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名词 一、 名词分类:‎ 名词分为普通名词和专有名词 普通名词:表示同一类的人或物的名称,又可分为个体名词,如boy, house, insect, tiger等;物质名词,如air, snow, bread, rice等;抽象名词,如glory, honesty, failure, education等。‎ 专有名词:表示个人、国家、地方、机构、组织等的专有名称,如Cheng Du, China, Obama, China Central Television等。‎ 名词的两大考点:数与格 二、名词的数 ‎1.普通名词:可数名词和不可数名词 ‎(1)可数名词:包括个体名词和集体名词 ‎ △个体名词: 表示个体的人或事物名称的词。如:teacher, student, boy, book, bag 每个可数名词都有其单数和复数形式。  A. 单数 表示“一个”的概念。用名词的单数时,名词前需加 a 或 an。    如 a book(一本书)、an apple(一个苹果)、an orange(一个橘子)等。  B. 复数 表示两个或两个以上的物体。如two pencils(两枝铅笔)、three weeks(三周)等。‎ △ 集合名词:表示一群人或一些事物名称的词。如:people, family, class, furniture ‎ 复数形式的构成有两种:规则名词复数形式的构成和不规则名词复数形式的构成。‎ 规则名词复数形式的构成 词形 复数形式的构成方法 ‎ 例 词 ‎ 大多数名词 ‎ 在词尾加-s。(在清辅音后读[s],在浊辅音及元音后读[z]。) ‎ cat——cats book---books dog----dogs bag——bags boy--- boys ‎ 以s、x、ch、sh结尾的名词 ‎ 在词尾加 -es, 读作[iz]。 ‎ glass——glasses match——matches ‎ 以辅音字母 +y 结尾的名词 ‎ 把 y 变成 i , 加 -es, 读作[iz] ‎ city——cities ‎ 但专有名词例外,直接在 y后加-s, 读作[z] ‎ Canadian——Canadians ‎ American——Americans 以辅音字母 +o 结尾的名词 ‎ 一般直接加 -es,读作[z]; ‎ tomato——tomatoes potato —— potatoes 某些词例外,加 -s kilo--kilos, piano—pianos, photo——photos 以元音字母+o结尾的名词 ‎ 直接加 -s, 但读作[z] ‎ zoo——zoos radio——radios ‎ 以f或fe结尾的名词 ‎ 有的直接加 -s, 读作[z] ‎ roof——roofs ‎ 大多数要将f或fe变为v,再加-es,读作[z] ‎ leaf——leaves wife——wives knife—knives yourself---yourselves 不规则名词复数形式的构成 复数形式的构成特点 ‎ 例 词 ‎ 通过改变词内元音字母 ‎ man——men foot——feet tooth——teeth mouse——mice(老鼠) ‎ 通过在词尾加-en或-ren ‎ ox——oxen(牛) child——children ‎ 单复数形式相同 ‎ a sheep——two sheep a deer——two deer(鹿) a Chinese——two Chinese(中国人) ‎ 注意事项: 只能用于复数形式的名词有: clothes, trousers, pants, shoes, socks 单数名词用于复数含义: people, public, police 特殊名词的讲解:‎ ‎⑴people 作“人们,人民”解时,只有复数形式,谓语动词作复数。‎ 作“民族”解时,单复数不同,复数要在词尾加s。‎ There are five people in my family. 我家有五口人。 ‎ There are fifty-six peoples in our country.‎ 我们国家有56个民族。‎ ‎⑵clothes等属于无单数形式的复数名词,谓语作复数。‎ 例:My favorite clothes are pants. ‎ ‎⑶ pants , shoes , glasses ,shorts,scissors等名词,由两部分构成,常以复数形式出现,谓语动词要用复数。要表示单数常用a pair of表示,此时如作主语,谓语要作单数看待。‎ 例:Your pants are blue. This pair of pants is mine. ‎ ‎⑷集体名词看作整体时,谓语用单数; 指成员时,谓语用复数。‎ ‎ His family is a large family. 指整体 His family like animals. 指成员 ‎⑸有的名词单复数意思不同:‎ 例:hair 和fruit 通常作单数,表示总体。‎ My hair is black. 我的头发是黑色的。‎ I like fruit .It’s good for you.我喜欢水果,水果对你的身体有好处。‎ 但如果表示若干根头发或各种水果,则需用复数形式. ‎ Homer Simpson has three hairs.辛普森有三根头发。‎ She likes pears, peaches and other fruits. 他喜欢梨,桃和其它水果。‎ ‎(2)不可数名词:包括物质名词和抽象名词 ‎△物质名词:表示无法分为个体的名词。如:coffee, hair, juice, water, rice ‎△抽象名词:表示状态,品质,动作,感情等抽象概念的名词。如:health, happiness, help 个体名词 集体名词 物质名词 抽象名词 可数名词 不可数名词 普通名词 ‎ 专有名词 注意事项:‎ ‎1. 不可数名词没有复数变化,不能与a/an 或表示具体数量的词直接连用。这些名词前往往加some, any, no, a little等词。如; some water/ apple juice/ milk ‎ ‎2. 当需要表达名词的单位的量时候就要用:数词+量词+Of+名词 来表述。用量词修饰时,首先要注意量词的单复数;然后要注意名词是否可数,不可数时用单数,可数时用复数,如: ‎ ‎ one bag of rice. one kilo of apples.‎ ten bags of rice . ten kilos of apples.‎ ‎★对量词的提问句型 对可数名词的数量提问用how many;对不可数名词的数量提问要用how much,但对不可数名词前表示数量名词中的修饰语提问时要用how many。如: ‎ ‎ I would like two apples. → How many apples would you like?‎ ‎ I want some bread. →How much bread do you want?‎ I want three glasses of water.→How many glasses of water do you want?‎ 询问价格用How much,如: How much is the coat? How much are the coats?‎ 二. 名词的所有格 所有格的构成 :1. 有生命的名词 2. 无生命的名词 ‎★有生命的名词 (1)一般单数名词后加's. 如:my brother's book,Jack's cat,the girl's pen (2)以-s结尾的复数名词的所有格,只需在名词右上方加‘。 如:the girls’ dormitory,a teachers' college   注意:在不规则复数名词后,要加's.如:women's clothes.‎ ‎(3)如果一样东西为两个人共有,在后一个名词词尾加's, 如: Tom and Peter's room 汤姆和彼得的房间(共有) (4) 如果一样东西不是共有的,两个名词都要加's.   如: Tom's and Peter's rooms 汤姆的房间和彼得的房间(不共有)‎ ‎★无生命名词: 无生命的名词的所有格,通常用“of+名词”的结构来表示。如:‎ the windows of the room (房间的窗户) a picture of the horse (一张马的照片)‎ 名词习题 一. 写出下列名词的复数形式: ‎ ‎1. house _________ 2. it ___________ 3. zoo __________ ‎ ‎4. orange _________ 5. bag ___________ 6. exercise ___________ ‎ ‎7. brush __________ 8. family ___________ 9. bus ___________ ‎ ‎10. city __________ 11. box ___________ 12. baby __________ ‎ ‎13. class __________ 14. factory _________ 15. glass __________ ‎ ‎16. dictionary __________ 17. watch _________ 18. woman _________ ‎ ‎19. match __________ 20. man _________ 21. this__________ ‎ ‎22. German __________ 23. tomato _________ 24. policeman ___________ ‎ ‎25. kilo __________ 26. human _________ 27. potato ___________ ‎ ‎28. Chinese __________ 29. shelf __________ 30. Japanese __________ ‎ ‎31. leaf ___________ 32. American __________ 33. life ___________ ‎ ‎34. tooth __________ 35. wife ___________ 36. foot ___________ ‎ ‎37. knife __________ 38. sheep __________ 39. half ___________ ‎ ‎40. child __________ 41.tooth __________ 42.mouth__________‎ 二.选择填空: ‎ ‎1. I want to buy ________. ‎ A. two bottles of ink B. two bottle of ink C. two bottle of inks D. two bottles of inks ‎ ‎2. They don’t have to do _______ today. ‎ A. much homework B. many homeworks C. many homework D. much homeworks ‎ ‎3. There are three ______ and seven ______ in the picture. ‎ A. cows, sheeps B. cows, sheep C. cow, sheep D. cow, sheeps ‎ ‎4. June 1 is _______. ‎ A. children’s day B. children’s Day C. Children’s Day D. Children’s day ‎ ‎5. ______ room is next to their parents’. ‎ A. Kate’s and Joan’s B. Kate’s and Joan C. Kate and Joan’s D. Kate and Joan ‎ ‎6. Miss Green is a friend of _______. ‎ A. Mary’s mother’s B. Mary’s mother C. Mary mother’s D. mother’s of Mary ‎ ‎7. Sheep _______ white and milk _______ also white. ‎ A. is, are B. are, is C. is, is D. are, are ‎ ‎8. I’d like to have a glass of milk and _______. ‎ A. two breads B. two pieces of breads ‎ C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread ‎ ‎9. Many ______ are singing over there. ‎ A. woman B. women C. girl D. child ‎ ‎10. He bought _______. ‎ A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoes ‎ C. two pairs of shoe D. two pair of shoe ‎ ‎11. Mr. White has three _______. ‎ A. child B. children C. childs D. childrens ‎ ‎12. ---Are these ______? --- No, they aren’t. They’re _______. ‎ A.sheep, cows B. sheep, cow C. sheeps, cow D. sheeps, cows ‎ ‎13. There are many ______ in the fridge. ‎ A. fish B. fruit C. eggs D. bread ‎ ‎14. --- Whose room is this? --- It’s _______. ‎ A. Li Ming B. Li Ming’s C. Li Mings D. Li Mings’ ‎ ‎15. Here are ______ for you, Sue. ‎ A. potatos B. some potatoes C. three tomatos D. some tomato ‎ ‎16. Here are some birthday cards with our best ______ for her. ‎ A. wish B. hope C. wishes D. hopes ‎ ‎17. I always go to that ______ to buy food on Sunday. ‎ A. shop B. park C. zoo D. garden ‎ ‎18. ______ room is on the 5th floor. ‎ A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily’s C. Lucy’s and Lily D. Lucy’s and Lily’s ‎ ‎19. Mum, I’m quite thirsty. Please give me ________. ‎ A. two orange B. two bottle of ‎ oranges ‎ C. two bottles of orange D. two bottles of oranges ‎ ‎20. 10. The cat caught two ______ last night. A. mouses B. mice C. mouse D. mices ‎21. I met some ______ in the park and talked with them the other day. ‎ A. Janpaneses B. American C. Chineses D. English ‎ ‎22. There are two ______ in the room. ‎ A. shelf B. shelfs C. shelfes D. shelves ‎ ‎23. There are seven ______ in a week. ‎ A. years B. months C. days D. minutes ‎ ‎24. My father is a ______. He works in a hospital. ‎ A. teacher B. doctor C. farmer D. writer ‎ ‎25. --- Excuse me, are you ______? --- Yes, I’m from ________. ‎ A. Japan, Japanese B. China, Chinese C. England, English D. American, America ‎26. They are ______ jackets. A. Lucy’ s B. Lucy’ ‎ ‎27. What color is ______ coat. A. Peter’s B. Peter’ ‎ ‎28. These are ______ books. A. teachers’s B. teachers’ ‎ ‎29. They are ______ ice creams A. children’ B. children’s ‎30. This is ______ bag. A. Tom and Peter’ B.Tom’s and Peter’s ‎ ‎31. Where are ______ . A. the school’s students B. students of the school ‎ ‎32. Those are ______ bags. A. drivers’s B. drivers’‎ ‎33.This bag is ______ . A. Mary’s and Tom’s B. Mary and Tom’s ‎34. ______ fathers are coming. A. Mary’s and Kate’s B. Mary’s and Kate C. Mary and Kate’s ‎35.How ____ are these books? A. many B. much ‎ ‎36. This pair of pants ______ blue. I like _____ very much. A. is, it B. are, them C. is, them D. are, it ‎ ‎37.How ______ glasses of water do you want? A. many B. much ‎ ‎38. This is ________. ‎ A. Mike and Jim's bike B. Mike's and Jim bike C. Mike's and Jim's bike D. Mike and Jim bike ‎ ‎39. These are ______.‎ A. Amy and Lingling’s room B. Amy’s and Lingling’s room C. Amy’s and Lingling’s rooms D. Amy and Lingling’s room ‎40. My ____ ____ big and my _____ _____ happy. A. family is family are B. family is families are 三.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1. I have a lot of ______ to do. (homework) 2. There are seven ______ in a week. (day) 3. How many _____ can you see? (tomato) 4. Miss Guo is wearing a pair of _______. (glass) 5. There are five _________ in the picture. (child ) 6. There are two________ over there.(bench) 7. I like taking ________.(photo) 8. l can see two__________ standing there.(woman) 9. There are two baskets of__________ on the floor.(apple) 10.There are three__________.(knife)‎ ‎11. How many________(sheep) are there on the hill?‎ ‎12. There is some________(food) in the basket.‎ ‎13. The baby has only two________(tooth) now.‎ ‎14. There is a lot of________(water) in the bottle.‎ ‎15. There are five________(people ) in his family.‎ ‎16. Let's take________(photo), OK? ‎ ‎17. The________(leaf) on the tree turn-yellow.‎ ‎18. The________(child) are playing games on the playground now.‎ ‎19. Their________(dictionary) are very new.‎ ‎20. I see you have a few white________(hair).‎ ‎21. They are________(woman) doctors.‎ ‎22. Can you give me some bottles of ____ (orange), please?‎ ‎23. There are many________(fox) in the picture.‎ ‎24. I would like some apple________(juice). I am very thirsty.‎ 四.将下列句子变成复数形式 ‎1.This is a knife. ____________________________ 2.That is a tomato. ____________________________ 3.She has a wish. ____________________________ 4.That child is very lovely. ____________________________‎ ‎5. He is looking after the baby.____________________________‎ ‎6. It’s a big heavy box. __________________________________‎ ‎7. This picture is nice.____________________________________ ‎ ‎8. She is a beautiful woman._______________________________‎ ‎9. I’m a good child. ___________________________________‎ ‎10. That’s a delicious peach._________________________________‎ 五. 将下列句子改为单数句子 ‎1. These are red coats. ________________________________________‎ ‎2. Who’re the boys? They’re my students.____________________________‎ ‎3. They’re women workers here. _____________________________________‎ ‎4. Are they playing basketball now? Yes, they are._____________________________‎ ‎5. What are they? They are buses. ________________________________‎ ‎6. Those are beautiful flowers._____________________________________ ‎ ‎7. We have many old pictures.____________________________________‎ 六. 翻译下列词组 一瓶牛奶 一杯茶 一双鞋子 ‎ 两条裤子 三杯桔子汁 六包盐 五千克鸡蛋 一些面包 一点水

