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1 期中综合能力测试 听力部分(20 分) 一、听对话,选择正确的图片。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 1.M:What do you want to be when you grow up? W:I want to be a doctor. 2.M:Which country made paper first in the world? W:China. 3.W:You'd better put on your coat. It's very cold outside. M:OK, Mom. 4.W:It is raining outside. Why not take an umbrella? M:Sounds good. 5.M:What do people usually eat during the Spring Festival? W:People usually eat dumplings as a traditional Chinese food. (B)1.A. B. C. (C)2.A. B. C. (A)3.A. B. C. (B)4.A. B. C. (C)5.A. B. C. 二、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 6~7 小题。 M:Are you free tomorrow night,Lisa? W:Yes,I am. M:Would you like to have dinner with me? W:Yes,I'd love to.Do you have a special restaurant in mind? M:Yes,I know a great place.It has the best food in town. W:OK.I'll be happy to go there with you. 2 (C)6.What does the boy want to do? A.He wants to go to the library with Lisa. B.He wants to go shopping with Lisa. C.He wants to have dinner with Lisa. (B)7.What does the special restaurant have? A.The best service. B.The best food. C.The best music. 听下面一段对话,回答第 8~10 小题。 W:Who's that girl in a red skirt? M:She is Bob's cousin.Her name is Linda.She is really talented. W:What can she do? M:She can sing well and she can dance well.She won the first prize in our school's talent show last year. W:Well,when is the talent show in your school this year? M:On October 18th. W:Can I go there with you this year? M:Sure. (B)8.Who's Linda? A.Bob's sister. B.Bob's cousin. C.Bob's friend. (C)9.What can Linda do well? A.She can play the piano well. B.She can play the guitar well. C.She can sing and dance well. (A)10.When is the talent show in the boy's school this year? A.On October 18th. B.On September 8th. C.On December 28th. 三、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) Hello, everyone! Welcome to our school.I am glad to introduce some of our clubs to you. The first is the sports club.There are teams of basketball, football,volleyball and pingpong in it.Each team has thirty members.The activities are held on Thursday afternoon.Teachers from the city teams are invited to give classes.The members come here to improve their skills. The next is the art club.A famous art teacher from a nearby art college works here.He is quite popular with students.There are forty students learning from him.Some of their pictures are beautiful.The art club is open on Wednesday afternoon. The music club is the most popular one in our school.Students come to learn to sing, dance and play instruments.It has the most students of all the clubs.Regular activities are held every Friday afternoon. (C)11.How many sports teams are there in the sports club? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. (B)12.Students join the sports club to ________. A.relax themselves B.improve (提升) their skills C.make more friends (A)13.Where does the art teacher come from? 3 A.An art college. B.An art centre. C.An art museum. (A)14.The art club usually holds activities on ________. A.Wednesday B.Thursday C.Friday (B)15.________ has the most students in the school. A.The sports club B.The music club C.The art club 四、听短文,完成下面表格,每空一词。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) Of all the sports, I like swimming best.I began to learn to swim when I was seven years old.I like swimming because it is enjoyable and can make me healthy and happy.In summer, I usually go to swim in the swimming pool with my classmates after school.We swim about twice a week.I swim so well that I join the swimming club in our school.Last week there was a swimming match between No.1 Middle School and my school.I joined the match and won the prize of the best swimmer.I enjoy swimming very much. The Speaker's Favorite Sport—Swimming When he began to learn swimming At the age of 16.seven/7. Why he likes swimming It is 17.enjoyable and can make him healthy and happy. Who he usually goes swimming with His 18.classmates. How often they swim About 19.twice a week. The result of the swimming match(比赛) The speaker won the 20.prize of the best swimmer. 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 15 分) (B)21.Andrew is ________ active boy,but he has ________ unhealthy lifestyle. A.a; a B.an; an C.an; a D.a; an (B)22.My brother is very outgoing and he thinks it's ________ for him to make friends. A.difficult B.easy C.hard D.kind (A)23.I am sorry this hat is not big enough.I want a ________ one. A.bigger B.big C.smaller D.small (D)24.Ann is hardworking at school so she gets good ________ in the tests. A.programs B.activities C.competitions D.grades (D)25.Tom and Jenny enjoyed ________ playing in the water. A.himself B.herself C.ourselves D.themselves (D)26.—Are you free this Sunday? —No,it's quite ________ for me.I have so many things to do. A.hungry B.old C.empty D.full (B)27.—Do you drink milk? —________. A.No,sometimes B.Yes,sometimes C.No,ever D.Yes,never (B)28.My parents always ________ the best in me and encourage (鼓励) me. 4 A.care about B.bring out C.help out D.have fun (C)29.—The classroom is ________ clean ________ it was yesterday. —Sorry,I forgot to clean it. A.as; as B.so; as C.not so; as D.more; than (B)30.________ it's raining,________ they expect to go to the park. A.Although; but B.Although; / C./; / D.But; although (A)31.—Books are our friends.________ do you read books? —I read books every day. A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How song (B)32.—I think it's very important ________ kids ________ their homework on their own. —Yes,I agree with you. A.for; finishing B.for; to finish C.of; finishing D.of; to finish (C)33.It's easy to get on (相处) well with your parents ________ you sit down and have a good talk with them. A.because B.however C.as long as D.before (C)34.Town Cinema has ________ seats in our town. A.comfortable B.comfortably C.the most comfortable D.the most comfortably (B)35.—What do you think of the National Day Parade(国庆阅兵)? —________ Our country is getting stronger and stronger. A.I don't mind it. B.I like it a lot. C.No problem. D.Not at all. 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) Most American families like to have a holiday in __36__. Summer is a good season __37__ holidays. It is very hot during(在……期间) the months of July and August. Children do not go to school during these __38__ months. Some people __39__ staying at home during the holiday. They watch TV in the living room,work in the gardens,visit friends,__40__ books. Many families __41__ their lunch to a park or somewhere far from the city. They like to eat in the place where the air is very __42__ with many trees or a nice lake. If they live near the sea, they often go to the __43__. They can fish,swim or enjoy the sun there. Many families travel in their __44__ to see interesting places. They drive everywhere. They also travel by plane to a foreign country. These years more and more American people come to China for vacations. Of course they can buy many things more __45__ in China than in their own country. (B)36.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter (C)37.A.to B.of C.for D.about (B)38.A.one B.two C.three D.four (A)39.A.enjoy B.dislike C.mind D.want (D)40.A.see B.watch C.look D.read (A)41.A.take B.bring C.send D.buy 5 (D)42.A.quiet B.noisy C.dirty D.fresh (B)43.A.countryside B.beach C.town D.city (A)44.A.cars B.buses C.planes D.bikes (D)45.A.expensively B.comfortably C.quietly D.cheaply 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A Dear David, How are you?I'm fine.I'm in London,at the International School of English.I'm in Class 3 with eight students.They're from different countries Spain,Japan, Argentina (阿根廷),Canada and India.Our teacher's name is Henry Birdcall.He's very nice.He's a very good teacher. I'm living with an English family.Mr.and Mrs.Brown have three children.Thomas is fourteen,Catherine is twelve,and Andrew is seven.They are all very friendly, but it isn't easy to understand them! London is very big and very interesting.The weather is good,cool in summer and warm in winter.But sometimes it's too wet and foggy(多雾的).There are many pretty parks in London.Hyde Park,Green Park and St.James' Park are all in the city center. English food is OK,but the coffee is terrible! Write to me soon. Love, Paul (D)46.The letter is from ________. A.David B.Henry C.Thomas D.Paul (C)47.There are ________ students in the writer's class. A.seven B.eight C.nine D.ten (D)48.The writer lives ________. A.at school B.with his classmates C.in a hotel D.at Mr.Brown's home (B)49.Hyde Park is ________. A.in a school B.in London C.small D.in India (C)50.The letter is NOT about ________. A.the weather B.the writer's teacher C.the writer's parents D.London B My favourite sport is baseball.It is fun to play and it is fun to watch. I went to my first baseball game with my grandparents when I was 6.It was really wonderful.We had a good time.I was happy to be with my grandparents.My grandfather made me love the game. My dad knew I loved baseball,so he gave me a baseball on my eighth birthday. When I was 12,my friend came to me and asked me to join his team and play baseball.I agreed.From then on,I got to learn more about baseball.I practised a lot and I learned how to play better. My favourite baseball player is Derrek Lee who joined the Chicago Cubs in 2004.That year was a good year for him,but 2005 was his best year.One of my favourite 6 things about Derrek Lee is that he is a very nice person.He never shouts at others.He always has a big smile on his face.He seems happy all the time. (A)51.The writer went to his first baseball game with ________. A.his grandparents B.his father C.his friend D.his mother (C)52.When he was ________ years old,the writer began to join his baseball team. A.6 B.8 C.12 D.14 (A)53.The writer ________ after he joined his friend's team. A.played baseball very often B.didn't learn more about baseball C.didn't improve his playing skills D.often played baseball with Derrek Lee (B)54.Which of the following is NOT true about Derrek Lee? A.He is very nice. B.He is not friendly. C.He always smiles. D.He always looks happy. (D)55.What is the best title (题目) of the passage? A.Who made me love baseball? B.What birthday present did I get? C.2005—the best year for Derrek Lee. D.Baseball—my favourite sport. C 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 使短文意思通顺。选项中有一项为多余项。 When I was a kid,I was afraid of water.However,my brother and sister loved water so much.Every time I got close to water,my body shook with fear (因害怕而 颤抖). 56.__F__ However,I just couldn't stop shouting and crying. Finally,my parents said I could stay at home when my brother and sister learned how to swim. Then,when I was ten,I spent my summer vacation with my grandparents in the countryside.57.__E__ I loved that horse,but there was one problem.Each day,I had to take it down to the river for a drink of water.But when I led it to the river, my old fear got the best of me.I went back and Grandpa said,“58.__A__ I'll take the horse to the river.” The next morning after breakfast,Grandpa told me to wear a pair of shorts.He took me down towards the river.He said,“I'm going to teach you to swim.59.__B__” He held my hand as we got close to the water. For some strange reasons,I wasn't afraid.First,we sat by the water and just talked.60.__D__ Then,holding tightly (紧紧地)to my grandfather's hand.I walked into the water. After a few days,I was in the water,swimming with my grandfather.I had so much fun. A.That's okay. B.You have nothing to fear. C.I found swimming easy to learn. 7 D.I slowly got used to(习惯)the water. E.They had pigs,chickens and best of all—a horse. F.Once my parents took us all for swimming lessons. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。 61.Could you learn English better by yourself,Jenny? 62.Chinese culture has a history as long as thousands of years. 63.Who does his homework the most carefully (细致地) in your class? 64.Is it necessary (必要的) for me to join the English club? 65.There is nothing to choose (选择) in the store but take some fresh fruit. B)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 66.There are some differences (different) between the twin (孪生的) brothers. 67.There are some new buildings (build) in my hometown. 68.They decided to_go (go) to New York City for a vacation. 69.Now, the singer is very busy.He goes home once (one) a month. 70.I think drinking milk is good for our health (healthy). 九、补全对话。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项) A:Hi,Bill! Long time no see.71.__D__ B:It was great. A:72.__G__ B:I went to the National Park. A:The National Park?73.__A__ B:I went to the mountains and boated on the lake. A:You took lots of photos,right?74.__F__ B:Of course.Here you are. A:Wow,they're beautiful. B:Thanks.75.__B__ A:Yes! I helped in the old people's home as a volunteer (志愿者). B:Wow,you're great. A.What did you do in the park? B.Did you do anything special during the vacation? C.What do you think of the park? D.How was your vacation? E.Did you go with your parents? F.Could I have a look at them? G.Where did you go on vacation? 十、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词 为多余项。 cheap service spend take because we good five crowd friend menu comfortable There are many movie theaters in my city,but China Film Cinema is the best.It is also the newest.So I often enjoy movies there.It is close to my home,and it only 8 76.takes me five minutes to walk there.I usually buy the tickets on the Internet, 77.because I can choose better seats and buy 78.cheaper tickets than at the cinema ticket office.You know,the ticket office is always 79.crowded and we have to wait in line to buy them.Well,the seats there are big and soft.You can 80.comfortably sit there and don't feel tired.There are nine halls in it and the screen in the 81.fifth hall is the biggest.We can also enjoy the 82.best sound in it.The 83.service there is good as well (也).Waiters there are 84.friendly to everybody.Sometimes it offers free drinks.In addition (另外),it is in the centre of the city and many buses can take 85.us there,so it is very convenient (方便的) for us to get there. 十一、书面表达。(共计 15 分) 为了落实学生减负,使学生更合理地规划自己的时间,某校八年级展开了一项调查,调 查学生一周内业余活动所占用的时间,以下是一份调查结果。 请你写一篇短文,第一段简要说明图表内容; 第二段写出你通常是怎样度过业余时间 的(如参加运动、娱乐活动、做家务、课外阅读……),并说明理由。 要求:80 词左右。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。 According to the data provided, 15% of the students spend 5 to 9 hours watching TV, relaxing or doing activities which are out of plan, and 24% spend 10 to 19 hours one week.In addition to this, 47% of the students spend more than 20 hours and 14% spend less than 4 hours. As for me,I'd like to do exercise in my spare time,such as running and swimming, which are not only good for my health, but also can reduce my stress.I think it is good to make full use of the time to do some meaningful things.

