ) do …on weekends? 你 他们 你的父母在周末做 … 吗 ? I TheyMy parents do ( 原型 ) sth. 2 What does he sheTom( 人名 )your brother (一个人) do …on weekends? 他 她 汤姆 你弟弟哥哥在周末做 … 吗? HeShe does ( 在动词后面加 ses). 3 询问频率的句子 : --- How often do you theyyour parents( 两个人以上 )…? 你多久做 … 一次? --- I TheyMy parents do …+ 频率副词 . 4--- How often does shehe…? 他 她多久做 … 一次? HeShe does …+ 频率副词( once,twice,three times,always,often… ) . 5--- Do you youtheyyour parents( 两个人以上 )…? 你 他们 你的父母 … 吗? ---Yes, I TheyMy parents do .---No, I TheyMy parents don’t . ---Does he sheTom( 人名 )your brother (一个人) …? 他 她 汤姆 你弟弟哥哥 … 吗? ----Yes, heshe does .----No, heshe doesn’t . 3a 1.How often _ does __ he play soccer?踢英式足球 a.Yes,She usually does. 2.__ Do __you drink milk ? b.Hardly ever .I don’t like them. 3.How often __ do _ they stay up late?熬夜 c.He plays at least 最少 twice a week. 4._ Does __Sue eat a healthy breakfast? d.No,they don’t .They’re too busy. 5.How often __ do _ you eat apples? e.Never.They always go to bed early. 早点睡觉 6.__ Do_ your parents play sports做运动? f.Yes,I do .Every day. Questions My partner's answer 1How often do you help with housework? 你多久帮帮做家务一次? 2What do you usually do on weekends ? 你通常在周末做什么? 3How often does your best friend exercise? 你的好朋友多久锻炼一次? 4What do you usually do after school? 你放学后都干些什么? 用所给的单词写问题,然后和同伴问并回答。 3b a b c d e f milk junk food vegetables coffee fruit sleep 1a 将词语和图片相匹配 1. b junk food 垃圾食品 2. a milk 牛奶 3. e fruit水果 4. c vegetables蔬菜 5. f sleep 睡觉 6. d coffee咖啡 SectionB 跨过千山万水 来到B部分 。 A: How often do you drink milk ,Liu Fang? 你多久喝一次牛奶,刘芳? B:I drink milk every day . 我每天都喝牛奶。 A:Do you like it ? 你喜欢它么? B:No.But my mother wants me to drink it.She says it's good for my health. 不喜欢。但我的妈妈想让我喝。她说牛奶对我的健康有好处。 1b 用1a中的词语提问并回答问题。 want sb to do sth.想让某人干某事 be good for 对...有益 be bad for 对...有害 be good at doing擅长干 是不可数名词,形容词healthy健康的,keepstaybe healthy=keep in good health保持健康 We should do more exercises to keep in good health. We should do more exercises to keepstaybe healthy. 1d 听录音,在调查中填空。 P18自主学习指导。 Questions Tina Bill 1How often do you exercise? 2How often do you eat fruit? 3How many hours do you sleep every day? 4How often do you drink milk? 5How often do you eat junk food ? 6How often do you drink coffee? every day hardly ever every day never nine nine every day never two or three times a week three or four times a week never four times a day 同学们请飞速拿出自主学习指导做 P17——18 sectionB Self-study1-5题。 How often does Bill exercise? He hardly ever exercises. How often does he eat fruit ? He never eats fruit. How many hours does he sleep every night? He sleeps nine hours every night. How often does he drink milk? He never drinks milk. How often does he eat junk food? He eats junk food three or four times a week. How often does he drink coffee? He drinks coffee four times a day . p18II 答案 把它工整的写到书上,好习惯需要日积月累。 Tina is very healthy .She exercise s every day.She eat s vegetables and fruit every day .She sleep s nine hours every night.She drink s milk every day.She eat s junk food two or three times a week.She never drink s coffee. p18III答案,此题的空比较小,把字写得小一点 。 IV 1some 2course 3often 4hardly 5exercise 6about 7hours 8healthy Free time activities How many students How often 15% Exercise four to six times a week 20% never every day 10% one to three times a week Watching TV 13% every day every day 45% only one to three times a week 20% Use of the Internet 90% at least three or four times a week 2% four to six times a week 85% 2a watch TV看电视 go to the movies 看电影 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 exercise or play sports 锻炼或进行体育活动 use the internet 使用因特网 go camping in the country去乡下宿营 2b读文章,完成下一页的饼状图。拿出自主学习指导P19 页。 What Do No.5High School Students Do in Their Free Time? 第五中学的学生们在他们的课余时间做什么? Last month we ask ed our students about their free time activities. Our questions were about exercise,use of the Internet and watching TV. Here are the results. 上个月我们询问了学生们关于他们的业余活动情况。我们的问题有关于锻炼、使用因特网以及看电视。这是调查结果。 知识点: 1 ask sb about sth .问某人关于某事的情况 The teacher asks students about the homework. My mother asks me about the points of the exam. 2 Here are the result s . Here areis..."这儿是...这儿有..." here位于句首时,主语和谓语位置颠倒形成倒装句,真正的主语是后面的名词。如果主语是名词,用完全倒装; Here is a letter for you . 如果主语是代词时,用部分倒装。 Here it is.它在这儿。 We found that only fifteen percent (15%)of our students exercise every day . 我们发现仅有15%的学生每天都锻炼。 Forty-five percent (45%)exercise four to six times a week .45%的学生每周锻炼4到6次。 Twenty percent (20%)exercise only one to three times a week .20%的学生每周仅锻炼1到3次。 And twenty percent (20%)do not exercise at all ! 并且20%根本不锻炼。 知识点: 1. 主语+find+that从句...发现...... I find that the book is very interesting. 2.percent(per+cent) 百分之......无复数形式,作主语时根据所锈蚀的名词的单复数形式来判断谓语动词的单复数形式。 基数词+percent of... 百分之......的...... 3. not...at all一点也不,根本不 I do not like winter at all. We all know that many students often go online ,but we were suprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day . 我们都知道许多学生经常 上网 ,但令我们吃惊的是,有90%的学生每天都使用因特网。 The other ten percent use it at least three or four times a week.Most students use it for fun and not for homework. 其他10%的学生每周 至少 使用3或4次。大部分学生使用因特网只是为了娱乐而不是为了作业。 The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting . 对我们提出的有关于看电视的问题的回答也很有意思。 Only two percent of the students watch TV one to three times a week.Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week ,And eighty-five percent watch TV every day! 只有2%的学生每周看1到3次。13%的学生每周看4到6次。85%的学生每天都看电视! Although many students like to watch sports,game shows are the most popular. 尽管很多学生喜欢看运动类节目,但游戏类节目是最受欢迎的。 知识点: 1. the answers to ...questions ......问题的答案回答 Let's find the answers to the questions. 2. 物+interesting令人感兴趣的 The story book is interesting. 人+interested感兴趣的 be become interested in 对...感兴趣 We are interested in learning English. 3. although尽管,虽然 =though,不可和but连用。 4. the most popular 最受欢迎的 Can you sing the most popular song ? 还记得boring和bored 吗? It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows,but we think the best way to relax is through exercise .It is healthy for the mind and the body . 上网或看游戏类节目是很好的放松方式,但我们认为最好的方式是通过锻炼。它对身心健康有益。 It is +adj.+for sb.+to do sth.对某人来说做某事是......的 描述事物的特征特性的形容词,如:easy,useful,difficult,interesting, dangerous,important等 It is +adj.+of sb .+to do sth. 某人做某事很...... 描述行为者的性格品质的形容词,如 nice,kind,polite,clever,friendly,careless 等 the best way to do....最好的方式 through以,凭借,通过,从某个空间或内部穿过 mind作n时,“头脑心智”;作v时“介意”mind doing 介意干某事 Are you healthy? I'm very healthy. Exercise such as playing sports is fun ,and you can spend (度过)time with your friends and family as you play toghter . 比如进行体育活动这种锻炼是有趣的,当你们一起运动时你可以和朋友家人一起度过时光。 And remember,"Old habits die hard." So start exercising before it's too late! 并记住:“旧习难改。”所以开始锻炼吧在太迟之前! 例如,像...一样 spend花费时间金钱 sb spend some moneytime on sth某人在某物上花多少时间金钱 spend some money time doing sth花钱或时间做某事 take 花费时间It takes sb some time to do sth. pay 支付(钱)pay some money for money together一起,共同 together with和...一起 死亡died,dying,dead,death start doing开始干某事 3a 看图表里的信息并完成报告。 Activities活动 Days a year一年中的天数 Exercise锻炼 Read books读书 Watch TV for over 2 hours 看两个多小时的电视 Drink juice喝果汁 Eat humburgers吃汉堡包 Help with housework帮助做家务 Stay up late 熬夜 Go to the dentist看牙医 365 365 320 210 95 20 15 0 go to the dentist=see a dentist Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits.Jane has a lot of good habits.She always exercises and she reads books _______.Also ,she ______drinks juice and she __________stays up late . However ,she has some bad habits, too .She________watchesTV for more than two hours a day ,and she __________eats hamburgers.Her parents are not very happy beacuse she ____________help with housework and she _________ goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning.She says she is afriad ! every day often hardly ever usually sometimes hardly ever never 然而,不过,记得用逗号 超过 多于 不仅仅 看牙医 许多 1.对频率副词提问用什么?How often 2.afraid担心的害怕的, be afraid to do sth害怕做某事 be afraid of sbsth 害怕某人某事 I'm afraid that +从句 恐怕担心...... 5.How many hours do you watch TV every day? a. None. b.One to four . c.Five or more . 6.How many hours do you usually sleep at night? a. Less than six. b.Six or seven. c.Eight or more 9-12 points:You're really healthy! Good for you----and your health! 你很健康!你很棒,对你的健康也有好处! 4-8 points:You're smart about about your health most of the time . 你 大部分 时间对你的健康很在意 0-3 points:You have to learn more about healthy habits. Don't worry --you can do it !你必须多学习一下健康习惯。 别担心 ---- 你能做到! 1. none代词,指人或物,没有一个,毫无 none of 谓语动词单复数都可以 None of us waswere late. 一般用来回答How many much....? 2. less than不到,少于 more than多于 not more than 不超过,不多于 Self Check A: What do Tom and Mike ______________ do on weekends? B:They sometimes go to the museum. A:______________do they go to the shopping center? B:____________ever. Maybe about twice a month . A:_________________do they watch TV? B:Mike never watches TV,but Tom watches TV_________day. A:Oh,I'm just like Tom.I _____________watch TV , too . usually Hardly How often How often every always 汤姆和麦克在周末通常做什么? 他们有时去博物馆。 他们多久去一次购物中心? 几乎从来都不。也许一个月两次。 他们多久看一次电视? 麦克从来不看电视,但是汤姆每天都看。 噢,我很像汤姆。我也总是看电视。 2.Eight-five percent of the students always watch TV. 3Forty-five percent of the students usually exercise. 4Ten percent of the students usually use the Internet. 5Thirteen percent of the students usually watch TV. Activities How often? get up early always Good exercise four to six times a week habits do homework every day watch TV once a week Bad eat junk food often habits eat vegetables hardly ever stay up late sometimes 结尾语:As students ,I think we should keep exercising and eat healthy food.we can be in good health. 报告范文模板子 I have some good habits . I always get up early in the moring every day , I never stay up late and I sleep at least eight hours every night .I exercise four to six times a week . And I do my homewok every day . As for food ,I eat fruit and vegetables every day,so I am very healthy . However,I also have some bad habits. I watch TV every day I and play computer games for over 2 hours a day .Sometimes I also eat junk food . As students ,I think we should keep exercising and eat healthy food.we can be in good health. How to Keep Healthy Everyone wants to be healthy. Firstly ,I think a good habit is very important.We should eat lots of vegetables and fruit .We shouldn't eat too much junk food . Drinking milk is also good for health. Secondly ,we should have enough sleep .Usually we need at least eight hours' sleep every night. Thirdly ,we should exercise ,such as walking,running and playing ball games.Exercise is good for the mind and the body. Of course there are many other ways to keep healthy.But I think having good habits is the most important . 万能结束语: 1.Enough exercise ,good food and sound sleep can make me (us )healthy and help me(us) study better. 足够的锻炼,好的食物和舒适的睡眠可以让我健康并能帮助我更好的学习。 2.Keep exercising and having a good rest . Eat healthy food.We can be in good health. 坚持锻炼,良好的休息,吃健康的食物。我们可以保持健康。 3.As students ,I think we should keep exercising and eat healthy food.we can be in good health. 作为学生,我认为我们应该坚持锻炼并吃健康的食物。我们才能保持健康。 Mary's lifestyle Mary is my good friend.She does her homework for about an hour a day.She only watches TV on weekends.She likes exercising and sports.She exercises every morning.She never stays up late .She sleeps for 9 to 10 hours every night.As for food,she never eats junk food.She eats fruit and vegetables every day .So she is very healthy. I think I should learn from her.Keep exercising and having a good rest.Eat healthy food.We can be in good health.

