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七下单选专练及答案 ‎(Unit1)‎ ‎1. —Can Tim play _________ chess?‎ ‎—Yes. And he can play _________ drums, too.‎ A. the; the                B. the; 不填          ‎ C. 不填; the              D. 不填;不填 ‎2. I always help my sister _________ her history.‎ A. with                         B. of       ‎ C. for                            D. in ‎3. —Can you sing _________ dance, Gina? ‎ ‎—I can sing, Miss Xu. ‎ A. or                             B. and     ‎ C. but                          D. because ‎4. Hello, Linda! You can _________ a student in our school.  ‎ A. am                           B. is        ‎ C. are                         D. be ‎5. He can _________. He wants to join the art club.‎ A. swim                       B. draw   ‎ C. write                        D. sing ‎6. Clark is a teacher and he _________ Chinese.‎ A. teaches                  B. watches      ‎ C. asks                       D. calls ‎7. —Can you _________ English?‎ ‎—Yes, I can.‎ A. say                       B. speak         ‎ C. talk                       D. tell ‎8. —_________?      ‎ ‎—Yes, he can.‎ A. What can Victor do ‎ B. Can I join the club C. What can I do  ‎ D. Can Victor join the club     ‎ ‎9. —Can you play the violin? ‎ ‎—_________. But I can play the piano.‎ A. Yes, I can          B. Yes, I do C. No, I don’t         D. No, I can’t ‎10. —What can Bob do?       ‎ ‎—He _________.‎ A. can sing and dance B. plays volleyball well C. likes soccer very much D. wants to be in our club ‎(Unit2)‎ ‎11. Paul usually has breakfast ______ seven o’clock.‎ A. in               B. at             ‎ C. on             D. for   ‎ ‎12. Alan always gets up late and then goes to school, so he ______ eats breakfast.‎ A. always        B. usually C. never         D. sometimes  ‎ ‎13. There are _______ people in the park to day.‎ A. a lot              B. lot of    ‎ C. lots of             D. much ‎14. What ______ your father usually do after work?‎ A. is                B. do     ‎ C. does            D. am 8‎ ‎15. —______ do you go to school every day?‎ ‎—I go to school at half past seven.‎ A. Where       B. Who C. What          D. When ‎16. I like the beef soup because it ______ nice.‎ A. tastes        B. sounds C. looks          D. gets ‎17. We need to ______ after eating to have good teeth.‎ A. get up          B. brush our teeth         ‎ C. get dressed D. do our homework ‎18. Sam has a relaxing ______. He only works on weekends.‎ A. show         B. job                  ‎ C. family        D. subject ‎19. —What’s the English for 8:10?‎ ‎—It’s ______.‎ A. eight ten     B. ten eight           ‎ C. ten to eight D. eight past ten ‎20. —What time do you take a walk in the morning?‎ ‎—______.‎ A. On weekends     B. With my friends C. At about 6:30     D. For an hour ‎(Unit3)‎ ‎21. Peter usually goes to school by ______ bus.‎ A. a               B. an       C. the             D. 不填 ‎22. My English teacher is very good. She is like my mother ______ me.‎ A. to              B. for      C. with            D. of ‎23. —______ does your father go to work?‎ ‎—He rides his bike.‎ A. Where     B. When  C. How          D. Why   ‎ ‎24. The train ______ the train station at 8:40 every morning. ‎ A. crosses        B. runs              C. leaves        D. comes ‎25. —______ is it from your school to the train station?‎ ‎—Five kilometers.‎ A. How’s        B. How old          C. How long   D. How far ‎26. For some students, it’s difficult ______ school.‎ A. to get to      B. get to C. to get         D. get ‎ ‎27. Sam has a bike. He ______ it to school every day.‎ A. takes           B. rides   C. walks          D. drives ‎28. —Does Peter walk home? ‎ ‎—______. He takes the bus.  ‎ A. No, he doesn’t   B. Yes, he does       C. No, he isn’t        D. Yes, he is ‎29. —How long does it take you to go to the bus station? ‎ ‎—______.‎ A. About twenty kilometers        ‎ B. I ride my bike C. About half an hour by subway D. I get there quickly ‎30. —Have a good day at school, Susan! ‎ ‎—______.‎ A. Me, too      B. You, too C. Bye            D. Fine ‎(Unit4)‎ ‎31. ______ look outside, Bruce. Look at the blackboard.‎ A. Not                          B. Don’t  ‎ C. Can’t                     D. Doesn’t ‎32. I have ______ rules at home.‎ A. too many            B. too much  ‎ 8‎ C. much too            D. many too ‎33. There are some rules in our school. We must ______ them.‎ A. read                B. follow ‎ C. get                  D. take ‎34. —Let’s go out to play.   ‎ ‎—Sorry, I must ______ the piano now.   ‎ A. make               B. practice  ‎ C. listen                     D. exercise ‎35. The room is ______. Let’s clean it now.‎ A. dirty                      B. small  ‎ C. big                  D. clean ‎36. Nancy can’t come here, because she ______ do her homework.‎ A. has to                 B. can’t     ‎ C. doesn’t have to         D. can ‎37. —Are they in the ______?   ‎ ‎—Yes. They are eating lunch there.‎ A. library                 B. music room   ‎ C. club                    D. dining hall ‎38. —______?   ‎ ‎—I have to learn to play the guitar.     ‎ A. What do you have  ‎ B. What do you have to do   ‎ C. What do you do  ‎ D. What you have to do ‎ ‎39. His father is strict ______ him.     ‎ A. of B. in C. with D. from ‎40. —Does she have to wear the school uniform today?‎ ‎—______. It’s Sunday today. She just has to wear it on school days.‎ A. No, she doesn’t      B. Yes, she does   ‎ C. Yes, she has          D. No, she hasn’t ‎(Unit5)‎ ‎41. This is ______ elephant. ______ elephant is from Africa. ‎ A. an; An          B. an; The C. the; The            D. the; An  ‎ ‎42. I like pandas because they are ______ friendly. ‎ A. kind                 B. a kind of C. kinds of            D. kind of ‎ ‎43. —Why do you think lions are ______?‎ ‎—Because they usually sleep all day. ‎ A. lazy                 B. scary C. cute                D. beautiful ‎ ‎44. Grace is a ______ girl. She doesn’t like meeting new friends. ‎ A. tidy              B. shy C. strict            D. friendly ‎ ‎45. —What ______ does Tina like? ‎ ‎—She likes dogs and tigers. ‎ A. subjects           B. colors ‎ C. sports           D. animals  ‎ ‎46. Why ______ you go to the zoo with us?‎ A. don’t                B. aren’t  ‎ C. not                D. no ‎ ‎47. Animals are our friends and let’s ______ them. ‎ A. save              B. forget C. kill                  D. learn ‎ ‎48. This is Linda. She ______ America.‎ A. come from        B. is from C. comes              D. is   ‎ 8‎ ‎49. He often helps his mother ______ dinner.‎ A. makes B. make C. making D. made ‎50. —______?‎ ‎—Because they are very interesting. ‎ A. How do you like giraffes B. When do you see giraffes ‎ C. Where do you find giraffes D. Why do you like giraffes  ‎ ‎(Unit6)‎ ‎51. Jim and Tim are talking _______ the phone.   ‎ A. at           B. on      ‎ C. with           D. in  ‎ ‎52. Today is Sunday. My family _______ all at home.    ‎ A. am            B. is    ‎ C. are          D. be   ‎ ‎53. It’s ten o’clock in the morning. Dale _______ for a test.    ‎ A. study         B. studies              ‎ C. studying     D. is studying  ‎ ‎54. Look! The children are swimming in the _______.   ‎ A. zoo            B. supermarket       ‎ C. library       D. pool ‎ ‎55. —What do you like to _______? ‎ ‎—Some orange juice. ‎ A. eat             B. drink               ‎ C. watch         D. clean ‎ ‎56. He wishes ______ his parents.‎ A. meet B. meeting C. to meet D. meets ‎57. Your clothes are dirty. Please _______ them on weekends. ‎ A. save            B. leave      ‎ C. wear         D. wash  ‎ ‎58. —_______ she _______ her homework?‎ ‎—No, she isn’t. She is writing something.   ‎ A. Does; do           B. Is; doing  ‎ C. Do; do           D. Are; doing ‎ ‎59. —What time is it now?‎ ‎—_______.   ‎ A. In the morning  B. It’s eight  ‎ C. It’s in May         D. On Tuesday ‎60. —_______?‎ ‎—They are playing basketball.   ‎ A. What are they doing  ‎ B. What do they do  ‎ C. How are they     ‎ D. Where are they playing  ‎ ‎(Unit7)‎ ‎61. My family are ______ a vacation in Dalian. ‎ A. for            B. in       ‎ C. at          D. on ‎62. Parents hope their children study ______ at school. ‎ A. again         B. early   ‎ C. hard          D. soon ‎63. Today I want to drive to work but my car doesn’t ______. ‎ A. work       B. walk   ‎ C. run            D. go ‎ ‎64. Dale, are you having a good time ______ the village? ‎ A. visit           B. to visit 8‎ C. visits         D. visiting ‎65. ______ it going?‎ A. How’s B. What’s C. What does D. How does ‎66. There is lots of ______ in this place in summer. ‎ A. snow       B. snowy               ‎ C. rain         D. rainy ‎ ‎67. Could you tell her ______ to me? ‎ A. write         B. writes        ‎ C. writing      D. to write ‎ ‎68. Look! Some boys ______ soccer there.‎ A. playing      B. are playing ‎ C. to play      D. play ‎69. —______?‎ ‎—They are studying. ‎ A. What are they doing                         ‎ B. Where are they  ‎ C. How are they                                    ‎ D. What do they do  ‎ ‎70. —How’s the weather in Boston? ‎ ‎—______. ‎ A. Sounds good     B. Fine, thank you ‎ C. That’s right        D. It’s windy ‎ ‎(Unit8)‎ ‎71. The post office is ______ Center Street. ‎ A. in              B. on      ‎ C. at           D. from ‎ ‎72. It’s ______ the post office ______ the library.‎ A. between, and B. from, to C. between, or D. next, to ‎73. My uncle can’t buy the car because he doesn’t have much ______.‎ A. time          B. money                     ‎ C. health        D. luck ‎74. I usually spend two hours ______ books every day. ‎ A. read           B. reads        ‎ C. reading      D. to read  ‎ ‎75. Look! The monkey is ______ that big tree. ‎ A. climbing    B. walking             ‎ C. running      D. sitting ‎76. His grandpa enjoys ______ tennis. ‎ A. play         B. plays          ‎ C. to play     D. playing ‎ ‎77. There ______ a book and two pens on the desk..‎ A. be B. is C. are D. have ‎78. —Where’s the pay phone?  ‎ ‎—______. ‎ A. It’s black and white                     ‎ B. It’s interesting    ‎ C. It’s next to the bank                        ‎ D. It’s very delicious ‎ ‎79. —Are there any books in the bookcase? ‎ ‎—______. They are English books. ‎ A. Yes, there are          B. No, there aren’t        ‎ C. Yes, they are           D. No, they aren’t ‎ ‎80. Go ______ the street and turn right ‎______ Bridge Street.‎ A. along, on B. straight, at C. straight, on D. down at 8‎ ‎(Unit9)‎ ‎81. Does Mary have long ______ short hair?   ‎ A. with          B. or      ‎ C. and          D. for  ‎ ‎82. —I can’t see the things there.  ‎ ‎—You can wear your ______.   ‎ A. glasses       B. sweater      ‎ C. hat             D. shoes ‎83. Bob wants to go to the _____ to see a movie.    ‎ A. restaurant   B. cinema C. hospital       D. shop ‎84. Can you tell me where Mr. Smith _____?       ‎ A. living         B. live    ‎ C. lives          D. to live ‎ ‎85. Each of the students ______ his homework on time. ‎ A. doing         B. to do   ‎ C. do              D. does  ‎ ‎86. Alice is ______, because she eats a little.‎ A. lazy            B. funny  ‎ C. clever        D. thin ‎87. She ______ black hair and she ______ of medium height.‎ A. has, has B. is, has C. is, is D. has, is ‎88. The American girl has ______ hair.‎ A. long blonde        B. blonde long       ‎ C. a long blonde     D. a blonde long ‎89. —Is Mrs. Brown short? ‎ ‎—______. But her son is very tall. ‎ A. Yes, she is                B. No, she isn’t ‎ C. No, she doesn’t        D. Yes, she does ‎ ‎90. —______? ‎ ‎—He is short and has long hair. ‎ A. How is Alan   ‎ B. What does Alan look like   ‎ C. Where is Alan    ‎ D. What does Alan like ‎(Unit10)‎ ‎91. I would like ______ in the restaurant.‎ A. eating B. eat C. to eat D. eats ‎92. Peter doesn’t like apples, chicken ______ mutton.‎ A. and             B. with    ‎ C. or              D. of ‎93. — What ______ bowl of noodles would you like?‎ ‎— Large, please.‎ A. price           B. kind         ‎ C. size           D. color ‎94. We have some ______ here and we can make ______ soup.‎ A. egg; egg     B. egg; eggs   ‎ C. eggs; eggs D. eggs; egg ‎95. Skating is getting ______ now. Many people like to skate.‎ A. important   B. difficult            ‎ C. popular     D. funny ‎96. Anna, please ______ the meat and then cook it.‎ A. cut up         B. blow out           ‎ C. cut down    D. eat out ‎97. —Do you have ______ beef?‎ ‎—Sorry, we don’t. But we have ______ mutton.‎ A. any; some B. any; any           ‎ 8‎ C. some; any D. some; some ‎98. — ______?‎ ‎— Beef noodles.‎ A. How much are the beef noodles              ‎ B. What kind of noodles would you like     ‎ C. What size would you like         ‎ D. How about beef noodles ‎99. — Would you like some dumplings?‎ ‎— ______.‎ A. Yes, please            B. It’s interesting C. You’re welcome      D. No problem ‎100. — May I have your order?‎ ‎— ______.‎ A. No, you can’t   B. Have a good time C. You, too                   D. I’d like some rice, please ‎(Unit11)‎ ‎101. We learned a lot ______ animals in the zoo.  ‎ A. in                     B. with      C. about              D. for ‎ ‎102. I want to know ______ to make a model plane. ‎ A. who            B. where        C. what               D. how  ‎ ‎103. I ______ a student last year but now I ______ a teacher. ‎ A. am; am            B. was; am     C. am; was           D. was; was ‎104. His uncle is good at farming. He works on a ______.‎ A. hospital            B. bank C. farm                D. hotel ‎105. —Were you at home ______? ‎ ‎—No, I weren’t.‎ A. yesterday      B. every day  C. next Monday     D. now ‎106. They can’t see ______ in the dark.‎ A. something      B. anything  C. everything     D. nothing ‎107. Amy helped her grandma ______ the cat this morning. ‎ A. blow             B. feed     C. pick            D. milk ‎108. All of you, be quiet! I can’t ______ the teacher. ‎ A. watch           B. see    C. hear               D. listen ‎109. —How was Tim’s trip?   ‎ ‎—______.  ‎ A. It is OK     B. He was fine    C. It was great       D. He had a trip  ‎ ‎110. —Did he visit the museum last Sunday? ‎ ‎—______. He played the piano. ‎ A. Yes, he did   B. No, he didn’t C. Yes, he does       D. No, he doesn’t ‎(Unit12)‎ ‎111. My uncle worked ______ a farmer on a farm two years ago. ‎ A. for           B. of     ‎ C. as           D. with ‎ ‎112. Mother was ______ after work, so she went to sleep early. ‎ A. lazy          B. tired         ‎ C. lucky      D. friendly ‎ ‎113. There are seven ______ in the picture. ‎ A. sheep       B. cow  ‎ C. horse         D. chicken ‎ ‎114. Look! A plane ______ in the sky. ‎ A. flies          B. flew    ‎ C. flying         D. is flying ‎ ‎115. —Where ______ you yesterday morning?  ‎ ‎—I ______ at my uncle’s home. ‎ A. were; am         B. are; am                   ‎ C. are; was           D. were; was ‎ 8‎ ‎116. We saw some people ______ in the park.  ‎ A. exercising          B. exercises        ‎ C. to exercise        D. to exercising  ‎ ‎117. Who ______ this morning? ‎ A. woke up him    B. woke him up ‎ C. wakes up him    D. wakes him up  ‎ ‎118. —______ did you go to Beijing?   ‎ ‎—By train. ‎ A. How         B. When              ‎ C. Where       D. Why  ‎ ‎119. —Did they visit the high school?  ‎ ‎—______. They said it was great. ‎ A. Yes, they do            B. No, they didn’t ‎ C. Yes, they did          D. No, they don’t ‎ ‎120. —______? ‎ ‎—They went to summer camp. ‎ A. When did they go camping      B. Where were they camping C. What did they do on vacation    D. Why did they go on vacation 参考答案 ‎1-10 CAADB  ABDDA ‎11-20 BCCCD  ABBAC ‎21-30 DACCD  ABACB ‎31-40 BABBA  ADBCA ‎41-50 BDABD  AABCD ‎51-60 BCDDB  CDBBA ‎61-70 DCADA  CDBAD ‎71-80 BABCA DBCAA ‎81-90 BABCD  DDAAB ‎91-100 CCCDC  AABAD ‎101-110 CDBCA    BBCCB ‎111-120 CBADD  ABACC 8‎

