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R·七年级下册 Review of Unit 5 鲤鱼跃龙门! 完成任务,就可以帮助鲤鱼跳过龙门啦! Words and phrases n. 熊猫 n. 动物园 n. 老虎 n. 大象 n. 狮子 n. 长颈鹿 panda zoo tiger elephant lion giraffe Words n. 动物 adj. 可爱的;机灵的 adj. 懒散的;懒惰的 adj. 聪明的 adj. 美丽的;美好的 n. 种类 animal cute lazy smart beautiful kind n. 澳大利亚 adj. 南方的 n. 南;南方 n. 非洲 n. 宠物 n. 腿 n. 猫 Australia south Africa pet leg cat v.& n. 睡觉 adj. 友好的 adj. 羞怯的;腼腆的 v. 救;救助 n. 旗;旗帜 v. 忘记;遗忘 sleep friendly shy save flag forget n. 地点;位置 n. 水 n. 危险 v. 砍;切 adv.(坐、躺、倒)下 prep. 向下;沿着 place water danger cut down n. 树 v. 杀死;弄死 prep. 超过,多于;在……上方 tree kill over kind of South Africa be/ come from walk on two legs all day Phrases 1. 稍微;有点儿 2. 南非 3. 来自 4. 用两条腿走路 5. 整天 a lot black and white one of … a symbol of … for a long time 6. 很;非常 7. 黑白相间 8. ……之一 9. ……的象征 10. 很长时间 get lost be in (great) danger cut down kill … for … be made of … 11. 迷路 12. 处于(极大)危险之中 13. 砍倒 14. 为……而杀死 15. 由……制成的 即时演练 一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1. _______ (熊猫) only live in China. Lots of people like them. 2. Jack has two ______ (宠物) dogs. 3. I’m afraid of _______ (狮子). Pandas pet lions 4. —What animals do you like? —I like __________ (大象) best. 5. People in the _______ (南方) like eating rice. 6. My pet animal is a ______ (猫). 7. Guilin is a __________ (美丽的) city. 8. Apples are a _______ (种类) of fruit. elephants south cat beautiful kind 9. These animals are from _______ (非洲). 10. People must ______ (救助) these animals. 11. There are lots of ______ (树) in our school. 12. Beijing has a lot of interesting _______ (地方). 13. There are ____ (超过) 500 students in our school. 14. Mr. Green is afraid to _____ (杀死) the chicken. Africa save trees places over kill 1. The baby panda is ______ cute. I like it very much. A. little B. a kind of C. kind D. kind of 2. The pet dog is ______ the Greens. He can walk ______ two legs. A. from; at B. at; from C. from; on D. on; from 二、单项选择。 3. —What ______ does Tina like? —She likes dogs and tigers. A. subjects B. animals C. sports D. food 4. Alan likes dogs because they are ______. A. smart B. lazy C. scary D. boring 5. Tina is very ______. Her face often turns red when she answers the teacher’s questions in class. A. shy B. healthy C. smart D. busy 6. Please be ______ to animals.They are our ______. A. friend; friends B. friendly; friend C. friendly; friends D. friends; friendly 7. These trees are small. Don’t ______. A. cut them down B. cut down them C. cut down it D. cut it down 1. We must not buy things __________ ivory. 2. It’s not right to __________ trees. 三、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。 get lost in great danger made of for a long time cut down made of cut down 3. Elephants can walk ______________. 4. The tigers are _______________. 5. He never _________ outside, because he always takes a map. get lost in great danger made of for a long time cut down for a long time in great danger gets lost Grammar 一、why引导的特殊疑问句 why是一个疑问副词,意为“为什么”。 构成:Why +一般疑问句 用法: ① 用来询问发生某一动作或存在某一情况的 原因、理由,一般由because引导的句子来回答。 翻译:你为什么喜欢这些狮子?因为它们很可爱。 —Why do you like the lions? —Because they’re very cute. ②用来表示向对方提出一种建议。 常见句型:Why don’t you+动词原形? Why not+动词原形? 常用答语:That’s a good idea./ Good idea. 翻译:——为什么不去公园呢? ——好主意。 —Why don’t you go/not go to the park? —Good idea. 二、where引导的特殊疑问句 where是疑问副词,意为“在哪里”。 构成:Where + 一般疑问句 Ø be from 和 come from 均表示“来自于……”。 Ø 当疑问句中有 be 动词时,就不用借助助动词。 Ø 但当疑问句中有实义动词 come, live 等时,需要 借助助动词 do 或 does (主语是第三人称单数)。 翻译:你来自哪里? Where are you from? Where do you come from? 他来自哪里? Where is he from? Where does he come from? 三、形容词的用法 形容词 常用来修饰名词, 用已说明人或事 物的特征 定义 用法 1. 作定语:常位于名词之 前,如:an old book 2. 作表语:一般位于系动词 (be/ feel/ sound 等) 之后 3. 作宾语补足语:说 明宾语的特征或者 状态 即时演练 1. Lucy is a _____ girl. She likes to help others. A. happy B. weak C. kind 2. This dog looks _____. It’s wearing red shoes. A. clever B. brave C. funny D. careful 一、单项选择。 3. — _____ are these animals from? —They are from South Africa. A. How B. Why C. What D. Where 4. — _____ do you like pandas? —Because they are very cute. A. What B. Who C. Why D. Where 5. — _____ do you join the music club? —Because I like music. A. What B. Where C. Why D. When 6. — _____ buy a present for mom online? —Good idea. A. Let’s B. Why not you C. Why not D. What about 1. Sally likes chickens because they are cute.(对画 线部分提问) ______ _____ Sally ______ chickens? 2. Are they from New York? (改为同义句) ______ they ______ ______ New York? 二、按要求完成句子,每空一词。 Why does like Do come from 3. We often go to the zoo on weekends. (对画线 部分提问) _______ ______ you often _____? 4. They can see some tigers and lions in the zoo. (对画线部分提问) _______ ______ they ______ in the zoo? Where do go What can see 5. Why don’t you watch a talk show? (改为同义句) ______ _____ watch a talk show? 6. My brother is late for school because he gets up late. (对画线部分提问) ______ is ______ brother late for school? 7. His mother comes from England. (改为同义句) His mother _____ ______ England. Why not Why your is from 8. Mr. Zhang and Mr. Li are from Tokyo. (对画线 部分提问) _______ _____ Mr. Zhang and Mr. Li from? 9. Peter comes from Africa. (对画线部分提问) _______ ______ Peter ______ from? Where are Where does come Exercise 1. There is ______ elephant in the zoo. He can play ______ soccer. A. a; the B. an; the C. a; / D. an; / 2. People also kill animals ______ their meat. A. of B. for C. with D. on 一、单项选择。 3. Koalas are ______ animal. They are ______ lazy. A. a kind of; a kind of B. a kind of; kind of C. kinds of; kind of D. kind of; kinds of 4. The boy is kind of ______. He never helps his mother. A. cute B. lazy C. beautiful D. dirty A. Do you like pandas? B. Most of them are from South Africa. C. Do you want to go with us? D. Where is the zoo? E. They are from China. F. Why don’t you like them? G. Why do you like them? 二、从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。(有两 项多余) A: Hey, Henry. What do you want to do this weekend? B: I have no idea. What about you? A: I want to go to Center Zoo to see the animals with my sister. 1. ______ B: Of course. I like animals. C A: Really? What animals do you like? B: I like pandas. A: 2. ______ B: Because they are kind of interesting. A: Where are they from? B: 3. ______ G E A: Well. I like pandas, too. But I don’t like lions. B: 4. ______ A: Because they are really scary. B: Where are they from? A: 5. ______ F B

