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第6课时 八年级(上)    Units 1~2 知识点1 decide的用法 核心精讲过关 知识点2 try的用法 知识点3 wonder的用法 知识点4 seem的用法 知识点5 enough的用法 难点一 a few, few与a little, little 难点二  something,anything,nothing与everything 难点辨析突破 难点三 because与because of 难点四 always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly与never 难点五 与how相关的词组的用法 必备知识梳理 词汇拓展 1.hunger ( n .)→     hungry     ( adj .)饥饿的 2. health ( n .)→     healthy     ( adj .)健康的 →     unhealthy     ( adj .)不健康的 →     keep healthy     保持健康 3.you ( pron .)→     you     (宾格)你(们) →     your     (形容词性物主代词)你(们)的 必备知识梳理 →     yours     (名词性物主代词)你(们)的 →     yourself     (反身代词)你自己 →     yourselves     (反身代词)你们自己 4. two ( num .)→     twice     ( adv .)两次;两倍 →     second     (序数词)第二 5.little ( adj .)→     less     (比较级)较少的;更少的 →     least     (最高级)最小的;最少的 6.few ( adj .)→     fewer     (比较级)较少的;更少的 →     fewest     (最高级)最少的 7.bore ( v .)→     boring     ( adj .)没趣的;令人厌倦的 →     bored     ( adj .)厌倦的;烦闷的 8. act ( v .)→     activity     ( n .)活动 →     action     ( n .)行动 →     actor     ( n .)演员 →     actress     ( n .)女演员 →     active     ( adj .)活跃的;积极的 →     take action     采取行动 9. decide ( v .)→     decision     ( n .)决定;抉择 →     decide (not) to do sth.     决定(不)去做某事 10.build ( v .)→     building     ( n .)建筑物;房子 →     built     (过去式/过去分词)建筑;建造 →     build up     增多,加强 11.trade ( v .)→     trader     ( n .)商人 12.wonder ( v .)→     wonderful     ( adj .)精彩的;绝妙的 13. differ ( v .)→     difference     ( n .)差别;差异 →     different     ( adj .)不同的 →     differently     ( adv .)不同地 →     make a difference     有影响;有作用 →     be different from     与 …… 不同 14. wait ( v .)→     waiter     ( n .)服务员;侍者 →     waitress     ( n .)女服务员;女侍者 →     can ' t wait to do sth.     迫不及待做某事 15.like ( v .)→     dislike     ( v .)不喜爱;厌恶 16. swing ( v .)→     swung     (过去式/过去分词)(使)摆动;摇摆 17. die ( v .)→     died     (过去式/过去分词) →     dying     (现在分词)消失;灭亡;死亡 →     death     ( n .)死;死亡 →     dead     ( adj .)死的;失去生命的 →     die down     逐渐变弱 18. write ( v .)→     wrote     (过去式) →     written     (过去分词)写作;写字 →     writer     ( n .)作者;作家 →     write down     写下;记录下 重点短语 1.     go on vacation     去度假 2.     take photos     拍照 3.     stay at home     待在家里 4.     go shopping     购物 5.     quite a few     相当多;不少 6.     of course     当然;自然 7.     feel like     给 …… 的感觉;感受到 8.     because of     因为 9.     arrive in     到达;抵达 10.     hardly ever     几乎从不 11.     on weekends     在周末 12.     once a month     一月一次 13.     at least     至少 14.     junk food     垃圾食品 15.     such as     例如;像 …… 这样 16.     the answer to...     …… 的答案 17.     be good for...     对 …… 有好处 18.     more than     多于 19.     less than     少于 生活中的公共标识语     情景交际 Unit 1 谈论过去的事 1.—Hi, Helen. Long time no see. —Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month. 2.—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to New York City. 3.—How was the food? —Everything tasted really good! 4.—How did you like it? —Well, it was my first time there, so everything was really interesting. 5.—Did you buy anything special? —Yes, I bought something for my father./No, I bought nothing. Unit 2 谈论做某事的频率 1.—What do you usually do on weekends? —I often go to the movies. 2.—How often do you have piano lessons? —Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. 3.—How often does he watch TV? —He hardly ever watches TV. 4.—Do you go shopping? —No, I never go shopping. 重点语法 1.频度副词 often, always, usually, sometimes, never, seldom, hardly的用法。 2.询问频率及回答。 3.一般过去时和一般现在时。 4.句式It ' s+ adj .(+of/for sb.)+to do sth.。 一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.There are some  differences     (different) between the twin brothers. 2.Children spend too much time on schoolwork and they don ' t have enough time to take part in other after-school  activities     (activity). 3.Nobody answered at the front door, so Alex  tried     (try) knocking at the back door. He couldn ' t wait to see his grandparents. 4.Her mother wants her  to drink     (drink) milk every day. It ' s good for her health. 词汇语境运用 5.Jack ' s father  died     (die) when he was young. His mother raised him alone, so he always helped his mother do some housework. 6.The manager has  decided     (decide) to put the man who is experienced in the position of the leadership of the company. 7.Walk down the street, and you will see the tall  building     (build) on the right corner of the next crossing. 8.If each of us pays more attention to our environment, there will be  less     (lit- tle) pollution and our life will be better. 9.Spending too much time watching TV  programs     (program) will lead to stu- dents ' bad performance in their studies. 10.Charles Dickens died in 1870 and his tomb reads, “By his death, one of Eng- land ' s greatest  writers     (write) is lost to the world.” 二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 health bore hungry decide wonder umbrella mind trade someone online 1.The little boy who was not allowed to get out of the room felt  bored     and started to make the model plane. 2.Tina  decided     to go to Taiwan in May, 2019 and she wanted to go there by plane. 3.Leo didn ' t have breakfast this morning and now he is so  hungry     that he even wants to rush to the restaurant. 4.My mother  wonders     why I take up boxing as my hobby. After all, it is not the first choice for most girls. 5.If you don ' t exercise, you ' ll put on weight and have  health     problems soon. 6.—Women here always have  umbrellas     over their heads in the summer. —Yes, to keep off the sun. They are afraid to get dark faces. 7.Our daughter doesn ' t know what to take up at the university. She doesn ' t have a clear  mind     about the future. 8.Mr. Smith is a successful  trader     who comes from America. I ' m going to ask him something about business. 9.Did he go to the beach with  anyone     ? It ' s dangerous to go there alone. 10.It ' s difficult to buy tickets during National Day. You ' d better book it  online     three weeks in advance. 1.pig ( n .)猪; 令人讨厌的人;贪婪(或肮脏)的人 ( v .) 吃得过量;大吃特吃 如:Don ' t be such a pig!别那么讨厌嘛! Don ' t give me cakes, or I ' ll just pig myself.别给我蛋糕,那样我会吃个没够的。 2.swing ( n .)摆动;秋千; 改变;改变的程度 熟词生义讲练 ( v .)→swung(过去式/过去分词)(使)摆动;摇摆; (使)弧线运动,转弯 如:mood swings情绪起伏 A line of cars swung out of the palace gates.一队汽车拐出了宫门。 3.result ( n .)结果; 成绩;得分;成效 ( v .)(因 …… )发生;(随 …… )产生 ★as a result结果 如:job losses resulting from changes in production生产革新造成的失业 Have you had your results yet?你知道你的考试成绩了吗? 4.through ( prep .)以;凭借;穿过; 自始至终;从头到尾 ★look through快速查看;浏览 如:We sat through some very boring speeches.我们坐着从头到尾听完了一些极其 乏味的演讲。 5.mind ( n .)头脑;心智; 记忆;智慧;思维方式 ( v .)介意;对(某事)烦恼 ★keep in mind that记住;考虑到 ★mind doing sth.介意做某事 如:Sorry, your name has gone right out of my mind.对不起,我完全想不起你的名 字了。 6.point ( n .)得分;点; 要点;意图 ( v .)指,指向; 瞄准;指引,引导 如:I wish he would get to the point(=say it quickly). 但愿他快点儿说正题。 The fans are looking forward to the new players to point the way to victory.球迷都 在期待新球员打出胜利之路。 一、根据语境,在横线上写出黑体单词的汉语意思 1.His mind is as sharp as ever.     思维     2.His arms swung as he walked.     摆动     3.When water levels rise, flooding results .     (随 …… )产生     二、单句填空 Tom was highly praised because he bore up bravely     through     his father ' s ill- ness. 知识点1 decide的用法 核心精讲过关 1.(2017河南南阳一模)—I will go to Harbin for my summer vacation. What about you? —I haven ' t decided where     to go     (go). 2.It is a fine day, so we decide     to go     (go) outside to play. 3.What bad weather it was! He     decided     (decide)not to go out. 4.Peter and his friends have decided     on/upon     having a party, and I hope they ' ll have a good time. decide作动词,意为“决定”,其名词形式为“decision”。具体用法如下: (1)decide to do sth.= make a decision to do sth.= make up one ' s mind to do sth.决 定做某事。如: They ' ve decided to buy the house in the country.= They ' ve made a decision to buy the house in the country.= They ' ve made up their minds to buy the house in the country. 他们已经决定购买乡下的那座房子了。 (2)decide not to do sth.决定不做某事。如: But if you do decide not to use it, what would you do with it? 可是,如果你真的决 定不使用它,你会用它来做什么呢? (3)decide on/upon(doing) sth.决定(做)某事。如: Don ' t decide on important matters too quickly.重要的事情不要匆忙作出决定。 知识点2 try的用法 1.(2018河南平顶山二模)—I didn ' t hear you come in just now. —That ' s good. I tried not     to     wake the baby up. 2.(2017河南濮阳一模)All the people are trying     their     best to get the work fin- ished tonight. 3.—The paper was still on fire, so I     tried     (try)pouring water on it. —You ' d better be careful!   知识点3 wonder的用法 1.(2017河南郑州外国语中学二模)—We are going to climb the mountain next Sunday. —I     wonder where we     (想知道我们在哪里)will meet first. 2.(2017黑龙江哈尔滨)—I wonder     whether     our foreign teacher Mr. White will return to his hometown next Tuesday or not. —I ' m not sure. But if he returns to his hometown, I will see him     off     . 3.—I was     wondering     (wonder)if I could ask you some questions. —Sure, go ahead. 4.It ' s     no     wonder that you ' re tired. You ' ve run about 1,000 meters. 1.wonder作动词,意为“想知道,琢磨”。具体用法如下: (1)wonder+who/what/when/why等引导的宾语从句。如: I wonder why he did that.我想知道他为什么做那件事。 (2)wonder+if/whether引导的宾语从句,用于有礼貌地询问。如: I wonder whether you were free that morning.我想知道那天上午你是否有空。 (3)“wonder+疑问词+不定式”。如: He wonders what to do next.他想知道接下来做什么。 (4)wonder意为“对 …… 感到吃惊;对 …… 感到惊讶”,后可接介词at或that从 句。如: She wondered at her own stupidity.她没想到自己竟会这样愚蠢。 2.wonder作名词,意为“惊奇;奇迹;奇观;奇事”。常用于下列固定句型: (1)It ' s a wonder(that)...“奇怪的是 …… ;令人惊奇的是 …… ”。如: It ' s a wonder that the boy remained alive after dropping from the roof of a five- storey building.这个男孩从一栋五层建筑物的楼顶上摔下来,却仍然活着,真是 奇迹。 (2)It ' s no wonder(that)...=No wonder(that)...“难怪 …… ; …… 不足为奇”。如: It ' s no wonder that he won ' t come.难怪他不来。 知识点4 seem的用法 1.—There are dark clouds,and the wind is blowing strongly. —It     seems     (seem) that a typhoon is coming. 2.This week, the weather     seems     (seem) to change every day. One day it is hot; the next it is cold. 3.—Long time no see! —Oh, it seems     like     years since I last saw you. 4.He     seems very serious     (看起来好像很严肃), but in fact he is very humorous. seem作连系动词,意为“好像;觉得似乎;看起来好像”。其用法如下: (1)seem+形容词,意为“看起来好像 …… ”。如: Li Lei seems happy today. 李磊今天看起来好像很高兴。 (2)seem to do sth.意为“似乎/好像做某事”。如: The young man seemed to have changed much. 这个年轻人似乎变化很大。 (3)It seems+that从句,其中It作形式主语,that引导的从句作真正的主语。如: It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park. 似乎没有人知道在公园里发生了什么事。 (4)seem like...意为“似乎/好像 …… ”。如: It seems like a good idea.那似乎是个好主意。 知识点5 enough的用法 1.She isn ' t     strong enough     (足够强壮) to carry the box. 2.Audrey Hepburn, one of the greatest actresses, was brave enough     to     face the challenges in her life. 3.—Mum, I think I am well enough     to get     (get) back to school. —Not really, my dear. You ' d better stay at home for another day or two. enough既可作形容词,也可作副词。用法如下:   拓展 enough后可以接动词不定式: enough to do sth.常与too...to或so...that句型进行转换。如: Tom isn ' t old enough to go to school.汤姆不够大,不能去上学。 =Tom is too young to go to school. =Tom is so young that he can ' t go to school. 难点一 a few, few与a little, little 难点辨析突破 1.There is     little     water in the glass. Let ' s go and get some. 2.I ' m     a     little thirsty. Can I get something to drink, Mom? 3.In our school, a     few     students like English,but     few     of them can speak English smoothly. 如:There is a little water left in the bottle.瓶子里还剩一点儿水。 He has little money, so he needs to find a new job as soon as possible.他没有什么 钱了,所以他需要尽快找到一份新工作。 There are a few differences between the two.这二者之间有一些差异。 There are few books left. I ' m sorry that we can ' t lend you any one.几乎没有书剩 下了。很抱歉我们不能借给你任何一本。 肯定意义 否定意义 所跟名词 a few一些,几个 few几乎没有 可数名词复数形式 a little一点儿 little几乎没有 不可数名词 拓展 1.a little意为“少量,少许”,可用作代词。如: He knows a little about Chinese history.他对中国历史略有了解。 2.a little还可作副词,意为“有点儿;稍微”,修饰形容词或副词。如: He is a little thin.他有点儿瘦。(修饰形容词) He walks a little slowly.他走路有点儿慢。(修饰副词) 温馨提示 一言辨异 The little boy is very busy. He has little time to play. 这个小男孩很忙,他很少有时间玩儿。 That is a very little animal. It eats only a little food. 那是一只很小的动物,它只吃一点点食物。 难点二    something,anything,nothing与everything 1.(2019河南省实验中学一模)—Are you going to take part in the writing competi- tion? —Why not?I have     nothing     to lose, right? 2.—Would you please tell me     something     important in today ' s newspaper? —Sorry,I haven ' t read it yet. 3.—What would you like to drink? —I ' m very thirsty.     Anything     you can get. Just get it now. 4.At present,children mean     everything     to most parents in China.   something,anything,nothing与everything辨析 something 某事,某物 多用于肯定句中,也可用于说话者想得到肯定回答的疑问句中 1.在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 2.若有形容词或不定式作定语对它们进行修饰时,形容词或不定式要放在其后。 anything 任何事/物 可用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中代替something,也可用于肯定句中表示“随便哪个东西,随便什么事物” nothing 没有什么 表示全部否定 everything 一切 用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句中 难点三 because与because of 1.—Why was he late, Tom? —He was late     because     his alarm didn ' t go off. 2.He didn ' t go to school yesterday     because     he was ill. 3.—Did you have a sports meeting yesterday? —No, we didn ' t. It was put off     because of     the heavy rain.   because与because of辨析 如:The sports meeting was cancelled because of the heavy rain.=The sports meeting was cancelled because it rained heavily. 运动会因为大雨被取消了。 because 都可表示原因,意为“因为” 连词 后接句子,不与so连用。because用 于回答why引导的问句 because of 介词短语 后接名词、代词、动名词等 难点四 always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly与never 1.—How often do you have a school trip this term? —     Hardly     ever.Since several accidents happened to some schools,all the school outdoor activities have been asked to stop. 2.If my friends have any problems,my door is     always     open to them.   always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly与never这些副词均表示频 度,在句中的位置一般在实义动词之前,be动词、助动词或情态动词之后。让我 们看下图来理解频度副词所表示的频率大小:     频 率 从 高 到 低 注意: 1.经常用how often来询问动作发生的频率。 2.hardly“几乎不”和seldom“很少”具有否定意义,所以它们所在的句子通常 视为否定句。如: I had seldom seen such a strange stone. 我以前很少看到这么奇怪的石头。 They hardly go out for dinner, do they? 他们几乎不出去吃饭,是吗? 难点五 与how相关的词组的用法 1.(2017江苏南京)—Millie, how     often     do you take the course in DIY? —Every Saturday afternoon. 2.—Could you tell me how     long     the sports meeting will last? —For about five hours. 3.—How     soon     will the supper be ready?I ' m very hungry. —In a minute. how词组 含义 用法 答语 how long 多长 提问物体的长度 物体的具体长度 多久 提问一段时间 for+一段时间/since+时间点或从句 how soon 多久以后 提问某个动作要多长时间发生或结束 in+一段时间 how词组 含义 用法 答语 how many 多少 提问可数名词的数量 数词+名词/a few等 how much 多少 提问不可数名词的量 数词+名词/a little等 how far 多远 提问距离 数词+名词 how often 多久 一次 用来询问事件发生的频率 once a week, twice a day或every day等 如:—How often do you go to see a film?你多长时间看一次电影? —Once a week.一周一次。 —How long have you been a teacher?你当老师多久了? —For about ten years.大约10年了。 —How soon will he be back?他要多久才回来? —In an hour.一小时以后。 —How far is it from here to the park?从这里到公园有多远? —It is two kilometers.两千米远。 —How much milk is there in the glass?玻璃杯里有多少牛奶? —A little.一点儿。 —How many baskets of apples did you pick last Sunday? 上周日你摘了多少篮苹果? —Five baskets.五篮。

