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初中英语新课程标准教材 英 语 教 案 ( 2019 — 2020 学年度第二学期 ) 学 校: 年 级: 任 课 教 师: 英语教案 / 初中英语 / 八年级英语教案 编订: XX文讯教育机构 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 2 页 共 24 页 Rich or Poor 教案 rich or poor 教案 一. 本周教学内容: lesson 37 —40 lesson 37. rich or poor? it doesn ’t matter! 一. 学习目标: 1. 掌握的词汇及短语: cool, lawyer, building, goal, wife, kid 2. 识别词汇及短语: at the very top, it ’ s hard to ⋯⋯ . 二. 重点语句分析 1. why do i want to be a doctor? because i want to help the people who are sick. 我为什么想当医生呢?因为我想帮助生病的人。 why是用来提问原因的,回答时常用 because. 例如: —why didn ’t you go? 教材简介 : 本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容, 提高学生的语言技能, 增加一项语言 能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学设计资料适用于初中八年级英 语科目 , 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。本内容是按照教材的内容进行的编写, 可以放心修改调整或直接进行教学使用。 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 3 页 共 24 页 你为什么不去? —because i was very tired. 因为我太累了。 who are sick 是定语从句。修饰前面的 the people 。“生病的人”,也可以用 the sick people 来表示。 2. i might be a lawyer. 我可能当律师。 might, may 的过去式,情态动词,表示推测,比 may的语气弱。注意情态动词后加原形 动词。例如: he didn ’t come because he might be ill. 他没来可能是病了。 3. i would have an office at the very top. 我会在极高的顶部有一个办公室。 very 在此句中是形容词“极端的”。另外还有“恰好的、真正的”等含义。 you’ re the very man i want to see. 你就是我想要见的人。 4. i don ’t think teachers are rich —— not like lawyers and doctors. 我认为老师并不像律师和医生那样富有。 i think 接表 示否定的句子时,往往采用否定转移。 i don ’t think ⋯⋯。 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 4 页 共 24 页 例如: i don ’t think she can swim. 我想她不会游泳。 i don ’t think he can speak english. 我认为他不会说英语。 i don ’t think they are right. 我认为他们不对。 另外, teachers ,以复数形式代表类别,前面不加“ the ”。例: monkeys are clever. 猴子聪明。 i like apples. 我喜欢苹果。 5. it would be great to have a happy family. 有一个幸福的家庭将会太棒了。 it 是形式主语,指代后面的不定式短语 to have a happy family. it ’s important to learn english well. 学好英语很重要。 lesson 38. dear diary 学习目标: 1. 掌握的词汇及短语: lock, key, but, improve. 2. 识别的词汇及短语: nobody⋯⋯, but ⋯⋯, be the opposite. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 5 页 共 24 页 重点语 句解析: 1. i open the lock with a little key. 我用小钥匙把锁打开。 open⋯with ⋯ 用⋯ 打开, with 介词“用”。 do⋯with ⋯,用⋯做⋯ i write with my right hand. 我用右手写字。 i cut the cake with a knife. 我用刀子切开蛋糕。 key, 名词,“钥匙,答案”。例如: here is the key to the car. 这是小车的钥匙。 where is the key to your bike? 你自行车的钥匙在哪里? do you know the key to the puzzle? 你知道问题的答案吗? 注意表示“⋯的钥匙,⋯的答案,”⋯的路用介词“ to ”,不用 of 。 the way to the park. 去公园的路。 the answer to the question 问题的答案。 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 6 页 共 24 页 the key to the gate 大门的钥匙。 2. nobody can open my d iary but me. 只有我能打开日记。 but 介词,在否定词后,表示“仅,只(有)”,例如: i have no friends but her. 我只有她一个朋友。 he eats nothing but donuts. 他只吃面包圈。 no one but me saw the teacher. 只有我看见老师了。 but 还有“除⋯⋯之外”的意思,和 except 同义。 everyone knows it but you. 除了你,谁都知道这件事。 everyone is here but jim. 除了 jim ,大家都到了。 3. she asked us about our ambitions. 他问我们有关理想的情况。 ask sb a about sth. “问某人关于某事的情况。” he asked us about our class. 他问我们关于我们班的情况。 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 7 页 共 24 页 let ’ s ask her about the school. 我们问问她关于学校的情况吧。 4. l i ming is sure that i will have a good future. 李明确信我会有一个很好的将来。 be sure 可以接 that 引导的宾语从句,表示“确信⋯⋯”。 i ’m sure that he will help us. 我确信他会帮我们。 are you sure that they will come tomorrow? 你确信他们明天会来吗? be sure of + sb. / sth. 表示“对某人或某事有把握” are you sure of your answers? 你对你的答案有把握吗? i am sure of him. 我对他有信心。 be sure to do 表示“一定⋯⋯,必然⋯⋯”。 he is sure to come. 他一定会来。 we are sure to win. 我们一定赢。 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 8 页 共 24 页 5. he told me that i could be a doctor. 他告诉我我能当医生。 此句是宾语从句,注意主从句的时态一致。 当主语的时态为现在时时,从句可以随句意使用各种时态。 当主语的时态为过去时,从句的时态也用过去的某一时态。 另外真理性的句子不随主句时态改变,用一般现在时表示。例: he knows that they have come back. 他知道他们已经回来。 he knows that they came back yesterday. 他知道他们昨天回来的。 he knows that they will come back tomorrow. 他知道他们明天回来。 he knew that they had come back. he knew that they would come back tomorrow. the teacher said that the sun rises in the east. 老师说太阳从东方升起。 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 9 页 共 24 页 6. to be a teacher, i will need to learn a lot in school. 要想当老师,我将需要在学校学习很多东西。 to be a teacher, 动词不定式短语,作目的状语。例: to learn english well, he bought many english books. 为了学好英语,他买了很多英语书。 to get there on time, we got up early. 为了准时到那,我们很早起床了。 lesson 39. a famous friend 学习目标: 掌握的词汇及短语: newspaper, star, famous, actor. 识别的词汇及短语: a.m. give advice to, i don ’t think ⋯⋯。 重点语句分析: 1. i ’m much taller this year, and i love playing basketball. 今年我长高了许多,喜欢打篮球。 much副词、修饰比较级时意为“⋯⋯得多”。 he feels much better than yesterday. 他感觉比昨天好多了。 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 10 页 共 24 页 i am much fatter than before. 我比以前胖多了。 love 动词,喜爱,用法同 like ,love to do / doing. 2. i wrote a letter to helen this week. 这星期我给海伦写了封信。 给某人写信可以说成 write a letter to sb. 或 write to sb. i often write to my friend. = i often write a letter to my friend. 我常给我的朋友写信。 do you often write (a letter )to your parents! 你经常给父母亲写信吗? 3. she gives advice to people in the newspaper. 她在报纸上给人们一些忠告。 give advice to ⋯给⋯忠告,建议。 she gives some advice to me on how to learn english well. 她给我一些关于如何学好英语的建议。 4. i will be famous when i ’m older, but i will always be your friend. 长大后我会出名,但我总是你的朋友。 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 11 页 共 24 页 but 构成的并列句,例: he was ill, but he was still working. 他病了,但他还在工作。 5. maybe i will be a famous movie star someday. 有一天我会成为一个电影明星。 famous. 形容词,“出名的,著名的”常用的词组: be famous for ,因⋯⋯而著名。例: beijing is famous for the great wall. 北京因长城而著名。 hangzhou is famous for the west lake. 杭州因西湖而著名。 someday. 可以写成 some day. 意为“总有一天,有朝一日”,常与将来时连用。例: you’ ll be famous someday. 总有一天你会出名的。 lesson 40. what do you know? 本课是复习课,重点复习学习语言知识的各项内容,重点复习的四会词有: as, choose, famous, future, improve, might, nobody, poor, rich, reply, spell. 重点复习的交际词语有: 1. 表达愿望: i wish to see yo ur new photo. i hope that some of my classmates will be my friends when they are older! 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 12 页 共 24 页 i hope to be a good teacher. 2. 表达因果: why are you going to the bike shop? because my bike is broken. 语法:肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句。 肯定句: i am a teacher. i like english. 否定句: i am not a teacher. i don ’t like english. 一般疑问句: are you a teacher? yes, i am. no, i am not. do you like english? yes, i do, no, i don ’t. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 13 页 共 24 页 特殊疑问句: what do you do? what do you like? why are you late for school? how many pencils do you have? how do you go to school? who, what, which, whose 等疑问代词及 how, when, where, why 等疑问副词构成的问 句叫特殊疑问句。 【模拟试题】(答题时间: 90 分钟) 一. 按要求完成下列各题。 1. fast (反义词) ____ 2. rich (反义词) ____ 3. sick (同义词) ____ 4. big (比较级) _____ 5. interesting (最高级) _____ 6. good (比较级) ____ 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 14 页 共 24 页 7. much (最高级) ____ 8. heavy (比较级) ____ 9. nice (最高级) ____ 10. hot (比较级) ____ 二. 选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。 ( ) 1. it is two two. a. two to twob. two to three c. two past twod. two past three ( ) 2. —thank you very much. —not at all. a. you ’re rightb. that ’ s right c. welcomed. you ’re welcome ( ) 3. i hope you are better now. a. happierb. fine c. welld. healthier ( ) 4. it ’s raining hard now. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 15 页 共 24 页 a. heavilyb. big c. welld. heavy ( ) 5. mr hu goes to work by bike at times. a. usuallyb. always c. sometimesd. nearly 三 . 单选 ( ) 1. now helen works ____ than before. a. much carefullyb. more careful c. much carefuld. more carefully ( ) 2. it ’s nice ____ for a walk ____ a spring evening. a. going, inb. going, on c. to go, ind. to go, on ( ) 3. oh, how ____ he writes! he is always _____ like that. a. carefully, carefully b. careful, carefully c. carefully, careful d. careful, careful ( ) 4. _____ good news it is! 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 16 页 共 24 页 a. whatb. what a c. howd. how a ( ) 5. my mother made me _____ at home the whole day yesterday. a. staysb. stayed c. stayd. to stay ( ) 6. my sister feels _____ than yesterday. a. very wellb. very good c. much welld. much better ( ) 7. there ____ someone on the island. a. may beb. maybe c. may isd. perhaps ( ) 8. have you seen him today? yes. i _____ him this morning. a. have seenb. see c. will seed. saw ( ) 9. can you tell me ____ the meeting begins? a. whatb. if c. whend. where ( ) 10. monday is my ____ day of a week. a. busyb. busiest c. busierd. the busiest 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 17 页 共 24 页 四 . 完型填空 cars are very popular in america. when the kids are fourteen years old, they dream of having their own ____1____. many students work after school to ____2___ a car. in most places ____3___ people learn to drive in high school. they have to have a ____4___ test to get a license. learning to drive a nd getting a driver ’s ____5_____ may be one of the most exciting things in their lives. for many, that piece of paper is an important symbol (象征) that they are now grown-ups. americans seem to love their ears almost more than anything else. people almost never go to see a doctor when they are _____6_____. but they will take _____7____ cars to a “hospital ”at the smallest sign of a problem. at weekends, people _____8_____ most of the time in washing and waxing their cars. for many families it is not enough to have _____9_____ car. they often have two or even three. husbands need a car to go to work. housewives need a car to go shopping or take the children to school or _____10_____ activities. ( ) 1. a. carsb. computersc. bikesd. houses ( ) 2. a. borrowb. buyc. lendd. sell 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 18 页 共 24 页 ( ) 3. a. oldb. tallc. strongd. young ( ) 4. a. languageb. listeningc. drivingd. body ( ) 5. a. addressb. bookc. named. license ( ) 6. a. sickb. healthyc. pleasedd. angry ( ) 7. a. hisb. herc. yourd. their ( ) 8. a. costb. takec. spendd. pay ( ) 9. a. nob. onec. somed. several ( ) 10. a. otherb. anotherc. othersd. else 五 . 句型转换 1. i could do something to help you. (变为否定句) _________ 2. his brother draws better than me. (对画线部分提问) _________ 3. joan dances very well. (用 be good at 改写) _________ 4. there ’s nobody in the classroom. (用 not 改写,句意不变) 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 19 页 共 24 页 _________ 5. i ’ll give you some bread now. (变为一般疑问句) _________ 六. 阅读理解 when you are reading something in english, you may often come across (遇到) a new word. what ’s the best way to know it? you may look it up in the english-chinese dictionary. it will tell you a lot about the word, the pronunciation, the part of speech(词性) , the chinese meaning and also how to use this word. but can you know where the word is in thousands of english words? how to find it in the dictionary both quickly and correctly? first, all the english words are arranged in the alphabetical order (按字母顺 序排列) . in the dictionary you can first see the words beginning with the letter a, then b, c, d, e⋯ that means, if there are two words“desert ”and “pull ”,“desert ” will be certainly before “pull ”. then if there are two words both beginning with the same letter, you may look at the second letter. then the third, the fourth ⋯. for example, “pardon ”is before “plough ”, “judge ”before “just ”etc. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 20 页 共 24 页 do you understand how to look up a word in a dictionary? the dictionary will be your good friend. i hope you’ll use it as often as possible (尽可能) in your english learning. ( ) 1. when you don ’t know a word the best way is _____. a. to ask your teacher b. to think hard c. to do nothing d. to look it up in a dictionary ( ) 2. when you look up a word in the english-chinese dictionary, you should understand not only its chinese meaning, but also _____. a. its pronunciation b. its part of spe ech c. the use of it d. its pronunciation, the part of speech and the use of it ( ) 3. in the english-chinese dictionary, the first part is ____. a. the words beginning with the letter a 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 21 页 共 24 页 b. the words beginning with e c. the simple words d. the very short words ( )4. here are four words: “blind ”, “murder”, “monument”and “boyhood”. their right order in the english-chinese dictionary is _____. a. blind, boyhood, murder, monument b. blind, boyhood, monument, murder c. boyhood, blind, monument, murder d. boyhood, monument, murder, blind ( ) 5. the english-chinese dictionary is _____. a. useful in learning chinese b. our good friend in learning chinese c. our good friend in learning english d. not useful in learning english 七. 作文 假如你是王林,育英中学 8 年级七班的一名学生,今天下午你班和 8 年级 3 班进行了场 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 22 页 共 24 页 篮球比赛,你们以 18:8 获胜,请你通过日记的方式写下来。( 70 字左右) 请做完之后再看答案! 【试题答案】 一. 按要求完成下列各题 1. slow2. poor 3. ill4. bigger 5. most interesting6. better 7. most8. heavier 9. nicest10. hotter 二. 选择 1. c2. d3. d4. a5. c 三 . 单选 1. d2. d3. c4. a5. c 6. d7. a8. d9. c10. b 四 . 完型填空 1. a2. b3. d4. c5. d 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 23 页 共 24 页 6. a7. d8. c9. b10. a 五 . 句型转换 1. i couldn ’t do anything to help you. 2. who draws better than me (you)? 3. joan is good at dancing. 4. there is not anybody in the classroom. 5. will you give me any bread now? 六. 阅读理解 1. d2. d3. a4. b5. c 七. 作文 略。 【励志故事】 三只小猪盖房的故事 有三只小猪要开始独立的生活了,他们张罗着给自己盖一所房子。第一只叫“我好傻” 的小猪盖了一所草房。那是最容易的,一天就盖好了,接着它就睡大觉。第二只叫“拉古” 的小猪给自己盖了一所木房子,花了一个礼拜,盖好也就天天玩耍去了。第三只叫“情人节” 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 24 页 共 24 页 的小猪是最勤奋的,夜以继日地工作,花了整整一个月,才给自己盖好了一所砖房。在一个 月黑风高的晚上,来了一只叫“傲寒”的狼。饿狼不仅冲进了草房,还冲进了木房,把“拉 古”跟“我好傻”都吃了。但狼冲不破砖房,只有“情人节”保住了性命。故事到此结束! 其中心思想是:不为长远打算,不好好照顾自己,就得承受后果。 XX文讯教育机构 WenXun Educational Institution

