外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module6-Unit 1

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外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module6-Unit 1

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Why not …? 为什么不……呢? 8. far from 离……远 重点句子 1. Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie? 打扰一下!你能告诉我去 王府井大街的路吗? 2. Is there a bookshop near here? 这附近有书 店吗? 3. Why not ask the policeman over there?为什 么不问一下那边的那个警察呢? 4. Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?你可以告诉我如何到达国家体育馆 吗? 5. Go along the street and you'll see an underground station.沿着这条街走,你会看到 一个地铁站。 名师点拨 1. along 的用法   along作介词,意为“沿着”。along表示移动的 方向,常与动态动词连用。如: Go along the street and you'll see an underground station. 沿着这条街走,你会看到一个地 铁站。 【拓展】along 还可作副词,意为“向前;一起;一 道”。 Let's walk along. 咱们向前走走吧。 【专练】 ( ) My father has a habit of jogging______the Jinchuan River for an hour in the morning. A. between B. along C. over D. through B 2. across与cross的用法   (1) across作介词,意为“越过”,常与go, walk,和run等动词连用,强调从一定范围的一边到另 一边,且在物体表面上进行动作。 (2) cross作及物动词,意为“穿过”,相当于go across后接road, street, bridge,river 等名词, 表示从物体表面上横过。如: It's very dangerous for children to cross the busy street.=It's very dangerous for children to go across the busy street.对孩子们来说穿过车 来车往的街道很危险。 【辨析】along, across, through与past along表示沿着细长的线移动,如道路、河流、海岸等; across表示通过某一物体的表面; through表示通过某一空间或从物体的内部穿过; past表示从旁边经过。如: They ran straight across the road.他们径直跑过了 马路。 He is walking through the forest.他正步行穿过森 林。 Go past a bank, turn left, and you will see a hospital.经过一家银行,向左转,你将会看见一家医院。 Walk along the road and turn left at the second crossing.沿着这条马路走,在第二个十字路口左转。 【专练】 ( ) 1. We must be careful when we ______ the street. A.cross B.across C.crossing D.crosses ( )2. Go______ the street,then you will see a shop. A.to B.cross C.on D.across ( )3. Don't ______ the street when the traffic light is red. It's dangerous. A. cross B. through C. across D. along A D A 3. opposite 的用法   opposite作介词,意为“在……的对面”,同 义短语是across from。 The fruit shop is opposite / across from the hospital. 水果店在医院的对面。 【拓展】 opposite的其他用法 (1) 作副词, 意为“在对面”。 There's an old man living opposite.有一位老人 住在对面。 (2) 作形容词, 意为“另一边的;对面的;相反 的”。 We live on the opposite side of the road.我们 住在马路对面。 (3) 作名词,意为“相反的人(或物);对立面”, 常与介词of 一起使用。 Your answer is right, and his is the opposite. 你的回答正确,他的正相反。 【专练】根据汉语意思补全句子,词数不限 通常,吃饭的时候我坐在他的对面。 Usually, I sit ____________ during the meal.opposite him 4. 句型“Can you tell me the way to …?”的用 法   Can you tell me the way to …? 是问路的常用 句式,意为“你能告诉我去……的路吗?”, can 可用 could 代替,语气较委婉。the way to … 意为 “去……的路”。 Could you tell me the way to the post office? 你 能告诉我去邮局的路吗? 【拓展】 常见的问路句型: (1)Where is …?……在哪里? (2)Which is the way to …?哪条是去……的路? (3)How can I get to …?我怎样到达……? (4)Can / Could you tell me how to get to …?你能 告诉我怎样到达……吗? 【专练】 ( ) 1. —Could you please tell me how to get to the restroom? —______. I'm not sure how to get there. A.Sorry B. OK C.Of course D. No problem ( )2. Could you tell me which______the West Lake? A.the way to B.the way C.is the way D.is the way to A D 5. Why not …?句型的用法   why not 意为“为什么不”,后接动词原 形,常用来提建议或征求对方的意见,相当于 why don't you 。 主要有以下几种用法: (1)表示同意某人的意见。如: —Let's have some bread for breakfast, OK?早饭我们吃些面包好吗? —OK. Why not?行。为什么不呢? (2)表示一种无法理解的心情。如: It's very cold. Why not put on your coat? 天很冷。为什么不穿上你的外套呢? 【专练】 1. 为什么不问问那边那个阿姨? ____________ the aunt over there? ( ) 2. Why not______a taxi to the zoo? It can save us a lot of time. A.took B.take C.takes D.taking Why not ask B 6. “take+交通工具”的用法   “take+交通工具”意为“乘(坐)……”。 “take the … to … ”相当于“go … by+交通工 具”。交通工具名词前一般要加冠词(a, an,the) 或 形容词性物主代词等限定词。 I usually take the bus to school.(=I usually go to school by bus.) 我通常乘公车去上学。 【拓展】 take 的其他常见用法: (1)意为“拍摄;摄影”。 take a photo 拍照 (2)意为“做;进行”。 take a look 看一看  take a walk 散步 (3)意为“把(某人)带往”。 Dad, when will you take me to the cinema?爸 爸,你什么时候带我去看电影? (4)意为“花费(时间)”。 It will take us two hours to do it.做这件事将 花费我们两小时。 【专练】 1. 为了省钱,她总是坐公共汽车去上班。 She always ____________ to work to save money. ( )2. —Did you get there by______bike? —No, I took ______taxi. A.a; a B. /; a C.the;the D. a; the takes a / the bus B 语篇理解 一、听对话 听教材P32 Activity 3 Listen and read的对话录音, 回答第1~3小题。 ( )1. Where is the bookshop? A. Behind the bank. B. In front of the bank. C. Opposite the bank. ( )2. How can the tourist get to the National Stadium? A.On foot. B. By bike. C. By underground. C C ( )3. Where does the tourist want to visit? A.Wangfujing Dajie. B. The National Stadium. C. Both A and B. C 二、听填信息 听教材Activity 3 Listen and read的对话录音,完成 下列信息表。 The way to Wangfujing Dajie 1. ____________ Dong Chang'an Jie, go 2. ______ the street and turn 3.______ at the third street on the left. Go across along left 续表 The way to the bookshop Along Xi Chang'an Jie,on the right, 4. ____________ the bank. The way to the National Stadium Take the underground, a bus or a 5. ______. opposite taxi 三、根据课本P32 Activity 3的对话内容,完成短文填 空   Betty and Lingling are standing in front of Tian'anmen Square.A tourist asks them the way to Wangfujing Dajie.Betty tells him to go 1._____ Dong Chang'an Jie and go along the street.Turn left 2. _____ the third street 3. _____ the left. It's near so the tourist can 4. _____ there.The tourist also wants to buy a guidebook about Beijing. Lingling tells him there is a big 5. __________ just along Xi Chang'an Jie.It's on the right,6. _________ the bank.The tourist wants to visit the National Stadium, too.But Lingling doesn't know the way. She tells the tourist to 7. _____ the across at on walk bookshop opposite ask policeman over there.The policeman tells the tourist to go along the street and he will see 8. ____ underground station. 9. ____ the underground to the Olympic Sports Centre.He can also take a bus 10. ____ a taxi. an Take or  along      tourists     一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词 1. Walk ________ (沿着) this river, and you can find the school on your right. 2. More and more ________ (游客) come to visit Suzhou every year. 3. Remember to bring the ____________  when you travel to Shanghai. 4. Please be careful when you ________ the street. 5. There is a store over there, ____________(在……对面) the bank.   guidebook     across       opposite     课堂小测 二、根据汉语意思补全下列句子,词数不限 6. 你能告诉我去邮局的路吗? Can you tell me ________________ the post office? 7. 沿着这条街走, 你会看到右边有一家银行。 Walk ________ the street, and you'll see a bank ________________. 8. 为什么下午不去踢足球呢? ________ go to play football this afternoon? 9. 你不能在这里左转弯。 You can't ________ here. 10. 打扰了,布莱克先生在哪里? ________________, where is Mr Black? the way to along on your right Why not turn left Excuse me B 三、单项填空 ( )11. George is two years old. He doesn't know the way______home. A. over B. / C. to D. across ( )12. The post office is across______the park. A.to B. from C. on D. near ( )13. —______? —Yes. Go along the street and you'll see it. A. Where's the museum B. How far is the museum C. Do you want to go to the museum D. Can you tell me where the museum is B D C B( )14. The boy was taller than Tina. He was sitting    ______Tina. So Tina couldn't see the blackboard at all. A. behind B. in front of C. beside D. next to ( )15. We can know some information about the ancient history in the ______. A. factory B. square C. museum D. pool

