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人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit9SectionA教材全解 Unit 9  What does he look like?他长什么样?‎ Unit 9 Section A课文全析 1. short hair短发 curly hair ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ straight hair ‎【重点注释】①short形容词,意为“短的;矮的”。‎ ‎⑴short作“短的”讲时,可以指距离、时间、物体的“短”,‎ 反义词是long(长的)。例如:This pencil is short,‎ but that one is long.这支铅笔短,但是那支长。‎ ‎⑵short作“矮的”讲时,可以指人的个子矮,反 义词是tall(高的)。‎ 例如:He is a short ‎ man.他是一个身材 矮小的人。‎ ‎【注意】shorts短裤。‎ 例如:I want to buy a pair of shorts.‎ ‎②hair名词,意为“毛发,头发”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式;在指具体的几根头发时,hair可视为可数名词,表示具体数量的“头发”。例如:She has long hair.她留着(一头)长发。Her hair is black and long.她的头发又黑又长。There is a hair on the bed.床上有一根头发。The boy has three hairs.这个男孩有三根头发。【注意】表示“某人长着或留着……发”时,只能用have/has,其构成为“Sb.+have/has+…hair.”,例如:My mother has long hair.我妈妈留着长发。‎ ‎2.tall高的 ‎【重点注释】tall形容词,意为“高的”,反义词为short(矮的)。tall既可指人的身高,也可以表示物体高达。例如:My brother is very tall.我哥哥各自很高。She is a tall girl.她是个高个女孩。He lives in a tall building.他住在一幢高楼里。There is a tall tree in front of my house.我家前面有一颗高树。【注意】high与tall形容树和建筑物“高”时可以互换,但形容mountain(山)时只能用high。‎ ‎【辨析记忆】tall与high tall 常指人、动物、树、建筑物等“高”,但不指山的“高”,其反义词为short。‎ a tall man一个高个子男人 a tall building一幢高楼 a tall tree一个高大的树 high 多指物体或位置的“高”,但不指人的“高”;还可以指抽象意义上的“高”,如:物价、温度、评价等,其反义词为low。‎ a high mountain一座高山 high prices高价 ‎3.medium height中等身高 ‎【重点注释】①medium['mi:dɪəm]或['midiəm] 形容词,意为“中等的,中型的”。例如:My father is not tall.He is of medium height.我爸爸个子不高。他中等个子。This is a coat of medium size.这是一件中号外衣。——What size shirt does he wear,small,medium or large?他穿多大的衬衫,小号、中号还是大号?——Medium.中号。I want to buy a birthday cake of medium size.我想要买一个中号的生日蛋糕。‎ ‎【拓展记忆】1)middle也是形容词,意为“中间的”。例如:I’m a middle school student in China now!现在我是一名中国中学生了!2)我们在购买衣服时,常常看到L,M,S的标志。其中L表示“大号”,是large的缩略形式;M表示“中号”,是medium的缩略形式;S表示“小号”,是small的缩略形式。‎ ‎②height[haɪt] 为形容词high的名词形式,意为“身高;高度”,描述人的外貌特征。height是不可数名词。如果说“某人中等身材(身高)”,其结构是:Sb. +be+ of medium height.其中of可以省略,并且“be + of + 名词”相当于“ be + 这个名词对应的形容词”。例如:My friend is thin and of medium height.我的朋友很瘦,中等身材。He is of medium height=He is a man of medium height.= He is neither tall nor short.=She isn't tall or short.它是一个中等身高的男人。另外,如果对He is of medium height 的of medium height提问,可以是:What’s his height?或How tall is he?或What does he look like?【注意】询问某人的身高或某物的高度是多少,常用what,而不用how much或how many。例如:What’s your height?你身高多少?What’s the height of that wall?那堵墙有多高?What’s the height of the mountain?这座山的高度是多少?‎ ‎【拓展记忆】height可与介词in连用,常用于描述某人或某物高度的句子中,其结构为:sb.+be+数字+meters/feet in height.此时,in height相当于形容词tall。例如:He is two metres in height.=He is two metres tall.他身高两米。‎ ‎4.medium build中等身材 ‎【重点注释】build此处用作名词,意为“体型,体格”,描述人的外貌特征。例如:An elephant has a heavy build.大象体型庞大。【注意】He is of medium height .=He is medium height .=He has a medium height.他中等身高。He has a ‎ medium build=He is of medium build(提示:该句中,build与上句height都是不可数名词,medium height=medium build,height和build前如果有形容词修饰的话就要加个不定冠词,这是抽象名词具体化用法).他中等身材。‎ ‎【拓展记忆】build还可作动词,意为“建筑,建立”。building为名词,意为“建筑物”。例如:They are building a new building.他们正在建造一座新楼。‎ ‎5.What does your friend look like?你朋友长什么样?‎ ‎【重点注释】①What does/do+主语+look like?用来询问某人的外貌特征,意思是“……看上去什么样?”,常用“主语+be+描述人物外貌特征的形容词”或“主语+have/has+名词(名词前可以有多个形容词修饰)”两种方式回答。例如:1)——What does your friend look like?你朋友长什么样?——He is short and thin.他又矮又瘦。2)——What do they look like?他们长什么样?——They are very tall.They have short straight hair.他们很高,留着短的直发。3)——What does the girl look like?那女孩长什么样?——She’s tall and thin./She has long black hair.她又高又瘦。/她留着长长的黑发。4)——What does the young woman look like?那位女士长什么样?——She has long curly hair.她留着长而卷曲的头发。【注意】此处的like是介词,表示“像,像……一样”。例如:He looks like his elder brother.他长得像他哥哥。【思考】She has long curly hair.怎么变否定句?→ ‎ She has long curly hair.能否说成She has curly long hair.?‎ ‎②look like意为“看起来像……”,like是介词,表示“像,像……一样”。例如:The boy looks like his father.这个男孩长得像他父亲。【拓展】look还作实义动词,意为“看”,接宾语时必须与介词at连用。like,还作实义动词,意为“喜欢”。‎ ‎【辨析记忆】look like与be like:‎ look like 看起来像 指外观或外貌上长得像 He looks like his father.‎ 他长得像他的爸爸。‎ be like 看起来像 指人的性格、人品像 ‎—What is he like?他是个什么样的人?‎ ‎—He is vey friendly.他非常友好。‎ ‎【试题链接】——What she like?‎ ‎——She is of medium height.‎ A.does;looks B.is;look C.does;look D.do;look ‎(根据答语“她中等身材”可知是询问某人的外貌。主语she是第三人称单数,故用助动词does,其后用动词原形look,答案:C)‎ ‎6.She’s of medium height,and she has long straight hair.她中等身高(个子),留着长长的直发。‎ ‎【重点注释】①She’s of medium height,此句是用来描述人外貌的常用句型.表示某人中等个头时,其构成为“Sb.+be+of+medium height.”;表示某人中等身材时,其构成为“Sb.+have/has +medium build.”(参见注释4)。例如:My Chinese teacher has medium build.=My Chinese teacher is of medium build.‎ ‎②she has long straight hair.表示“某人长着或留着……发” 时,只能用have/has,其构成为“Sb.+have/has+…hair”。例如:My mother has long hair.我妈妈留着长发。‎ ‎【拓展记忆】当表示某人的外貌特征时,常用结构为“Sb.+be+表示身高或体型的形容词或介词of引导的短语,例如:The man is tall.这个男人高。Mr.Smith is of medium height.史密斯先生是中等个儿。当表示某人的身体某一部位的特征时,‎ 常用结构为“Sb.+have/has+形容词+表示身体部位的名词”,例如:The girl has curly hair.这个女孩留着卷发。‎ ‎【辨析记忆】反义词:tall—short long—short thin—fat(heavy) curly—straight ‎③straight是形容词,意为“直的”,反义词为curly ['kɜːlɪ] ,意为“卷曲的”。例如:She has straight,not curly hair.她留着直发,不是卷发。She has a long curly hair.她的头发长而卷。(slim [ slim ] 苗条的;muscular强健的,强有力的)‎ ‎【拓展记忆】straight还可作副词,意为“直地”。例如:‎ Go straight on and you’ll see a park.径直往前走,你会看到一个公园。‎ ‎7.Are you going to the movie tonight?今天晚上你打算去看电影吗?‎ ‎【重点注释】Are you going to the movie tonight?=Are you going to go to the movie tonight?本句为现在进行时表示将来的用法,主要用于表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,意为“计划/打算做某事”。表示位移的动词常用现在进行时表示将来,如arrive,come,leave,fly等。例如:I’m leaving tomorrow.=I’m going to leave tomorrow.我明天要走。‎ ‎【试题链接】I to the cinema.Would you like to come with me?‎ A.go B.am going C.have gone D.went ‎(句意:我要去看电影。你愿意和我一起去吗?go 是位移动词,可用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作,答案:B)‎ ‎【试题链接】——Why are you in such a hurry,John?‎ ‎——There a basketball match between Class Three and our class in ten minutes?‎ A.is going to be B.is going to have C.will have D.will hold ‎(根据时间状语in ten minutes可知是表示将来的一段时间之后的动作,故用一般将来时态。此句是there be的一般将来时,结构是“There is/are going to be…”或“There will be…”。答案:A)‎ ‎②go to the movies=go to the cinema=see a/the film去看电影。(movie[‘mu:vi]电影)‎ ‎③tonight此处作副词,意为“(在)今晚,(在)今夜”,其前不可带介词on或in,在句中单独用(tomorrow,yesterday);tonight还可作名词,意为“今晚”。例如:Are you free tonight?今晚你有空吗?I must go home to listen to tonight’s radio news.我要回家去听今晚的新闻广播。Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?今晚想和我一起吃午饭吗?You’ll have fun at the party tonight.你在今晚的聚会上会玩得很开心。‎ ‎8.Yeah,but I may be a little late.好的,但是我可能晚一点儿。‎ ‎【重点注释】①may为情态动词,意为“可能”,后接动词原形。例如:It may be in your pencil-box.它可能在你的文具盒里。Please ask Lily,she may know.请问莉莉吧,她或许知道。‎ ‎【比较记忆】may be与maybe may be ‎“情态动词+be动词”结构,在句子中作谓语,意为“也许是”。‎ He may be a teacher.‎ 他也许是个老师。‎ maybe 副词,常用于句首,作状语,意为“也许;或许,大概”,同义词是perhaps Maybe he is a techer.‎ 也许他是个老师。‎ ‎【试题链接】——How nice the building is!What is it for?‎ ‎——It a hotel.But I’m not sure.‎ A.must be B.have to be C.may be D.can be ‎(由下句“但我不能确信”可推出本句句意“它也许是家宾馆”。must be意为“肯定是”,have to be意为“不得不”,都不符合句意。can be意为“可能是”,表示推测时can常用于否定句或一般疑问句或特殊疑问句,may be意为“也许是”,谈论可能性。答案:C)‎ ‎②a little意为“稍微;有点儿”,相当于a bit/a little bit/kind of等,修饰形容词或副词,在句中作状语。其后可接形容词表程度。例如:It’s a little/a bit hot today.今天有点儿热。He is a little heavy.=He is a bit heavy.=He is a little bit heavy.他有点胖。He has a little cold.=He has a bit of a cole.他有点轻微感冒。a little还可以修饰不可数名词,意为“有点儿,一点儿”。例如:There is a little milk in the glass.玻璃杯里有点儿牛奶。‎ ‎【辨析记忆】a little,little,a few与few 修饰不可数名词 修饰可数名词 表肯定含义 a little有点儿 a few有几个 表否定含义 little几乎没有 few几乎没有 例句:There is a little water in the glass.玻璃杯里有点儿水。There is little water in the glass.玻璃杯里几乎没有水了。She has a few apples.她有一些苹果。She has few apples.她几乎没有苹果。The girl can speak a little English.这个女孩会说一点儿英语。I know little English.我几乎不懂英语。‎ ‎【试题链接】——Can you speak English,Mr.Wang?‎ ‎——Yes,but only .‎ A.little B.a little C.a lot ‎(王先生,你会说英语吗?是的,但只会说一点儿。a little修饰不可数名词English且表示肯定含义。答案:B)‎ ‎【试题链接】——There is milk in the fridge.Please buy some on your way home.‎ ‎——All right.‎ A.much B.many C.little D.few ‎(句意:“冰箱里几乎没有牛奶了。请在回家的路上买一些。” “好的。”根据milk为不可数名词,排除B、D,而A不符合题意,答案:C)‎ ‎【辨析记忆】‎ 修饰形容词 修饰名词 a little bit 表示的程度较弱 不可修饰名词 I’m a little bit busy now.我现在有点忙。‎ a little 表示的程度较强 修饰不可数名词 I’m a little busy now.我现在有点忙。‎ There is a little water there.那儿有点水。‎ a bit 表示的程度较强 a bit of 修饰不可数名词 I’m a bit busy now.我现在有点忙。‎ There is a bit of water there.那儿有点水。‎ ‎【试题链接】Sally was busy last week.‎ A.a bit little B.a little of C.a bit of D.a little bit (D)‎ ‎9.Well,he has brown hair and wears glasses.哦,他留着棕色头发,并且戴着眼镜。‎ ‎【重点注释】glasses意为“眼镜”,常用复数形式,表示“一幅眼镜”时用 “a pair of glasses”,两副眼镜two pairs of glasses。例如:His grandfather always wears a pair of glasses.他爷爷总是戴着一幅眼镜。Jack likes wearing glasses.杰克喜欢戴眼镜。His grandmother always wears a pair of glasses.他奶奶总是戴着一幅眼镜。‎ ‎【拓展记忆】1)glass作“玻璃”讲时,为不可数名词。例如:Be carefull of the glass.小心玻璃。These windows are made of glass.这些窗户是由玻璃做出的。2)glass作“玻璃杯”讲时,为可数名词,其复数形式为glasses。例如:There are two glasses of water on the table.桌子上有两杯水。Please give me a glass of water.请给我一杯水。I usually drink a glass of water before dinner.我通常在饭前喝一玻璃杯水。‎ ‎【试题链接】 that pair of a little cheaper?‎ A.Is ;glass B.Are; glass C.Is; glasses D.Are;glasses ‎(句意:那幅眼镜便宜一点儿吗?眼镜应为glasses,排除A、B两项;又因本句的主语为that pair,谓语动词与其一致。答案:C)‎ ‎10.See you later then.那么回头见(那等会儿见)。‎ ‎【重点注释】later副词,意为“以后;后来”,在这里单独使用(即不接具体时间),可以表示从现在算起的“以后”(具有泛指意义)。例如:The weather will be fine later.天气很快就会好转。I’ll tell you about it later.以后我再告诉你此事。Let’s stop now and finish it later.现在停下来,以后再完成它。‎ ‎【拓展记忆】1)later还可用于一段时间之后,结构为“时间段+later”,表示从过去算起的多长时间“以后”,相当于“after+时间段”。例如:I called again a week later(after a week).一周后我又打了电话。2)later还可用于一段时间之后,结构为“时间段+later”,表示从将来算起的多长时间“以后”, 相当于“after+时间段”。例如:I’ll call her on March8 and call again a week later.我将在3月8日给她打个电话,过一周我将再打个电话。3)指从现在算起的多久“以后”,通常不用later,而用“in+时间段”来表示。例如:I’ll call again in a week.一周后我将再打个电话。‎ ‎11. Do they have straight or curly hair?他们长着(留着)直发还是卷发?‎ ‎ Is he tall or short?他是高还是矮?‎ ‎【重点注释】这两个句子均为选择疑问句。提供两种或两种以上的情况供对方选择的问句,叫选择疑问句。其句型结构一般为“一般疑问句+or+简略问句?”,即or前为一般疑问句语序,or后直接跟选择部分。选择疑问句不能用Yes或No来回答,而只能用完整的陈述句来回答。‎ ‎【拓展记忆】选择疑问句:1)英语中的选择疑问句结构很简单,就是先把一般疑问句结构写出,然后在其后加上“or + 选择部分”即可,当然其标点也是问号。如:Are you a student? (一般疑问句)你是个学生吗?变成:Are you a student or a teacher? (选择疑问句)你是学生还是老师?再如:Do you like playing soccer or basketball? 你喜欢踢足球还是打篮球?Can you speak English or Chinese? 你会说英语还是汉语?Will you go there by bus or by train? 你将乘公共汽车还是火车去那儿?Is it right or wrong? Were you or he there? Are they reading, chatting or watching TV?【注意】选择疑问句也可用特殊疑问句,供选择的部分用or连接,前者读升调,后者读降调,例如:What would you like, coffee or tea?你想要什么,咖啡还是茶?How many pens do you have, one or two?你有多少钢笔,一支还是两支?Which do you like better, coffee or milk?你比较喜欢哪样,咖啡还是牛奶?What color is it, red, blue or yellow?它是什么颜色的,红的、蓝的还是黄的?Where are you going, to the classroom or to the library?你将去哪儿,教室还是图书馆?‎ ‎2)选择疑问句的回答不同于一般疑问句,不能用Yes/No来回答,而必须选择选项用完整的句子或其省略式来进行回答。如:Do you go to school by bus or by bike?By bus./I(We)go to school by bus. Which would you like, tea or coffee? Coffee./I(We)like coffee. Is it right or wrong?Right./It’s right.‎ ‎【练习】一、用or或and完成句子:1.Is that an apple an orange? 2.I have a brother a sister.3.I don’t like bread,rice hamburger. (答案:or;and;or)‎ 二、句型转换:1.They want some apples.(用pears改为选择疑问句) ‎ ‎2.The box is big.(用small改为选择疑问句) ‎ ‎3.The pupils are listening to the radio.(用watch TV改为选择疑问句) ‎ ‎12.And he is/has really handsome.而且他真的很帅气(英俊)。‎ ‎【重点注释】handsome形容词,意为“英俊的”,多用于形容男子英俊潇洒、帅气。例如:I likeLu Yi.He is a handsome actor.我喜欢陆毅。他是个很帅气的演员。Her husband is a very handsome young man.她丈夫是一个非常英俊的年轻人。‎ ‎【辨析记忆】handsome,beautiful与pretty handsome 一般用来形容男性,意为“英俊的,潇洒的”。‎ The young man is very handsome.‎ 这个年轻人非常英俊。‎ beautiful 用来形容女性美貌动人,意为“漂亮的”。可用来描述女人、孩子和事物。‎ She is a beautiful girl.她是一个漂亮的女孩。The actress is really beautiful.这位女演员真漂亮。It’s a beautiful picture.这是一张美丽的图片。‎ pretty 用来形容女性、孩子或事物,侧重从主观上评述某人或某物,指“娇小”、“可爱”,语气比beautiful弱,意为“漂亮的”。‎ She is not really beautiful,but she looks very pretty when she smiles.她其实长得并不美,但笑起来很好看。‎ ‎13.What does your favorite actor or actress look like?你最喜欢的男演员或女演员长什么样?‎ ‎【重点注释】actor['æktə(r)] 名词,意为“(男)演员”;(女)演员为actress['æktrəs]/ ['æktrɪs] 。例如:I like the actress,but I don’t like the actor in the novie.我喜欢这部电影中的女演员,但不喜欢男演员。【辨析】‎ actor是由动词act加后缀-or构成的;actress是由动词act加后缀-ress构成的。类似动词变名词且男女不同的构成方式,还有waiter—waitress(服务员;侍者;营业员)。【注意】an actor,an actress;actors,actresses ‎【拓展记忆】1)在英语构词中,动词加后缀-or通常变为名词,表示动作的执行者。类似的单词有visitor参观者,inventor发明家等。2)在英语构词中,还有动词加后缀-er变为名词的,也表示动作的执行者。类似的单词有teacher教室,driver司机,worker工人,singer歌唱家,reader读者等。3)在英语构词中,还有名词、动词和形容词加后缀-ist变为名词的,表示“从事……的专家”。类似的单词有artist艺术家,tourist旅行家,scientist科学家,specialist专家等。4)英语中还有直接说明某种职业的名词,如nurse,doctor,farmer,pupil等。‎ ‎14. They’re of medium build.他们中等身材。‎ ‎【重点注释】build用作名词,意为“体型;体格”。(详见注释4)‎ ‎15.This person is of medium height.这个人中等个子。‎ ‎【重点注释】person为可数名词,意为“人;人物”,其复数形式persons,意为“人们”。例如:There is only on person in the room.房间里只有一个人。Only one person can get there.只有一个人可以去那里。‎ ‎【拓展记忆】person的形容词personal,意为“私人的;个人的”。例如:This is a personal car.这是一辆私人轿车。‎ ‎【辨析记忆】person与people person 意为“人”时,作可数名词,有单复数之分,常指个性的、特定的不分性别、年龄的人,着重指个人。‎ There are three persons in there team.他们这一队有三个人。‎ people ‎1.意为“人们”时,不能指一个人,着重指全体,作集合名词,单数表示复数概念;2.除正式文件之外,表示“人们”之意的复数形式通常用people,而很少用persons;3.people还可意为“民族”,有单复数之分。‎ There are many people at the party.‎ 聚会上有许多人。‎

