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初一英语练习题二 第一卷 听力部分(共20分)‎ ‎  I、看图听句子选择正确的图画 ‎     ‎ ‎  II、听句子选择正确答语 ‎  5. A. Yes, it is.         B. It’s good.‎ ‎   C. Thank you.       D. It’s mine.‎ ‎  6. A. It’s eight o’clock.    B. At 8:30 ‎ ‎    C. No, it isn’t.      D. That’s all right.‎ ‎  7. A. It’s red.        B. It’s beautiful.‎ ‎    C. It’s M.         D. It’s dear.‎ ‎  8. A. Yes, it does.        B. No, it is. ‎ ‎    C. Yes, it is.         D. No, it doesn’t.‎ ‎  III 听句子,补全句子中所缺的词语 ‎  9.He ______ a pair of _____________.‎ ‎  10. --- What ______ is your T-shirt? --- It’s ______.‎ ‎  11. The man is ______ a blue _________.‎ ‎  12. I’m going to _________ . ______ you like to go with me?‎ ‎  IV 听对话,回答下列问题 ‎  13. Where is Jim’s coat? __________________.‎ ‎  14. What colour is his coat? ______________.‎ ‎  15. Whose is the coat? ________________.‎ ‎  16.Is Liu Ming here? ______________.‎ ‎  V 听短文,判断下列各题。对的(T),错的(F)‎ ‎  17. It’s a hot day.‎ ‎  18. Boys and girls are going to climb the hills.‎ ‎  19. They will go there by bus.‎ ‎  20. They will leave at half past eight.‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  第二卷 笔试部分(共80分)‎ ‎  I. 词汇(20分,A,B,C,D项各5分)‎ ‎  A.根据句意,写出下列单词中所缺的字母 ‎  1. ---What time is it? ---It’s a qu_ _ t_ _ past six.‎ ‎  2. This year the farmers have a good h_ rv_ _t.‎ ‎  3. When do you have your br_ _kf _ _t?‎ ‎  4. Do you have m_ si_ on Tuesday?‎ ‎  5. ---What day is it today? ---It’s _ed _sday.‎ ‎  B. 根据句意,将下列句中划线部分的词语译成英文 ‎  6. 我们星期六和星期天没有课。We ___ ___ ___ on Saturday and Sunday.‎ ‎  7. 快点!我们赶不上火车了。 Hurry! We’ll___ ___ ___ .‎ ‎  8. 他们打算要远足。 They are going to ___ ___ ___ .‎ ‎  9. ---我们去滑冰好吗?---好主意。---___ ___ go skating? ---That’s a good idea. ‎ ‎  10.今天天气很好,我们要去野餐。It’s fine today. We want to __ __ __ __. ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  C. 根据句意,从所给的词语中选择一个恰当的词语填空 good at, get, a bottle of, size, stay at home, in the water, only , plane tickets, just for fun, on the school basketball team ‎  11. ---What ____is the raincoat? --- It’s L.‎ ‎  12. He speaks English well, He is ______it.‎ ‎  13. We can swim and play ___________.‎ ‎  14. It’s cloudy now. But it may ______nice and sunny in the afternoon.‎ ‎  15. I want to buy two ______for Hainan.‎ ‎  16. My father plays pingpong ___. ‎ ‎  17. Bob is __________.‎ ‎  18. I’ve ________ milk.‎ ‎  19. They fly to Harbin _________on Friday.‎ ‎  20. Mike is ill.So he has to___ .‎ ‎  D. 根据句意选用括号中正确的词填空 ‎  21. ________(Is, Are) they cotton trousers?‎ ‎22.---Do you ______ (wearing, wear) Size M ? --- No, I don’t.‎ ‎23.It’s going to ________ (rain, rainy) in the everning.‎ ‎24.You play basketball very well, ________ (aren’t, don’t ) you?‎ ‎25.---Are they ______(play, playing) pingpang? ---No, they aren’t.‎ ‎26.When _______(do, does) the first bus leave?‎ ‎27.A plan ______(fly, flies) to New York next Monday.‎ ‎28.We often go ________(skate, skating) in winter.‎ ‎29.It’s raining outside ._________(Put on, Wear) your raincoat.‎ ‎30.Let’s _______ (look, watch ) the football match.‎ ‎  II、选择填空(12.5分)‎ ‎  31. _____ your younger brother ______ a desk?‎ ‎  A.Do, have   B. Does, have   C. Does, has   D. Do, has ‎  32. ---Is Tom’s elder sister playing chess now? ---Yes, ______.‎ ‎  A.she is   B she does   C. he is   D. he does ‎  33. The bus is coming ______ half an hour.‎ ‎  A.on   B. at   C. for   D. in ‎  34. Where is Lucy?Let’s go and ______ .‎ ‎  A. look at      B. have a look ‎ ‎  C. have look     D. have a look at ‎  35. ---When do you want to _______? ---Next Saturday.‎ ‎  A.come there   B. go there   C. come to there   D. go to there ‎  36. I want _____ bread and _______ of coke.‎ ‎  A.a pieces of , a tin of    B. two pieces of , a tin of ‎ ‎  C. two piece of , a tins of  D. a piece of , two tin of ‎ ‎  37. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. It’s time __________.‎ ‎  A.go to school    B. going to school ‎  C. to go school   D. to go to school ‎  38. --- _______ are my running shoes? ---They are under the bed.‎ ‎  A.How   B. What   C. When   D. Where ‎  39. The girls are playing volleyball. Let’s ______them.‎ ‎  A.go and join   B. go with   C. go and look   D. go and have ‎40.Flight CA810___to Sydney ______ Sunday evening.‎ A.fly, at   B. flies, on  C. fly, on   D. flies, in ‎  41.It’s snowing outside, Let’s_________shopping. ‎ A.don’t go   B. don’t go to   C.not go   D. not go to ‎  42.---What time is it? ---Sorry, I____a watch. ‎ A.don’t have   B. have   C. am not have   D. doesn’t have ‎ ‎  43.It’s time for class. Don’t _____late. ‎ A.am   B. is   C. be   D. are ‎44.---Does Tom ___any brothers? ---Yes, he ______ . ‎ ‎  A. has,has   B. have,have   C. have,has   D. have,does ‎ ‎  45. It’s time _____supper. What would you like ______it?‎ ‎  A.of ,to   B. for, for   C. in, of   D. at, in ‎  46. ---Would you like a bottle of tea? ---_______.‎ ‎  A.Yes, thanks   B. No, thanks   C. I think so   D. No, please ‎  47. These are ____ ___ .‎ ‎  A. orange,orange      B. oranges,oranges ‎  C. oranges,orange      D. orange,oranges ‎ ‎  48.The blue clothes ______ old.‎ A.am   B. looks   C. are   D. is ‎  49.---______ he doing over there? ---He’s swimming. ‎ A.What’s   B. Who’s   C. Where   D. Where’s ‎ ‎  50._______ is the first day of a week. ‎ A.Monday   B. Tuesday   C. Sunday   D. Saturday ‎  51.This is my cat. Do you know ___ name? ‎ A.its   B. it’s   C. it   D. she ‎ ‎  52.---_______is your sister? ---She is fine, thank you. ‎ A.Where   B. Who   C. What   D. How ‎  53.This is a _________. ‎ A.old cat   B. orange   C. Chinese car   D. English car.‎ ‎  54.This is your textbook, _________ ‎ A.Give you   B.Here you are   C. Here they are   D. Give them ‎  55.There _______ a clock and two lights on the table.‎ ‎   A.are   B. is  C. have   D.has ‎ ‎  III. 补全对话(2.5分)‎ ‎  A.从方框中选择适当的答语补全对话 ‎ A. Only one D.On Friday. G.Blue. B. I’m wearing a shirt. E.Yes it is. H.No,he doesn’t. C. Yes, he is. F.At ten past two.‎ ‎  56. Does he want a tin of Coke? _____________________________.‎ ‎  57.What are you wearing? _____________________________.‎ ‎  58.How many notebooks does Jim have? _________________.‎ ‎  59.What colour is your mother’s blouse? ______________.‎ ‎  60.When does the train for Wuhan leave? _________________.‎ ‎  B. 补全对话,每空一词(5分)‎ ‎  A:Do you like 61 ?‎ ‎  B: Yes, I 62 .‎ ‎  A: What can you do 63 summer?‎ ‎  B: I can swim. 64 is my favourite 65 .‎ ‎  A: Summer is very 66 . I like spring. I can 67 the hill and 68 kites.‎ ‎  B: Ok. Let’s 69 to swim.‎ ‎  A: All 70 .‎ ‎  IV 完成句子 ‎   A. 根据中文提示完成下列句子(10分)‎ ‎  71.我们冬天干什么?我们可以堆雪人。‎ ‎  What _______ we do in _______ ? We _____ make ____ ____ .‎ ‎  72.天气很冷,你愿意和我们一起去滑冰吗?好主意,咱们走吧。‎ ‎  ----__ very ___ .Would you like to ___ ___ with us? ----That’s a good ____ . Let’s ____.‎ ‎   73. 今天天气怎么样?阳光明媚。‎ ‎  ----______ the _______ like today? ----_____ ____. ‎ ‎  74. 放学后学生们打扫教室。‎ ‎  After school the students ___ ___ ___ ___ .‎ ‎  75.下午要下雨,带上你的雨衣。‎ ‎  It’s going to rain this afternoon. _______ your raincoat ____ you.‎ ‎   B.根据中文提示组成语法正确、语义通顺的英语句子(5分)‎ ‎  76. 看,那只小狗正在追赶那些女孩。‎ ‎  girls, the, look, the, dog, little, running after, is ‎  77. 现在是差五分八点钟,该上第一节课了。‎ ‎  time, it’s, the, class, first, now, it’s, minutes, five , for, eight, to ‎  78. 我想买一张下周二的飞机票。‎ ‎   would, a, like, to, plane ticket, buy, Tuesday, for, next, I .‎ ‎  79. 我们赶头班车太晚了。 ‎ ‎   for, we, too, the, late, first, are, bus ‎  80. 他们打算什么时候去上海?‎ ‎  Going, are, to, when, they, Shanghai ‎  V 完形填空(10分)‎ ‎  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 ‎  A ‎  The Green family usually goes to the park on Sunday. 81 take some bread, meat and 82 coke with them. They are now in the 83 . The sun is shining and the birds are singing. It’s a 84 day. Mr. Green is wearing a blue T-shirt. He is 85 by the river. Mrs. Green is 86 under the tree. She is wearing a green dress and a pair of 87 . She is drinking some 88. Peter and Alice are flying a kite. Jack is playing chess. He is good at 89 . The Green family is very 90 today.‎ ‎  81. A. She  ‎ B. He C. They D. Them ‎  82. A. a pair of ‎ B. a ‎ C. a cup of ‎ D. a tin of ‎ ‎  83. A. hill ‎ B. room ‎ C. park ‎ D. shop ‎  84. A. fine ‎ B. cold C. rainy ‎ D. snowy ‎  85. A. skating ‎ B. swimming ‎ C. boating ‎ D. fishing ‎  86. A. flying ‎ B. doing ‎ C. kicking ‎ D. sitting ‎ ‎  87. A. hat B. sunglasses C suit ‎ D. shoe ‎ ‎  88. A. oranges ‎ B. cake C. coke ‎ D. meat ‎ ‎  89. A. it ‎ B. them C. this D. one ‎ ‎  90. A. happy ‎ B. funny ‎ C. naughty ‎ D. hungry ‎  B ‎  Mary is an English girl . She’s always 91 blue coat. Now she’s 92 in a middle school in Shanghai. 93 Father and mother 94 in China, too. They 95 English in a college (大学). 96 do they do on Sundays? They often go to the park 97 Sunday morning.‎ ‎  Mary likes Chinese food very much, 98 she doesn’t like Chinese tea. Mary likes 99 things. Now she is making a kite. The kite can fly very high 100 a plane.‎ ‎  91. A. in B. from ‎ C. at ‎ D. with ‎  92. A. studying ‎ B. teaching C. working ‎ D. playing ‎  93. A. She ‎ B. Hers ‎ C. His ‎ D. Her ‎  94. A. is ‎ B. am ‎ C. are D. be ‎  95. A. teaching ‎ B. teaches ‎ C. teachs D. teach ‎  96. A. What ‎ B. Where C. Whose ‎ D. Which ‎  97. A in ‎ B. on C. at ‎ D. of ‎  98. A. and ‎ B. or C. then D. but ‎  99. A. making B. make ‎ C. makes ‎ D. to make ‎  100.A.with B. like C. in D. on ‎  VI 阅读理解(10分)‎ ‎  A ‎  The students are having a match. Li Lei from Class One is running with the ball. Tom from Class Two is stopping Li Lei, but he can’t. Look! Li Lei is throwing the ball to Jim. Jim gets it. Now Jim has the ball. He is running with it. Jim is throwing the ball to the basket. Oh! It’s a pity! The ball isn’t in. Now Wei Dong from Class Two has the ball. Li Lei is stopping him. He gets the ball. He is running quickly with the ball. Look! He is jumping and shooting at the basket. Great! He shoots the basket. The score(比分) is 1:0.‎ ‎  101. Who are in the same(相同的)team?‎ ‎  A. Jim and Wei Dong    B. Li Lei and Jim ‎  C. Tom and Jim      D. Tom and Li Lei ‎  102. What are they playing?‎ ‎  A. Volleyball    B. Football    C. Chess    D. Basketball ‎  103. Jim is ___ the basket ‎ ‎  A. missing   B. kicking   C. running   D. jumping ‎  104. ___ is jumping and shooting at the basket . He shoots it.‎ ‎  A. Wei Dong   B. Li Lei   C. Jim   D. Tom ‎  105.Who are the winners ( 获胜者 ) now?‎ ‎  A. Tom   B. Class One   C. Li Lei   D. Class Two ‎  B ‎  One Sunday morning Mr. Rrown and his child, Bill, are in a big supermarket (超市). Mr. Brown wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs. Brown. Bill likes oranges and hamburgers a lot. So his father buys two kilos (公斤) of oranges and hamburgers for him, too. Bill also wants to buy some picture-books and coloured pencils. There are many things and many people in the supermarket. They are men and women, old and young. They all want to buy something there.‎ ‎  106. Mr. Brown goes to the supermarket with _________ .‎ ‎   A. Mrs. Brown   B. his son   C. his father   D. his daughter ‎  107. Mr. Brown is going to buy a new blouse for ________ .‎ ‎   A. Bill’s mother  B. Bill   C. his mother   D. himself ‎  108. Bill likes ________ very much.‎ ‎  A.colour pencils      B. hamburgers ‎  C. books          D. the shop ‎  109. The little boy wants to buy _______ .‎ ‎  A. some picture-books     B. some coloured pencils ‎ ‎  C. clothes and shoes      D. A and B ‎  110. People in the supermarket are ________ .‎ ‎  A. old and young   B. boys and girls   C. men and women   D. A,Band C ‎ ‎  VII 指出错处并改正(5分)‎ ‎  111. It’s warm and wind in spring in Beijing.      A  B   C  D ‎ ‎  112. There are some bread and some meat on the table.      A B    C       D ‎  113. The first bus usually leaves at seven o’clock. Now it’s ten to seven. We are late for the bus.        A   B C            D ‎ ‎  114. ----Would you like to join them? ---- I’d love.       A      B C     D ‎  115. I’d like to buy three film tickets of tomorrow.       A   B      C D ‎ ‎  116. ----Here are your coats. ----You’re welcome.        A  B C       D ‎  117. Can you play the volleyball?     A    B C   D ‎  118. Is Peter kicks the ball to Tom?     A   B  C  D ‎  119. I’d like two box of apples.      A    B  C  D ‎  120. Jack shoots the basket, but he misses the basket.        A      B  C      D  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  附加题(20分)‎ ‎  I. 把下列句子重新排列(10分)‎ ‎  A. Let me see Oh, no, it’s not mine.‎ ‎  B. Here you are.‎ ‎  C. Whose watch is it on the desk? Is it yours, Tom?‎ ‎  D. That’s all right.‎ ‎  E. I think it’s Bill’s.‎ ‎  F. You must look after your things.‎ ‎  G. Oh, yes. It’s mine.‎ ‎  H. Thank you very much.‎ ‎  I. Excuse me, Bill. Is this old watch yours?‎ ‎  J. Mine is new, but this one is old.‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  II.看图写句子,每幅图写三句(10分)‎ ‎      ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  Answer Sheet.‎ ‎   Class______‎ ‎   Name_______‎ ‎  第一卷 听力部分(20分)‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  I. 1. 2.  3. 4.  II. 5.  6.  7.  8.‎ ‎  III.9._____ _________10.______ ______11._____ ______12._________ _____  ‎ ‎  IV.13._____________14._____________15.______________16.______________   ‎ ‎  V. 17. 18. 19. 20.‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  第二卷 笔试部分 ‎  ‎ ‎  I.词汇(20分,A,B,C,D每项5分)‎ ‎  A. 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.‎ ‎  B. 6.____ ____ _____7. ____ ____ _____8. ____ ____ _____9.____ ____ 10.____ ‎ ‎  ____ _____ _____‎ ‎  C. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ‎ ‎  16. 17. 18. 19. 20.‎ ‎  D. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. ‎ ‎  27. 28. 29. 30.‎ ‎  II.选择填空(12.5分)‎ ‎  31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.‎ ‎  41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. ‎ ‎  51. 52. 53. 54. 55.‎ ‎  III.补全对话(7.5分,A项2.5分,B项5分)‎ ‎  A.56. 57. 58. 59. 60. ‎ ‎  B.61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.‎ ‎  67. 68. 69. 70‎ ‎  IV.完成句子(15分,A项10分,B项5分)‎ ‎  A.71.____ ____ ____ ____ ____   72. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____‎ ‎    73. ___ ____ ____ ____     74. ____ ____ ____ ____ 75. _____ ____ ‎ ‎  B. 76._______________________________77._________________________‎ ‎    78._______________________________79.________________________‎ ‎    80.__________________________‎ ‎  V.完形填空(10分)‎ ‎   81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90.‎ ‎   91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.‎ ‎  VI.阅读理解(10分)‎ ‎  101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110.‎ ‎  VII.改错(5分)‎ ‎  111. 112. 113. 114. 115.‎ ‎  116. 117. 118. 119. 120. ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  附加题(20分)‎ ‎  I.把下列句子重新安排(10分)‎ ‎  2.看图写句子,每幅写三句(10分)‎ ‎  Picture1  ‎ ‎  Picture2  ‎ ‎  Picture3  ‎ ‎  Picture4‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  初一英语练习题二 ‎  听力材料 ‎  I. 看图听句子选择正确的图画 ‎  1.It’s ten to seven now. ‎ ‎2.The students are playing volleyball.‎ ‎3.It’s a rainy day.‎ ‎4.The girl is wearing a beautiful dress.‎ II. 听句子选择正确答语 ‎  5.Is the ball under the bed? ‎ ‎6.When does the film start?‎ ‎7.What size is your shirt?‎ ‎8.It’s a lovely day,isn’t it?‎ ‎  III. 听句子,补全句子中所缺的词语 ‎  9.He wants a pair of running shoes.‎ ‎  10.----What colour is your T-shirt? ----It’s black.‎ ‎  11.The man is wearing a blue suit.‎ ‎  12.I’m going to the Summer Palace. Would you like to go with me?‎ ‎  IV. 听对话回答下列问题 ‎  A: Where is my coat? I can’t find it.‎ ‎  B: Is this yours, Tom?‎ ‎  A: No, it’s not mine. My coat is yellow, but this one is green.‎ ‎  B: Oh, I know yours is in the classroom. But whose is this one?‎ ‎  A: It’s Liu Ming’s.‎ ‎  B: Where is Liu Ming?‎ ‎  A: He is over there.‎ ‎  V. 听短文,判断下列各题对错,对(T),错(F)‎ ‎  It’s a lovely day. Boys and girls are going to climb the hills. They all wear blue school suits and take some bottles of water with them. They will go there by bike. They will leave at a quarter to eight and come back at half past eight. Mr. Lu, their teacher will go with them.‎ ‎  参考答案 ‎  第一卷 听力部分(20分)‎ ‎  I. 1.A2.B 3.C4.A II. 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.C ‎  III. 9.wants running shoes 10.colour black 11.wearing suit 12.The Summer Palace Would  ‎ ‎  IV. 13. It’s in the classroom. 14. It’s yellow . 15. It’s Liu ming’s . 16. No,he isn’t.‎ ‎  V. 17.F 18.T 19.F 20.F ‎  ‎ ‎  第二卷 笔试部分 ‎  ‎ ‎  I.词汇(20分,A,B,C,D每项5分)‎ ‎  A. 1.quarter 2.harvest 3.breakfast 4.music 5.Wednesday ‎  B. 6.have no classes 7.miss the train 8.have a trip 9.Shall we 10.go for a picnic ‎ ‎  C. 11.size 12.good at 13.in the water 14.get 15.plane tickets 16.just for fun 17.on the school basketball team 18.a bottle of 19.only 20.stay at home ‎  D. 21.Are 22.wear 23. rain 24.don’t 25.playing ‎ ‎    26.does 27.flies 28.skating 29.Put on 30.watch ‎  II.选择填空(12.5分)‎ ‎  31.B 32.A 33.D 34.B 35.B 36.B 37.D 38.D 39.A 40.B ‎  41.C 42.A 43.C 44.D 45.B 46.B 47.D 48.C 49.A 50.C ‎ ‎  51.A 52.D 53.C 54.B 55.B ‎  III.补全对话(7.5分,A项2.5分,B项5分)‎ ‎  A.56.H 57.B 58.A 59.G 60.F ‎ ‎  B.61.sports /summer 62.do 63.in 64.Swimming 65.sport 66.hot ‎  67.climb 68.fly 69.go 70.right ‎  IV.完成句子(15分,A项10分,B项5分)‎ ‎  A. 71. do winter can a snowman 72 . It’s cold go skating idea go ‎ ‎  73. What’s weather It’s fine 74. clean up the classroom ‎ ‎  75. take with ‎  B. 76.Look, the little dog is running after the girls. 77.It’s five minutes to eight now. It’s time for the first class. ‎ ‎  78.I would like to buy a plane ticket for next Tuesday. 79.We are too late for the first bus.‎ ‎  80.When are they going to Shanghai? ‎ ‎  V.完形填空(10分)‎ ‎   81.c 82.d 83.c 84.a 85.d 86.d 87.b 88.c 89.a 90.a ‎   91.a 92.a 93.d 94.c 95.d 96.a 97.b 98.d 99.a 100.b ‎  VI.阅读理解(10分)‎ ‎  101.b 102.d 103.a 104.B 105.B 106.b 107.a 108.b 109.D 110.d ‎  VII.改错(5分)‎ ‎  111.C windy 112.B is 113.D past 114.D love to 115.D for ‎  116.D Thanks 117.C 去掉the 118.B kicking 119.B boxes 120.A shoots at ‎   ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  附加题(20分)‎ ‎  I.把下列句子重新安排(10分)‎ C ‎ A ‎ J ‎ E ‎ I ‎ G ‎ B ‎ F ‎ H ‎ D ‎ ‎  2.看图写句子,每幅写三句(10分)‎ ‎  Picture1‎ ‎  It’s spring. It’s warm. The boys are flying kites. ‎ ‎  Picture2‎ ‎   It’s summer. It’s hot. The boy is swimming.‎ ‎  Picture3‎ ‎   It’s autumn now. It’s cool. The farmers are having a good harvest.‎ ‎  Picture4‎ ‎   It’s winter. It’s cold. The boy and girl are paying in the snow. ‎

