人教(新目标)版七年级下册英语课件Unit 6 第三课时

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人教(新目标)版七年级下册英语课件Unit 6 第三课时

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He’s living with an American family in New York. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom’s delicious zongzi. 名师点拨 比较项 用法 举例 race 指赛跑、速度方面的“比赛", 如赛车、赛马等 Who won the race? 谁 赢了这场赛跑? game 意为“游戏;比赛”,通常指有一 定规则,凡参加者均需遵守, 可指连续的游戏或比赛活动中 的一局。说球赛时,一般用 game。另外game用作复数时 可指大型体育运动会。如: Olympic Games 奥运会,the Asian Games 亚运会 We’re going to watch the basketball game. 我 们要去看篮球比赛。 翻译句子 1. 我想去看赛车比赛。 _______________________________________________ 2. 我爸爸喜欢在电视上观看足球比赛。 _______________________________________________ I want to watch car race. My father likes to watch football games on TV. 比较项 用法 举例 other 可以作形容词,意为 “另外的;其他的”, 通常放在名词前作定 语。any other … 意为 “任何别的……;任何 其他的……” We study Chinese, math, English and other subjects at school. 在学 校,我们学习语文、数学、英语 和其他学科。 others 意为“另一些”,相当 于“other+可数名词复 数形式”,常用于 “some … others …”结 构中, 意为“一些…… 另一些……” There are many boys on the playground. Some are playing basketball, others are playing soccer. 操场上有许多男孩,一些 在打篮球,另一些在踢足球。 续表 比较项 用法 举例 the other 意为“两者中的另一 个”,常用于“one … the other … ”结构中,意为“一 个……另一个……” On the other side of the street, there is a big tree. 在街道的另一边有一棵大树。 I have two sisters. One is a nurse, the other is a teacher. 我有两个姐 姐。一个是护士,另一个是老师。 the others 意为“余下的人或物的 全部”,相当于“the other+可数名词复数形 式” Thirty of them are boy students, and the others are girls. 他们当中 有三十个人是男学生,其他人是 女生。 ( )1. —Which of the two T-shirts would you like to choose? —Both. Then I can give one to my brother and leave ________ to myself. A.other B. the other C. others D. the others ( )2. Linda and Jane are in different classes. One is in Class One and ________ is in Class Two. A.other B. the other C. others D. the others B B I wish to go right now. 我希望现在就走。 I wish him to make progress. 我希望他取得进步。 I wish you a pleasant journey! 祝你旅途愉快! I hope to see your new friend as soon as possible. 我希望尽快见到你的新朋友。 We hope that you will have a good time. 我们希 望你过得开心。 I really hope for a new bike. 我真的很希望得到 一辆新的自行车。 【拓展】 表示“希望某人做某事”要用 wish sb.to do sth., 不能用 hope sb.to do sth.。 1. —Will it be fine tomorrow? —I ___________(hope / wish)so. 2. I ___________(hope / wish)I could fly to the sky like a bird. 3. You know that I _________(hope / wish)you happy every day. 4. He has no _______(hope / wish)of passing the exam. hope wish wish hope ( )5. The Chinese volleyball team will join in the game. Let’s _______ them success. A. wish B. to wish C. hope D. to hope ( )6. We wish _______ a big house in Shenzhen. A. buy B. buys C. buying D. to buy A D 课堂小测语篇理解 一、阅读课本P35-2b的文章,判断下列句子的正(T) 误(F) ( )1. Zhu Hui is from America. He’s now studying in Shenzhen. ( )2. Zhu Hui doesn’t miss his family. ( )3. Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot. F F T 二、再仔细阅读课文,选出下列各题的最佳选项 ( )1. Zhu Hui’s mom and aunt are _______. A. making zongzi B. talking on the telephone C. watching the boat races on TV D. watching a talk show on TV A ( )2. Zhu Hui and his host family aren’t watching the boat races because _______. A. they don’t like it B. they have another important festival C. it’s the night before the Dragon Boat Festival D. there isn’t a Dragon Boat Festival in the US D 三、 本单元主要短语串联使用(用方框内所给短语的 适当形式填空) Look at the picture of Lily’s family. What are they doing? Lily’s brother, Mike, likes exercising. He’s now swimming 1. ___________. He swims very quickly. Lily’s mother is a good cook. She’s 2. ____________ in the kitchen now. With her delicious soup, no one in the any other, wish to do, live with, on TV, talk on the telephone, in a pool, eat out, make soup, read a newspaper, in the living room in a pool making soup family would choose(会选择) to 3. __________. What’s her father doing? Well, Mr. King, the soccer fan(迷), is now watching a soccer game 4. ________. He says the game is so exciting that he really 5. ___________ it live(现场观看比赛). Lily’s grandmother 6. __________ them. She is 7. __________________ by the table. She likes reading more than 8. _________ thing, and she thinks reading makes her young and healthy. Where’s Lily? Oh, she’s 9. ________________. And what’s she doing now? She’s 10. ___________________ to her best friend! eat out on TV wishes to watch lives with reading a newspaper any other in the living room talking on the telephone 课堂小测课堂小测 一、根据中文或首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填 空,每空一词 1. Look! The boys are swimming in the _________(游泳池). 2. The fruit salad tastes really d________. I like it very much. 3. The things in that ___________(超市) are quite cheap. 4. Let’s go and watch the boat ____________(比赛) this afternoon. 5. There are fifty s________ in the US. pool elicious supermarket race(s) tates 二、根据中文意思完成句子,词数不限 6. 我希望和你一起去海南。但我下周有一场考试。 I ______________ to Hainan with you. But I will have an exam next week. 7. 海伦仍然很想念她的父母。 Helen ________________ her parents a lot. 8. 他是比赛中最年轻的游泳选手。 He’s the youngest swimmer ________________. 9. 你认识这个班里的任何其他的学生吗? Do you know _______________ student in this class? wish to go still misses in the race any other 10. 王红正在给她的弟弟读故事。 Wang Hong ____________________ her younger brother. 三、单项填空 ( )11. —Is Eric _______ American boy? —Yes. He is from New York. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )12. Jane is very _______ so her father drives her to school every day. A. quiet B. young C. funny D. smart is reading a story to B B ( )13. There aren’t _______ students from England in my class, but there are _______ students from Australia. A. some; any B. some;some C. any; any D. any; some ( )14. I wish you _______ to my birthday party on Tuesday. A. come B. comes C. coming D. to come ( )15. —_______? —I’m cleaning the room. A. Where are you B. How are you C. What are you doing D. What do you like doing D D C

