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Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A(1a-1e) What does he/she look like? He has a mustache . mustache 髭 , 胡子 He has a beard . beard 胡须 mustache beard beard mustache whiskers ( 络腮胡子 ) wear glasses sunglasses bald He is tall. He is bald . He has a black mustache. He has a strong build. He is very popular. Michael Jordan a writer short, black hair medium height a mustache is thinking wears a black coat … …                                                       Beckham is a famous football player. He is tall . He is of medium build . He has short, blonde hair . He is wearing a T-shirt. Yao Ming Jackie Chan Harry Potter David Beckham Bill Gates Jay Who is my favorite star? This is Jackie Chan. He is a famous actor. He is of medium height . He has short straight hair and a big nose . Jackie Chan is good at Chinese kung fu. Hello! My name is Kate Green. I’m 13 years old. I’m from America, and I live in New York. I like reading and writing. I’m of medium height . I have blonde, curly hair . I’m a little bit heavy , but I’m really funny and smart. 1a. Match the words with the pictures. 1.____ a big nose 2.____ blonde hair 3.____ a small mouth 4.____ glasses 5.____ a round face 6.____ big eyes 7.____ black hair 8.____ a long face d a c b c a c/ b b 1b. Make sentences about famous people. Fill in the blanks. 1.______________ has black hair. 2._______________ has a round face. 3.____________ wears glasses. 4.____________ has blonde hair. Jackie Chan Renee Zellweger Julia Roberts Han hong 1c. Listen and write Johnny Dean’s and Tina Brown’s Jobs in the chart. Johnny Dean Tina Brown Job singer Looks like movie actress 1d. Listen again. What do Johnny and Tina look like? Complete the chart in 1c. Johnny Dean Tina Brown Job singer Looks like movie actress really tall, really thin curly hair, funny glasses long blonde hair, medium height, beautiful 1e. Describe what your favorite singer or athlete looks like. Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B 2a--- 2c criminal crime put artist 2a Complete the chart with words of the opposite meaning. young thin tall long curly old heavy short short straight 2b Read the newspaper article. Which picture shows the real criminal? Read the article again then answer the questions below. 1.What’s Joe Brown’s job? _________________ He’s a police artist. 2. Is his work easy or difficult? Why? Sometimes it’s difficult. Because many people don’t always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently. Also, they don’t always remember well. 2c Read the article again and write what the words in bold refer to. He = it = him = this = they = 6. He = 通读全文,掌握文章的大意。 理解人称代词的用法,人称代词主要作用是替代上文中提到的人物,以避免重复。因此在读到黑体字的代词时,应重点理解上文句子的意思。 He = it = him = this = they = 6. He = Joe Brown a picture of the criminal the criminal drawing a good picture many people the criminal An Interview Job Joe Brown has a very interesting job. He is a police artist. Some people see crimes and then talk to Joe. They tell him what the criminal looks like. Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put it in the newspapers and on television to find him . ______________ _________________________________ _________________ He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal, but this job is sometimes difficult. Many people don’t always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently. Also, they don’t always remember well. “The criminal is of medium build and young. He has long straight brown hair and big eyes,” says one woman. Another woman says, “ He is tall and thin, and he has curly blond hair. He’s about thirty years old.” In the end, the real criminal is short and heavy old man, and he has short black hair! ____________________________________________ ________________ ______________ 1 . artist 艺术家 singer 唱歌家 构词法:动词 + er (人物)名词 名词 + ist (人物)名词 例如 : teach ( 教 ) teacher 老师 play ( 打 ) player (运动员;播放器) piano ( 钢琴 ) pianist ( 钢琴家 ) violin ( 小提琴 ) violinist ( 小提琴家 ) Language Points 2. talk 谈话,交谈 1) talk to sb = talk with sb 与某人交谈 2) talk about 谈论关于 ...... / 讨论 ...... tell 告诉,讲述 1) tell stories 讲故事( tell a story ) 2) tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 eg:Please tell me your phone number. 3) tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事 eg:Please tell me something about your family. 4) tell sb to do sth 告诉某人 去做某事 eg: Please tell him to clean. (不要) ( not ) not 3. And the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him. 警察把画像 放 在报纸和电视上来寻找此人。 police 意为警察、警方, 可数名词,单复数不变 。 表达“一名警察”时,要用 a policeman /policewoman 在英语中, 表达“在报纸上”用 in newspapers . 在电视上,用 on television ['teli,vi 3 ən]. --- on TV 4 . each 强调“ 个别 ”,可单独使用,也可修饰单数名词; 而 every 修饰单数名词,强调“ 整体 ”;相当于汉语中的“每个都”。例如: 每个男孩都有一只风筝。 Each boy has a kite. 班里的每个学生都喜欢英语。 Every student in the class likes English. 5 . Many people don’t always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently. 人们并不是总以 相同的方式 看待事物,所以他们会将同一个人描述的不一样。 ( 1 ) s a me 和 different 是一对反义词adj, s a me : 相同的, different : 不同的。 ( be different from与......不同, be the same as与......相同) same 用作形容词时,常用来修饰名词,且前面常加定冠词 the. 如: the same way 相同的方法,相同的方式。 the same person 同一个人。 differently (ad v )不同地 , 在句中修饰动词 describe 。 another + 可数 n 单数 强调同类事物中三者或三者以上的“另一个”/ 不明确数目中的“另一个” eg: Can you give me another apple ? In the end , the real criminal is short and heavy old man, and he has short black hair! in the end = finally = at last 最后 (反义 at first) (2) people 和 person people 表示“人,人们”,为 复数名词 ; person 为 单个的人 ,有复数形式 persons 。如, 2 个人 two persons. He is a very nice person. 它是一个很好的人 . There are a lot of people in the bus. 公共汽车上有很多人。 7. Also , they don’t always remember well. 当 also 用于句首时,其后往往有逗号与 句子其他部分隔开。这时, also 用于修饰整个句子,相当于汉语的“同时;还;而且”。 e.g. Mr. Li’s class is interesting. Also, he makes it easy to understand. also 也常表示“也”,往往位于 be 动词后,行为动词前。 e.g. My father can speak English. He can also speak French. 8. real adj. 意为“真正的;真实的” 这不是个真戒指。 It’s not a real ring. 【 拓展 】really adv. 意为“真正地” 看 ! 那个女演员真漂亮。 Look! That actress is really beautiful. 1. — Who’s your favorite ______ (sing)? — It’s Zhang Jie. 2. — Where is the _____ (art) from? — He’s from Australia. singer artist 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 3. Each student learns __________ (different). 4. Each ______ (women) gets some flowers as a gift. 5. — Is that a ____ (really) plane? — No. It’s a model plane. 6. Another _____ (children) talks to us in English. differently woman real child 喜欢做饭 ______________ 2. 象一辆自行车 _____________ 3. 特别喜欢 _____________________ 4. 有点儿喜欢 _________________ 5. 一点儿都不喜欢 __________________________ like cooking like a bike like...a lot/very much   like...a little don't (doesn't) like...at all Ⅰ. 翻译下列短语 1. Lucy ______ pears very much.   A. like B. likes C. not like D. don't like 2. Look! He ______ a machine.   A. makes B. making C. is making D. make 3. She ______ her bike.   A. wants rides B. want to ride   C. wants to rides D. wants to ride B C D Ⅱ. 单项选择 4. His machine ______ a bike. A. is like B. likes C. like D. is likes 5. Does Li Hong ______ rice ______ bread? A. like...or B. likes...and C. likes...or D. is like...or 6. I ______ eggs at all. A. Like B. don't like C. am like D. am not like A A B 7. -- Does he like meat? -- Sorry, I _____. A. know B. not know C. don't know D. am not know 8. Uncle Wang can ______ a machine.   A. do B. like C. cook D. make C D 9. The old man ______ TV at home.   A. likes and watches B. likes watch   C. likes watching D. likes to watching 10. Mum likes ______.   A. cooking a lot B. cook very much   C. cook a little D. cooking at all A C 11.—What’s is your litter brother like? —_________.He enjoys telling jokes. [2010 年 青岛 ] A. He is tall and thin B. He is shy and quiet C. He is outing and funny D. He is strong and heavy C Miss Li is our English teacher. Do you k_____ her? And what does she l____ like? Let me tell you. She’s of m______ height, but a little b___ heavy. She has short brown and c_____ hair. She always wears a pair of g______ on her face. She is g___________, we like her very much. She loves to tell j_____, and she is very p_______ in our school. Can you r________ her? now ook edium it urly lasses ood-looking okes opular emember Ⅲ. 根据首字母和短文内容填空 Ⅲ. 翻译下列句子 1. 里奥个子高 , 而且长着中等身材. 2. 凯茜有一头漂亮的 , 长长的黑色的头发. Leo is tall and he has a medium build. Cathy has beautiful, long, black hair. 3. 他又矮又胖 , 而且长着卷的褐色头发. 4. 这个人中等身高 , 他长着一头直直的发. He is short and fat, and he has curly brown hair. This man is of medium height. He has straight hair. Ⅳ. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子 . What _____ the twins ______ ______? ( 长 …… 样 ) 2. She is ____ _______ _______( 中等身材 ), and she has ______ _____ ( 卷曲的头发 ) . 3. I know you have a new friend ___ _____ ___. ( 在三班 ) 4. She always wears ___ _____ _____ ( 红裙子 ) and ______ ______ ( 黑鞋子 ). do look like of medium build curly hair in class 3 a red dress black shoes 5. Wang Lin is the captain of ____ __________ _______ ( 足球队 ). 6. She is ______________ ( 好看 ) but she’s ___ _____ ____ _______( 有点内向 ). 7. Mr. Brown loves to _____ _______. ( 讲笑话 ) 8. Do you like __________ ( 看书 ) or _________ ________? ( 下棋 ) the football team good-looking a little bit quiet tell jokes reading playing chess 9. 你看起来真像你的爸爸 . You _______ _____ ______ your father. 10. 他是一个个子高高的 , 头发黑黑的人 . He is _____ ______ man ______ black hair. 11. 他是一个足球队的队长 . He is the ________ of the ________ ________. really look like a tall with captain football team Homework 1. Finish exercise book. 2. Write a passage about your parents’ change. 3. 假如你姑姑将从美国回来探亲 , 要你去接机。但你 这位阔别十年的姑姑变化很大 , 你变化也很大 , 请你写 一封信安排见面时间和地点。在信中你要简单描述 你的长相及你所穿的衣服 , 以便你姑姑能在机场认出你。 Dear aunt, I am very glad to meet you at the airport. Since I _________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ I hope you have a good trip. Yours, _______ Thank You! Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B (3a-Self Check) 3a Jack is Bill’s best friend. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. looks glasses straight shoes handsome Writing My best friend is Jack. Let me tell you what he _______ like. First of all, he is very tall and _____. He has _____ brown hair and he doesn’t wear ______. He usually wears jeans, a T-shirt and sports________ . I like him because he is really cool and fun, and he is good at soccer. 先读空格里单词,明白选项词汇的意思。 2. 通读全文,理解短文大意。 3. 理解每句话的意思,根据句子意思及习惯用法来确定每个空格处的意思。第一个空格处是习惯用法 look like“ 看起来像”;第二个空格前有 tall( 高的 ) ,因为本空格应为 thin ;第三空格后有 hair 一词,可知此空格处为 straight 。第四空格前有 wear (穿、戴),可推知本空格处为“ glasses”; 读第四句意知其为描述他的穿戴,因此本空格处应填 shoes 。 思路指导 3a Jack is Bill’s best friend. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. looks glasses straight shoes handsome My best friend is Jack. Let me tell you what he _______ like. First of all, he is very tall and __________.He has ______ brown hair and he doesn’t wear ________. He usually wears jeans, a T-shirt and sports ______. I like him because he is really cool and fun, and he is good at soccer. looks handsome straight glasses shoes first of all 首先 _____________ , let me ask you some question. 首先,让我问你一些问题。 2. be good at +n./ 代词 /v-ing 擅长于 = do well in +n./ 代词 /v-ing be good with +sb . 与某人相处的好 be good for 对 … 有好处 be good to sb. 对 ….. 友善,慈爱 First of all 3b Write a passage about your best friend. These questions may help you. What is your best friend’s name? What does he / she like to wear? What does he / she look like? Why do you like him / her? 写作指导 1. 这是一篇介绍好友的长相穿戴及喜欢他的原因 2. 可以先回答四个提示问题;然后将这四个句子连成一篇连贯的短文。 3. 用“ be + 形容词”来描述人物的身高、体重、身材等;用“ have/has + (straight/curly) hair / (big/small)eyes/ nose/mouth” 来描述头发或五官。用“ wear + 某种衣服”来介绍某人的穿戴。最后,说明喜欢他的原因。 1. _________________ 2. __________________________________ ___________________________________ 3. __________________________________ __________________________________ 4. _________________________________ She’s Li Xiaomeng. I like her because she is cute and funny. She always wears a white T-shirt and jeans. She is tall and thin. She has short curly hair. She has big eyes and a small mouth. Answer the questions. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ My best friend is Li Xiaomeng. She’s beautiful. She always wears a white T- shirt and jeans. She usually wears a pair of sports shoes. She is tall and thin. She has short straight hair. She has big eyes and a small mouth. I like her because she is cute and funny. Sample Hair long Other Features glasses Build thin of medium build heavy 1 Write more words in the box. Describing People short Self check black blonde straight curly jeans Height tall sports shoes T-shirt Height tall of medium height short Height tall My father is tall ____________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ ___________________________________ 1. 父母是自己最熟悉的人;描述父母的长相、穿戴应该是大家最熟悉的事情。 What do your parents look like? Describe them. My father is tall. He’s of medium build. He has short straight hair. He has small eyes and a big mouth. He always wears a blue jacket and black trousers. He wears a pair of glasses. Gloria Green, a pop singer, has a new look. She doesn’t have ________ now. She has _________ And she doesn’t wear _______ any more. She wears _______ now, and she wears _______, too. “It’s great,” she says, “ I can go shopping and nobody knows me.” long hair short hair pants shorts glasses Before Gloria Green She has a new look . She has …(hair) And she doesn’t have …(hair). She wear s … And she doesn’t wear … Report Now Key sentences for describing people: ( 描述人的重点句型 ) What does he/she look like? 1) He/She is of medium height/tall/short /fat/heavy/thin/strong/bald. 2) He /She has a medium build/short straight hair/long curly hair/blonde curly hair/a beard/a mustache. 3) He/She wears glasses/a T-shirt. Choose the correct answers. ( ) 1. The winner of the contest has ______ new image. A. an B. / C. a ( ) 2. The old man has ______ beard. A. / B. a C. the ( ) 3. Is that your father? Yes, it’s _________. A. him B. he C. his ( ) 4. Maria likes to talk _______ the phone. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 5. What ______ your mother look like ? A. does B. is C. do ( ) 6. Kate is a short girl _______ a pair of glasses . A. has B. have C. with C B A B A C 1. 你的朋友长的怎么样 ? 她中等身材 , 卷头发。 - -What _____ your friend_____ _____? --She ____ ___ ________ _____and she has _____ ____. 2. 你妹妹长的怎么样 ? 她很高 , 很瘦 , 长长的直发。 --What does your sister _____ _____? --She is ____ and ____, and she has ____ ______ ______. 3. Lucy 的爸爸是足球队队长。 Lucy’s father is ____ _______ ____the football team. does look like has a medium build curly hair tall look like thin long straight hair the captain of Ⅱ. 翻译下面的句子 4. 你认识那位短发女孩吗? 是的 , 我认识。 -- ____ you know that girl _____ _____ _____? -- Yes, I do. 5. 她喜欢卷而短的头发 , 而她妹妹却喜欢长而直的头发。 She likes ______, _____ hair, but her sister likes ______, _______ hair . 6. 我的老师满头银发,戴着一副眼镜。 My teacher _____ ______ ______ and ________ a pair of glasses. has white hair wears Do with short hair short curly long straight My Net Friend Mary I have a net friend. She is from Sydney, Australia. She is fifteen years old and is studying at Apple Tree School. She is of medium height and a little bit heavy with big eyes. She has long black curly hair. She likes to wear blue dress. she likes reading and chatting on the net. I like my net friend very much. 年龄 学校 籍贯 外貌特征 爱好 15 Apple Tree School 澳大利亚 悉尼市 大眼睛 , 黑色长卷发 , 中等身高 , 有点胖 喜欢穿蓝色衣服 , 喜欢读书 , 上网聊天 (chat) My best friend is Xiu Min. She is of medium height and she is thin. She has long straight hair. She wears glasses, but not all the time. She only wears them to read. She likes to wear skirts and dresses to school, but she usually wears T-shirts and shorts on weekends. We like the same music and movies. I like her because she listens to me and we have fun talking together. My best friend

