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Module 4 Planes,ships and trains 模块同步作文指导 本模块以 “ 交通方式 ” 为话题,以 “ 制定假期计划 ” 为语言目标,学习了形容词、副词的最高级。具体到书面表达中,要求同学们能运用所学,谈论假期的计划和打算,并对旅行方式进行综合比较,分析利弊,进而选择自己最喜欢的旅行方式。 常用表达: ① I am planning to travel from London to Amsterdam. ②A journey by train is more relaxing than by coach , but a lot more expensive. ③This is the most comfortable way to travel. ④Travelling by plane is the fastest but also the most expensive. ⑤It takes you about twelve hours to get there. ⑥Have a good trip. 拓展常用句型: ① I'm going to... ②We are going there by...because... ③We are staying there for... ④We will visit... ⑤I believe we can have a very relaxing vacation.I can't wait. 随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人拥有私家车,同时也有越来越多的人选择骑自行车出行。写一篇 80 词左右的文章谈谈你对这两种交通工具的看法及你通常采用的交通方式。 【 思路点拨 】 【 经典范文示例一 】 Why do I like riding a bike? There are many kinds of transportation now.More and more people have their private cars because life is getting better.However , there are lots of people choosing bicycles instead of cars.Which do you like better? Cars can save time and they are more comfortable than bikes.But they are expensive and can cause air pollution. So I like bicycles.I think riding bicycles is better than driving cars because bikes are much cheaper than cars and bikes can save more money and energy.It can avoid air pollution.Riding bikes sometimes can make us tired , but it can keep us fit. 【 经典范文示例二 】 听说附近的一个农场景色优美,所以你打算和好朋友周六一起骑车去。你们打算在那里远足、摄影、钓鱼,分享大自然的快乐。 请根据以上提示写一篇 70 词左右的作文。 I hear the farm near my home is very beautiful , so I am going sightseeing there.I'm going to spend time with my best friend on the farm this Saturday.It's not very far and we're going there by bike.We're going hiking , taking photos and going fishing there.I think it must be interesting.I love nature.I believe we can have a good time there. 国庆节即将来临,紧张而劳累的校园生活将告一段落。你的假期计划制定好了吗?请以 “ A Vacation Plan for National Day ” 为题谈一谈你的个人计划吧, 80 词左右。 A Vacation Plan for National Day National Day is coming.I'm very happy because I can relax myself during the vacation. I'm going to Beijing for vacation with my parents.We are leaving for Beijing on the 29th of September.We are going there by plane.Because it's the fastest and the most comfortable.We are staying there for about five days.During the five days , we will visit the Great Wall , the Palace Museum , the Summer Palace and so on.I will also go bike riding with my father.My mother likes shopping.So I'm going shopping with her.I hope we can all have a great time. It'll be a great vacation ! I can't wait.

