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1 现在完成时中 “since ”和“ for ”的区别 1) since + 过去一个时间点 (如具体的年、 月、日期、 钟点、 1980 , last month , half past six )。 I have been here since 1989. 2) since + 一段时间 + ago I have been here since five months ago. 3) since + 从句 Great changes have taken place since you left. Considerable time has elapsed since we have been here. 4) It is + 一段时间 + since 从句 It is two years since I became a postgraduate student. Since 用来说明动作起始时间, for 用来说明动作延续时间长度。 I have lived here for more than twenty years. I have lived here since I was born.. My aunt has worked in a clinic since 1949. Some new oilfields have been opened up since 1976. I have known Xiao Li since she was a little girl. My brother has been in the Youth League for two years. I have not heard from my uncle for a long time. 注意:并非有 for 作为时间状语的句子都用现在完成时。 I worked here for more than twenty years. (我现在已不在这里工作。) I have worked here for many years. (现在我仍在这里工作。) 小窍门:当现在完成时 +一段时间,这一结构中,我们用下面的公式转化,很容易就能 排除非延续动词在完成时中的误使。 1) (对) Tom has studied Russian for three years. = Tom began to study Russian three years ago , and is still studying it now. 2) (错) Harry has got married for six years. = Harry began to get married six years ago , and is still getting married now. 显然,第二句不对, 它应改为 Harry got married six years ago. 或 Harry has been married for six years. 声音: sound, noise 与 voice 的区别 sound 表示听起来像⋯⋯和 like 连用,如: It`s sounds like a bird. 听起来像鸟在叫。 voice 表示嗓音,说他的嗓音很动听,用 his voice was good. noise 是杂音,响动的意思。如:我听到有动静。 I heard a noise . 这是一组与 “声音 ”有关的名词,在使用上有区别。 sound 泛指 自然界各种各样的声音 ,不论其高低、是否悦耳等。 如: I heard the sound of running water. 我听见流水声。 Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。 2 noise 表示 “噪音、喧闹 ”,指的是人们不愿听到的声音或嘈杂声。它可以作可数名词, 也可以用作不可数名词。如: I heard some strange noises last night. 昨夜我听见一些奇怪的响声。 There's a lot of noise here. 这个地方人声嘈杂。 voice 用于人时,指说话、歌唱或发笑的声音,也可指发言权。用于其它方面时,常含 悦耳之声,如鸟鸣声,乐器声音等。如: Please speak in a louder voice. 请大声说。 说: tell , speak, say,talk 的区别 tell 意为 “告诉、 讲述 ”,指某人把某一件事、 一条信息传送给别人或讲述一件事。 tell sb sth 意为 “告知某人某事 ”。 tell sb to do sth 意为 “告诉某人去做某事 ”。 speak 意为 “说话、 讲话 ”,后面主要接语言。 speak to 意为 “和 .....讲话、 谈话 ”。 speak of 意为 “提到、说起 ”。 speak to sb about sth talk 意为 “谈话、讲话 ”,如果只有一方对另一方说话时,一般用 talk to ;如果双方或多 方交谈,多用 with 。 talk about 意为 “谈论 ...... ”。 have a talk with 意为 “与 ...... 交谈 ”。 say 意为 “说” 。 say sth to sb 意为 “对 ...... 说 ”。 It is said that... 意为 “据说 ”。 首先是 say: 之后要有说的内容,如 He said nothing. ▲ say 一般作及物动词用,着重说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词,代词或宾语从句。 eg: He can say his name. 他会说他的名字。 Please say it in English. 请用英语用。 She`s saying , Don`t draw on the wall. 她在说 “别在墙上画 ”。 ▲ speak 强调说的动作,不强调所说的内容 。作及物动词时,常以某种语言作宾语。 作不及物动词时,常见的搭配形式有: speak of something/somebody 谈到某事(某人) speak to sb 跟某 人讲话,此外 speak 还可用于在较为正式的场合了表演讲或演说。 Can you speak Japanese? 你会说日语吗? She is speaking to her teacher. 她正在跟她的老师说话。 He spoke at the meeting yesterday. 他昨天在会上讲了话。 ▲ talk 一般为不及物动词,意思是 “交谈,谈话,着重强调两具之间的相互说话。 eg: She is talking with Lucy in English. 她正在和露茜用英语交谈。 What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么? The teacher is talking to him. 老师正在和他谈话。 ▲ tell 常作及物动词,意为 “讲述,告诉,动词常跟双宾语。 tell sb sth = tell sth to sb 告诉某人某事。 eg: He is telling the children a story. 他正在给孩子们讲一个故事。 Did you tell her the news? = Did you tell the news to her? 你把这个消息告诉她了吗? used to 与 be used to ( 1) used to + do : "过去常常 "表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。 Mother used not to be so forgetful. Scarf used to take a walk. (过去常常散步) 3 ( 2) be used to + doing : 对 ⋯⋯ 已感到习惯,或 " 习惯于 ", to 是介词,后需加名词或动名 词。 He is used to a vegetarian diet. Scarf is used to taking a walk. (现在习惯于散步) 将要: be to 和 be going to be to 表示客观安排或受人指示而做某事。 be going to 表示主观的打算或计划。 I am to play football tomorrow afternoon. (客观安排) I'm going to play football tomorrow afternoon. (主观安排) twice 、 two times 关于 A runs twice faster than B 这个的翻译,现在都还存在争议。有的人认为是 A 的速 度是 B 的 2 倍,有人认为是 A 比 B 快 2 倍 =A 是 B 的 3 倍。 “ A + be + 倍 数 + as + 计量形容词原级 + as + B ”。表示 A 是 B 的 N 倍。 1.This tree is three times as tall as that one. 这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。 2.His father is twice as old as he. 他父亲的年纪有他两倍大。 两倍用 twice ,不用 two times. 注意: 两倍一般都用 twice , 不用 two times 例如: This tree is twice higher than that one. =This tree is twice as high as that one. =This tree is twice the height of that one. 倍数 +比较级 + than ...= 倍数 + as + 形容词原形 +as ...= 倍数 +the + 形容词所对应的名 词 + of ... other 、 another 、 others、 the other ( 1) other 后既可接可数名词复数形式又可接不可数名词,如:可数, other pencils 其 它的铅笔, other students 其他的学生。 不可数 other tea 别的 /其它的茶, other information 别 的 / 其它消息。 any other 其他一切的什么 ⋯⋯ ( 2) the other 定指其它的 ⋯⋯ ,其后可接可数名词和单数,如: the other book 另外的一本书, the other map 另一张地图, 其后也可跟可数名词的复数形式,如: the other flowers 其他的花朵, the other teachers 其它的老师们,还可以接不可数名词, 如: the other water 剩下的水, the other beer 别的啤酒 other 表 “另外的 ”接复数名词, 如与具体数词连用, 则置于数词之后, 如: two other boys; 但与定冠词 the 连用时, other 要放在数词前。如: the other two boys Tony is going camping with _C__boys next Sunday .托尼将于下周日与另外两个男孩一起 去野营。 A . little two other B . two little other C. two other little D . little other two Mr Smith asked me to fetch three other recorders .史密斯先生让我再拿三台录音机来。 ( 3)others 其用法相当于复数名词, 此词不能用作定语, 表示的意思是 “不具体的某些 东西 ”,如: 4 This chemical is poisonous . Others are poisonous , too . ( others = other chemicals ) 但是如果 others 前用了 the ,则表示具体的别的东西。如: I don ’ t want these books . Please give me the others . ( the others = the other books ( 4)another ,作形容词时, 是指在原有的基础上再加一 (些) ,表示 “再一 (些) ”或 “另 外一个(些) ”的意思。 another 还可作代词,意思与作形容词时一样。 another+ 数词 =数词 +more eg:another one = one more I want another apple I want one more apple ★习惯用法: one another from one ⋯ to another the other day = a few days ago every other day/ week/year some ⋯, others ⋯ 如: I met Mr. Smith in the park the other day. 前几天我在公园里碰见了 Smith 先生。 While at the university , he went to the library every other day. 在大学时他每隔一天去图书馆一次。 Some people like football , others like volleyball. 有些人喜欢足球,有些人喜欢排球。 They are very different from one another. 他们互相之间差别很大。 When Americans moved from one place to another , they took their dialects with them. 当美国人从一个地方迁移到另一个地方时, 花费: pay、 spend、 cost、take Sb pay some money for sth. (人做主语,结构是 pay ⋯ .for) Sb spent some money on sth 或 sb spend some money ( in ) doing sth (人做主语,结构为 spend on/spend in dong ) Sth cost sb some money. (物做主语) It takes sb some time/money to do sth (形式主语 it ) Eg:我花了五元钱买这本书 .( 注意时态用过去时) I paid five yuan for the book. The book cost me five yuan. I spent fiveyuan on the book=I spent five yuan ( in ) buying the book. It took me five yuan to buy the book cross、 across、crossing、 through、 over cross 是动词 across 是介词 crossing 是名词 across 指在物体的表面穿过 through 指在物体的空间穿过 over 指崇山峻岭上穿过 5 在⋯⋯前面: in front of 、in the front of in front of 没有范围限制,在整体外部的前面 in the front of 有一定的范围限制,在整体内部的前面 Eg:He sat in the front of the bus. ( The bus 形成一定的范围) He sat in front of me. (无范围) 遗忘,忘记: leave 与 forget leave+ 物 +地点。 leave 表示 “遗忘 ”,通常只用来表示 “把某物忘在某地 ”。 例如: Could I use your English-Chinese dictionary? I left mine at home. 我可以借用一下你的英汉词典吗?我的忘在家里了。 When I went to school, I left my books at home. 当我去上学时,我把我的书忘在家了。 I left my book on the table. Don't leave me behind! forget+ 物,不能加地点。 forget 的意思是 “忘记;忘却 ”,忘记某事或忘记做某事。例如: I forgot mailing the letter. 我忘记了寄过这封信。(信已寄出) I forgot to mail the letter. 我忘记寄这封信了。(信未寄出) 漂亮的: beautiful 、handsome beautiful 指女性 handsome 指男性 in hospital in the hostipal (在医院) 这类词有很多,加 the 不加 the 不一样 in hospital 指生病住院 in the hospital 指在医院工作或去探视 at table (在吃饭 =having meals ) at the table 在座子旁边仅指位置 携带,带: bring、take、carry、 fetch bring 指带来 take 指带走 fetch 指去取回来 carry 指搬运重物 some 肯定句 already 肯定句 and 肯定句 too 肯定 /疑问句 any 否定 /疑问句 yet 否定 / 疑问句 or 否定 /疑问句 either 否定句 good well 都有“好”之意 good 是形容词 well 是副词 many much 都是“ 大量的 ” many+可数名词复数 much+ 不可数名词 too many 、 too much、 much too 大量的,没有 many too 词组 too many+ 可数名词复数 too much+ 不可数名词 much too+ 形容词、副词 6 每一个的: each、 every each 可以和 of 连用 every 指三者以上的每一个,不能和 of 连用 both 指两者都 all 大于等于三者 eithe 指两者中的任意一个 neither 指两者中的一个也没有 none 指三者中的一个也没有 find 找的结果 see看的结果 hear 听的结果 look for 找的动作 look at 看的动作 listen to 听的动作 和: and、with And 是连词,能做并列主语 with 是介词,不能做并列主语,谓语跟 with 修饰的主语保持一致。 希望: hope—wish hope 不能加人在加 to do ,而 wish 可以 . hope to do=wish to do hope +that 从句 =wish+that 从句 因为: because、 because of because+ 句子 because of+ 短语 到达: arrive、 get to、reach arrive 不及物,到达某地要加介词 in/at in+ 大地方 at+ 小地方 Stop to do –stop doing 停止做某事 (类似的词也很多) stop to do 指停止一件事情去做另一件事情 stop doing 指停止正在做的事情 put on—wear— in—dress put on 指穿的动作 wear 指穿的状态 in 是介词 in+ 颜色 dress+ 人 从前: ago-before ago 是过去时的标志 before 是完成时的标志 few— little —a few —a little Few 表示否定 +可数名词复数 a few 表示肯定 +可数名词复数 Little 表示否定 +不可数名词复数 a little 表示肯定 +不可数名词复数 7 整个的: whole、all whole 用在 the 之后 all 用在 the 之前 借: borrow-lend borrow 指借入,规则动词,过去式,过去分词: borrowed ,borrowed ,常用于 borrow sth from sb lend 是借出,不规则动词,过去式,过去分词: lent ,lent ;常用短语: lend sth to sb lend sb sth (通常跟双宾) 单独的: alone、 lonely alone 单独并不孤独 , 主要强调目前是一个人的状况,没有同伴。 lonely 单独还有情感上的孤独, 主要强调孤独、寂寞的感觉。 I'm alone. 表示我现在是一个人,但是不一定觉得孤独,可能我在看电视或者什么的, 觉得很不错。 I'm lonely. 表示我很孤独,也许身边有不少朋友,但是没有人理解我,所以还是会觉得 孤独。 所以你可以说 I live alone , but i dont feel lonely! “我独自住着,但并不感到孤独!” 如此: such、so ① so+形 +a/an+ 名 = such+a/an+ 形 +名。即: such+ 名词 so+形容词 /副词。 so 副词,意思是 “如此、这样 ”,后面常接形容词或副词; such 形容词,意思是 “如此、 这样 ”,修饰名词,即可接可数名词,也可以接不可数名词。 例如: It ’ s such a fine day. It ’ s so fine a day. ② so+many/much/few/little+ 形 +名。 如果复数名词前有 few , many 等形容词;不可数名词前有 little , much 等形容词,就必 须用 so,而不能用 such,例如: The camel had such a long neck. 骆驼长着那样长的脖子。 Don’ t make so much noise! 别那么大声嚷嚷。 ③ such+ 形 +不可数名词 /可数名词复数 除了,除⋯之外: except、 beside except 指在整体中除去一部分 beside 指除 ⋯之外还有 ⋯⋯ 真实的: true、real true 指正确与错误; real 指真假 be made of、 be made from 、 be made in、be made by be made up of 由⋯⋯构成,由⋯⋯组成 be made of 由 ⋯.构成 能看出原材料来(衣服类的全部用 be made of ) be made from 由 ⋯.构成 看不出原材料 be made into 被制成 ⋯ .. be made in+ 地点 be made by+ 人

