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伊美区第八中学 2019---2020 学年度第二学期期末考试 初一(英语)试题 一.单项选择(20 个小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分) ( )1. ---What do the boys look like? --They ________ medium height. A.are B.are of C.has ( )2. ______ does it take you to walk to school? About ten minutes. A.How far B.How C. How long ( )3. Helen is ________young________ she can't go to school. A.such; that B.too; to C.so; that ( )4. I don't like eating ________,but I have three ________. A. chickens;chicken B.chickens;chickens C.chicken;chickens ( )5. ______ be late ________ school. A. Don't;to B.Don't;for C.Can't;to ( )6. ---Can you ________ your homework to school tomorrow,John? ---OK,Mom. A.take B.bring C.want ( )7. -Would you like ________ cup of coffee? -No, thanks. I’ve had enough A. another B. other C. else ( )8. Kate is ________ girl, she's very happy at school. A.a eighteenyearold B.an eighteenyearold C.an eighteenyearsold ( )9.It`s raining, it is difficult for him ________ to the bus stop. A.to walk B. walk C. to walking ( )10. ---What would you like? ---I'd like some ________. A.beef and carrot noodle B.beef and carrots noodle C.noodles with beef and carrots ( )11. Who cleaned the room? ---Li Lei ____. A.was B.did C.is ( )12. --Did you do ________ last Sunday? ---Yes,I did. A.something interesting B.interesting something C.anything interesting ( )13. Jim often ________ to school early,but this morning she ________ to school late. A.goes;went B.went;goes C.go;went ( )14 .My uncle works in the hospital ________ a doctor. A.to B.in C.as ( )15 ---Could I use your watch?Mine doesn't ________. ---Sure. Here you are. A.want B.use C.work ( )16---________? ---Yes,I'd like some milk. A.How can you get the milk B.What do you do C.May I take your order ( )17.After school, boys are having great time _______ basketball on the playground. A. playing B. plays C .to play ( )18---________ was your last trip to Hong Kong,Jane? ---It was great and I liked it a lot. A.What B.How C.When ( )19. Bill is only seven years old,but he knows ________. A.how play chess B.how to play chess C.what to play chess ( )20 ---Hello!________. ---Hi,Tom. It's Paul! A. Tom speaks B.I am Tom. C. Tom speaking 二. 完型填空(10 个小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) During last summer vacation, I went to Australia with my parents. We 21 there for five days and we 22 had fun. Canberra(堪培拉)is the capital of Australia. It is a very beautiful city 23 clean streets. On the first day, we went to eat in a 24. But when we saw the food, we were very 25. They didn't use any oil to cook the food. I asked them 26. They said they did so because they didn't want to 27 the city polluted(污染). People in Australia are friendly to others, 28 they are very strict with themselves. No one breaks the traffic 29 when they cross the road. On the last day, we went to Sydney Opera House. It is a famous and beautiful 30 in Australia. We had a good time there! ( )21.A stayed B. arrived C. studied D. went ( )22.A. loudly B. never C. usually D. really ( )23.A. of B. with C.in D.at ( )24.A.library B. hospital C. school D. restaurant ( )25.A. surprised B. happy C. hungry D. tired ( )26.A. where B. when C. why D. how ( )27.A.bring B. move C. make D. take ( )28.A. or B. so C. and D. but ( )29. A. lines B. rules C. lights D. news ( )30.A.place B. hall C. house D. office 三.阅读理解(15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分) ( A ) Josh and Amy are like many teenagers these days. They have jobs to do to help out around the home. Josh washes cars for his neighbors while Amy helps their neighbor’s kids with their homework. Like many families, both of Josh and Amy’s parents work outside the home. Everyone in Josh and Amy’s family is busy. Their mom works in an office and often has to stay late for meetings. Their father owns his own small business(生意) and stays late to finish his work. Josh and Amy go to school. Both belong to clubs and sports teams. They also have lots of friends with whom they want to spend time. Josh and Amy’s mom leaves for work at 7:00 in the morning and does not get home most days until 6:30 pm. The same is true for their dad, but he leaves home in the morning even earlier. Josh and Amy’s parents work to be able to provide for their family. They need money to pay for their home and to pay their bills. Next year they want to buy a new car. The family also wants to go on a vacation to California. Josh and Amy need clothes, books, and other things for school. Their parents are also saving money, so Josh and Amy can go to college when they finish high school. ( )31.How many people are there in the family? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. ( )32.What does the father do? A. Work in an office. B. Run his own business. C. Plan vacations to California. D. Drive kids to school. ( )33.What do the kids do to help their parents? A. Take part-time jobs. B. Join clubs and sports teams. C. Spend time with their friends. D. Go to school early. ( )34.Where do the parents spend most of their daytime? A. At home. B. At workplace. C. In their kids’school. D. On business trips. ( )35.What’s the best title for this passage? A. Lovely kids B. Hard-working parents C. Family wishes D. A busy family ( B ) It’s getting warmer and the grass is greener. How fine it is to relax on the grass! But signs such as “keep off the grass” in China always make me afraid. In the UK, people can relax on the grass in the open air or in parks at any time. If it’s a sunny day, people will just sit on the grass and feel the sun’s warmth. Families enjoy spending their weekends on the grass. There families can bring something to eat or drink and play cards with family members or friends, children can play chess and tell each other stories. Also, in most schools, grass fields are like a soft study desk for students. They can enjoy reading books and learn in the green environment(环境). They also talk, laugh, listen to music and play games on the grass. However, there is a rule to enjoy the green grass. In some parks, there are many kinds of green grass for people to relax and play sports on. Be smart to find the good one, and you may feel yourself sitting in the middle of a soccer game! ( )36. When the writer thinks of the signs “keep off the grass”, he feels______. A.quiet B.afraid C.friendly D.tired ( )37.From the passage, students in the UK don’t _______on the grass in the school. A.read books B.play cards C.play games D.listen to music ( )38.The underlined word “one” in the passage refers to(指的是) _________. A.the green grass B.a study desk C.the park D.the soccer game ( )39. About the grass in UK, we can know that____________ . A.people must keep off the grass B.there’s only a little grass in parks C.children can’t sit on grass on sunny days D.people must follow rules to enjoy the grass ( )40.The writer thinks that__________ . A.people can relax on the grass if they can keep it clean B. people should be away from grass C.people must play soccer in parks D.people can’t play on the grass ( C ) It’s December. It’s snowing and the weather is really cold in the north of China. You can see many children playing with snow. Some of them are making snowmen. Some are skating on the river, because it’s so cold that the water in the river freezes. It’s a white world. How beautiful! But in Australia now, the weather is hot. Many people go swimming in the sea. They are having a good time. Jim and his friends are playing soccer near the sea. The sunny weather is really cool to them. They want to swim after playing soccer. Why are they swimming in December? That is winter, isn’t it? Yes, it is in China. But it isn’t in Australia. That’s because we Chinese and Australia have different seasons in a year. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 41.What’s the weather like in the north of China in December? _________________________________________________ 42.What are the Chinese children doing on the river? _________________________________________________ 43.Are Jim and his friends swimming in the sea now? _________________________________________________ 44.Can you see white snow in Australia during Christmas Day? _________________________________________________ 45.Why are Australians swimming in December? _________________________________________________ 四、补全对话 (5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整 A: Hi. Peter!(46) ? B: My school trip was great. A: Where did you go? B:(47) . A: Did you see any pandas? B: Yes, the pandas were smart. A:(48) ? B: We also saw tigers, elephants and many other animals. A:(49) ? B: Yes, there were. It was very crowded(拥挤的).Many people see animals there. A:(50) ? B: No, the gifts were too expensive. A: Did you take any photos? B: Of course. Look! They are so excellent. 五. 根据句意和提示,补全句中所缺单词(10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 51. The h of the hill is about 150 meters. 52.The woman watches her ducks (swim) in the pool every day. 53.The number of the books (be ) 80,000 in the library. 54. My grandfather likes to do morning (exercise). 55. The work isn't difficult. I can finish it ____________ (easy). 56. Elephants are happy (play) water in the big pool. 57. I saw her (dance) when I came into the classroom. 58. From her (surprise) look, we know that she must be happy. 59. My grandma keeps a lot of (sheep) on her farm. 60. Didn’t you h what I said? 六. 根据要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)(5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 61. Lucy sits on Kate’s left, Jill is on Kate’s right. (写出同义句) Kate sits Lucy Jill. 62. Sally would like tomato and egg soup for lunch. (就划线部分提问) of soup would Sally like for lunch? 63. There isn’t any meat in the tomato soup. (写出同义句) There meat in the tomato soup. 64. What fine weather it is! (写出同义句) the weather is! 65. It is hot in Wuhan. (就划线部分提问) the weather in Wuhan? 七. 书面表达(10 分) 假如你叫 Peter,你的上周末过的如何,在家了?还是外出了?过得开心吗?请以“My Last Weekend”为题,介绍一下你的周末情况。 要求:1.字数,不少于 70 词。 2.字迹工整,语法正确;意思连贯,合乎逻辑,可适当发挥。 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

