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人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit10SectionB教材全解 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Unit 10 Section B教材全解 ‎1.meat肉 ‎【重点注释】meat是不可数名词,意为“肉”,是各种肉的总称。【肉类小结】beef牛肉;mutton羊肉;chicken鸡肉;pork猪肉;fish鱼肉,它们都是不可数名词。【注意】chicken当“鸡肉”讲时,是不可数名词;当“小鸡(chick)”讲时,是可数名词。例如:She doesn’t like eating chicken,but she has three chickens.‎ ‎2.dumpling饺子 ‎【重点注释】dumpling,onion,noodle是可数名词,其中noodle常用复数形式;rice,porridge,cabbage是不可数名词。‎ ‎3.tea茶 ‎【重点注释】tea一般作不可数名词,意为“茶,茶叶”。常见的表达法有:a cup of tea一杯茶,two cups of tea两杯茶。常见短语:green tea绿茶;black tea红茶。‎ ‎4.fish鱼;鱼肉 ‎【重点注释】①意为“鱼”,是可数名词,表示同种类的鱼时单复数同形,a fish一条鱼,two fish两条鱼;fish也可加-es指不同种类的鱼,two fishes两种鱼。例如:I have three fish at home.我家里有三条鱼。There are all kinds of fishes in the sea.大海里有各种各样的鱼。【比较】There are many fish in the lake.湖里有许多鱼。There are many fishes in the lake.湖里有各种各样的鱼。‎ ‎②意为“鱼肉”,是不可数名词。例如:I like eating fish.我喜欢吃鱼。I had fish for dinner.晚餐我吃的鱼肉。Would you like(to have/eat) some fish?你想要些(吃些)鱼吗?‎ ‎③意为“捕鱼,钓鱼”,是动词,短语:go fishing去钓鱼。例如:Let’s go fishing this weekend.我们这个周末去钓鱼吧。‎ ‎5. I like dumplings,fish and orange juice.我喜欢水饺、鱼肉和橙汁。‎ I don’t like onions,green tea or porridge.我不喜欢洋葱、绿茶和粥。‎ ‎【重点注释】and和or都是并列连词,连接并列成分。一般情况下,and用于肯定句,or用于否定句,意思都是“和”。第二句中的or在此处是并列连词,意为“和”,用于否定句中代替肯定句中的and。当句中有两个并列成分时,and/or放在这两个成分中间;当句中有三个或三个以上并列成分时,and/or只用在最后两个成分之间,前面的并列成分用逗号隔开。例如: I don’t like chicken or beef.我不喜欢鸡肉和牛肉。I like onions,green tea and porridge.我喜欢洋葱、绿茶和粥。【注意】在否定句中,如果所连接的两个词前都有否定词时,则用and,而不用or连接,即no A and no B=no A or B。例如:I have a clock.It has no arms and no legs.= I have a clock.It has no arms or legs.我有一块钟表。它没有胳膊,也没有腿。‎ ‎【拓展记忆】1)or还可作连词,意为“或者;还是”,可用在选择疑问句中。例如:——Is your brother tall or short?——He is tall.你弟弟个子高还是矮?他个子高。Do you like playing football or basketball?你喜欢踢足球还是打篮球?2)or可作连词,意为“否则,不然”,用于“祈使句,+or+简单句”句型中。例如:Hurry up,or you’ll be late for class.快点儿,否则你将上课迟到。‎ ‎【试题链接】——Which do you prefer,tea coffee?‎ ‎ ——Tea,please.‎ A.but B.so C.or D.and ‎(句意“你喜欢哪样,茶还是咖啡?我喝茶。”but表示转折关系;so表示因果关系;or表示选择关系;and表示递进关系。根据情景可知,第一个人是希望对方在茶和咖啡中选择一个较喜欢的。答案:C)‎ ‎【试题链接】Come on, you’ll be late for school.‎ A.and B.but C.or D.so ‎(and“并且,和”,表并列、承接;but“但是”,表转折;or“否则”;so“因此”,表结果。句意:快点儿,否则你上学将会迟到。答案:C)‎ ‎6.Birthday Food Around the World 世界各地的生日食品 ‎【重点注释】①aroun the world意为“全世界;世界各地”,相当于all over the world,此处为介词短语,作后置定语,修饰birthday food。例如:We have friends around the world.我们的朋友遍天下。I’m going to travel around the world.我将到世界各地旅游。‎ ‎②world是名词,意为“世界”,world像sun太阳,moon月亮一样,为独一无二的事物,其前通常要加定冠词the或物主代词,the world/sun/moon。例如:At that time China was the most powerful country in the world.在那时,中国是世界上最强大的国家。‎ ‎7.What would people like to eat on their birthday?The answer would be fifferent in different countries.人们在生日时喜欢吃什么?在不同的国家将会有不同的答案。‎ ‎【重点注释】①answer此处作可数名词,意为“答案,回答,答复”,后面常接介词to,to意为“的”,the answer to…表示“……的答案”。例如:I don’t know the answer to this question.我不知道这个问题的答案。What’s the answer to the question?这个问题的答案是什么?Did you have an answer to your letter yesterday?昨天你的信有回音了吗?‎ ‎【拓展记忆】1)answer可作及物动词,意为“回答,答复,应答”,反义词是ask问。例如:The boy can’t answer this question.那个男孩回答不出这个问题。2)answer还可作不及物动词,意为“回答”。例如:He answered with a smile.他微笑作答。3)answer还可作及物动词,意为“接(电话)”。例如:Please answer the telephone.请接电话。Who is answering the phone?谁在接电话?‎ ‎②different形容词,意为“不同的”,反义词same相同的。本句中,第一个different在句中作表语,第二个different在句中作定语。表示“与……不同”,different后常接介词from,构成短语“be different from”,相当于not the same as…。例如:My pen is different from yours.=My pen is not the same as yours.我的钢笔与你的钢笔不同。I think math is different from English.我觉得数学不同于英语。【助记】different(形容词,不同的)+ly→differently(副词,不同地);different(形容词,不同的)-t+ce→difference(名词,不动点,区别)‎ ‎【拓展记忆】1)differently是副词,意为“不同地”。例如:If you go to bed earlier,you will feel differently.如果你早点睡觉,感觉就会不一样。2)difference是名词,意为“不同;差异“。例如:What’s the difference between them?它们之间有什么不同?‎ ‎8.In many countries,peoples have birthday cakes with candles.The number of ‎ candles is the person’s age.在许多国家,人们吃插有蜡烛的生日蛋糕。蜡烛的数目是这个人的年龄。‎ ‎【重点注释】①with表“带来”,或“带有,具有”,“在…身上”,“在…身边”之意。例如:The girl with golden hair looks beautiful .那个金头发的女孩看起来漂亮。The famous director will come to the meeting with the leading actor and actress .那个有名的导演将带着男女主角来到会场。A storm with a hurricane has come onto its way .带有飓风的风暴要来了。Do you have money with you .身上带着钱吗?Take the umbrella with you in case it rains .随身带伞,以防下雨。‎ ‎②the number of……意为“……的数量(目)”,后跟名词复数,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。本句中,the number of candles的中心词为number,所以谓语动词用单数is。例如:The number of (the )students in our school is over 800.我们学校的学生数量超过了800. The number of (the )students in our school is quite large/very small.我们学校学生数量相当大/非常小。The number of (the )students in the room is 50.房间里学生的数量是50.‎ ‎【拓展记忆】“the number of+复数名词” 与 “a number of+复数名词”不同。a number of…意为“许多的……,大量的……”,后跟复数名词,其中心词是这个短语所修饰的复数名词,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。例如:A number of (不能带the)students take buses to school.许多学生乘公共汽车去上学。A numer of students of our school are from the countryside.我们学校的许多学生来自农村。A number of students are playing basketball.许多学生在打篮球。There are a large number of teachers in our city.在我们城市有大量教师。 ‎ ‎【试题链接】In our school library there a number of books on science,and in these years the number of them growing larger and larger.‎ A.are;is B.is;are C.have;are D.has;is ‎(a number of“一定数量的……”,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式;the numberof“……的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。答案:A)‎ ‎【试题链接】——What the number of the students in your school?‎ ‎ ——About two thousand.A number of them from England.‎ A.is;are B.is;is C.are;is D.are;are ‎(问句中的主语是the number,谓语动词用is;答句中主语a number of them,谓语动词用are。答案:A)‎ ‎③age名词,意为“年龄”。例如:What’s your age?=How old are you?你多大了?I don’t know his age.我不知道他的年龄。【拓展】at the age of+基数词,意为“在……岁时”。例如:He could play the piano at the age of five(when he was five years old).他五岁时,就会弹钢琴。I can speak English at the age of four(when I was four years old).我在四岁时就能说英语。She could swim at the age of five(when she was five years old).在五岁时,她就会游泳。‎ ‎【试题链接】In the United States,27%of people the ages of 18-34 live with their parents.‎ A.between B.at C.from D.on ‎(句意:在美国,27%的在18-34岁之间的人和他们的父母住在一起。At the age of为固定短语,意为“在……岁时”。答案:B)‎ ‎9.The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles.过生日的人必须许愿并吹灭蜡烛。‎ ‎【重点注释】①wish此处作可数名词,意为“心愿,愿望,祝愿”;make a wish意为“许愿,许个愿,许个愿望,许愿望”。例如:My wish is to become a doctor.我的愿望是当一名医生。Best wishes to you for the new year!给你新年的良好祝愿!It’s easy to make a wish,but it is difficult to make it come true.许下愿望容易,要使愿望成真却很难。Let’s make a wish.让我们许个愿吧。People often make a wish when there is a falling star.有流星时人们经常许愿。‎ ‎【拓展记忆】wish作动词,意为“希望,但愿,祝愿”。1)wish(sb./sth.)to do sth.希望(某人/某事)做某事。例如:I wish to have a good job.我希望有一份好工作。I wish to see your teachers.我希望见一见你们的老师。We wishes you a merry Christmas.祝你圣诞快乐。2)wish后面的从句,常用虚拟语气。例如:I wish I were as tall as you.我希望和你一样高。I wish it would rain tomorrow.我希望明天下雨。‎ ‎②blow此处作不及物动词,意为“吹”;blow out意为“吹灭”。例如:The wind blows on our face.风迎面吹来。The wind is blowing hard.风很大。The wind blew out the candle.风吹灭了那支蜡烛。‎ ‎【拓展记忆】blow out中out为副词,后接名词作宾语时,宾语可以紧跟其后,也可以置于blow与out之间,但接代词作宾语时,必须放在blow与out之间。【助记】动词短语要留心,代词只能置中心。例如:The candles wer on the birthday cake,we blew them out just now.蜡烛在生日蛋糕上,我们刚刚把它们吹灭了。‎ ‎10.If he or she blows out all the candles in one go,the wish will come true.如果他或她一口气把蜡烛全部吹灭的话,许的愿望便会成真。‎ ‎【重点注释】①if连词,意为“如果”,表条件。本句是含有“if”引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句,主句是the wish will come true,从句是If he or she blows out all the candles in one go。在含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句中,if从句位置灵活,可直接放在主句后面,也可放在句首,如if从句在句首,从句和主句间常用逗号隔开,若if从句在主句后面,中间不需要标点符号逗号隔开,因此课本原句可以说成The wish will come true if he or she blows out all the candles in one go.。【注意】在含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句中,if引导的条件状语从句常用一般现在时表将来,主句常用一般将来时或者祈使句。例如:If it rains tomorrow,I will stay at home.如果明天下雨,我将呆在家里。If it rains tomorrow ,we will not go to the zoo.如果明天下雨,我们将不去动物园。What will you do if you find a panda in danger?如果你发现一只熊猫处于危险中,你将做什么?If you study hard,you’ll catch up with others.如果你努力学习,你会赶上其他人。If you see him,please call me.如果你看到他,请给我打电话。【助记】if从句不一般,几个要点记心间:条件句,放在前,逗号要放句中间。条件句,表可能,主句多用将来时。‎ ‎【试题链接】If Nancy the exam,she will go to Australia for English study.‎ A.pass B.passed C.passes D.will pass ‎(这是一个含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句,主句用一般将来时,if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来。答案:C)‎ ‎【试题链接】——We’ll go for a picnic if it this Sunday.‎ A.rain B.doesn’t rain C.won’t rain D.rains ‎(句意:如果这个星期天不下雨,我们将去野餐。这是一个含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句,主句用一般将来时,if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来。答案:B)‎ ‎【拓展记忆】1)if引导宾语从句,意为“是否”,相当于whether。例如:I don’t know if he will come to the party.我不知道他是否回来参加聚会。2)if引导状语从句时,如果条件很难实现或不可能实现,则用虚拟语气。例如:If I were you,I would wear a shirt.如果我是你,我就穿衬衫。‎ ‎②in one go意为“一口气;一下子”,相当于at one go,in one go=in one breath。go此处作可数名词,常用于口语,其前可加不定冠词a,have a go意为“试一试”。例如:He drinks that bottle of water in one go.他一口气喝完了那瓶水。I can swim about 30 meters in/at one go.我能一口气游30米左右。I want to have a go.我想要试一试。‎ ‎③come true意为“实现”。例如:I hope my dream will come true.我希望我的梦想成真。‎ ‎11.In China,it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday.在中国,在生日时吃蛋糕正变得流行。‎ ‎【重点注释】①句中it为形式主语,真正的主语是其后的动词不定式短语,即it指的是to have cake,原意为to have cake is getting popular.。例如:It is not easy to finish the work in two days.两天之内完成这项工作不容易。【注意】作形式主语的代词只能用it,不能用this/that等。‎ ‎【试题链接】 is dangerous for us to swim in the river alone.‎ A.It B.That C.This D.It’s ‎(本题考查it作形式主语的用法。代替动词不定式短语作主语只能用代词it。句意:独自在河里游泳对我们来说很危险。答案:A)‎ ‎②get在此处作系动词,意为“变得”,多用于表示感情、气候、环境的变化,后接形容词原级或比较级。类似动词:become,grow,turn以及look,sound,smell,taste,feel等。例如:We get wiser as we grow old.随着我们年纪越来越大,我们变得明智了。‎ ‎【辨析记忆】get,become,grow与turn的区别 become 通常不用来表示未来的事,而表示变化过程已经完成,用法比较正式。‎ get 也表示变化的过程已经完成,比become口语化,通常与形容词连用。‎ grow 表示“逐渐变成新的状态”的含义。‎ turn 有“成为与以前完全不同的东西”的含义。‎ ‎③popular形容词,意为“受欢迎的;普遍的;流行的”,在句中作表语或定语,get popular意为“变得流行”。例如:She is very popular.她很受欢迎。Mr.Zhang is popular with us students.张老师很受学生欢迎。Young people like popular songs.年轻人喜欢流行歌曲。Blog is getting/becoming popular now.博客现在越来越流行了。【拓展记忆】popular作定语时,口语中常简略为pop,如pop singers“流行歌手”。popular可构成词组be popular with…,意为“受到……的欢迎/喜爱”。例如:Pop music is popular with young people.流行音乐受到年轻人的欢迎。‎ ‎【试题链接】The Old Town of Lijiang is with tourists for its beautiful old buildings.‎ A.popular B.famous C.special D.different ‎(句意:丽江老镇因其美丽的古老建筑受到游客的欢迎。Be popular with表示“受……的欢迎”。答案:A)‎ ‎④cake蛋糕,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,此处作不可数名词。例如:1)——How many cakes?——8.多少蛋糕?八个。2)I need to buy a cake for my ‎ son, for it is his birthday today.3)——Have some cake.——Thank you.I like cake.吃些蛋糕吧。谢谢。我喜欢蛋糕。(Have some cake表示这种物质,东西,不可数,如a piece of cake,类比:bread)‎ ‎12.They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life.他们从来不切断面条因为长面条是长寿的象征。‎ ‎【重点注释】‎ ‎①cut up意为“切断;切碎”。例如:To make fruit salad,he cuts up two apples.为制作水果沙拉,他切碎了两个苹果。Cut up the vegetables,please.请把菜切碎。【注意】cut up后接代词作宾语时,应放在cut和up之间。例如:We need two apples.Please cut them up.我们需要两个苹果,请把它们切碎。‎ ‎【拓展记忆】与cut相关的其他短语:1)cut down砍到。例如:They cut down the big tree.他们砍倒了这棵大树。2)cut off剪下,切下,砍下。例如:He cut off a piece of bread and gave it to me.他切下一块面包,递给了我。3)cut…into…把……切成……。例如:He cut the apple into quarters.他把这个苹果切成了四等块。4)cut in插话。例如:Don’t cut in when others are talking.别人说话时别插话。‎ ‎②a symbol of意思是“……的象征”。例如:The letter V is a symbol of victory.字母V是胜利的象征。‎ ‎13.All of these birthday foods may be different,but the ideas are the same.所有这些生日食物可能不一样,但含义是一样的。‎ ‎【重点注释】①food表示食物时,是不可数名词,但当表示种类时是可数名词,本句中birthday foods强调种类,而不是食物本身。例如:I’m hungry。I want some food.我饿了,我想要一些食物。We have a lot of foods,fish,beef,chkcken.Which one would you like?我们有很多种食品,鱼肉、牛肉、鸡肉,你想要哪一种?‎ ‎②idea可数名词,意为“想法;主意”。例如:I have a good idea.我有一个好主意。I have an idea that he will come today.我有一个想法:他今天会来的。That’s a good idea.Let’s go.好主意,咱们走。‎ ‎【拓展记忆】1)当别人提出一个好的建议和想法时,我们通常用That’s a good idea!或Good idea!来愉快地表示同意。例如:——Let’s go out for a walk.——That’s a good idea!/ Good idea!让我们出去散散步吧。好主意!2)I have no idea.意为“我不知道”,相当于I don’t know。例如:Mary has no idea about how to learn Chinese well.=Mayr doesn’t know how to learn Chinese well.玛丽不知道如何学好汉语。——Do you know his name?——Sorry,I have no idea.对不起,我不知道。‎ ‎14.They bring good luck to the birthday person.它们给过生日的人带来好运。‎ ‎【重点注释】luck此处为名词,意为“运气”,good luck to sb.意为“好运给某人”。例如:Students often say good luck to each other when they have exams.学生去考试时候常相互祝好运。【拓展】lucky形容词,意为“幸运的”。例如:You are a lucky dog.你真是个幸运儿。luckily副词,意为“幸运地”。例如:Luckily I was at home when he called.他打电话时,我幸好在家。‎ ‎15.How can a person make his or her birthday wish come true?一个人怎样使自己的生日愿望实现?‎ ‎【重点注释】make在此意为“使,让,叫”,为使役动词,其后接不带to的动词不定式(动词原形)作宾补,即make sb.do sth.“让(使)某人做某事”。例如:She made me wait there for two hours.她让我在那里等了两个小时。Don’t make him ‎ sleep too late.不要让他睡得太晚。The boss makes us work for eleven hours a day.老板让我们每天工作11个小时。【类比】let sb.do sth.让某人做某事。例如:Let’s go skating!让我们滑冰吧!‎ ‎【拓展记忆】1)“make sb./sth.+形容词”表示“使某人/某物处于某种状态”。例如:She often makes me happy.他经常使我高兴。I like reading books because they can make me happy.我喜欢读书,因为书籍能给我带来快乐。Don’t make the room dirty.不要把房间弄脏了。2)make friends(with sb.)(与某人)交朋友。例如:Tom makes some Chinese friends.汤姆交了一些中国朋友。She wants to make friends with them.她想和他们交朋友。3)make还可作动词,意为“做;制作;制造”。例如:Can you make the cake?你会做蛋糕吗?4)be made of/from由……制成。例如:The desk is made of wood.桌子是木头做的。The paper is made from wood.纸是木头做的。‎ ‎16.But we are short of fish.但是我们缺少鱼。‎ ‎【重点注释】be short of意为“缺少,缺乏”。例如:We’re short of food.我们缺少食物。They are short of food and clothes.他们缺吃少穿。Are you short of money?你缺钱吗?‎ ‎17.Put on your glasses and you can see the mutton.戴上你的眼镜,你就会看到羊肉了。‎ ‎【重点注释】①put on意为“戴上;穿上”。例如:It’s cold outside.Put on your sweater.外面很冷,穿上你的毛衣吧。‎ ‎【辨析记忆】put on与wear put on ‎“穿上;戴上”,后接衣服、鞋、帽等。‎ 着重“穿”这一动作,即由没穿到穿这一过程的完成。‎ wear ‎“穿着;戴着”,宾语可以是衣帽,也可是饰物等。‎ 强调“穿着;戴着”这一状态。‎ 例句:Can I put on the jeans?我可以穿上这条牛仔裤吗?‎ She often wears glasses.她经常戴着眼镜。‎ ‎【试题链接】Tom,it’s cold outside. your coat when you go out.‎ A.Take off B.Put on C.Put away D.Take away ‎(句意:汤姆,外面冷。出去的时候穿上大衣吧。take off脱下,put on穿上,put away放好,take away拿走。答案:B)‎ ‎②认识两种句型:(1)“祈使句+and +简单句”,and(那么,并且,和)后简单句表示好的结果,谓语动词常用一般将来时或含有情态动词的一般现在时。例如:Hurry up, and you will(can) catch the bus.=If you hurry up,you will catch the bus. 快点儿,你会赶上公共汽车。(2)“祈使句+or+简单句” ,or(否则,不然)后简单句表不理想的结果, 谓语动词常用一般将来时或含有情态动词的一般现在时。Study hard, or you will fail to pass the exam .=If you don’t study hard,you will fail to pass the exam.努力学习,否则你会考试不及格。Hurry up ,or you'll be late.=If you don't hurry up, you'll be late.赶快,否则你将迟到。(if的用法参见注释10)【注意】这两种句型,and或or前常加逗号。例句学习:Go down the street , and you will find the post office.沿着这条路走,你就看到邮局了。Hurry up, or you will be late for the meeting.快一点,否则开会你就迟到了。Follow my advice, or you will regret.采纳我的意见,否则你会后悔的。‎

