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人教版初中英语七年级英语下册全套 期中期末知识点归纳总结复习 ‎1、如有always ,often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, once a....,every...用一般现在时,第一、二人称复数后跟动词原形,第三人称单数后跟动词加's'/'es'。‎ ‎2、如有now ,look! ,listen, at the moment ....用现在进行时,结构是be (am, is, are) +v-ing ‎3、如有tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, from now on, in +一段时间, some day, next....用一般将来时,结构:will + v原 /be going to +v原(没有动词用be )‎ ‎4、如有yesterday, ......ago , last....just now.....用一般过去时动词加‘ed’ ‎ ‎5. 比较几个“花费”‎ spend : sb. spend some time on sth.某人花费时间做某事 ‎ sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. 某人花费时间做某事 ‎ sb. spend some money on sth. 某人花费钱买某物 ‎ sb. spend some money (in) buying sth.某人花费钱买某物 ‎ Cost: sth . cost sb. some money 某物花去某人钱 pay: sb. pay some money for sth. 某人支付钱 Take: It takes (took) sb. some time to do sth.做某事花去某人时间 ‎ ‎6. else常修饰不定代词,关系代词或副词,也可修饰all, much, little等,else要位于其后。所有格为else's. else修饰不定代词 something ,everything anything , nothing, somebody, anybody ,nobody和who, what ,when ,where时放后。(something else)‎ ‎7. the number of …的数目,后跟名词复数,动词用三单, ‎ a number of =many,大量,许多后跟名词复数,动词用复数形式。‎ ‎(a large number of, a small number of )‎ ‎8. 四说,1,speak说语言,‎ ‎2.say说内容,‎ ‎3,talk与谁说,‎ ‎4,tell告诉,讲述,‎ 四看,1, watch观看电视,比赛和表演,‎ ‎2, see看人,电影,医生,风景,‎ ‎ 3, read看书,报,‎ ‎4, look就看。 ‎ 看场电影要用see,读书看报用read 电视、戏剧、比赛,凡是表演用watch, observe细观察,一时注意用notice.‎ ‎9. it is + adj. +of sb + to do sth.写性格,品质,如:kind, good, nice , right, wrong, clever, careless, polite, foolish等。‎ It is + adj + for sb + to do sth. 对物的评价,如:difficult ,easy hard, dangerous, important,等 ‎10.建议:1. why don't you do sth?=why not do sth?‎ ‎ 2. How about doing sth?=what about doing sth?‎ ‎ 3. You should /can do sth. ‎ ‎ 4. Remember to do sth.‎ ‎ 5. Don't forget to do sth. ‎ ‎ 6. can you do sth ?‎ ‎ 7. Let's do sth. ‎ ‎ 8. It'sa good idea to do ‎ ‎ 9.would you like to do ? ‎ ‎10.Shall we do…?‎ ‎ 11.You'd better (not )do sth.‎ 回答:That's a good idea. ‎ Thanks a lot.‎ ‎ Great, OK. ‎ ‎ That's right. ‎ All right. ‎ Good idea. ‎ ‎ Sure.‎ ‎11.现在完成时:‎ in the last+一段时间,‎ in th past +一段时间 in the recent+ 一段时间,‎ 这三个用于现在完成时 用法:‎ ‎⑴ 表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,或结果,常与recently, ever, never, already, yet , just, before ,still连用;‎ ‎⑵ 表示发生在过去并且一直持续到现在的动作或状态,常与for + 时间段或since + 时间点连用。‎ 结构:have ( has ) + 过去分词,‎ ‎12.连系动词,一是be (am, is ,are ,was ,were,) 一感觉feel ,二是保持keep,三是变become, get turn,四是起来taste ,smell , look, sound,后跟形容词作表语。‎ ‎13.不定代词:somebody, some one某人,anybody, anyone任何人nobody, no one,没人everyone, everybody每个人, something某物 , anything任何物, nothing没事,everything一切事物,修饰他们的形容词放后。(something wrong)‎ ‎14. such + a / an + adj + 单数名词 ‎ ‎= so + adj +a / an + 单数名词 ‎ ‎(名前such,形副so,多多少少也用so, little属特殊,“小” 用such,少用so.) ‎ ‎15. 交通工具的乘坐,take the (a) + 交通工具to , ‎ ‎= go...by + 交通工具 ‎= go...on / in + a (the) + 交通工具 ‎(小汽车只能用in ,其余的可用in ,on ); ‎ ‎16.already早已,用于完成时的肯定,; yet,用于完成时的否定和疑问; just,用于完成时 ‎17. so ...that如此...以致于....如果that后是否定,就可以用too...to转换,如果是肯定就用,形容 + enough (for sb ) to do sth.‎ ‎18. over 在..上面,正上方,中间有段空间, 反义为under On 在...上面,贴着物表,反义beneath, ‎ Above 在..上方,高出, 反义below ‎19. none 用于三个以上的全否定,反义为all;‎ Neither 两个都不,反义为both,‎ ‎21.非延续性动词变为延续动词:‎ buy--have open--be open join --be in borrow--keep die ---be dead ‎ leave--be away come here---be here go there--be there begin--be on finish--be over make friends--be friends get ready--be ready ‎ buy--get / have arrive / get to / reach / come--be in be at / stay, ‎ put on--have on / wear get up--be up 可延续性动词不可以与for 或since 连用,非延续性动词的否定式也可以和for /since连用.‎ ‎22.on earth ,究竟,到底,可用在when ,what ,who, where, how ,which, why 等之后,相当于in the world,用在否定句中相当于not ...at all;‎ ‎23.反意疑问句:‎ 1) 先断"定",判断是否定或肯定.‎ 如有not ,never, few, little, hardly, no ,nobody, seldom, nothing等词,则是否定, 后面该用肯定.‎ 2) 后找 "动", 观察前面的动词,若含有或情态动词直接用,若为实义动词原形,用do, 三单用does,过去式用did, had better用had 3) 换代,主语定代词,三单用he ,she ,it ,复用they we ; somebody, nobody 类似的用they,和thing一起的用 4) 肯定祈使句,反问句部分可用will you / won't you ?‎ 否定祈使句,用will you ?‎ 5) Let's...用shall we? let us....用will you?,‎ 6) 在think ,believe, suppose + 从句结构中等表示“我的想法、建议等”,疑问句部分与从句保持一致,同时主句的否定转移到从句中。但第二,三人称与主句保持一致:I don't think you have done it ,have you? / He doesn't think you have done it , does ‎ he?(即:当主句人称是一,从句是二时,看二;当主句是三时,就看三。)‎ 1) 回答只针对事实作答;Yes+肯定 ,No+否定 ‎24.过去进行时 ‎ 用法:‎ ‎⑴. 表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作或正存在的状态,一般常和at that time , at 点yesterday, then, last night ,this time yesterday , the whole morning , when I arrived 等特定的过去时间连用。‎ ‎⑵ 表示一个过去动作发生时或发生之后,另一个动作正在进行或两个延续性过去的动作同时进行,常与when, while引导的时间状语从句连用。‎ 结构:was /were +V-ing ‎ ‎25. 感官动词see , hear , watch , feel , notice, smell , taste后 + 名词或代词 + 动词原形 (表示动作已经发生) ‎ 感官动词see , hear , watch , feel , notice, smell , taste后 + 名词或代词 + Ving (表示动作正在进行)‎ ‎26.英语中当几个单数人称同时作主语时,先后顺序是“二、三、一”‎ ‎27. not ...until直到....才......(主句中常用非延续性动词)‎ Till / until直到......为止(主句中常用延续性动词)‎ ‎28.when, while ,as的区别 ‎ When可与持续性动词连用,表示"一段时间,"也可与短暂性动词连用,表示 ‎"时刻"。‎ 主句的动作可以与从句的动作同时发生,也可以先后发生.如果主从句都是短暂性动词时,只能用When While表示主句和从句的动作同时发生.其从句的动词必须为延续性动词,从句多用进行时态,也可用表示状态的动词的一般时态.如果主从句都是进行时,只能用While as与When同义,但as指主句的动作和从句的动作交替进行或同步发展.‎ ‎29. no one,一般不与of连用,动词用单数,只指人,一般用来回答who none ,可与of连用,动词可用单数或复数,指人或物,回答how many /how much引导的问句,以及含any + n 的一般问句 Nothing,指物,动词用单数 ‎30.被动语态的结构是:be+及物动词的过去分词 1) 主+谓+宾语. 将宾语变作主语,将谓语变被动语态,将主语变by宾语.‎ 2) 主+谓+间宾+直宾 ‎ ‎ 将间接宾语变作主语,谓语变成被动语态,直接宾语不变.‎ 1) 主+谓+直宾+间宾+to或for 将直变主,将谓变被告,其余不变.by原主 2) 主+谓+宾+宾补 宾作主,谓变被,其余不变,by原主.‎ 3) 主+谓+宾+宾补 ( let, see, make , hear, watch ,feel, help, notice, observe, look at ,listen to ) 变为被动时,后加to 4) 主+短语动词+宾语, 宾作主,短变被,其余不变,by原主.‎ ‎7)带有be going to, be about to , be to , have to , used to , be supposed to , ‎ be sure to 等要将to后来动词变以被动语态的每种时态 ‎31. other 其他的,另外的,别的;another另一个人或事物;‎ the other 两个中的另一个; the others其余的,剩下的人或事物;‎ others 其他的,另外的,别的人或物 ‎32. 四个也:also, 肯定,行前be 后; too 肯定,句末;‎ either, 否定,句末; as well, 肯定,句末。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎33. bring, 从外往里拿;‎ take , 从里往外拿;‎ carry,无方向;‎ fetch,往返拿,‎ ‎34. across , 从一定范围内的一边到另一边, 表面进行;‎ through, 从中间通过或穿过,里面进行; ‎ over上方通过,不接触表面;‎ ‎35. both....and 既....又..... ; ‎ neither....nor 既不....又不; ‎ either...or 要么....要么; ‎ not only...but also不仅…而且…其后的谓语形式采用就近原则。‎ Both Tidy and Mary is a middle school student.‎ Neither she nor I am reading a book now.‎ There is one book and two pens.‎ there be有;‎ ‎36. die of 患..而死,常接hunger, cold, illness, cancer内部原因,‎ die from由于..,而死,常接a wound ,an accident, carelessness外部原因,‎ give sb. sth.= give sth. to sb. 给某人某物 ‎ how about doing sth. = what about doing sth. 做....怎么样 ‎ each other 互相.‎ thanks a lot = thank you very much非常谢谢 That's all right. = You're welcome.= That'OK.= It's my pleasure.= Not at all. ‎ Why don't you + V原...= why not +...V原 为什么不 help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助别人 ‎ help sb. (to ) do sth.帮助某人做某事 ‎ with one's help = with the help of sb.在某人的帮助 help oneself to sth. 请自用食物 watch sb. do sth. 看到某人做了某事,(现在没有做,做过)‎ watch sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事(正在做) {see, hear类似}‎ remember to do sth. 想起记得要做某事,未做事 ‎ remember doing sth. 相起记得做过某事 ‎ forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事 ‎ forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事 welcome back 欢迎回来 ,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ give sb. some advice 给某人一些建议, ‎ ‎ make a mistake = make mistakes犯错误,‎ correct spelling 正确的拼写, ‎ ‎ ‎ what else? = what other things? 还有什么 a piece of advice 一条建议, ‎ follow / take one's advice 采用别人的建议,‎ ‎ a piece of一块 send sth to sb. = send sb. sth. 寄给某人 ‎ send for派人去请/取 ‎ send up发射. ‎ ‎ ‎ all the time一直 enjoy oneself ‎= have a good time ‎= have a great time ‎= have fun, 玩得愉快 lots of ‎ ‎= a lot of ‎ ‎= many (可数) much (不可数) 许多 ,‎ ‎ ‎ ask for 请求,要求, ‎ ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物 ‎ ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 ‎ enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事 finish , practice , mind, miss , consider , keep, continue,这些词语后跟动名词 形式V-ing ‎ place sth .in = put sth. in 把某物放在…里面 ‎ take a deep breath深呼吸, ‎ catch hold one's breath 屏住呼吸, ‎ out of breath上气不接下气, ‎ ‎ ‎ wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事, ‎ invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 ‎ invite sb to some place邀请某人去某地 find + it + adj + to do sth.发现做某事怎么样 try to do sth.尽力做事 ‎ try doing sth. 尝试做某事 try not to do sth .尽力不做某事 ‎ try one's best尽某人最大的努力,‎ a group of 一组,一群, ‎ ‎ ‎ borrow sth from sb. 从某人处借入某物,‎ lend sth.to sb =l end sb.sth. 借给某人某物 ‎ keep借一段时间 practice doing sth.,练习做做某事 ‎ ‎ ‎ come from = be from 来自,‎ look for 寻找 ‎ look after = care for = take care of 照顾 look up 向上看,查阅, ‎ look like 看起来像,‎ look at 看着, ‎ look on sb. as 把某人看作,‎ look forward to doing sth. 盼望,期待做某事 ‎ look over 检查,翻阅 ‎ look out 当心,向外看 ‎ look through 仔细查看 ‎ be ready for = get ready for = prepare for 为… ‎ be ready 准备好 ‎ be (get ) ready to do sth. 准备做某事,乐意做某事 ‎ translate…into… 将…译成… ‎ take a message捎个信 ‎ leave a message留个信 ‎ be good for 对…有好处 ‎ be good at = do well in 擅长于…‎ be poor at = be bad at =do badly in = be weak in 不擅长… ‎ Think of 想起 ‎ think about 想出 ‎ think over仔细考虑 ‎ make + 宾语 + 补足语(形容词)使某人某物怎么样。‎ Make + 宾语 + do 让某人做某事 Make + 宾语 + 过去分词 使某人被怎么样;‎ make friends with sb.与某人交朋友,‎ hear of听说 ‎ hear from收到某人的来信 ‎ be bad / good for对…有害/ 有好处 ‎ ‎ ‎ write to… 给…写信 ‎ ‎ ‎ next to 在…旁边 ‎ do some concerts办音乐会 ‎ ‎ ‎ speak to sb. 和某人讲话 ‎ say hello to sb. 给某人问好 ‎ say bye to sb. 向某人说再见 ‎ show sb. around somewhere 带某人参观某地 ‎ learn sth. from sb. 向某人学习 choose the correct answers 选择正确答案 ‎ correct the mistakes改错 ‎ match …with…把…和…搭配起来 ‎ get into = enter进入 ‎ what's the price of …= how much is … 问价格 dream about梦到 ‎ dream of 梦见 ‎ around the world = all over the world全世界 ‎ all over China 全中国 stay with sb.与某人呆一起 stay in bed呆在床上 ‎ stay at home呆在家里 ‎ take a seat = have a seat请坐 ‎ come ture 实现 ‎ ‎ ‎ fly to somewhere = go to ...by plane ( by air ) 坐飞机 drive to somewhere = go to …by car 开车 ‎ walk to some where = go to…on foot 步行去 ‎ ride to somewhere = go...by bike ‎ take off 脱下;起飞;请假 ‎ land on / in / at 着路 ‎ sell out 卖光 sell to 卖给某人 ‎ sell well 卖得好 ‎ the price of ....的价格,形容价格用high, low。‎ sell sth at a high price 以高价出售 ‎ sell sth at a low price 以低价出售 ‎ at the end 在结束时 ‎ at the end of 在…尽头 / 结尾 ‎ by the end of 到…末为止,不迟于 in the end = finally,最后,终于 have been to去过(现在不在那儿) ‎ have gone to 去了(现在不在说话地)‎ everyday English日常英语 ‎ ‎ ‎ first price一等奖 The most exciting experience 最激动人心的经历 ‎ ‎ before long 不久 ‎ long before 很久以前 soon = a little later 稍后,不久 no problem没问题 ‎ have a problem in doing sth.做某事有困难 ‎ work out a problem解决一个问题 one day 某一天,(过去或将来) ‎ some day 某一天(将来) ‎ different kinds of = all kinds of 不同种类的,各种各样的, ‎ a kind of一种 ‎ be kind to sb对某人友善 give a concert = give concerts举办音乐会 ‎ take a photo = take photos 照相 in the photo 在照片里 ‎ ‎ buy / make / cook sth for sb. = buy / make / cook sb. sth. ‎ 为某人买某物 / 为某人做某事/为某人做饭 since then从那时起 ‎ ‎ ‎ reckon = consider = regard = think 考虑,认为 ‎ be reckoned (to be) , 被以为 ‎ reckon....as... 相当于 regard ...as...把当成 ‎ ‎ ‎ go abroad,出国 ‎ be abroad,在国外 ‎ travel abroad,到国外旅行 ‎ go to sleep,去睡觉 ‎ yet , 用于完成时态的否定句和疑问句中;‎ have a wonderful time 玩得高兴 would like to do sth = want to do sth 想要做某事 would like sb. to do sth = wat sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 arrive at (小地方) / in (大地方) = reach = get to 到达 more than = over 多于 ‎ less than 少于 alone 个体单独,独自; ‎ lonely 孤独,寂寞,也表示荒凉 ‎ most of.. ..的大多数 ‎ ‎ ‎ a visit to 对 ...的参观, ‎ on a visit to... 参观... ‎ for a visit 参观 ‎ pay a visit to 拜访 ‎ return from a visit to 从...访问返回 as ...as.... 和....一样 ‎ not as ...as.. = not so ...as 不如 ‎ be famous for 因...面著名 (原因), ‎ be famous as 以...身份或产地而著名 prefer doing sth. to doing sth.‎ ‎= like doing sth better than doing sth 更喜欢做某事 ‎ prefer to 更喜欢... ‎ prefer to do sth rather than do sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 ‎ be named after 以...的名字命名 ‎ be proud of 以....自豪 be up to sb. 由某人决定 ‎ up to 从事于, 忙于 ‎ ‎ space station 在太空站 show sth to sb. = show sb sth 把某物给某人看 ‎ on business 出差, 因...公事 ‎ 在...的上面 ‎ in the sky = in the air在天空中 ‎ by air = by plane坐飞机 ‎ in the last three years 在过去三年里,用于现在完成时,‎ the lastest news 最新消息 share sth.with sb. 与分享某物 MODULE4 ‎ get on /along with sb,与...相处 ‎ get on well with sb.与...相处融洽 hear about ,hear of 听说 ‎ in fact实际上 ‎ the Hope Schools,希望学校 ‎ look after = take care of = care for 照顾 drop out of school 缀学 ‎ take part in 参加 pay for 支付,付钱 ‎ how long 多长时间 how soon 多久 ‎ get on badly with 与...相处不好 hear from sb. 收到某人的信,电子邮件等 ‎ on the farm 在农场上 because of因为...... , ‎ sell sth.to sb. =s ell sb .sth. 把某物卖给某人 buy sth from ...buy sth for sb.. 给某人买东西 ‎ get an education 接受教育 ‎ take part in = join参加 ‎ in good / bad health 身体健康 / 不健康 ‎ care about 关心, 在乎 ‎ take care 当心,‎ how often 隔多久一次, ‎ stop doing sth. 停止做某事,‎ stop to do sth. 停下来去做别的事, ‎ dress / undressr + 人 ‎ put on / wear / take off + 衣 ‎ drop out 退出, 离队 ‎ drop in 顺便来访, ‎ drop out of school 退学 ‎ point at 指着 ‎ point to 指向 ‎ put on one's clothes穿上衣服 with the help of sb.‎ ‎=wiht sb's help 在别人的帮助下 without the help of sb.无人帮助的情况 ‎ at home and abroad在国内外 a fan of ,...的迷 ‎ give a concert =give concerts,举行音乐会 be famous for ,因..而著名(后+人或物某方面的特点,特长)‎ be famous as ,作为...而闻名(后+身份职业) ‎ at the age of ‎ ‎= when sb. was...years old 在...岁的时候 not only....but also.. 不仅..而且 (就近原则) 上 ‎ classical music 古典音乐 belong to 属于 ‎ sth belong to sb. 物属于人 hear of 听说 ‎ be born 出生 ‎ go through 穿过 ‎ I'm not sure我不确定, ‎ I'm sure肯定 ‎ make sb. + adj 使某人怎么样, ‎ make sb . do sth. 使某人做某事,‎ take sb. around 带人四处走走, ‎ a piece of music 一首乐曲,‎ in addition to 除...以外, ‎ buy him a guitar=buy a guitar for him给某人买吉他,‎ go on with sth.继续做某事, ‎ go on doing sth.继续做某事,‎ learn to do sth学做某事, ‎ ‎ learn from sb.向某人学习,‎ Learn...by heart熟记,背诵, ‎ learn one's lesson from...从... 中吸取教训,‎ give sb.sth=give sth.to sb. 给某人某物, ‎ give in投降,‎ give up doing sth 放弃, ‎ give out 分发,‎ give a way to 对...让步, ‎ on the earth在地球上,‎ may be可能是. ‎ maybe=perhaps大概,也许 ‎ In addition to ..除...以外(还有) =besides, ‎ but 除..之外,,常与否定意义词连用,当but前有do时but后接原形, ‎ except,除....之外(不包括)‎ on holiday度假, ‎ of course=,sure当然 all types of呼种 , ‎ part time job,一份兼职工作 on one's own独自 , ‎ be led by由....带领 ‎ go on 继续, ‎ go on doing sth继续做某事(同一件事),‎ go on to do sth 继续做某事(另一件事), ‎ go on with sth继续做同一件事,但中间暂停过, ‎ How is it going ?‎ ‎=How are you getting on /along?近况如何? ‎ by the river,在河边 at this time yesterday昨天 的这个时候, ‎ in a tree=in the tree ,在树上(外来物)‎ on a tree =on the tree,在树上,(树本身的) ‎ smile at sb. 朝着某人微笑,‎ laugh at sb.嘲笑某人 ‎ fall into ,掉进,跌入 fall off 掉下来, ‎ fall behind ,落后,跟不上 fall in love with,爱上 ‎ be careful,小心 by mistake由于出错 ‎ at that /this time在那/这时 have nothing to do 没事可做, ‎ nothing strange没什么奇怪的,‎ take sth. out of .... 把...从...拿出来, ‎ happen to do sth.碰巧做某事 ‎ under th hedge在树篱下面, ‎ go down下去,‎ ‎ think about 考虑, ‎ think of想起,认为 ,‎ think over仔细考虑, ‎ think out,想出 think hard,努力想,努力思考 ‎ What happened to sb.?某人发生了什么事?‎ be on 上演, ‎ go off熄灭,停,‎ something wrong with...,出了毛病, ‎ lie in bed 躺在床上,‎ jump out of从...跳出来 , ‎ on one's way to someplace,在某人去某地的路上 on one's way home在某人回家的路上, ‎ from ....to,从...到....(动词+Ving)‎ wear out 穿坏,穿旧,用坏, ‎ cheer up 使振奋;使兴奋,‎ follow one's advice听从某人的建议, ‎ look into向...的里面看,‎ stop to do sth. 停下做另一件事 ‎ stop doing sth.停止做某事 stop ...from doing sth.阻止....做某事, ‎ what kind哪种,‎ a kind of一种, ‎ all kinds of =different kinds of 各种各样的,‎ kind of =a bit=a little 有点, ‎ walk along沿着....走,‎ by mistake 错误地,无意地, ‎ by oneself单独,独立地,‎ by the way, 顺便说 ‎ 墙的表面用on,墙的内部用in have something to do有事可做 , ‎ have something to eat有可吃的东西 ,‎ have nothing to drink没有什么喝的东西 ‎ feel tired感到疲劳 without doing sth.没做, ‎ be tired=get tired累了,‎ during the day 一整天

