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Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Section B 3 3a-Self check Revision 1. A resolution is a kind of p________. We usually make resolutions at the b_________ of the year. We hope to i_________ our lives. Fill in the blanks with the right words. promise beginning improve 2. Some resolutions are about p_______ health. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a w______ plan for s__________. physical weekly schoolwork e.g. This is my own camera. (翻译) 这是我自己的相机。 1. own adj. & adv. 自己的 ; 本人的 New words 常用结构:“ one’s own + 事物”某人自己的事物 e.g. Personal health is necessary for this job. 2. personal adj. 个人的;私人的 这项工作需要健康的身体。 This kind of dog can guide the blind person . 这种狗能引导盲人行走。 名词 person ( 人 ) + al → personal 个人的 e.g. The relationship between Mr. Smith and his son is very close. 史密斯和他儿子的关系很亲密。 3. relationship n. 关系 名词 relation+ship→relationship 关系 Complete the first two paragraphs about resolutions with the words in the box. 3a Resolutions _____ promises to yourself. They may _______ to make you a better person and to make your life easier. I am going to ________ four resolutions. take, listen, make, is, help, learn, are are help make The first resolution is about my own personal improvement. Next year, or maybe sooner, I am going to _______ up a new hobby. I think singing _____ a great activity so I am going to _______ to sing. I think this will also make my family happy because they love to ______ to music and sing together. listen take is learn take, listen, make, is, help, learn, are 1. Ideas for improving my physical health ___________________________________ 2. Ideas for improving my relationships with my family and friends __________________________________ __________________________________ get more exercise; help mom cook meals; help my friends Write your resolutions under the following headings. eat more vegetables with their English homework 3b 3. Ideas for doing better at school ___________________________________ ___________________________________ make a weekly plan for schoolwork; work hard at math and English The second resolution is about improving my physical health. ____________________________________________________________________ Use your notes to write three more paragraphs about your resolutions. In each paragraph, write what you are going to do and why. 3c I’m going to take more excercise and eat more vegetables. The third resolution is about improving my relationships with my family and friends. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I’m going to help my mom cook meals and do the dishes. And I’m going to help my friends with their English homework. The last resolutions is about how to do better at school. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I’m going to make a weekly plan for schoolwork and work harder at English and math. Discussion We’re going to make the subway better. Then people don’t have to drive to work. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Imagine you work for your city. Think of a plan to make it cleaner and greener. 4 We’re going to plant more trees and flowers around the city. We’re going to go to school or work by bike. clean energy We’re going to help clean the streets and parks at the weekend. We’re going to use more clean energy. Self Check 1. Match the jobs with the school subjects. Then make some sentences with them. 1. computer programmer medicine 2. engineer computer science 3. doctor math 4. basketball player science 5. scientist P.E. 3. I want to be a doctor. I’m going to study medicine. 2. I want to be an engineer. I’m going to study math. e.g. 1. I want to be a compute programmer. I’m going to study computer science. 4. I want to be a basketball player. I’m going to have more P.E. classes. 5. I want to be a scientist. I’m going to study science. A: What do you ______ to be when you grow up? B: I want ______ a scientist. A: Wow! That sounds cool. But it’s also difficult. _____ are you _______ to do that? B: After I finish high school, I’m ______ to go to university. 2. Fill in the blanks in the conversation. want to be How going going A: ______ are you ______ to study? B: In Hefei. I’m ______ to study there for four years. A: I think I want ______ a teacher. I’m ______ to teach in Wuhan. Where going going to be going Tomorrow, I’m going to _____________________ __________________________________________. Next week, ________________________________ __________________________________________. Next month, _______________________________ Next year, _________________________________. play soccer with my friends in the park I’m going to visit my grandparents in Shanghai with my family 3. Write about your plans. I’m going to … in … I’m going to… 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 Today is the first day of the new term. At the beginning of the class, Mr. Chen asked us what our New Year’s (1) ____________ were and what we wanted to be in the future. Here are some of my classmates’ answers. article, resolution, foreign, guide, hard, university, creative, doctor resolutions Helen said, “I want to be a(n) (2) _________ because I want to save people’s lives. To make my dream come true, I’m going to study much (3) _________ so that I can get into a good (4) _________ to study medicine.” doctor harder university article, resolution, foreign, guide, hard, university, creative, doctor Li Jun said, “Like (5) _________ people, I always have many interesting ideas. And I’m good at writing. So I hope to be a writer in the future. To become a writer, I’m going to keep on writing (6) _________ and send them to magazines and newspapers.” creative articles article, resolution, foreign, guide, hard, university, creative, doctor Tony said, “Many people think I’m good at talking. And it’s true. I am! When I grow up, I want to be a(n) (7) _________ and show people around different countries. To make their trips to (8) _________ countries easier, I need to learn to speak different languages.” guide foreign article, resolution, foreign, guide, hard, university, creative, doctor 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。 1. 玛丽放弃了还是在继续尝试? Did Mary give up or ___________ trying? 2. 长大后我想成为一名记者。 I want to be a reporter when I ___________.  3. 由于这个原因,我不能和你去看电影。 _________________, I can’t go to the cinema with you. 4. 这件事情和马克有什么关系呢? What does it ___________________ Mark? 5. 你想成为足球队的一员吗,肯? Do you want to ________________________, Ken? keep on  make the soccer team have to do with  For this reason grow up  Interview five of your friends. Ask them what they’re going to do next weekend. Then write a report.

