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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Section A 1a-2d I have a ruler . Lead in I have a pencil . have 有 pencil box dog ruler I have a baseball . Where is it? It’s under the table. I have a ____. Where’s it? It’s in/on/under ____. He has a jacket . She has a tape player . has 有 Presentation — What’s that? — It’s a __________. — Spell it, please? — ______________ _________ basketball B-A-S-K-E-T-B-A-L-L soccer ball volleyball tennis ball ping-pong ball baseball bat pong-pong bat Do you have a soccer ball? Do, does 引导的一般疑问句的构成和使用 Unit5 改下列句子为一般疑问句 1,That is an eraser. 2,She is a teacher. 3,These are his books. 4,They are his parents. 5,I am a student. 1, Is that an eraser? 2, Is she a teacher? 3, Are these his books? 4, Are they his parents? 5, Are you a student? 一般疑问句有 be 动词,把 be 动词提前。第一人称变成第二人称 没有 be 动词那怎么的改一般疑问句呢? 想一想 1,I have a baseball. 2,They have three cats. 3,Lily and Lucy have a nice room. 当句子中没有 be 动词,变一般疑问句,找助动词 do 帮忙。 第一人称变第二人称 Do you have a baseball? Do they have three cats? Do Lily and Lucy have a nice room? 1,I have a baseball. 2,They have three cats. 3,Lily and Lucy have a nice room. 将下列句子改为一般疑问句 练一练 1, I have a sister. 2, I like my family. 3, Tom and Jim play basketball everyday. 4, They help me with my English. 5, Tim has a blue pen. 6, She has a nice dog. 7, Lucy has a red jacket. 你做对了吗?? 5, Tim has a blue pen. — Does Tim have a blue pen? 6, She has a nice dog. — Does she have a nice dog? 7, Lucy has a red jacket. — Does Lucy have a red jacket? 当主语是第三人称单数时,找助动词 does 帮忙,并把 动词变为原形 。 do 和 does 引导的一般疑问句的肯否定回答 E.g. 1 , Do you have a baseball? 2, Does Tim have a blue pen? — Yes, I do./ No, I don’t . — Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t. Presentation Do you have a sister? Yes, I do. Do you have a cat? Yes, I do. Do you have a baseball? No, I don’t. Does Linda have a schoolbag? Yes, she does. Does Anna have a schoolbag? No, she doesn’t. Linda Anna 1. tennis ball __ 2. ping-pong bat __ 3. soccer ball __ 4. volleyball __ 5. basketball __ 6. baseball bat __ a f c e d b 1a Match the words with the things in the picture. Listening Listen and circle the words your hear. 1b ping-pong bat soccer ball volleyball ping-pong ball 1c Pairwork Do you have a ping-pong bat? Yes, I do. Do you have a ping-pong ball? No, I don’t. Practice the conversation with your partner. Then ask and answer questions about the things in the picture below. Practice Do you have a …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Listen and number the things [1-4]. 1 Listening 2a 3 2 4 Listen again. Match the pictures in 2a with the balls. Listening 2b 1 2 3 4 2c Pairwork Ask and answer about the people in 2a. Does Jane have a tennis ball? No, she doesn’t. Practice Does … have a ______? Yes, … No, … Dale Paul Mike Reading Read the dialogue in 2d. Then match the things with the right places. Helen’s baseball bat baseball jacket hat We don’t know . Cindy: Hey, Helen, let’s go! We’re late. Helen: OK. Cindy: Do you have the baseball? Helen: Yes, I do. It’s in my bag. Cindy: And where’s our baseball bat? Helen: Bill has it. Cindy: Oh, yeah. And do you have your jacket? Helen: Oh, no, I don’t. It’s on the chair. Let me get it. Cindy: And your hat, too! Helen: OK, I have my jacket and hat. Let’s go. Pairwork Role-play the conversation. 2d have 作动词,意为“有”,一般指某人拥有某物,侧重于所属关系。 其第三人称单数形式 是 has 。 常用句式为: 某人 + have/has + 某物 ,表示“人有某物”。在一般现在时态中,当主语为 第三人称单数 形式时,用 has 的形式。如: I have a good friend. 我有一个好朋友。 She has a new pen. 她有一支新钢笔。 Explanation 3. we 是人称代词主格,意为 “我们”, 在句子中作主语。如: We are good friends. 我们是好朋友。 We have a new soccer ball. 我们有一只新足球。 2. late “ 迟到 ” 是个形容词,常用 be late 的结 构。 Xiao Ming is always late . 小明总是迟到。 4. us “ 我们”。 是 we 的 宾格 形式,在句子中放在 介词或动词后作宾语。 【 辨析 】we / us / our we “ 我们” 是人称代词主格形式,作句子的主语。 us “ 我们” 是人称代词宾格形式,作句子的宾语。 our “ 我们的” 是形容词性物主代词,放在名词前。 We are in Mike’s room. 我们在迈克的房间里。 Call us at 457-3287. 给我们打电话 457-3287. Our teacher is in the classroom. 我们的老师在教室里。 5. 以动词 let 开头的祈使句 ,表示向别人提 建议,意思是“ 让 …… 做 …… 吧 ”。 基本结构为: let sb. do sth. ,表示 “ 让某 人做某事 ”,表示说话人的建议。其中 sb. 可由 名词或代词宾格 来充当,其后的动 词一定要用动词原形。 Let me do it. 让我来做吧。 Let him guess. 让他猜一猜。 6. let’s 是 let us 的缩写形式,意思为“咱们一起做某事吧”,通常表示建议、请求或命令。 肯定回答: 一般用“ OK” ,“ All right” ,“ Yes, let’s …” ; 否定回答: 一般用“ Sorry, I …” 。 如: — Let’s go! 让我们走吧! — OK. 好吧。 Let’s look at the blackboard. 让我们看黑板吧。 1. 复习记忆本课所学的生词。 2. 编写三个问答句: 分别询问一下你的朋友有 basketball, soccer ball 和 volleyball 吗? Homework 一、 看图说出下列物品的英语单词。 Exercises basketball soccer ball volleyball baseball baseball bat ping-pong ball ping-pong bat tennis 二、 句型转换 1. Do you have a map? ( 作肯定回答 ) 2. Do you have an English dictionary? ( 作否定回答 ) 3. Does Linda have an eraser? ( 作肯定回答 ) 4. Does he have a volleyball? ( 作否定回答 ) 5. I have a nice ping-pong bat. ( 用 she 来代替 I) ______ _______ a nice ping pong bat. Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Yes, she does. No, he doesn’t. She has 三、 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. 你有一只棒球拍吗? _____ you ______ a baseball _____? 2. 埃里克有一个网球吗? _____ Eric ______ a _______ ball? 3. 戴尔有一个足球和一个排球。 Dale _____ a ______ ball and a _________. 4. 我有一个篮球和一只乒乓球拍。 I _____ a _________ and a ping pong ____. Do have Does have tennis has soccer volleyball have basketball bat bat Let’s chant: Volleyball, volleyball; I have a volleyball. Soccer ball, soccer ball. Do you have a soccer ball? Baseball, baseball; She has a baseball. Basketball, basketball. Does he have a basketball? We all have Ping-pong bat and baseball bat. Lead in Section A Grammar Focus-3c Let’s chant: Volleyball, volleyball; I have a volleyball. Soccer ball, soccer ball. Do you have a soccer ball? Baseball, baseball; She has a baseball. Basketball, basketball. Does he have a basketball? We all have Ping-pong bat and baseball bat. Lead in 一、 看图说出下列物品的英语单词。 basketball soccer ball volleyball baseball baseball bat ping-pong ball ping-pong bat tennis Revision let us ( 缩写 ) _______ do not ( 缩写 ) _______ 3. have ( 第三人称单数形式 ) _______ 4. we ( 宾格 ) _______ 5. on ( 反义词 ) _______ 6. we ( 形容词性物主代词 ) _______ 7. 乒乓球拍 _____________ don’t has under let’s 按要求写出正确的单词或句子。 us our ping-pong bat 8. 棒球拍 __________ 9. 让我们走吧。 ___________ 10. 我们迟到了。 ___________ 11. 让我去拿它。 _____________ 12. 贝尔有个排球。 __________________ Let’s go. We’re late. baseball bat Let me get it. Bill has a volleyball. A: Do you have a basketball? B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. A: Does she have a soccer ball? B: Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Ask and answer. Cindy: Hey, Helen, let’s go! We’re late. Helen: OK. Cindy: Do you have the baseball? Helen: Yes, I do. It’s in my bag. Cindy: And where’s our baseball bat? Helen: Bill has it. Cindy: Oh, yeah. And do you have your jacket? Helen: Oh, no, I don’t. It’s on the chair. Let me get it. Cindy: And your hat, too! Helen: OK, I have my jacket and hat. Let’s go. Role-play the conversation in 2d. 1. 你有一个棒球吗? ____ you _____ a baseball? 2. 是的。 ____, I ___. 不,没有。 ____, I ______. 3. 你有一个乒乓拍吗? ____ you _____ a ping-pong ____? 4. 没有。我有一个乒乓球。 ___, I ______. I _____ a ping-pong ____. 5. 她有一个网球吗? _____ she _____ a tennis? Grammar Focus Do have Does have Do have bat Yes do have ball 一、重点句型 No don’t No don’t 9. 没有。他有两个乒乓球拍。 ____, he _______. He ____ two ping-pong _____. 10. 他们有一个篮球吗? ___ they _____ a basketball? No doesn’t has Do have 8. 他有一个足球吗? _____ he _____ a ______ ball? Does have soccer bats 6. 是,她有。 _____, she _____. 7. 没有。她有一个棒球。 ____, she _______. She ____ a ________. Yes does has baseball No doesn’t 写出下列表达方式的缩写形式 1. do not = ______ 2. does not = _______ 3. we are = ______ 4. let us = _____ don’t doesn’t we’re let’s 11. 是的,有。 Yes, _____ _____. 12. 没有。他们有一个排球。 ____, they _____. They _____ a _________. they do No don’t have volleyball 一、英语中的人称和数(在一般现在时态中) 在英语句子中,谓语动词的形式要与句子 主语的人称和数相对应。 第一人称单数: I ( 我 ) be → am , have → 原形 have I’m a girl. 我是一名女孩。 I have a volleyball. 我有一个足球。 2. 第一人称复数: we ( 我们 ) be → are; have → 原形 have We’re good friends. 我们是好朋友。 We have two baseball bats. 我有两个棒球拍。 Grammar 3. 第二人称单(复)数: you ( 你 / 你们 ) be → are; have → 原形 have You are my cousin. 你是我的表弟。 You have three ping-pong pats. 你 ( 们 ) 有三只乒乓球拍。 4. 第三人称单数: he ( 他 ), she ( 她 ) , it ( 它 ) , Ms Wu ( 吴女士 ) , Mike (迈克)等。 be → is; have → 第三人称单数形式 has Linda is in her parents’ room. 琳达在她父母的房间里。 Ms Miller has two daughters. 米勒女士有两个女儿。 第三人称复数: they ( 他们 ) , Mike and Tom ( 迈克和汤姆 ) , his parents (他的父母亲) , two baseballs (两个棒球) 等。 be → are; have → 原形 have Three basketballs are in the box. 在盒子里有三个篮球。 The y have four volleyballs and two tennis ball. 他们有四个排球和二个网球。 二、句型 “ Do you have…?” “ 表示你有 …… 吗?”, 用于询问物品的所属关系。这是 实义动词的一般疑问句结构。 1. 当主语是 第一人称 / 第二人称 / 第三人称复数 时 , 句型结构为: Do + you/they/we/… + 动词 原形 + … ? 不管用什么动词,它的回答是固 定的。 肯定回答: Yes, I do./ Yes, we do. / Yes, they do. 否定回答: No, I don’t /we don’t. /No, they don’t. — Do they like basketball? 他们喜欢打 篮球吗? — Yes, they do. 是的,他们喜欢。 — No, they don’t. 不,他们不喜欢。 2. 当主语为第三人称单数时,句子结构改为: Does + he / she / it … + 动词原形 + … ? 肯定回答: Yes, he does./Yes, she does./Yes, it does. 否定回答: No, he doesn’t./No, she doesn’t / No, it doesn’t. — Does Jane have a new book? 简有一本新书吗? — Yes, she does. 是的,她有。 — No, she doesn’t. 不,她没有。 I he they you we she it Eric Writing 3a Write each word in the correct place in the chart. do does I he they you we she it Eric 1. A: _____ you have a baseball? B: Yes, I ____. A: Great! I have a bat. Let’s play. Practice 3b Fill in the blanks with do or does . Then practice the conversations with your partner. Do do 第 一 (I) 、 二 (you) 人称用 do 3. A: ____ your friends have a basketball? B: Yes, they ____. They have two basketballs. A: Well, let’s play basketball. B: That sounds good. Do do 第 三人称复数 (your friends, they) 用 do 。 2. A: _____ John have a soccer ball? B: No, he _____. A: _____ he have a ping-pong bat? B: Yes, he ______. I think he has a ping-pong ball, too. A: Hmm … let’s ask. Does does Does does 第 三 人称单数 (John, he) 用 does Pairwork Practice the conversations with your partner. 1. A: Do you have a baseball? B: Yes, I do. A: Great! I have a bat. Let’s play. 2. A: Does John have a soccer ball? B: No, he does. A: Does he have a ping-pong bat? B: Yes, he does. I think he has a ping-pong ball, too. A: Hmm … let’s ask. 3. A: Do your friends have a basketball? B: Yes, they do. They have two basketballs. A: Well, let’s play basketball. B: That sounds good. 1. play basketball 意为“打篮球”,其中, play 作 动词,意为“玩;娱乐;参加(运动或比赛);打;演奏”等。如: play soccer 踢足球 play volleyball 打排球 play tennis 打网球 play ping-pong 打乒乓球 play baseball 打棒球 play games 玩游戏 Let’s play soccer after school. 放学后我们踢球吧。 They always play games on the playground. 他们总是在操场上做游戏。 Explanation 2. That sounds good. 听起来不错。 sound 在句中作系动词,意为 “听起来”, 其 后接 形容词 。其三单形式为 sounds 。 The music sounds beautiful. 音乐听起来很美妙。 The idea sounds great. 这个主意听起来很棒。 【 拓展 】 sound 作名词时,意为“ 声音 ”。 如: the sound of music 音乐之声 2. That sounds good. 听起来不错。 sound 在句中作系动词,意为 “听起来”, 其 后接 形容词 。其三单形式为 sounds 。 The music sounds beautiful. 音乐听起来很美妙。 The idea sounds great. 这个主意听起来很棒。 【 拓展 】 sound 作名词时,意为“ 声音 ”。 如: the sound of music 音乐之声 3c Remember the things in Bob’s room. Then close your books and ask and answer questions with a partner. A: Does he have a soccer ball ? B: Yes , he does./ No, he doesn’t . Practice volleyball basketball baseball bat baseball eraser tape player jacket hat picture dictionary 根据鲍勃房间里有东西,写出五个一般疑问 句的问答句。 2. Review the Grammar Focus. Homework 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1. Do you have a _________ ( 网球 )? 2. Nick _______ ( 有 ) a new ping-pong bat. 3. Let’s _______ ( 去 ) to the teachers’ room. 4. Can Ms Smith teach _____ ( 我们 ) English? 5. That ________ ( 听起来 ) great. 6. Let’s play __________ ( 篮球 ) with Mike and Jack. 7. Don’t be _____ ( 迟到 ) again, Sun Wei. Exercises baseball has go us sounds basketball late 8. Ms Sun is a _______ ( 伟大的 ) teacher. 9. My sister always ______ ( 玩耍 ) with our lovely cat. 10. There are ( 有 ) two new __________ ( 排球 ) on the desk. great plays volleyballs 二、单项选择 1. — _______ you have a volleyball? — No, I _____. But my sister ____ a new one. A. Do; don’t; have B. Do; don’t; has C. Does; doesn’t; have D. Does; doesn’t; has B 2. Hurry up ( 快点 ) , Mary! We’re _______! A. late B. great C. good D. tidy 3. — Let’s _______. — OK. A. to play basketball B. to play the basketball C. play basketball D. play the basketball 4. — _______ Anna _______ a ping-pong bat? — Yes, she _______. A. Do; have; do B. Does; have; does C. Do; have; has D. Does; have; has A C B 5. — Listen! The song ______ beautiful! — Yes. It’s great! A. hears B. listens C. listens to D. sounds D 三、句型转换 1. I have a baseball bat. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) _______ _______ _______ a baseball bat? 2. My brother has a soccer ball. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) _____ your brother ______ a soccer ball? 3. Do your friends have a volleyball? ( 作肯定回答 ) _______, _______ ____. 4. Does Mr. Smith have a brother? ( 作否定回答 ) ______, _____ _______. 5. My hat is on the chair . ( 对划线部分提问 ) _______ ______ _____ hat? Do you have Does have Yes they do No they don’t Where is my Section B 1a-2c baseball ( 复数 ) ________ bat ( 复数 ) ________ 3. do ( 第三人称单数 ) ________ 4. have ( 第三人称单数 ) ________ 5. do not ( 缩写形式 ) _________ 6. does not ( 缩写形式 ) _________ 7. 打篮球 ______________ bats does has baseballs 按要求写出正确的单词或句子。 don’t doesn’t play basketball Revision 8. 打排球 _____________ 9. 打网球 _____________ 10. 踢足球 _____________ 11. 让我们打棒球去。 _________________ 12. 让我们问一下。 ___________ 13. 那听起来很好。 ________________ play volleyball Let’s play baseball. play tennis Let’s ask. play soccer That sounds good. TV boring relaxing difficult fun watch TV Lead in interesting 1. interesting __ 3. fun __ 5. relaxing __ 2. boring __ 4. difficult __ c d e b a 1a Match the words with the picture. 1. interesting __ 3. fun __ 5. relaxing __ 2. boring __ 4. difficult __ √ √ √ √ 1b Listen and check ( √ ) the description words you hear in 1a. Listening play computer games ___________ play volleyball ___________ watch TV ___________ play basketball ___________ Listening Listen again. What does Paul say about these activities. Choose a word from 1a to fill in each blank. 1c interesting difficult boring fun 1d Pairwork Let’s play computer games. That sounds interesting. Let’s play volleyball. That sounds difficult. You are Paul. Your partner is Paul’s friend Jenny. Talk about the activities in 1c. Pairwork Let’s watch TV. That sounds boring. Let’s play basketball. That sounds fun. Things I have:   Writing 2a Things I don’t have: basketball baseball ping-pong bat baseball bat volleyball ping-pong ball tennis soccer ball Find the sports words in the unit. Write them in the correct column. Reading Read the passage and answer the questions: Frank Brown: I don’t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. We go to the same school and we love soccer. We play it at school with our friends. It’s relaxing. 1. Who has a soccer ball? Gina Smith: Yes, I do. I have two soccer balls, three volleyballs four basketballs, and five baseballs and bats. I love sports, but I don’t play them -- I only watch them on TV! Wang Wei: No, I don’t. Soccer is difficult. I like ping-pong. It’s easy for me. I have three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. After class, I play ping-pong with my classmates. 2c Who do you think says these sentences? Check For Frank , G for Gina or W for Wang Wei . 1. I play ping-pong with my classmates after class. 2. I have soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs and baseballs. 3. My brother has a soccer ball but I don't. 4. I only watch sports on TV. 5. Soccer is not easy for me. 6. My brother and I are in the same school. F G W √ √ √ √ √ √ Let’s check the answers. 1. I play ping-pong with my classmates after class. 2. I have soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs and baseballs. 3. My brother has a soccer ball but I don’t. 4. I only watch sports on TV. 5. Soccer is not easy for me. 6. My brother and I are in the same school. F G W 复习并将所学的有关体育类的词汇,并强化记忆。 2. Review Section B 2b. Try to retell the passage. Homework 一、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. — Let’s go to the park. — Good idea. I think it’s ________ (relax). 2. My cousin _____ (have) a new dictionary. 3. Look! There are five __________ (volleyball) under the table. 4. It’s easy ________ (play) ping-pong. 5. Jack ____________ (not have) a ping-pong bat. relaxing has volleyballs to play doesn’t have Exercises 6. Let’s go and ask _______ (they) about it. 7. We play basketball with _____ (we) friends at school. 8. — How about playing computer games? — That ________ (sound) fun. 9. Would you like to play ______ (sport) with me? 10. My cousin and I ___ (be) in the same school. our sounds sports are them 二、单项选择 — We all like Miss Wang. — I agree with you. Her English classes are _____. A. interest B. interests C. interesting 2. — Can you draw pictures? — No, I can’t. It’s very _____ for me. A. great B. easy C. difficult C B 3. You ____ a new coat, but your brother ___. A. have; don’t have one B. don’t have; does C. have; does 4. There will be a football game this weekend. Do you want to ______ it? A. watch B. see C. look 5. Jay Chou will give a singing performance ________ TV tonight. A. in the B. on the C. on C A B 三、句型转换 Lucy plays tennis with her mother. ( 一般疑问句 ) _____ Lucy ____ tennis with her mother? 2. Linda has three volleyballs. ( 一般疑问句 ) _______ Linda _______ three volleyballs? 3. Does your sister love soccer? ( 作否定回答 ) _______, ______ ________. Does play Does have No she doesn’t 4. Soccer is difficult for me. ( 变为同义句 ) Soccer _______ _______ for me. 5. Mary has a tennis bat. ( 对划线部分提问 ) _______ ______ a tennis bat? isn’t easy Who has Section B 3a- Self Check 1. classmate ( 复数 ) __________ 2. do ( 三单 ) __________ 3. like ( 近义词 ) __________ 4. easy ( 反义词 ) ___________ 5. boring ( 反义词 ) ___________ 6. 在学校 ___________ 7. 下课后 ___________ does love difficult classmates 按要求写出正确的单词或句子。 at school Revision after class interesting 8. 和我同学们一起 _________________ 9. 打乒乓球 _______________ 10. 看电视 _____________ 11. 让我们一起玩电脑游戏吧! ________________________ with my classmates watch TV Let’s play computer games. play ping-pong Let’s play computer games. That sounds interesting. Let’s play volleyball. That sounds difficult. Ask and answer. Let’s watch TV. That sounds boring. Let’s play basketball. That sounds fun. he → doesn’t have his brother → has Retell the passage go to the same school love, at school, relaxing Frank Brown Gina Smith don’t play, watch them on TV Wang Wei difficult easy for me after class, with my classmates Writing 3a Write more questions about sports equipment? 1. Do you have a soccer ball? ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I don’t. √ 2. ____________________________ ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I don’t. 3. _____________________________ ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I don’t. 4. _______________________________ ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I don’t. Do you have a baseball bat ? √ √ Do you have a volleyball ? Do you have a ping-pong bat ? √ Writing 3b Exchange books with a partner. Answer his or her questions in 3a. 1. Do you have a ______? ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I don’t. √ 2. ____________________________ ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I don’t. 3. ____________________________ ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I don’t. 4. ____________________________ ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I don’t. Do you have a ________ ? √ √ Do you have a ______ ? Do you have a _______ ? √ Look at the information in 3a. Write about yourself and your partner with but . __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ 1. I don’t have a baseball, but I have a soccer ball. 2. Tom has a baseball, but he doesn’t have a baseball bat. Writing 3c __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 1. I have a soccer ball, but I don’t have a volleyball. 2. I have a ping-pong bat, but I don’t have a baseball bat. 3. Li Lei has a basketball, but he doesn’t have a soccer ball. 4. Li Lei has a volleyball, but he doesn’t have a ping-pong ball. 写作指导: 1. but 可连接两个意思相反的句子,表示转折关系, but 前句子加逗号。 2. 注意谓语动词的数与主语的人称和数相一致。 Sports Your opinion ________________ ___________________ _________________ ___________________ _________________ ___________________ _________________ ___________________ _________________ ___________________ _________________ ___________________ Self Check List all the sports you know. Write what you think of them. 1 volleyball fun, difficult basketball fun, easy ping-pong interesting, difficult baseball fun, difficult soccer ball boring, difficult tennis relaxing, easy 1. A: ________________________________? B: Yes, my mom has a baseball bat. 2. A: Do you have a volleyball? B: ________________________________ 3. A: ________________________________? B: Yeah, my father has a soccer ball. 4. A: ________________________________? B: No, she doesn’t. My teacher has one. Self Check Complete the questions and answers. 2 Does your mom have a baseball bat Yes, I do. Does your father have a soccer ball Does your sister have a tennis ball Homework 根据表格中的信息,写一段话。 have don’t have I basketball volleyball my brother soccer ball baseball bat my sister ping-pong ball tennis ball I have a basketball, but I don’t … _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 一、写出下列词组或句型。 打排球 ____________ 2. 打篮球 _____________ 3. 踢足球 _____________ 4. 打网球 _____________ 5. 打乒乓球 _____________ play volleyball play basketball play soccer Exercises play tennis play ping-pong 6. 看电视 _________ 7. 通过电视 ________ 8. 放学后 ___________ 9. 下课后 ___________ 10. 玩电脑游戏 ______________________ 11. 那听起来很放松。 ____________________ 12. 它对我来说很困难。 _________________ watch TV on TV after school after class play computer games That sounds relaxing. It’s difficult for me. 1. _____ Jenny have a ping-pong bat? 2. Ping-pong is easy _____ me. 3. — Let’s play volleyball _____ school? — That ______ interesting. 4. I don’t _____ sports. I only watch them ____TV. 5. My grandfather _____ six baseballs and bats, ____ he ______ have a basketball. after Does for after, has, doesn’t, for, does, sounds, on, but, play sounds play on has but doesn’t 二、选词填空 三、从方框中选择恰当的应答语。 ____ 1. Does Linda have a tennis ball? ____ 2. Let’s watch TV. ____ 3. Are these your ping-pong balls and bats? ____ 4. Do they have a soccer ball? ____ 5. Where’s your baseball bat? No, they don’t. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, she does. D. It’s in the bookcase E. That’s sounds boring. C E B A D 1. -- _____ play volleyball. -- I _____ have a ________. -- Well, let’s ______ ______. -- That _______ interesting. 2. -- _____ play basketball. -- I _____ _____ a _________. -- Let’s ______ ______ ball. -- But it’s _________ for me. -- Well, let’s ______ _______. -- That ______ fun. 四、看图完成下列对话 play tennis don’t volleyball Let’s sounds Let’s don’t have basketball play soccer difficult play baseball sounds ╳ 五、读对话,填上正确的单词。 A: ________ me, ______ you have ping-pong bat? B: No, I ______. A: ______ Tom _____ a ping-pong bat? B: No, he ______ _______ a ping-pong bat. A: _____ Linda have a ping-pong bat? B: Yes, she_____ a ping-pong bat, ____ she doesn’t ______ a ping-pong ball. A: Well, ____ you have a ping-pong ball? B: Yes, I ____. I _____ three ping-pong ______. Excuse do don’t Does have doesn’t have Does has but have do do have balls A: 1. ___________ B: That sounds interesting. 2. __________ A: Well, do you have a Ping-pong ball? B: Yes. 3. _________ I can’t ( 不会 ) play it. A: Then let’s watch TV. B: 4. _______ Hmm … Let’s play computer game. A: That sounds fun. 5. ___________ That sounds boring. B. Let’s play volleyball. C. But mom don’t let us play it. D. But it’s difficult. E. But I don’t have a volleyball. 六、选择正确选项补全对话。 B E D A C Thank You!

