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初一语法 教学内容:代词 ‎【重点、难点、考点】‎ 一、重点是:‎ ‎1 .人称代词 说明:人称代词在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语。‎ ‎2 .物主代词 说明:形容词性物主代词只能作定语,后面要接名词。而名词性物主代词在句中作主语、宾语或表语,它后面不接名词。它们的关系为:名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词。‎ ‎3 .反身代词 ‎4 .指示代词 ‎5 .疑问代词 ‎6 .不定代词 注意:复合不定代词的修饰语要后置,复合不定代词作主语时常视为单数第三人称。‎ 二、难点是:不定代词之用法上的区别。‎ 三、考点是:(1)人称代词。(2)物主代词。(3)反身代词。(4)指示代词。(5)疑问代词。(6)不定代词。有关代词的考查在中考中大约有5分左右。‎ 单项选择(选自各地中考题)‎ ‎( )1 .I met Kate on way home yesterday .‎ A .my B .me C .his D .him ‎( )2 .This is ruler .‎ A .my B .mine C .I D .me ‎( )3 .A : pencil-box is this ,Patrick ?‎ B :It’s .‎ A .Whose ;mine B .Who’s ;mine C .Whose ;my D .Who’s ;my ‎( )4 .Kate and her sister went on holiday with a classmate of .‎ A .her B .hers C .their D .theirs ‎( )5 .—Is this dictionary or ?‎ ‎ —It’s mine .‎ - 4 -‎ A .your ;hers B .yours ;her C .your ;her D .yours ;hers ‎( )6 .The pen is .She wrote name with it .‎ A .hers ;her ;herself B .her ;hers ;her C .her ;hers ;herself D .her ;herself ;hers ‎( )7 .Can I borrow pencil ? is broken .(河北)‎ A .you ;My B .your ;Me C .your ;Mine D .your ;My ‎( )8 .These are cups . are over there .‎ A .our ;Yours B .yours ;Mine C .his ;Our D .their ;Your ‎( )9 . schoolbag is much better than .‎ A .Her ;me B .Hers ;my C .Hers ;mine D .Her ;mine ‎( )10 .—Oh ,there is someone in the room .‎ ‎— must be my mother .‎ A .There B .She C .This D .It ‎( )11 .—Which of these two sweaters will you take ?‎ ‎—I’ll take .They look nearly the same ,and I just need one .‎ A .both B .either C .none D .all ‎( )12 .—Which of your parents is a doctor ?— are .‎ A .Any B .Either C .Both D .Neither ‎( )13 .He has two basketballs .One is new , is old .‎ A .the other B .other C .the others D .others ‎( )14 .He has two sisters .One is a doctor , is a teacher .‎ A .another B .the other C .other D .others ‎( )15 .I have two sons ,but of them lives with me .‎ A .all B .both C .neither D .few ‎( )16 .I have bought a new watch because my old doesn’t work .‎ A .it B .one C .that D .this ‎( )17 .—Can you speak Russian ?—Yes ,but only .‎ A .little B .a little C .few D .a few ‎( )18 .—What would you like to have ,tea or milk ?‎ ‎ — .I’d like to have a glass of water .(杭州)‎ A .Each B .Neither C .Either D .Both ‎( )19 .My car was broken and I didn’t know to do .(杭州)‎ A .what B .which C .when D .how ‎( )20 .—Is here ?‎ ‎ —No .Jack and Tom have gone to the library .(湖北黄冈)‎ A .anybody B .nobody C .everybody D .all ‎21.The man over there is my brother . is a doctor .‎ A .She B .He C .Hers D .His ‎22. — does your father do ?‎ ‎—He is a worker .‎ A .Which B .Who C .What D .How ‎23. I have two cats .One is black ,and is white .‎ - 4 -‎ A .another B .some C .other D .the other ‎24. The twins corrected the mistakes on the test papers .‎ A .them B .themselves C .him D .himself ‎25. She always thinks of more than herself .‎ A .other B .others C .the other D .the others ‎26. You may go and ask him .He knows about Japanese .‎ A .a few B .few C .a little D .little ‎27. Lily or Lucy has been to the Great Wall .‎ A .Either B .Neither C .Both D .Nor ‎28. —I want to buy a diary .Could you show me ?‎ ‎—Yes .This is the most popular kind .‎ A .other B .anything C .it D .one ‎29. —My bag is full .What about ?— is full ,too .‎ A .you ,Yours B .his ,He C .yours ;Mine D .hers ,She ‎30. Be quiet ,please !I will choose for our football team .‎ A .anybody strongB .someone strongC .strong someoneD .strong anybody ‎【综合能力训练】‎ Ⅱ .按括号中提示意思完成下列句子。‎ ‎1 .They are (我的) flowers .Please give (它们) to (我) .‎ ‎2 .Is this map (你的) ?No ,it’s (他的) .That one is (我的) .‎ ‎3 .I can hear (一些,什么) ,but I can’t see (一些,什么) .‎ ‎4 .He says to (自己) ,“I can’t do it by (自己)” .‎ ‎5 . (都) of us are students , (都) of the twins are workers .‎ Ⅲ .根据汉语把句子补充完整。‎ ‎1 .她的父母都是教师。Her parents teachers .‎ ‎2 .任何东西都不能在月球上生存。 can live on the moon .‎ ‎3 .他们每个人都有一个幸福的家庭。‎ ‎ of them a happy family .‎ ‎4 .街道两边都有树和花。‎ There are trees and flowers on of the street .‎ ‎5 .请你借些钱给我好吗?‎ Would you please lend me money ?‎ ‎6 .老王昨天没有去看电影,我也没去。‎ Lao Wang didn’t go to see the film yesterday . I .‎ ‎7 .我略微知道一点关于会议的情况,他没参加会,他不能告诉你什么。‎ I know about the meeting .He wasn’t at the meeting ,‎ he can tell you .‎ ‎8 .又来了一辆公共汽车。Here comes bus .‎ ‎9 .别帮他,他自己会做。‎ Don’t help , can do it .‎ ‎10 .老师和学生都将去农场劳动。‎ ‎ teachers students will go and work on the farm .‎ ‎【创新备考训练】‎ Ⅳ .单项选择(选自各地中考题)‎ - 4 -‎ ‎( )1 .Kate has lost key . asks for help ‎ A .her ,He ,I B .his ,He ,me C .his ,She ,I D .her ,She ,me ‎( )2 .Uncle Tom asked David , brothers and to help him write some cards .(广州)‎ A .my ;I B .my ;me C .myself ;I D .myself ;me ‎( )3 . book is new and is new ,too ‎ A .Our ,he B .Ours ,his C .My ,his D .My ,her ‎( )4 .This isn’t pen ,I think it’s ‎ A .my ;hers B .his ;her C .my ;your D .mine ;his ‎( )5 .This is classroom . is over there .‎ A .ours ;Their B .our ;Theirs C .our ;Their D .ours ;Theirs ‎( )6 .—Is the new watch ? —Yes ,it’s ‎ A .you ;me B .yours ,mine C .you ;my D .your ;mine ‎( )7 . office is much smaller than .‎ A .Ours ;yours B .Our ;yours C .Theirs ;our D .Your ;their ‎( )8 . school is much larger than ‎ A .Theirs ;our B .Their ;ours C .Theres ;ours D .Their ;our ‎( )9 .“Excuse me !Is this watch ?”“No ,it’s not .It’s Jim’s .”‎ A .your ;myself B .your ;my C .yours ;mine D .your ;mine ‎( )10 .Tom is here and a friend of is here too .‎ A .him B .heC .his D .hers ‎( )11 .— house is this ?—It’s mine ‎ A .What B .Who C .Who’s D .Whose ‎( )12 .What’s over there ?‎ A .these B .those C .that D .this ‎( )13 . books are my sister’s .‎ A .This B .That C .It D .These ‎( )14 .“Help to some meat ,Mary .”my aunt said to me .‎ A .themselves B .ourselves C .yourself D .himself ‎( )15 .“Help to some mooncakes” .Han Meimei said to the twins .‎ A .you B .oneself C .yourself D .yourselves ‎( )16 .Thank you for having us .We enjoyed very much .‎ A .ourselves B .us C .our D .ours ‎( )17 . the twins enjoyed at the party yesterday .‎ A .Both ;them B .Both ;themselvesC .All ;them D .All ;themselves ‎( )18 .Nobody taught ,she learnt it by ‎ A .she ,her B .her ,herself C .her ,her D .herself ,herself ‎( )19 .—Did she go to school when she was young ?‎ ‎—No .She taught at home .‎ A .her B .herself C .hers D .she ‎( )20 .My brother is too young .He can’t look after .‎ A .himself B .herself C .his D .myself - 4 -‎

