牛津译林版七年级下册《Outdoor fun》练习题4

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牛津译林版七年级下册《Outdoor fun》练习题4

Unit 6 Outdoor fun 习题 一、单项选择。 1、( ) It’s _______UFO. A. a B. an C. the D./ 2、( ) Here’s a book. It belongs to_______. A. he B. His C. him D.hers 3、( ) Is there ______in today’s newspaper? A. something interesting B. interesting something C. anything interesting D. interesting anything 4、( ) Look! The firemen _______the fire. A. is putting out B. are putting out C. put out D. putted out 5、( ) My mother knows a lot ______Chinese history. A. of B. about C. to D. for 6、( )Reading English newspapers ______good for your study. A. are B. is C. have D. has 7、( ) ______ a day do you feed your pet Twice a day. A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How many times 8、( ) My dog is ______ animal of all. A. clever B. cleverest C. Cleverer D. the cleverest 9、( ) ______goldfish swim around is very interesting. A. Watches B. Watch C. To watch D. Looking 10、( ) _____is a good idea ______the water every week. A. This, change B. It, change C. It, to change D. That, to change 二、完形填空。 One day, some children were playing hide-and-seek( 捉迷藏)happily. In front of the 1 , Jim found the door of the letter box was 2 and climbed in. He 3 closed the door. When he knew 4 he had locked himself in it, he began to 5 help, but nobody could 6 . He was 7 and began to cry. At that time, his sister was 8 for him. She happened to hear him, she, of course, was n’t able to open it. When the 9 helped him out, he could n’t keep back his tears. He had been in the box for nearly an hour. “Don’t forget 10 a stamp on yourself next time,” said the postman. 11、( ) A. shop B. park C. post office D. hospital 12、( ) A. Open B. closed C. big D. broken 13、( ) A. slowly B. Easily C. quickly D. hardly 14、( ) A. that B. what C. why D. if 15、( ) A. find out B. ask for C. think about D. look after 16、( ) A. open B. help C. see D. hear 17、( ) A. angry B. hungry C. afraid D. happy 18、( ) A. asking B. looking C. waiting D. shouting 19、( ) A. policeman B. friend C. postman D. cleaner 20、( ) A. to draw B. to put C. to make D. to buy

