外研版英语七年级下册《Lost and found》模块测试

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外研版英语七年级下册《Lost and found》模块测试

七年级英语WY版 · 下 Module 1 检测题 (时间:90 分钟 满分:100 分) 第一卷 (共 45 分) Ⅰ.单项选择(15分) ( ) 1.There is ________ basketball here. Do you like playing _________ baseball? A.a; a B.a; / C.the; the D.a; the ( ) 2. Is that __________ camera in the lost and found box?7 A.he B.him C.his D.he’s ( ) 3. Mr Wang __________ a bus now. His phone _______.【0:21·3·1·网】 A.is get, is lose B.is getting, is lost 【0:5】 C.is getting, is losing D.is getting, is lose ( ) 4. People often ________ things when they’re busy. A. lose B. lost C. loses D. losing ( ) 5. — ________ kilos of sausages do you find? 【4:211】 A. How much B. How many C. How D. How’s ( ) 6. __________ bikes are blue. A.Tom and Jim B.Tom and Jim’s C.Tom’s and Jim’s D.Tom’s and Jim ( ) 7. Don’t talk here. Grandparents ___________. A. sleep B. is sleeping C. are sleeping D. sleeps ( ) 8. The boy often ________ the key to the bike in his bedroom when he goes to school. A. leave B. leaves C. forgets D. forget ( ) 9. -Lucy, you speak Chinese very well. -Oh, really? __________. A.Thank you B.I’m sorry C.That’s OK D.You’re welcome ( ) 10. -__________ do you do? -I am a doctor. A. How B. Why C. Where D. What ( ) 11. It’s nine o’clock now. ______ the students ______ a music class?【2:211名师】 A. Do, have B. Are, have C. are having D. Do, having ( ) 12. They run to the bus ______________. A. in hurries B. in a hurry C. in hurry D. in hurry ( ) 13. -__________. Are these your orange gloves? -No. I don’t know _______ it is. A. Excuse me; who B. Excuse me; whose C. Sorry; who D. Sorry; whose ( ) 14. Is the man _______ tea or _______ ice cream? A. drinks, eats B. drink, eat C. drinking, eating D. to drink, to eat ( ) 15. Do you have__________ to tell me? A. anything new B. something new C. something new D. new something Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分) Hello!I’m Zhang Miao. This is 1 new backpack. It is green and black. There are 2 school things in it. There are many new books in it. They are 3 English and in Chinese. I have a nice pencil-case. It’s 4 and a Miffee rabbit(米菲兔)is on it. Look! This is a new ruler and it is 5 . I like the blue ruler. There are 6 pens and two 7 . I write with the three pens and two pencils. There is a cup (杯子). I can 8 with it. Can you 9 a set of keys? 10 in my pencil-case, too. I use (用) them every day. ( ) 1. A. his B. her C. its D. my ( ) 2. A. many B. a little C. much D. a few ( ) 3. A. in B. on C. with D. of ( ) 4. A. new B. nice C. big D. old ( ) 5. A. yellow B. black C. blue D. red ( ) 6. A. two B. one C. four D. three ( ) 7. A. pens B. pencils C. rules D. pencil-case ( ) 8. A. write (写) B. eat C. see D. drink ( ) 9. A. look B. find C. see D. spell ( ) 10. A. She’s B. He’s C. I’m D. They’re Ⅲ. 阅读理解(20分) (A) Hello ! On the morning of July 2nd, I was careless and left my backpack in the reading-room of our school. There were three English books, a pencil-case, my keys and my school card in it. I lost my school card. So I couldn’t enter or go out of our school without the card. If I can’t find the keys to the bike, I can’t go home. If you find it, please send it to the library assistant or to me. I need it this afternoon. Many thanks to you! I am in Class 9, Grade 3 on the fourth floor of our school. My telephone number is 732- 5665.2131网 4 Julia 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 ( ) 1. When did Julia lose a backpack? ________________. A. In the morning B. On Sunday C. On June 2nd D. On the morning of July 2nd ( ) 2. Where did she leave her backpack? ____________________. A. In the reading-room B. In the classroom C. On the playground D. In the hall ( ) 3. Julia doesn’t go to school if she doesn’t have ______________.2-1-02 A. English books B. her school card C. a pencil-case D. keys ( ) 4. What’s in it? ____________________________. A. Three English books. B. Her school card C. A pencil-case D. All of the above ( ) 5. Julia is ____________ student. A. the first grade B. the second grade C. the third grade D. the fourth grade (B) 阅读下面两幅“失物”与“招领”广告,回答下列问题。(10分) Lost: My school ID Card. My name is Mike. Please call 568-2057 Found: New watch Is this your watch? Please call Rose. Phone 123-2058 1. Whose is the lost school ID card? _________________________. 2. Who can you call to get the new watch back? ____________________________. 3. What’s Mike’s phone number? ____________________________. 4. Is Mike the owner of the watch? _____________________________ 5. Whose is the new watch? _____________________ 第二卷( 共 55 分) Ⅳ. 选择与句中画线部分意思相同或相近的选项(10分) ( ) 1. Do you like going to the store to buy things? 211网 A. going shopping B. going to things C. going and buying D. going store ( ) 2. English is my favourite subject. A. I like English a little. B. I like English. 211名师原创作品 C. I like English better. D. I like English best. ( ) 3. How is the weather today? A. What's the weather today B. What's the weather like today C. How's weather D. What do you like the weather today ( ) 4. Li Ming has supper with his family. A. eats B. takes C. wants D. would like 21·3*1网 ( ) 5. I study very hard at school. A. make B. get C. work D. have Ⅴ. 句型转换(15分) 1. There are some rackets in the box. (改为否定句) There_____ ______ rackets in the box. 2. They have many CDs. (改为单数形式) He _______ ________. 3. There is a picture book in Ben’s bag.(改为同义句) Ben ______ a picture book in _______ bag. 4. These wallets are Mary’s. (对画线部分提问) _________ _________ are these? 5. There are some oranges and eggs on the table. (改为单数形式) _________ ______ ______ orange and _______ egg on the table. 6. We are looking for our cameras, too. We are ________ _________ for our cameras. Ⅵ. 完成句子 (15分) 1. 雨后,学生常常把雨伞落在学校里。 Students often _________ theirs umbrellas _________ school after rain. 2. 在失物招领办公室常有两千部手机。 There are ________ ________ mobile phones in the ________ _______ office. 3. 那就是为什么吉姆迟到。 _______ ________ Jim is late. 4. 那些是你们的东西吗?对,是我们的。 _________ _________ things yours? Yes, _______ are _______. 9. 你学数学很细心。 You are _________ _________ math. Ⅶ.补全对话 (5分) (D=Daniel; L=Linda) D: Hello, Linda. Nice to meet you. L: Hello, Daniel. 1. ___________________ D: You see, summer holiday is coming. 2._______________ 01 L: I’m going to travel to the Shanghai Expo Garden. D: 3.________________ By the way, will you go there alone? L: 4.___________________ My cousin will go with me. D: 5.__________________ L: We’ll start on July 8. D: I think you will enjoy yourselves there. A. How do you do? B. It’s a good place to travel. C. What’s your plan for it? D. When will you go? E. No, I won’t. G. I’ll go there by train. F. Nice to meet you, too. Ⅷ. 书面表达(15 分) 假设你是Mr Smith,你所在的农场丢失了一只鸭子和一头猪。请根据下面对它们的描述, 写一则寻物启事。【0:5】00 提示:① 鸭子,黄色,大嘴巴,2岁; ② 猪,很肥,大约 5岁; ③ 电话: 8798 5826 要求: 包括以上所给全部要点。 LOST 参考答案: Ⅰ. 1. B 2.C 3. B 4. C 5.B 6.C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D 6 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. A Ⅱ. 1.D 2. A 3.A 4. B 5. C 6.D 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. D01 Ⅲ. (A) 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C (B) 1. Mike 2. Rose 3. 568-2057 4. No, he isn’t 5. Sorry, I don’t know. Ⅳ. 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C Ⅴ. 1. aren’t any 2. has a CD 3. has, his 4. Whose wallets8 5. There is an; an 6. also looking Ⅵ. 1. leave, in 2. two thousand; lost and found 3. That’s why 9 4. Are those; they, ours 5. careful with Ⅶ. FCBED Ⅷ. One possible version: LOST My duck. It is yellow with a big mouth. It’s two years old. My pig. It is very fat and it is about 5 years old. Call Mr Smith at 8798 5826.

