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Topic 3 We want to go to the zoo. It has a big face , but it has no eyes or ears . It has no legs , but it has three hands — two long hands and a short one . It has no mouth , but it can say “ tick, tick, tick ”. clock Puzzle What time is it, please? It’s one o’clock . What’s the time, please? It’s three o’clock . What time is it, please?/ What’s the time, please? It is twelve o’clock. What time is it, please? It’s five past one. (It’s one o five.) What time is it, please?/ What’s the time, please? It’s nine past eight. (It’s eight o nine.) 8:09 What time is it, please? It’s a quarter past one. (It’s one fifteen.) It’s a quarter past seven. (It is seven fifteen.) What time is it, please?/ What’s the time, please? What time is it, please? It’s half past one. (It’s one thirty.) What time is it, please?/ What’s the time, please? It’s half past four. (It’s four thirty.) What time is it, please? It’s twenty to two. (It’s one forty.) What time is it, please?/ What’s the time, please? It’s eight to eleven. (It’s ten fifty-two.) 10:52 What time is it, please? It’s a quarter to two. (It’s one forty-five.) What time is it, please?/ What’s the time, please? It’s a quarter to six. (It’s five forty-five.) It’s ten o’clock now. Let’s go to the zoo . We can see the zoo shows. tiger monkey elephant panda lion 1a Look, listen and say (影片) Where do they want to go? When will they meet? Kangkang and Michael have _________ tomorrow. They want to go to the ________. They can see __________, __________, tigers and __________. They will meet at _________ o’clock at Kangkang’s home. Listen again and fill in the blanks. time zoo monkeys lions elephants nine (录音 1 ) 2 Work alone Listen and number the pictures you hear. ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) (录音 2 ) Zoo Shows 10:00 a.m. Monkey Show 10:15 a.m. Panda Show 10:30 a.m. Elephant Show 10:45 a.m. Lion Show 11:00 a.m. Tiger Show 3b Pair work Look at the poster of the Zoo shows. Practice with your partner after the example. Example: A: What can we see at 10 o’clock in the morning ? B: We can see the Monkey Show . Project: Guess the animals! Imitate animals by performing actions or making sounds. Let other students guess what animals you are imitating. Summary Words: zoo, panda, monkey, lion, elephant, tiger Sentences: What time is it, please? What’s the time, please? It’s ... Homework 1.Recite Section A-1a. 2.Preview Section B. Good-bye !

