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Unit 7 How much are these socks? —What’s this? —It’s a ___. —What color is it? —It’s ___________. hat red and white Lead in Is it nice? Yes, it is. 在生活中,我们常常讨论服装是否好看,常常想知道一件物品的价格,那我们应怎样询问价格呢?今天我们就来讨论价格。 New words much 许多;大量;多少 big 大的 How much …? … 多少钱? small 小的 sock 短袜 short 短的 shorts 短裤 long 长的 sweater 毛衣 woman 女子 trousers 裤子 dollar 美元 shoe 鞋 skirt 裙子 —What are these? —They’re ___. —What color are they? —they are __ red _________. trousers —What’s this? —It’s a ___. —What color is it? —It’s _ _blue___ ______. —What are these? —They’re ___. —What color are they? —They are ____ black _______. shoes skirt hat T-shirt jacket sweater skirt short s shoe s sock s trouser s Exercises 一看图说出下列物品的英语单词 2. socks 是 sock 的复数形式。在英语中,成双成对的物品常以复数形式出现。 例如: shoes shorts trousers glasses chopsticks scissors 此类词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;但与 a pair of … (一双、一对或一副)连用作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如: My shoes are under the bed. 我的鞋在床下面。 That pair of shorts is Jack’s. 那条短裤子是杰克的。 big small Presentation ¥ 1 one yuan $1 one dollar $ 2 two dollar s long short 1c How much is this T-shirt? It’s seven dollars . How much are these socks? They’re two dollars. Practice the conversation above. Then make your own conversations. 1. — How much is_______ (these) sweater? —It’s 120 yuan . 2. Here _____ (be) your shoes. 3. —How much are those yellow ____ (sock)? —They’re 6 yuan . 4.The red hat is seven ____ (dollar). 5.(this) ___ pink shorts are 70 yuan . 用所给词的正确形式填空 Listen and repeat. 2a black colors white red green blue yellow big small short long brown purple Listen to the conversations and circle the things you hear. 2b 2d Ask and answer questions about the things in 2b. How much is the green T-shirt? It’s 8 dollars . How much is the …? It’s … dollars . need 需要 twenty 二十 look 看;看上去 Mr. 先生 Pair 一双;一对 clothes 衣服,服装 take 买下;拿;取 store 商店 ten 十 buy 买 eleven 十一 sale 特价出售 twelve 十二 sell 卖 thirteen 十三 all 所有的;全部的 fifteen 十五 very 很,非常 eighteen 十八 price 价格 boy 男孩 Can I help you? 我能帮助您吗? 这是商店售货员或其他服务人员招呼顾客时的礼貌用语,相当于 What can I do for you? 。接受对方的帮助常回答“ Yes, please.” ;拒绝对方的帮助用“ No, thanks.” 作答。如: —Can I help you? 我能帮助您吗? —Yes, please. I want a pen. 是的。 我想要一支钢笔。 I need a sweater for school. 我需要一件毛衣上学穿。 need 是实义动词,意为“需要”。常用于以下句式中: 1) need+sth. ,表示“需要某物”。如: I need some erasers. 我需要一些橡皮。 2) need +to do sth. 表示“需要做某事”,这时 need 的主语是“人”。如: You need to put on your jacket. 你需要穿上你的夹克。 I’ll take it. 我要买下它。 此句是选好商品并决定购买时的常用语。若选定的物品是 单数 ,可以说“ I’ll take/have it ” ;若选定的物品是 复数 则应说“ I’ll take/have them.” 。如: The sweater is cheap. I’ll take it. 这件毛衣很便宜。我买了(我要买下它)。 —The oranges are 2 dollars. 这些桔子两美元。 —I’ll take them. 我买了。 (我要买下它们) ( 描述一下你所买的服饰 ) I have a hat . It’s $4 . It’s red . It’s small . I like it very much . 1. How much is the hat? ________ 2. How much is the bag?_______ 3. How much is the T-shirt?______ 4 . They’re three dollars. 5 . It’s nine dollars. 6 . It’s eight dollars . 3b Look at the pictures and write the questions and answers. 1.It’s five dollars. 2. It’s ten dollars. 3. It’s six dollars. 4.How much are these socks? 5.How much is the sweater? 6.How much is the skirt? Answer : 二、 单项选择 1. —I like that watch. _______ is it? —It’s 20 yuan . A. How many B. How much C. What color 2. My T-shirt ___ white and my shorts ___ yellow. A. is; are B. are; are C. are; is 3. I want _____ the blue T-shirt? A. get B. gets C. to get B A C 4. —_____, sir? —I need a pair of sports shoes. A. Can I help you B. How do you do C. What do you do 5. —Can I use ( 用 ) your eraser? —Yes. _____. A. Thank you B. You’re welcome C. Here you are A C 三、句型转换。 1. This shirt is small for me. ( 改为复数意义的句子 ) ______ _____ _____ small for me. 2. The red skirt is 20 yuan . ( 对划线部分提问 ) _____ _____ __ the red skirt? 3. Those shoes are yellow . ( 对划线部分提问 ) _______ _____ _____ those shoes? These shirts are What color are How much is 4. She needs a skirt for school. ( 改为否定句 ) She _______ _____ a skirt for school. 5. Is the blue hat two dollars? ( 作肯定回答 ) ___, ___ __. doesn’t need Yes it is big ( 反义词 ) _______ 2. long ( 反义词 ) _______ 3. white ( 反义词 ) _____ 4. sock ( 复数 ) _______ 5. shoe ( 复数 ) ________ 6. this ( 复数 ) __________ 7. that ( 复数 ) ________ 8. dollar ( 复数 ) ________ 9. 需要我帮助吗? _____________ 10. 这个怎么样? _______________________ 11. 我将买它。 ___________________ 12. 三美元两双 ______________________ 13. 给你 _____________________ short small 一、按要求写出正确的单词或词组。 black socks shoes those dollars these Can I help you? Revision How/What about this one? I’ll take it. three dollars for two pairs Here you are. clothes boy Mr. a pair of shoes sale store price buy sell 50 元 现价 10 元 原价 50 元 Bean Numbers Presentation ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen four + teen → 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 19 nineteen fifteen eighteen twen ty twen + ty → thir ty thir + ty → 40 for ty 50 fif ty 60 six ty twenty - one thirty - two sixty - seven 1. 基数词的表达 1) one 到 twelve, 拼写和读音无规律可言 , 只能逐一记忆。 2) thirteen 到 nineteen ,表示“十几”,在个位数后加后缀 -teen ,其中要注意 thirteen, fifteen 和 eighteen 的拼写。 3) twenty 到 ninety ,表示“几十”,以 ty 结尾,但需注意 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty 的拼写。 4) 21~29 直到 91~99 ,表示“几十几” , 用整十位数加个位表示 , 中间用连字符“ -” 把十位和个位连接起来。 5) one hundred 意为 “一百”,也可说 a hundred , hundred 可加具体数字,如 nine hundred (900) 。 2. 基数词的用法: 基数词只能修饰可数名词,要注意数词和名词在数上要保持一致。如: one student 一名学生 two boys 两名男孩 twenty apples 二十个苹果 thirty-three eggs 三十三个鸡蛋 基数词 表达 1--12 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 13--19 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 20, 30 twenty thirty 20--30 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine 基数词的基本表达法 例词 1-12 的单词拼写需格外注意。 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 13-19 在 3-9 后加后缀 -teen 构成,单词有两个重音,对于 13,15,18 要特殊记忆。 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 30-90 各整十位数都以 -ty 结尾。 twenty thirty 20-100 之间其他各数要在十位和个位之间加连字符构成。 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine 基数词,不难记,找出规律很容易: 零至十二形各异,一个一个单独记。 如果表示是“十几”,后面要加 -teen 。 Thirteen , fifteen 形异需留意, eighteen 只有一个 t 。 表示“几十”要加 -ty , twenty , thirty 是特例。 表示数字“几十几”,连字符号别忘记。 Write the numbers in 1a next to the correct word. Which rows of numbers are in the wrong places? 1b ten __ eleven __ twelve __ thirteen __ fourteen __ twenty-five __ twenty-six __ twenty-seven __ twenty-eight __ twenty-nine __ twenty __ twenty-one __ twenty-two 22 twenty-three __ twenty-four __ fifteen __ sixteen __ seventeen __ eighteen __ nineteen __ thirty __ thirty-one __ 10 11 12 13 14 25 26 27 28 29 20 21 23 24 15 16 17 18 19 30 31 Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 1a. 1c 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1e Pairwork How much is the blue sweater? It’s 15 dollars . Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture above. How much is/are… ? It’s…/ They’re… 3. buy 用作动词,意为“ 买 ”,常用短语为: buy sb. sth./buy sth. for sb . 意为“ 给某人买某物 ”。如: Let’s buy mom a new hat. ( =Let’s buy a new hat for mom. ) 我们给妈妈买顶新帽子吧。 4. clothes 指身上穿的 各种服装 , 包括上衣,内衣,裤子等, 是 衣服的总称 。 它不能直接与数词连用 ,但可以与 some, many, these 或 those 等连用。如: Look! Some clothes are on sale over there. 看!那边的衣服大减价了。 5. sale 是动词 sell 的名词形式 ,常用短语: on sale ,意为“ 出售;廉价出售 ”,其同义短语为 at a great sale 。如: The sweaters in the store are on sale today. 今天这家商店的毛衣大减价了。 6. all 与定冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词等限定词连用时, all 应放于这些词之前。如: all the students 所有这些学生 all her clothes 她所有的衣服 all those rooms 所有那些房间 7. at very good prices 意为“以合理的价格 ( 出售 )” 。 price 用作名词,意为 “价格”。 如: What’s the price of the book? 这本书多少钱 ? They have sweaters in all colors, at the price of $ 15 each. 他们有各种颜色的毛衣,每件售价是 15 元。 8. For girls, we have skirts in red and purple for only $ 20. 对于女孩,我们有红色和紫色的裙子,仅售 20 元。 1) for girls 中的 for 是“对于 …… 而言”; for only $ 20 中的 for 是“交换”的意思。 2) 该句中的 in 后接颜色的词,表示“穿 …… 颜色的 ……” 。如: The girl in red is my sister. 那个穿红衣服的女孩是我妹妹。 You: Hello, ______ I help you? Girl: Yes, please. I need a ______. You: How about these purple ______. Girl: Oh, I like this one. How ______ is it? You: It’s only ______ dollars. Girl: Oh, good. I’ll _____ it. You: And what do you need? Boy: Well, I need a pair of black ____ for school. 2c Imagine you work at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store. Complete the conversation. Writing You: What about this pair? They are _____ twenty-eight _______. Boy: Great. And do you have shorts, too? You: Yes, our shorts are only ______ dollars. Boy: OK. I’ll take the _____ and the ______. 阅读指导: 首先 ,快速阅读对话一遍,明确自己售货员的身份,可知第一句话应为“ Can I help you?” 。 然后 , 读对话,通过对话中谈到的衣物的颜色或价格等信息来确定是何衣物;或通过所谈到的衣物来填写其颜色或价格。 如在女孩购物的情境中,根据所谈到 these red and purple one ,再与。 短文中的“ We have skirt in red and purple ” 信息相对应,可知女孩是想买短裙,价格是 $20 。 男孩谈到需要一双棕色的某物上学穿,再由下文知其仅是 28 美元,回顾短文可知所谈应是鞋子。男孩还谈到了要买短裤,对应短文内容可知短裤的价格是 16 美元。 Answers: Can, skirt, skirts, much, 20, take, shoes, only, dollars, 16, shoes, shorts Practice the conversation in a group. You: Hello, Can I help you? Girl: Yes, please. I need a skirt. You: How about these purple skirts? Girl: Oh, I like this one. How much is it? You: It’s only 20 dollars. Girl: Oh, good. I’ll take it. You: And what do you need? Boy: Well, I need a pair of black shoes for school. You: What about this pair? They are only 28 dollars. Boy: Great. And do you have shorts, too? You: Yes, our shorts are only 16 dollars. Boy: OK. I’ll take the shoes and the shorts. 一、 填表格,记数字。 10 11 15 ten thirteen twelve 20 18 30 sixteen nineteen 26 28 39 twenty-one thirty-five eleven 13 fifteen 12 twenty 16 eighteen 19 thirty twenty-six 21 twenty-eight 35 thirty-nine Exercises 二、做数学题,学英语。 1. twenty-six - twelve - nine = _______ 2. sixteen + eight + eleven = _________ 3. eighteen - seven + fifteen = ___________ 4. thirteen + fourteen - twenty-five = _____ 5. twenty-nine - thirteen - ten = _________ 6. thirty-nine - twenty - five =_________ 7. twelve + thirteen - fifteen= _________ 8. nineteen - eleven + twenty =___________ five thirty-five twenty-six two six fourteen ten twenty-eight 三、用介词 at, for, in 填空。 1. _____ girls, we you can buy skirt ____ ¥ 16. 2. The girl _____ red sweater is my cousin, Jenny. 3. Come and buy your clothes ____ our great sale. 4. Do you know the boy ____ black? 5. They sell nice clothes ______ good prices. 6. His grandfather likes noodles ____ breakfast. 7. Please call Allan ____ 789-5466. For in at in at for for at $ 16 $ 9 good price It’s for girls. They’re for boys. It’s a skirt at great sale. They are trousers at great sale. only $ 5 Can I help you ? 服务员首先打招呼 May I help you? What can I do for you? I’m looking for … 顾客讲出要求 需要购买时 I’d like … I want … Can I have a look at… 只是闲逛时 Just have a look. No, thanks. I’m just looking around. 询问顾客想买的商品时 What kind/color/size do you want? What about the color /size? 向顾客推荐商品时 How do you like…? How about…? How much is it? 询问和说明价格 How much are they? What ’s the price of…? It’s …/They’re… 决定购买 I’ll take it / them. 付钱 Here is the money. 进店时 挑选货物 3a Look at the things in the picture. Fill in the blanks in the ad. Huaxing Clothes Store Big Sale! Do you like ? We have for only yuan. How much are our ? Only yuan. And red are yuan. T-shirt green T-shirts 12 sweaters 21 skirts 25 3b Write an ad for your own clothes store. Come and buy your clothes at . Do you like ? We have for only yuan. And our are only 2 yuan. How about our ?They’re only yuan. We have red for girls and blue for boys. They’re only 20 yuan. Come to our store now! Zig Zag Clothes Store sweater sweater in all color 15 socks T-shirts 18 skirts shorts Self Check 1. Describe what these people are wearing today. I : a pair of white socks . My partner: . My teacher: . 2.Put the sentences in order to make a conversation. G-E-B-H-I-F-D-A-C G: Can I help you? E: Yes , please. Do you sell bags? B: I’m sorry. We don’t sell bags. H: Hmm… those trousers are nice. How much are they? I: They’re twenty-five dollars. F: OK. I’ll take them. D: Here you are. A: Thank you. C: You’re welcome. 找出句子中某个词的反义词来填空 : 1.I don’t like short hair. I like ________ hair. 2.My shoes are too old. I want to buy ________ ones. 3.The store sells school things. You can ________ some pencils there. 4 . I think this book is very easy for me and that book is very ________. 5.Watching TV is too boring. But playing sports is very ________. 6 . His first name is Ann and his ________ name is Green. 7 . The shirt is too small for me. Give me a ________ one, please. 8 . The blackboard is black. The words on it are ________. long, new, buy ,difficult, interesting, last, big, white 将下列短语译成英语 1 .各种颜色的 ________ 2 .运动包 ___________ 3 .亲自 ___________ 4 .看一看 ___________ 5 .出售 ___________ 6 .价格合理 ___________ 7 .服装店 ___________ 8 .到达 ___________ 9 .愿意 …… 便宜 ___________ 10 .不只这些 __________ bags for sports in all colors for oneself have a look on sale at a good price clothing store/shop get to like…cheap That’s not all. .单项选择 ( ) 1.Where ________ your new pants? ________ on the bed. A . is, It’s B . are, They are C . is, They’re D . are, It’s ( ) 2 . What color ________ the socks? A . can B . do C . are D . is ( ) 3 . The girl ________ a colorful pencil. A . there is B . there are C . have D . has B ( pants 作主语 , 谓语中 be 用 are C (主语 socks 是复数 ) D (主语 the girl 是单数 4 . It’s that time ________ year again. A . for B . of C . for a D . of a ( ) 5 . You want it, we have it, ________ a very good price. A . for B . at C . of D . in ( ) 6 . We have sweaters ________ all colors ________ ¥ 50 each. A . in, at B . at, in C . in, in D . at, at B ( that time of year 一年中的那个时节 B (“以 …… 价格销售”用介词 at A ( in all colors 各种颜色的 , at ¥ 50 each 以每件 50 美元的价格) 7 . Come down ________ Huaxing and see ________ yourself. A . to, to B . for, for C . to, for D . for, to ( ) 8 . We can ________ books ________ the bookstore (书店) . A . sell, to B . buy, from C . sell, from D . buy, to ( ) 9 . The store ________ school things ________ the students. A . sell, to B . buy, from C . sells, to D . buys, from C ( come down to 来到某处 for yourself 你亲自 B ( buy…from… 从 …… 购买 … C ( sell…to… 把 …… 出售给 …… ( ) 10 . There ________ many shorts ________ sale in the store. A . are, on B . are, for C . is, on D . is, for ( ) 11 . ________ the pants? They’re 15 yuan. A . How many is B . How many are C . How much is D . How much are A ( on sale 出售 D ( how much 可以表示询问价格) ( ) 12 . We read $ 10as ________. A . ten dollar B . ten dollars C . dollar ten D . dollars ten ( ) 13 . This shirt is very cheap. I’ll ________ it. A . bring B . take C . want D . believe ( ) 14 . ________ a clerk work in a store? A . Is B . Are C . Does D . Do B ( $10 读作 ten dollars ) B ( take 此处表示“买下”) C (主语为 a clerk, 谓语是行为动词 work, 因此疑问句助动词为 does ) ( ) 15 . We have T-shirts ________ green for only $ 8. A . at B . in C . on D . wit B ( in green 绿色的) .指出并改正句中的一处错误。 1 . How much is the socks? ________________ 2 . How much are that pants? ________________ 3 . These shoes are twenty-three dollar. ________________ 4 . That hat is eight yuan ________________ 5 . Fourteen and twenty-six is forty. ________________ is→are that→those dollar→dollars yuans→yuan forteen→fourteen 6 . Have a look for the picture. ________________ 7 . They each has a bag for sports. _____________ 8 . We have many bags. Do you like it cheap. ________________ 9 . Thank a lot. You’re welcome. ________________ 10 . I’ll take these short. _______________ short→shorts Thank→Thanks it→them for →at has→have 书面表达 假如你的服装店出售很多的衣、帽、鞋、袜等,请写一则销售广告。(开头已给) Welcome to Fenghua Clothing Sale. These T-shirts are just $ 5 each ... Do you like any sweaters? We have sweaters in all colors at$15 each. Do you need bags for sports or school? We have great bags for just $4. And hats in all colors for just$2 each. We have socks for$6. And that’s not all. Please come to Fenghua and see for yourself.

